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Sunday, June 28, 2015

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From: "JusticeMbuh [Ambazonianationalgroup]" <>
Date: June 28, 2015 at 1:06:08 AM CDT
To: Ambas Bay <>, Ambazonia <>,,,
Subject: Rebuttal to Lawyers Ultimatum to Biya: [1 Attachment]

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Rebuttal to Lawyers Ultimatum to Biya: "BREAKING NEWS: Anglophone Lawyers give 6 months ultimatum for a revisit of re-unification terms."

Justice M. Mbuh
                    "Another Prisoner without a Crime," 2009-2011;
Ph.D, (Peace Studies / Economics) IUB, Bamenda (2008-2014);
MA, Int'l Relations (Int'l Law and Conflicts), USC, Columbia, SC, USA (1997-2000);
MEd, Education/Economics, USC, Columbia, SC, USA (1993-1997);
BSc, Economics, ABU, Zaria, Nigeria (1987-1990).
Author of:
1.    Inside Contemporary Cameroun Politics, 640 pgs (2005) Authorhouse, Inc.
2.    International Law and Conflicts: Resolving Border and Sovereignty Disputes in Africa. 478 pgs , (2004) iUniverse.
3.    Ambazonia's Challenge to the United Nations (2007) (Monograph)
Many hundreds supported the recent move by Ambazonian lawyers, (if at all they know that they are the ones interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic of Cameroun) for demanding a re-visit of the terms of the 1961 UN Plebiscite, decrying the manner in which they are treated in their own courts. I did not support them for the following reasons:
According to international law, in considering to redress disputes between states, all relevant facts must be considered before judgment is made. In the case in point our lawyers simply acted erratically and displayed pseudoism which lead me to question both their intellectual probity and commitment to be active participants in resolving the impasse between Ambazonia and Cameroun over the sovereignty of the former.
Many of our leaders since 1961 protested the union of erstwhile Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) with Cameroun. These include but are not limited to Fon Achirimbi of Bafut, who said Nigeria was Fry-pan and Cameroun was fire. Other notable opposition came from Prime Minister Bobe Augustine Ngom Jua who went as far as importing arms from Austria to defend his country by building and equipping an army but blacklegs within Southern Cameroons betrayed Jua to Ahmadou Ahidjo of Cameroun and the arms were ferried to Yaoundé upon arriving our sea port of Victoria. Since then, the only major effort made that has lasted our lives and educated many, perhaps and unfortunately only our lawyers was the bold step taken by Three Term Bar President of Cameroon Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka of Widikum. In a document published in 1985, The New Social Order, he and the Ambazonia Restoration Council (ARC) set rolling this liberation struggle. He has since won domestic and
international cases which serve as having exhausted domestic and international remedies in ours and as would apply to any other sovereignty dispute.
The most notable was this: Fongum Gorji-Dinka v. Cameroon, Communication No. 1134/2002, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/83/D/1134/2002 (2005).  It was thanks to the Bakassi ruling of 2002 that UNSG Kofi Annan entered Yaoundé and had Biya sign to return to his boundary of 1919 as demanded by ICJ Case over Bakassi. And we were since then, "Freed by the Hand of God" (Ofege, 2005). Hence, when the Greentree Accord was crafted to enforce the ruling of the ICJ, Ambazonia Foreign Ministry, under my signet wrote a rebuttal denouncing the Accord and demanded in a Corrigendum that the right party for the Accord was Ambazonia and not Cameroun. Incidentally, the Abuja High Court has finally accepted this premise in their ruling of 2013 which rejected Cameroun as not having locus standi to have negotiated the Accord/ Therefore, in the matter of our so-called Anglophone lawyers demanding six month for the re-visit of the terms of the plebiscite, you can clearly see why I
question their probity as well as commitment to resolve.
