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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Re: [shesa82] Fwd: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Ofege: ----Unbriddled materialism of the church is a sin but not a crime ----Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: FOR "PROPHET"OBOUH FEGUE ALONE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF NAIJA GODS' MINISTRIES

Gentlemen..and ladies,
Denial of the Lord Jesus and his story; by inference the WORD of the Lord God himself is a different matter.
No point indulging in that kind of conversation because these are matters about belief. The Lord God did not put BELIEF in the head of man. Neither is BELIEF in the eyes of man. The Lord God put belief in the heart of Man. Worry when you find yourself in UNBELIEF. This is simply because the CREATOR did not put BELIEF in your HEART!
In matters of the Bible is it also possible to BELIEVE and THINK IGNORANCE.
The most dangerous folks on earth are those who know the wrong thing or those who know wrongly.
They will kill you thinking that they are doing God a favour.
Their forebears killed the Lord Jesus because he was seemingly tampering with their BELIEFS and striving to show them the light or pull them out of IGNORANCE.
1 Ti 3:16. 16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Do we know who exactly came down on the Earth to save us?
See the above: God was manifested in the flesh.
The Lord God himself.
And he did not only come to SAVE us which means to give us ETERNAL LIFE but he also came for our SALVATION.
There is a HUGE difference between to be SAVED and to have SALVATION.
Many have been saved, yes but they have died without finding SALVATION from poverty, disease, unclean spirits, curses etc etc.
And the SPIRIT of the Anti-Christ now present in the WORLD.
Even preached right here!
See how this touches the topic at table - PROSPERITY.
Are these words from the Bible?
 3Jo 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Is this true?
So, the Lord God wants us all to PROSPER?
How far and how wide and how high and how deep can you prosper?
The Lord God is able to give you the POWER to prosper.
2.  2Co 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.
So the Lord Jesus came to also make me RICH?
3. Isa 48:17 Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit (PROSPER), which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.
Friends wouldn't we all like to have some jets, fast cars etc etc?
Is this the will of God for us all to fulfill our heart's desires?
If the answer is yes any other teaching is Anti-Christ.
Some folks have applied the WORD of God and are making it?

On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 3:51 PM, Albert Usumanu [ShesaUSA] <> wrote:

My brother Akuma:

Josephus is no Jew of today from Eastern Europe. He documented historical facts in the first century. You can say and believe what you like. The New Testament has 24000 manuscripts. Thousands of which were written in the first century. And you come to a forum like Shesa  and say Jesus is an invention. You are joking my friend. There is ample evidence of the biblical Jesus than that a Napoleon or A C Akuma ever lived on this earth.

Albert Usumanu 

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On Jun 27, 2015, at 7:57 AM, Julius N Ade [shesa82] <> wrote:


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Begin forwarded message:

From: " [ShesaUSA]" <>
Date: June 27, 2015 at 7:03:56 AM EDT
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Ofege: ----Unbriddled materialism of the church is a sin but not a crime ----Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: FOR "PROPHET"OBOUH FEGUE ALONE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF NAIJA GODS' MINISTRIES



Dear Mishe Usumanu,,

Before i answer you may i first of all point out to the fact that the socalled Jews of today are East Europeans, caucasians who practice Judaism ,  who established their country called Israel on Palestine in 1947... They have  no connection and nothing to do with the jews descibed in the bible....Hope that is first of all clear.. I can easily point out that you would find millions of black people today along the Nile Valley where all the religions all started... Especially Ethiopia which was never ever colonized and contaminated by europe...

All you need to do is look back at the year 33 AD. the time of Pontus Pilate when Jesus was supposed to have died, ...The Romans at that time had already conquered Egypt and established their colonial Authority..Tacitus, the one who documented Roman history at that time held high offices in the Roman government, allowing him first hand views of the emperors and the effects of their tyranny

The ancient historian wrote this vital chronicle of Imperial Rome during the great civilization's decline. It spans A.D. 14-68, painting incisive psychological portraits of the era's major figures. Exactly during the period that Jesus lived. 
He makes mention of an Egyption called Yesua bin Yosef who was a rebel leader against the Roman Empire, but nothing about a Jesus who walked on water, healed the blind and the sick who in my opinion should have been the greatest figure at that time. 

There is simply no historical trace of this Jesus.... Where on this earth did he live? Who were his relatives? Where were they buried... To go beyond that Moses, Abraham, Adam, Eve and all the biblical people... never ever existed anywhere. And thats why no one can trace them... And if at all they ever existed, the first people to know must be africans because it all happened in africa. Afterall Christianity all began in Alexandria....So how comes Caucasians are the ones coming to teach and tell us our own stories. Its because, they conquered africa, stole our religion, our culture, our knowledge, whitened it up and then brought it back to us....
The bible we use today was put together in 1611 in England at Cambridge University, ordered by King James.. And you had socalled INSPIRED people like William Shakespear who were part of King James Bible Commission.

I would refer you to read::: The Papyrus of Hunefer.. ( Available online in English)... Also known as the Egyptian book of the dead..... 
Read the Papyrus of Ani ( Get where medicine came from) ... Ask medical doctors... in the Hypocratic oath they even refer to Eskalepius, an Egyptian as the fathers of medicine.....

Civilization started in Africa.... First the Greeks came destroyed and stole..... The romans came destroyed and stole. ... And then the Arabs came in 600AD conquered, destroyed, spilled the blood of our ancestors and occupied North Africa till today...

And each empire created its own deity....Egyptians worshiped Amen-Ra ( Their Trinity was Father, Mother and Son,, Romans adopted Father Son and Holy Spirit at the Council of Nicea),,, notice where the word Amen came from.... Indians invented Crishna, Asians invented Bhuda...  Arabs created Islam out of Christianity after the conquest of the Roman empire....And all these deities have a similar story, cause they came from the same source.... Ancient Egypt.... Their stories all look like the story of Horus........

My dear brother.... Ask yourself: Did the Council of Nicea in 325AD take place.... Yes it took place... What decisions were taken there??? Thats your homework.


<Stolen Mother and Child.jpg>
<Mother and Child 3000BC.jpg>


Posted by: Albert Usumanu <>

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