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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Re: Rebuttal to Lawyers

Please, I must have overlooked this, but next time read between the lines and do not blow up or jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.
You stated:
"If Justice Mbuh sees something important not only in Dinka's detention and subsequent trial but also in the recent failed attempts by the very Yaounde regime to send him to jail, why does he not see the traumas that Nfor Ngala Nfor, late Ayamba and others have gone through in the past several years with the same lens? Interestingly this is the very Justice Mbuh that some of the Common Law Lawyers staked their necks defending not too long ago. For him to turn around and insult the very lawyers for not knowing the law is an unwarranted affront that lawyers should not accept. It is as is often said biting the finger that fed him. If Justice Mbuh likes being a lawyer, it is not yet too late but until he is one, no lawyer worth its salt will sit idly by and take insults from him.It will not be too much for all the Common law lawyers in Cameroon in general and those that have spent valuable time defending Justice Mbuh in the past to ask for an open apology
from him. I think lawyers deserve better from him.

You now drag Nfor Nfor and Ayamba in it as if I denigrated them? You fail to see the question Nfor Nfor asked the lawyers. I must niot agree with them lawyers when they clearly make mistakes just because they defended me!
Secondly, I wrote to insinuate the fact that lawyuers have been infiltrated and yes, they have and by their act of sacking those corruption prone lawyers, my rebuttal stands!
Justice M. Mbuh

(UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons):

The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. 

--Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

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