Fellow Ambazonians,

A few weeks ago, we made public the process through which our people could acquire passports for the Federation of Ambazonia. Despite the hitches observed in the initial phase of this project, a sizeable number of our people did successfully submit their applications. We have now upgraded the application portal to be user friendly and to facilitate submission.

In every independent country, there is a monopoly of the use of force and a structure of authority deemed legitimate and legal. This centralised authority becomes the sole instrument of policy formulation and articulation and represents the totality of the people under its dominion and within its jurisdiction. The process of the occupation of our land effectively begun through the dismantling of our institutions of authority and to erase any other form of alternate authority that can question the policy orientation of the occupation. Since the institutionalisation of the resistance, we have been focused on the Movements, rather than the State. In this way, we have created institutions for the Movements, structured the resistance around Movements and inevitably set off domestic competition and rivalry.

The conception and formalisation of our flag, emblem, anthem and now passports were all designed to shift focus from the Movements to the state and to challenge the monopoly of authority of the occupation in our land. This passport is both a symbol of defiance and an instrument of legitimation. It is my understanding that people have questions on everything. We cannot effectively silenced these thoughts. People have asked who elected us to begin formulating policies in our land. People have asked what our source of legitimation is. Be reminded that Cameroun's occupation of our land is both illegal and illegitimate, yet our people have used its passport as a means of travelling. Be reminded that no one elected the authorities of occupation in our land, yet their policies have been respected to the letter. The process of de-legitimation of this authority begins with counter structures and institutions. In the coming weeks, we will present to you people our conceptual idea and design of our currency. 

To Access the portal:

To apply:

To pay your fees:

If you missed my last speech to the Nation, click on the link below:

Ayaba Cho Lucas


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