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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Re: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] 20 mai au Cameroun

 Massa Ebini wrote..."I think it is a terrible misconception that the francophones  do not support or agree with the anglophone struggle for federalism."
Question: Who told you that the Southern Cameroons Struggle was for federalism?
Why would francophones not get the wrong signal when we think in French and then write in English?
I could point out all the fallacies in Massa Ebini's post..time.

Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:36 AM, "Bens Awaah [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Shey Ebini,
Before you totally typecast Southern Cameroonians as a confused bunch and sell outs, you must review the circumstances under which they exist and operate in Cameroun. The effect of centralization does not allow them to operate independent of Yaounde and the central government. Their livelihood is inextricable tied to government policies and the execution of those polices. Like Justice Paul Ayah Abine stated in an interview recently, he could not continue practising politics with an empty wallet and on an empty stomach (paraphrasing). You do not expect Southern Cameroonians to take positions that are opposed to the government without an independent means of livelihood and in an insecure environment.
On your second point, it is well and good for Francophone Elites to treat the inherited values and culture of Southern Cameroons with respect, but it is another for the same Elites to turn around and call Southern Cameroonians "enemies in the house", "Biafrans" or Anglofools. If we are to agree with the Cameroon Journal, to also count Southern Cameroonians as part of the 6 million Nigerians in Cameroon, (a statement not yet satisfactorily disproved).
Southern Cameroonians have not sold themselves into servitude as you stated. They are operating with the confines imposed on them by the regime. Take a look at the highways infrastructure, the government medical facilities and the conduct of law enforcement in Southern Cameroons to fairly understand that Southern Cameroons must function the way they do in order to survive. Government's neglect of these institutions is a tactic intended to render the people impotent, therefore, this is a government-imposed servitude. A glaring, present example of powerlessness is the move by the "Anglophone" lawyers- instead of consulting with and joining the leadership that is already working for our independence, they (lawyers) have decided to pursue what would help them survive in Cameroun. The paragraph (in red) from Dr. Yagnye quoted by Mishe Fon below another case in point. By that statement, the Dr. is candidly stating that it is all about survival. It is not about selling out. The survival component must not be ignored.
My regards.

Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 17:44:42 -0400
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] 20 mai au Cameroun


I think it is a terrible misconception that the francophones  do not support or agree with the anglophone struggle for federalism. It should be said clearly that it is not because of lack of francophone  support that the anglophones  are not getting what they want politically in the past and present cameroon political settings. The anglophone or southern Cameroons problem is southern Cameroons  itself. It is very obvious  that we the southern Cameroonians are a confused bunch. We do not know what we want and even if the way was open for us to get what we say we want, we will be incapable of getting it, and even if we get it, we will still be unable to keep it or maintain it. 

Francophones  who go pass the brainwashing and deceptive propaganda of the political elites have always treated the anglophones inherited political values and culture with respect and admiration. They came out in their numbers to vote for an anglophone for president against a francophone  dictator. They supported the anglophone struggle for an independent  GCE  board and in recognition of the  anglophone system of education  many of them are sending their children to anglophone  schools. 

Through deceptions and intellectual dishonesty and the projection of incompetent and self serving politicians, southern Cameroonians have easily sold themselves into the servitude of dictators like Paul Biya  and Fru Ndi. It is difficult  to comprehend that if we cannot come together  and run little groups like scnc, if at this period we are engaged in fighting  for positions and relevance when there is nothing yet to fight over, why should we expect the francophones or anyone else for that matter to take us seriously and treat our wishes with respect. 

The francophones  have always supported us but the message we send out and our behavior that goes with the message are dangerously contradictory and lacks seriousness . 

Christmas Ebini 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: "Mishe Fon [ACCDF]" <>
Date: 05/26/2015 11:27 AM (GMT-05:00)
To:, CAMNETWORK List <>, Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>, Accdf Accdf <>, SHESA USA <>, African GM <>, Mankon People <>
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] 20 mai au Cameroun


Dr. Yagnye
You are the kind of "Francophone" Anglophones have been begging to dialogue with for the past many years. You see how simple, straight forward and very easy is it to tell the truth?
Some of us have been harping since "time immoreva" about the fraudulent nature of the 20th May charade. We've even asked Anglophone Ministers, Parliamentarians and other Political leaders of the CPDM and Opposition to Boycott the celebrations....but this is what you will hear from our Anglophone brothers in Government:

"Mishe, you know that I left Form Five in Sasse College, Buea in 1952 after my Oxford GCE and went to Nigeria and later studied in London. I get six pikin dem all 4 college 4 America. Na me one dey pay School fees. Dem mammie na daso Okoyong ih own school finish; and you are asking me to do what? Boycott? Ya head correct 4 inside so? Do you know that man they call Paul Biya? That man will lock you up in Kondengui and throw the keys far away in Sanaga River. Jesus Christ. I am not in that ya SCNC buzznek oh. Badluck. You want me to be "Inoni-ed?" You guys don't know that Chantal's husband. The man yi belle no good. Please, as a matter of fact, you should never call my phone again or come any where near my dix huit metres. Get out of my face. SCNC my foot. Dis na popoh malchance 4 sharp morning tam. Na you one go enter Kondengui. Idiot. Get out, You Fool."

Dr. Yagnye, I am talking about "full blooded Anglophone Ministers". These guys will talk from all sides of their mouths. I honestly don't know what will happen to morrow in Cameroon, but I can assure you that the Anglophone Problem, if not addressed is a Ticking Time Bomb.

