RE: Excerpt of Obama's address at the A U July 28, 2015.

..... "I stand before you as a proud American. I also stand before you as the son of an African" said President Obama during his address to the African Union. He summarized his personal interest in seeing Africa's continued economic and developmental growth as it sheds a history a history of colonialism. Obama hailed the continent's gain from a plummeting HIV/AIDS infections rate to millions of Africans being lifted out of poverty, while championing the U S role in such gains.
President Obama also stressed the need for strong functional institutions and reforms in trade and industry to help the continent generate more jobs, boosted by its imminent population boom that could help foster employment opportunities.
Urging African leaders to make their countries more attractive for foreign investment, the US President also called for ending corruption, upholding democratic freedoms, supporting human rights, and observing proper mediums of power transfer, as it is the African people who can best liberate themselves from the wide spread political,social and moral vices that have scared the continent. He further urged the African Union to spear head developing agendas and lead by example
In concluding his historic address to the African Union assembly;
 President Obama called on the AU to use its authority to help make sure African leaders stick to their term limits and follow their constitutions. " NOBODY SHOULD BE PRESIDENT FOR LIFE" .. said President Obama who leaves office in January 2017 to become the first black and two term president of the United States of America.
Pa Batey Greig
Syndicated Reporter, Writer,Factfinder.



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