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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Re: Help Cameroon fight Boko Haram - My contribution.

Dokta Fred Kemah

"Given that I am the most highly rated  intellectual" in our  diaspora communities, I really feel the need to provide the Cameroonian gov't with my views"...dixit pah Dokta Ekemah

My broda; there is absolutely nothing wrong in blowing your own trumpet. As a highly rated Cardiologist, methinks you should focus more on opening a Cardiology Center in Douala, Yaounde or Buea which could serve the entire Central African region with basic services like electro-encephalography, Telemetry, echocardiography, Myocardial Scanning, Coronary Angiography, Cardiac MRI and much more complex and basic stuff. Start by creating a Health Care Foundation like KEMAH CARDIOLOGY CENTER (NGO); Write to your local Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in Cardiff, Wales seeking some kind of sponsorship, partnership or donation (in equipment) to take to Cameroon. These guys are always replacing their inventory with the latest in technology and in most cases the old obsolete (to them) equipment and other DMEs (that would be GOLD for us in Cameroon) are just lying there either to be discarded or recycled. They may even pay you to transport same out of their premeses. You can even hire me as your PR guy (remember that I am a born sales man). Using your Cardiology title, I can talk any Hospital Administration konto officials into giving us anything we want.

All this NJOH advice to tell you to FROGET that Boko Haram business. When EBOLA was decimating our people, our "Highly Rated Intellectuals simply vanished into Sissongo. We went around begging Diaspora Health Care Professionals to"Shake Skin"...Babas. All wuna poum no look back. Now that the disease is seemingly contained, you want us now to go and Fight Boko Haram in the place of Ngopna? U go tok wandas oh. The level of sophistry involved in the "Terrorism Business" is well above our pay grade. Let us focus on what we can do with tangible results and outcomes. As a seasoned Professional, let Cameroonians benefit from your HEALTH CARE not fighting Teep Mbororo peepoo.

Tah Mfar (Wimbum) Mishe Fon

From: Fred Kemah <>
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 10:24 AM
Subject: Help Cameroon fight Boko Haram - My contribution.

Fellow Cameroonians,

As you can see  in the news, we are facing terror threats worldwide.

Our enemies in Cameroon  are the Boko Haram brand. We need to help our people back home in their struggle against terrorism.

Vital ingredients  for prosperity  and economic growth  of a nation is  peace and political stability.

I  do not belong to any political party in Cameroon. However,  given that I am one of the most highly rated  intellectuals  in our  diaspora communities, I really feel the need to provide the Cameroonian gov't with my views on a long term strategy against terrorism in Cameroon.

Below are my proposals :

A) Form a Cameroon - UK anti terror task force. They will  strategise, also , with a view to  raising funds to support our soldiers in the front line fighting.

B) Launch a nationwide campaign back home about Boko haram. That is educate locals to be able to identify and challenge strangers in their neighbourhoods. Any potential suspect will be referred to the forces for further action.

C) Train  community support workers to protect sensitive targets. Funding  could come from cuts  from 20th May ceremonies/celebrations.

D) Direct request for financial  help from affluent Cameroonians in Diaspora via the task force.

Please keep this whole scenario out of politics otherwise the process of  support and solidarity to our forces fighting Boko Haram will fail.

Apologies , I won't be able to attend because of  prior professional  commitments.

With best wishes to our embassies.

Mola Fred Kemah.


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