A visit to other domestic legal systems provides us reasons to believe that our lawyers have been compromised to violate the ethics of their profession concerning issues of "Neutrality and Mediation: What does mediator neutrality mean in both theoretical and practical senses?"-- and of course "Meritorious Claims & Contentions" to submit false demands and claims. This in part as in whole is because the said Plebiscite terms were long violated by Cameroun for failing to honour UN Resolution 1608 of April 1961, which almighty God directed me to uncover from UN Archives and made it public as well as write to the UN questioning the viability of this illegal union as well as attempts to suppress the said resolution by removing it from UN List of Resolution back in 1997. Yes, that far and our lawyers who are supposed to know these matters more than ordinary citizens are in limbo! Here, the cases raised in Tim Dare (2007) The Counsel of Rogues?,
especially "The Standard Conception of the Lawyer's Role," "Philosophical Legal Ethics and Personal Integrity," as well as  Daniel Markovits (2010) lament with legal practice as "Not Morality at All, and Certainly Not Morality as Regulative Ideal." Something went terribly wrong, which in contemporary Cameroun parlance was very normal life and okay before the lawyers held their meeting. They took the decisions they did out of duress and lack of proper guidance and counseling. I too may take the blame for failing to attempt influencing them, in spite of their many assaults on us, restorationists.
According to Maryland Lawyer's Rules of Professional Conduct (Art. 5, 11, 12 & 13),
[5] A lawyer's conduct should con in violation of the form to the requirements of the law, both in professional service to clients and in the lawyer's business and personal affairs. …While it is a lawyer's duty, when necessary, to challenge the rectitude of official action, it is also a lawyer's duty to uphold legal process.
[11] To the extent that lawyers meet the obligations of their professional calling, the occasion for government regulation is obviated. Self-regulation also helps maintain the legal profession's independence from government domination. An independent legal profession is an important force in preserving government under law, for abuse of legal authority is more readily challenged by a profession whose members are not dependent on government for the right to practice.
[12] The legal profession's relative autonomy carries with it special responsibilities of self-government. The profession has a responsibility to assure that its regulations are conceived in the public interest and not in furtherance of parochial or self-interested concerns of the bar. Every lawyer is responsible for observance of [the Maryland] Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct. A lawyer should also aid in securing their observance by other lawyers. Neglect of these responsibilities compromises the independence of the profession and the public interest which it serves.
[13] Lawyers play a vital role in the preservation of society. The fulfillment of this role requires an understanding by lawyers of their relationship to our legal system. The Maryland Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct, when properly applied, serve to define that relationship.
[19] Failure to comply with an obligation or prohibition imposed by a Rule is a basis for invoking the disciplinary process.
Similarly, Rule 5.5 Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law (a) A lawyer shall not practice law in a jurisdiction in violation of the regulation of the legal profession in that jurisdiction, or assist another in doing so.
Thus when people who have engaged this struggle for long begin to jump in to support decisions or requests made by our so-called Anglophone lawyers, I wonder aloud about their sense of loyalty.  I question particularly the release made by SCNC Chairman Nfor Nfor Ngala, in which he writes: "Finally, as we heartily congratulate the Common Law Lawyers for courageously setting the pace, we pray that we all take due cognisance of the good spirit and intention and support and encourage them not to relent." However, Nfor Nfor went further to question the lawyers why they did not invite senior pioneering colleagues to grace their assembly, stating, "We take due cognisance of the presence and role played by the former Presidents of the Bar. Council, Bar. Eta Bisong Jr. and Bar. Sama Francis and wonder aloud what a formidable force of solidarity it would have been had their most senior former Presidents, namely, Bar. Fon Gorji Dinka, Bar, Lukes Sendze, Bar.
Akere Muna, Bar. Bernard Muna, equally graced the historic gathering." And whether in praise or doubt of their leadership, Nfor quipped, "By their quality of leadership they have left their marks in the sands of history. All said and done, it is self-evident that the rise of men of law to challenge injustice done to a people is no new thing in Cameroon and other countries. It is a duty and a calling which must not be ignored and missed." Nfor Nfor did probably sense something but could not put his fingers on it.