As for our Francophone long as President Biya has not acknowledged the existence of an "Anglophone Problem" in Cameroon, to them, there is No Anglophone Problem. Hear the response to a question from a Journalist to the Minister of Territorial Administration:

"Moi, je ne vois pas de probleme Anglophone au Cameroun. Je sais que nous avons quelques petits bandits de Boko Haram et coupeurs de route au Nord que le beau President Biya et sa belle femme ont reussi par leur magnanimite, la bonne gouvernance et la clairvoyance a indiguer, anneantir et eradiquer. Les Anglophones derangent suelement parce qu'ils veulent les postes Ministeriels juteux. Ils ne sont jamais satisfaits. A vraie dire, est ce qu'un Anglophone peur diriger un pays Francophone? Soyons logique. Le Cameroun est un pays Francophone. Un Point un trait. Le President Biya a compromis jusqu'a leurs donner un grand poste de Premier Ministre. Ils veulent quoi encore au juste?  Est ce que memes les Betis, les Bassas, les nordistes ne souffrent sep les Bamilekes qui ont tout l'argent du Cameroun..nous tous nous souffrons. Que les Anglophones nous laissent tranquille.

I thank you for saying it the way it is. You are my kind of guy and you have my endorsement.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon

From: "'Chief Charles A.Taku' [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 7:27 AM
Subject: Fw: [cameroon_politics] 20 mai au Cameroun

Dr. Yagnye,
 Thanks so much for drawing my attention to this posting by Mboa Massock.
Genuine leadership requires people with his approach to the truth, scholarship, confronting injustice, illegality and neo-colonialism.
Chief Charles A.Taku

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Daniel [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: cameroon politics <>
Cc: cameroon politics <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 12:33 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] 20 mai au Cameroun

Dear Chief  Taku
Greetings and best regards 
Subject: 20 mai au Cameroun

Le 20 mai au Cameroun, une ''fête'' plaine de controverses.
Le 20 mai, à son origine en 1972 inconstitutionnelle, est devenu depuis 1984 totalement illégale. En effet, La partie du Cameroun dit français est indépendante depuis le 1er janvier 1960 sous la dénomination de ''République du Cameroun''. alors que la partie du Cameroun dit Anglais est indépendante depuis le 1er octobre 1961 sous la dénomination ''Soutern Cameroon''. Ce jour 1er octobre 1961, les deux parties du Cameroun/Cameroon, alors devenues des pays distincts, décide par un acte politique, de fondre en un seul pays sous la dénomination de République Fédérale du Cameroun.
D'après les fondateurs de cette nouvelle république, scellent de manière définitive, l'existence de la république nouvelle, par une formule introduite dans la constitution d'avance écrite à Foumban, interdisant formellement de revenir de quelle que manière que ce soit, sur la forme fédérale de l'Etat ainsi constitué. . ''République du Cameroun''.
Sur l'inconstitutionnalité du référendum du 20 mai 1972
En contradiction caractérisée de la constitution d'alors, le Président Ahmadou Ahidjo fait tenir au Cameroun, un référendum qui justement touche la forme fédérale de l'Etat et accouchela République Unie du Cameroun. Le soin n'est même pas pris, à la rigueur, de consulter distinctement chaque partie prenante afin que le résultat de la consultation reflète la démographie de chacune des parties francophone et anglophone ; et que si le OUI à la réforme du fédéralisme venait à être obtenue, qu'il ne soit pris en compte que si des deux côtés, ce OUI l'emportait distinctement d'au moins 51%. Ce qui n'a pas été le cas.
Sur l'illégalité de la République du Cameroun née en 1984
En 1984, par une simple loi voté par les Députés RDPC, le remplaçant du Président anticonstitutionnelle Ahidjo, Nous nommons Biya Paul, la République du Cameroun est; par ladite loi, instituée. En quoi, cette république est-elle illégale ? Il y a une notion en droit connue sous le terme ''parallélisme des formes''. Elle voudrait que c'est l'autorité qui institue une règle qui, seule, ait le pouvoir de changer sa décision ou, à la limite, ce pouvoir peut revenir à l'autorité supérieure.
Et dans le cas d'espèce, relevons que la République Unie du Cameroun est instituée par un référendum qui, parce que relevant justement de la suprême légitimité du peuple, est au dessus de toute autre structure de décision dans un pays. Sur cette base, au risque de nullité, une décision prise par une loi ne peut se substituer à celle dont le support est le référendum. une autre, celle référendum.
La démarche intellectuelle ci-dessus nous permet de nous étonner de voir des gens étonnés de constater que depuis 1984, certains de nos concitoyens équilibrés de la zone anglophone, se considérant abandonnés en chemin, réclament à cors et à cri; à juste titre nous le soulignons, la reconstitution d'un Etat anglophone distinct de la ''République du Cameroun'' actuelle dont le maître d'œuvre, l'élève de l'autre, est tout simplement revenue sur l'appellation dont portait à son indépendance, la partie camerounaise devenue indépendante le 1er janvier 1960.
Le 20 Mai au Cameroun, une fête sans contenu.
Il nous est dit que le 20 mai, les Camerounais fêtent l'avènement de la ''République Unie du Cameroun'' née du référendum inconstitutionnelle de 1972. Or depuis 1984, cette République Unie a, illégalement, cessé d'exister. D'où la question :
Que fête-t-on donc au Cameroun, depuis 1985, le 20 mai de chaque année ? Ma réponse, Notre réponse est : RIEN. Et c'est seulement débile n'est-ce pas ?
Que la solidarité de tous soit la garantie de la sécurité de chacun.
Humblement et en tout patriotisme

Cbt. MbouaMassok
Leader nationaliste Panafricain Agissant


Posted by: Bens Awaah <>
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