Reading through the caption "BREAKING NEWS: Anglophone Lawyers give 6 months ultimatum for a revisit of re-unification terms," one would think our lawyers have finally woken to the fact that Ambazonia. SCYI, SCNC and SCAPO etc., activists were not some bigots hallucinating about a lost sovereignty with compounding effects of lost rights and sense of nationhood. However, reading through what transpired when close to a thousand lawyers met in Bamenda gives one the impression that our lawyers either have completely lost touch with Lincoln's Inn probity, or they do not know law at all, even more international law. This is testimony that Francophonization in Camerounization, backed by name-changing syndrome for the last fifty-five years of Cameroun masturbation of Ambazonia has done us some real mental and psychological damage. At best, what came out of the confab was not what any so-called truly "Learned Colleague," (with some punctuations from the
superior order of Monism and Charming Betsey international legal techniques, among others and applications to domestic law) would have expected of legal minded persons interpreting what is currently transpiring in Cameroon. For so-called "Anglophone Lawyers" to have been seemingly beating their chests and jubilating about the fact that they gave Paul Biya of Cameroun and his government up to six months! to, worse of all, revisit the terms of the infamous UN Two Alternatives which was suppose to bring Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) into a two-state federation deal from which basis the February 11, 1961 plebiscite was organized adds more injury to an already abused legal profession in Cameroon. The position the lawyers staked was absolutely infantile as it was academically pseudo! Oh, ENAM did and does fail to train our lawyers on how to interpret the law!
It is often said "Ignorance is Bliss…", so much that what one does not know is assumed to not have any effects whatsoever on them. But even then, that is to accept the proposition or supposition that our legal gurus don't have it in them. Part of the reason for such ugly showing, is that our people do not have a reading tradition. Ask many lawyers today and they do not know a thing about how long and how much certain people from this very country have sacrificed by engaging what they now perceive as "the terms of the union of the two states." They, the lawyers, (who are suppose to have known and be the first to react, not the last!) do not know how many cases singularly and combined Republic of Ambazonia, SCNC, SCAPO, etc., have won against Cameroun and Nigeria, in Cameroon, Nigeria and internationally at the UN and AU.
The above postulations can be qualified in the sense that our lawyers seem not to know or understand the history of our relationship with Cameroun. While this is not the proper forum for stating points correcting and clarifying the history of our relationship with Cameroun, it would suffice to state here and categorically that from their "ultimatum" to Biya, they revealed that their real intension was to protect their jobs. This is because they cannot be talking Two-State and Ten-State Federation at an hour when Yaoundé has been pushed to comply with UN stipulations, at least as contained in the declarations of the International Peace Institute (IPI) 2008 New York Conference, which stated when Nigeria shall withdraw and handover Bakassi to Cameroon and when Cameroon shall also withdraw from Bakassi and handover "The Zone" to "Cameroon."  Yes, that was why believing in International Law, Prof. Chia Atteh of the Union state preemptively made
some noise about our becoming independent 14/08/2013! Legally he was in order but politically, he too underestimated the political wit, intransigence and arrogance to say less of lack of foresight of Yaoundé political ritualists!
Secondly, the lawyers' confab revealed that their position bordered on Social Democratic Front (SDF) propositions—that is, swinging between two to ten-state Federation. This means that the lawyers meeting were hi-jacked by opposition interests and loyalists or the ruling status quo, which rather than preserved ought to be scrapped and their proponents jailed--the reason being that right now it is Yaoundé that should be begging Ambazonians (Southern Cameroonians), not the reverse with ultimatums and threats, and counter threats. And of course, Yaoundé would continue to abuse us, as long as we continue to display politics of the stomach that border on ignorance of our history and rule of law, saying much more about our sovereign and inalienable rights to belong to a country and a government of our own choice.
Another deduction was the fact that a lead lawyer for "SCNC Activists," reported to have protested when another lead lawyer for Union State Activists presented copies of the latest development surrounding the Professor Chia Ateh-led UNO State of Cameroon undertakings, stating it was not the right forum and that even so, it should have passed through him, him being a senior "learned colleague"! These are additional and unnecessary posturing which helps us as a collective to always miss the boat, as if someone is doctoring us to, if at all it is not so. Me, me, me and not us, not our! What is the proper forum? That which creates fear and flight and turns noble citizens and subjects into refugees? Can we talk under such conditions? People are angry, I mean very angry in this country(ies) and the sooner all hands are on deck and all discuss open no matter where or how, the better! Soon there will be no hiding place for gold fish—if you ever read
James Hadley Chase!
Additional evidence of foul play from the lawyers on the charge they do not know law and are fighting because their jobs were threatened by francophone influx (which was indeed a call for UN for frogs to clean up their messy backlog of cases) is that a few days before their meeting, a release from His Royal Highness Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka, President of Republic of Ambazonia who has been on exile for thirty years and has never relented demanding the independence of Ambazonia or at worst a confederation of Two Sovereign States with Cameroun demanded Biya sign the letter which "Three Wisemen" had given him since June 2014. The release pleaded while declaring a state of emergency which while imploring and threatening that Biya endorse the separation of Cameroon and Ambazonia by recognizing the Republic of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) as a sovereign state,  a thing which the UN has already done, was ignored, otherwise why would our lawyers be demanding
six months in the face of such evidence? They should be preparing a case to sue Biya and his government for neglect and jeopardizing Sovereign state security and for having created, by way of illegal annexation of Ambazonia—an endangering situation which when the masses react, would lead to a type of civil war never before seen in Africa or elsewhere in the world. One would immediately think that if "learned colleagues" were truly learned, they would have long investigated the string of legal victories against Cameroun illegal occupation, wanton exploitation and egregious violation of the rights of Ambazonia nationals and taken a legal stance that does not warrant them to sound like miserable straw in the winds, begging for winds to cease blowing them left and right. The Fon Dinka released made it clear that should Biya fail to sign the document presented to him by his immediate top three administrators/politicians (Presidents of Senate and House
of Assembly and Prime Minister) he, Fon Dinka was going to invoke article 51 of the UN Charter and use every means at his disposal, including using Nigerian forces and mercenaries to defend Ambazonia from Cameroun continuous aggression.
At worst, our lawyers appear to be attempting to take a detour that avoids international and even domestic law and play politics of the stomach—for, had their jobs not been threatened by the massive transfers or Anglophone lawyers and replacement by a majority francophone lawyers, would they have even contemplated talking Southern Cameroons, let alone giving and ultimatum that sells out their future pathway of serving as a Constitutional Council and engaging international law? Where indeed was their element of surprise? The element of surprise disappeared when they not only leaked their future pathway but also coined themselves "Anglophone Lawyers." By that they admitted that they were Cameroonians, Anglophones and relegated the sovereignty dispute to a mere minority rights issue. Big mistake!
If our Anglophone Lawyers read transcripts of cases which some of them, like Barrister Bobga Harmony, Nyah, Nchifor, Samas and many others, including the case of Fon Dinka versus Cameroun at the military Tribunal in 1986, Barrister Shufai Blaise S. Berinyuy and the HCB/28/92 case in which Ambazonia won and the Judgment-in-rem demanded Cameroun withdraws from Ambazonia, and most specifically the fact that after seeking these domestic remedies, Fon Dinka again secured the badly need international ruling in which the UN Human Rights Committee demanded that Cameroun restores his (Fon Dinka's) rights and by implication the rights of his subjects, our lawyers, with knowledge of Precedence and the fact that International Law trumps domestic law would never have been caught by my analysis this much. In addition, following the Abuja High Court Ruling in favor of Ambazonia in 2013, Fon Dinka can invoke the fact that the ruling ordered Nigeria to lead the
struggle and get Cameroun out of Ambazonia to do whatever he pleases, beyond invoking article 51 of the UN Charter; my, add "Mbuh Justice Muluh ver. The People of Cameroon": would our lawyers, short of telling us each time they defend a brethren that we "stop this your SCNC matter," or that "it would never ever get you people anywhere," be now stooping so low as to have stood by Yaoundé violations all this long, only to now wake up like Gulliver in the midst of Lilliputians, drunk and confused while pinned to the ground with robes and chains? I am the least impressed by their stance and style and I am sure that Prof. Bernard Fonlon (a founding father of Ambazonia and author of The Genuine Intellectual) and Albert Mukong (author of Prisoner without a Crime) were sleepless these last few week!—for our lawyers have finally become prisoners without a crime (as activists for an independent Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons), but are criminals for
failing to interpret the rule of law properly!
Of course, the agents of darkness and distraction, which even this lawyers meeting constituted had always argued that HCB/28/92 case of Ambazonia versus Cameroun never existed. That is what the lawyers have equally displayed and one of them was the architect of the case who signed the affidavit of support on behalf of Ambazonians and after the case brought this author into the struggle way back in 1992, even though my activism actually began when we led Cameroon Protestant College (CPC) Bali on a protest march, on foot to Bamenda when Cameroun Minister of Education Rober Mbella Mbappe was on track to scrap the General Certificate of Education Exams and replace it with the francophonized mentality of the Baccalaureate and Probatoire. We shut down schools for six weeks and equally demanded the release of Fon Dinka who was reported going blind in Kondengui Maximum Security Prison back in 1983. Had our lawyers not been part of belly politics and not
defending individual and collective rights been savvy they would have long seen the light shining from Ambazonia Restoration Council (ARC) way back in the 80s, and not now waking up from slumbering drunkenness with sterile demands when this country is close to having an earthquake!
Our lawyers equally displayed ignorance of the fact that in the last year Constitutionalists and Historians have held meeting upon meetings in Yaoundé, Foumban, Duoala and Buea debating this very issue. These Constitutionalists and Historians largely agree that the 1961 Two Alternatives and Cameroun claims of union of Cameroun with Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) was illegal, null and void ab initio! How then would our lawyers be coming in but now and only after they have been publicly humiliated and their jobs threatened, if they truly cared about the future of the masses of the afflicted Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons)? Plainly, their request was belated because it has already been met by the Panel of Constitutionalists and Historians many meetings (See Appendix below).
Worse, a few months ago, the UN instituted Transitional Justice in Courts of the North West and South West regions of Cameroon (Ambazonia/Southern Cameroons). Do our lawyers, even those who threatened to lock me up or even beat me now see what a mockery they have made of their learned and most honored profession, Teachers apart? Do they know the meaning of Transitional Justice and when it is applied to a dispute or post-conflict situation? Do they know what Transitional Justice is and do they truly care about the larger implications from these issues I now raise to them? Did they ever question why the UN spent 14 Million Dollars identifying and adding 3000 pillars round the erstwhile British Cameroons? Oh, my academics, my teaching skills, oh!!
At fifty-plus, when I read such litany of sorrows from our lawyers and recall how this same Yaoundé extravagant, arrogant and intransigent regimes have maltreated us all our lives, besides refusing to hear my advice to them in the Ambazonia Open Letter to Cameroun President Paul Biya (published in The Post of May and June 2001 forecasting the Bakassi ruling and demanding implementation of the UN Resolution 1608 which Almighty God led me to uncover from UN achieves, and which Open Letter became evidence number one that I was talking "secession," and for which I was illegally persecuted and prosecuted, detained for a year short of fourteen days in the stinking and disease-prone Awaiting Trial section of the Bamenda Prison, Up-Station Bamenda, my stomach rumbles and I see a future in which if our masses, especially lawyers fail to understand the "what is at stake" question (Sovereignty), we would all end up in embarrassing, situations where no one
would know their left from their right. Yaoundé authorities hardly understand the despondency their actions jointly impose upon our masses. Yes, we have talked peace and law to a people (francophones and Yaoundé) who have no understanding or likeness of either! And this is sickening!
This rebuttal is to emphasize the fact that our lawyers have to put the facts of our history of peaceful and legal pursuits together and stop playing politics that make it seem they are only out to defend their jobs rather than defend the rights of their citizens, who have been subjected to severe assault from Yaoundé since when Um Nyobe became spokesperson for Southern Cameroons independence in 1959 with his "What the Cameroons People Want," twist of a speech—for Um was never a true indigene of the Southern Cameroons to have spoken on their behalf. Our lawyers, regardless of their leanings—either towards SCNC, or towards UNO State of Cameroon, or towards SDF must understand that in law precedence matters and they will, in any court of law find it hard to sideline Fon Dinka and Ambazonia who have, by every measure exhausted all domestic and international remedies that make the UN Plebiscite of 1961, and thanks too to the fact that intransigence
(mis)-led Cameroun to fail implementing UN Resolution 1608 of April 21, 1961, and which the UNO State commemorated last April 21, to once again try talking sense to Cameroun politicians that they have no right to govern Ambazonia or portions of it.
But here again our lawyers failed to interpret the implications of UN 1608 which Almighty God besides leading me to uncover from UN archives (and fight a battle with the UN Ombudsman who attempted several times to remove the Resolution from list of resolutions in UN archives--with blasting phone calls and e-mails—to make it seem we were talking nonsense) also led me to interpret as far back as 1997—the legal implications of which spell nullity of Ambazonia-Cameroun relations—the pressing question which our lawyers cannot answer is why with legal interpretations pointing to nullity and violation of the said resolution by Cameroun be a call for "revisiting the terms" of the union rather than taking an overdue decision over the breach?
When in 1954 our politicians in the then Eastern House of Assembly in Nigeria did not like that our affiliation or representation within Nigeria, they simply invoked "The Doctrine of Benevolent Neutrality," walked out of the Assembly and constituted theirs in Beua. Our Learned Colleagues and Politicians of today should stop this begging Yaoundé business with ultimatums and pleas and simply demand that all our Parliamentarians should withdraw from Yaoundé on or before a certain date or cease being Parliamentarians and let us move on. I think Yaoundé has assaulted us collectively and individually enough, besides refusing to take advice so much we have a right to use these as evidence of breach of trust and walkout of this sorry, overdue oppressive relationship. I am still poised, level-headed and respecting my seniors in this struggle, hoping that Almighty God would give us reason to hope for a better future without human serum being spattered on
the grounds—for that is what I'm smelling right now! I'm smelling blood and our learned colleagues are failing to avert the disaster!
The bigger and more judicious bet has been placed in the laps of Yaoundé officials by HRH Fon Dinka. I think giving Biya six months is a stretch and a direct assault if not sabotage by domestic forces of what Fon Dinka hopes to accomplish sooner. However, in both cases—that of the lawyers and even Fon Dinka, I truly wonder who said Ambazonia must attain independence only by federating or confederating and worse, that we have to be the ones begging for that to happen. Former United States President Ronald Reagan once said "to prepare for peace, prepare for war!" Our misplacement of facts and priorities would end up leading us into a bloody war of liberation, a disaster for Ambazonia and Cameroun, and very sad for Africans as a whole.
It is my fervent hope, without fear or favor that the UN Secretariat under the leadership of Ban Ki-moon would resolve this matter, hopefully, peacefully and that Ambazonians and Cameroonians shall continue to live peacefully as sovereign states without any federation or confederation. Put simply, it is too late to stake either position. Those clamoring for yet another federation or even confederation should justify their position by telling us how Yaoundé shall ever be trusted since they violated the terms of the first federation and have never taken our advice and complaints seriously. Yaoundé does not have the capacity to show remorse for their wrongs and I think, if UN is planning a "Truth and Reconciliation Committee," it cannot work in Cameroun, well as much as it did in South Africa.  Here things would never get better without tempers flaring and burn-fires occur and people run from their homes and eventually return to start thinking
straight, not "bend-bend" as they currently do. We need a dose of conflict in this country and some people have to pay the price of corruption, arrogance and intransigence. We are dealing with a very, very cruel people and administrator here in Cameroonion. For this, I feel absolutely sorry for Cameroun and Ambazonia masses who have suffered, living under voodoo politics in the last six decades. Camerounians and Ambazonia masses have to seriously go down on their knees and pray that God should turn the page on the devilish regimes ruining our relationship, if not as separate sovereign states, then good neighbors at worse. They are reminded that under international law they severally and collectively have the right to bear arms and defend their sovereign rights!
For instance, one son of the spoils whose father was once a minister in the tottering regime in Yaoundé has been reported as having cooked up a deal with Biya to have an Anglophone succeed him as President of a United Cameroon, then turn around and grant some autonomy to Southern Cameroons as a ploy to continuously exploit its riches. One would therefore wonder whether the lawyers who misled the bulk of lawyers to accept the six months ultimatum to revisit the terms of the Two Alternatives are part and parcel of the sabotage cooked up by Yaoundé and sons who like fathers have no shame of being used like Useful Idiots—intellectuals who write good things about bad governments. Hold fire and objections lawyers, I am not conjecturing and here's why: Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka released "Letter to Biya on 3 Wise Men" on 21April 2015. Lawyers meeting held and issued Ultimatum on 9 May 2015 (See Appendices below). This means Lawyers were aware of the
Ambazonia releases, including the added Declarations of State of Emergency in Ambazonia sovereign territory before their confab. Why then should one not see the ultimatum as an attempt to derail the Ambazonia move or worse, as being in line with the tentacles of oppressive idiocy manifested by those who sell-out the Ambazonia, SCNC, SCYL and SCAPO among others to swell their bank accounts and fatten their stomachs? What should lawyers have done as a bunch of "Learned Colleague"? Waking up from slumber as late as they did, the Ambazonia releases gave them the premise to declare their confab the Constituent Assembly of Ambazonia and call for a meeting with the government of Cameroun to discuss their withdrawal. Alternatively, lawyers should have simply declared recognition of Ambazonia Republic and sit quiet and watch the political bats and real players play gymnastics but end up bowing to the rule of law. By not doing either, lawyers undermined the
rule of law and that is why I for one do not take them seriously.
Our lawyers and politicians are hereby reminded that Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) is not for sale and the sovereignty is not to be debated if it has to be debased any further than the last fifty four years have taught us—for in law precedence does matter and Yaoundé has shown they cannot be trusted, never! Secondly, as long as the plebiscite was under violation and Yaoundé filed false claims willingly and knowingly in trying to steal Bakassi from us so as to legalize the illegal position they find themselves in right now in Ambazonia, by demanding Yaoundé goes back to their boundary at independence, international law has already resolved the matter. This is so, especially since in law, nothing legal can come out of a previous violation. Those clamoring for another federation are displaying us as double fools and as lawless as well as people who like to remain stateless, slaves. Bottom-line: our lawyers need to forget about losing their jobs (under
Cameroun rule) and re-read the history of the abuses and domestic and international legal victories secured by Ambazonia and SCNC/SCAPO before daring to make statements about the future of this course. If they continue to misrepresent fact, they shall not only actually lose their jobs for good, but shall also face indictment for aiding and abetting crimes against humanity when the future emerges from the shadows of anachronism to become a living reality as it surely would whether Cameroun authorities like it or not. For how long shall we continue to entertain lies and mediocrity?
Yaoundé authorities would be lucky if we do not erect a Berlin Wall between our countries—for they have proven to be bad neighbors, bad brothers and sisters, real blood suckers short of the shit-hole business. I tell you what? We would rise up from the litter of anachronism and carry our people and old but new Ambazonia on our shoulders and Yaoundé and people who serve them and think like their crooked leaders shall look back into the past and regret every bit of wrong they ever did us and by then, it shall be again too late to right the wrongs. I forgive them, but I am not for any Union whatsoever with Yaoundé. Yaoundé is a real replica of hell, period! Since they are so good at intimidating, spying and killing, they should not be surprise when their actions revisit them! Yaoundé should also be reminded that they alone do not have the right to use force, intimidate, etc. Let us go our ways peacefully or fight and kill each other in denying these
truths. So, in the hope our lawyers are not still learning to become "Learned Colleague," my rebuttal to their praise songs, false pretenses as belated as they are should be taken as another side of the coin, of unknowns surrounding our demise with love and transparency. We have a tradition of beating children but not throwing them out the door remember (?); and it is often said "it is better late than never!" If their actions are genuine, then their move is welcomed, even as a drop of water that would end up creating a mighty ocean! So, consider this rebuttal an elbow jab into your ribs! Ayeeeii.. Wanna ashia yah!
See Attachment for Word doc and Appendices.

<*>Attachment(s) from JusticeMbuh:

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 <*> Rebutal to Lawyers Ultimatum to Biya.docx

Posted by: JusticeMbuh <>


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------------------>THE TRIAD PRINCIPLE<-------------------------
**Only when we acknowledge and remain steadfast to the TRUTH**
**Only when we recognize and never negotiate away our RIGHTS**
**Only when we accept the realities of our one and unique IDENTITY**

Only by adopting these TRIAD principles of survival and propagation
Can we expect to harness and maintain the power that belong to us as the people, the nation, the state and as the REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA (The United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration).

THIS IS OUR INALIENABLE RIGHT WHICH MUST BE RESTORED BY EVERY 'MEANS' POSSIBLE! We have only two options, the AMBAZONIA's Sovereignty-equality/Sovereignty-recognition model (the option-ONE) is here to enable us take advantage of the law as we mobilize our people to recognizing their rights to their AMBAZONIAN nationality.  The other alternative left for us is the conflict model [option TWO], which still must be FULLY ENGAGED recognizing that it has its own set rules! CAUTION!! we must get our people "hurriedly" mobilized TO ACTUALIZED THEIR RIGHTS TO THEIR NATIONALITY as AMBAZONIANS and not fight Cameroon as 'southern cameroonians". To call ourselves 'SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS', can hardly be  recognized by observers as an act of "self-determination". It is time to think SMARTER even while we get ANGRIER!

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