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Monday, September 28, 2015

Re: DR. Rexon Nting stop enablingling dictatorship in Rwanda by President Paul Kagame: change of article 101 is abuse of power

Definitely Gaddafi was a bad leader. Any leader who intends to stay in power for ever and handover to his son is a bad case.
That he lifted Libya out of poverty is a good thing and we praise him for that. But we must also remember the means he had at his disposal.
He was not the one that created Libyan oil. That he earned so much money from oil ( that was not his doing) for a small population shows that
his achievements still left much to be desired. He should have emerged Libya to be like say South Korea or Singapore. He misappropriated much of the people's money.
He was a tyrant who confiscated their wealth. You can check the records.
What is happening in Libya today is normal and acceptable for any transition from a tyranny to democracy.
In the end the Libyans will sit down, dialogue together and emerge as strong and vibrant nation.
Gilles kwende

On Sun, 9/27/15, 'NDI MANJONG' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Subject: Re: DR. Rexon Nting stop enablingling dictatorship in Rwanda by President Paul Kagame: change of article 101 is abuse of power
To: "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "CAMNETWORK" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.commkkl>, "SDF South Africa" <>, "Cameroon Forum" <>, "Mwananchi Mwananchi" <>, "Nigerian World Forum" <>, "Politics Naija" <>, "African GM" <>, "TalkNaija" <>, "Omo Oodua" <>, "AfricanWorldForum" <>, "Marc Wood" <>, "Mohamed Warsama" <>, "Mwananchi Patricia Anderson" <>, "KENYA ONLINE" <>, "Roger Wareham" <>, "Cameroon Group" <>, "" <>, "Baduba54" <>, "COLLINS EZEBUIHE" <>, "Daniel Akusobi" <>,
"Rogers Mama" <>, "CAMNETWORK List" <>, "Cameroon Politics" <>, "WICUDA" <>
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2015, 9:14 PM

Ghadaffi did not become leader of Libya in
1951. I do not know about Libya being the poorest nation in
Africa in 1951 before its independence. At one time I used
to lecture even Libyans about Ghadaffi's "Green
Book" and about the UN's acknowledgement that Libya
as a desert nation under Ghadaffi had the highest per
calorie intake in Africa. A critical evaluation of the false
reality he was managing, made me to change my mind. 
overthrew King Idress but was grooming his son as successor.
Thanks for recounting the great things he did for Libya but
for personal freedom and liberty. How did he intend to
extend that to the Chadians and Liberians through
destabilization or the South Sudanese by their subjugation
to Sudan? The man was a brutal dictator trying to
extend his brand of dictatorship to all Africa. The man is
dead and gone. He is no longer a factor in Libya's
future but for the apologists for the likes of Biya
brandishing an elusive peace and yet blaming all else on the
imaginary reach of Boka Haram. 
is no single Frenchman now advocating for a return to the
1889 French Monarchy. It took the French decades after 1889
to settle to the reality as replaced the ugliness before
1889. The Libyans have decades to shall settle to the
replacement of the ugliness of the Ghadaffi era. The
greatness of Libya is greater than Ghadaffi as it was
greater than King Idress. Cherry picking is possible  even
for the apologists to the Biya idiocy in Cameroun.

from Yahoo Mail on Android From:"'Pascal'
via ambasbay" <>
Date:Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 1:57 PM
Subject:Re: DR. Rexon Nting stop
enablingling dictatorship in Rwanda by President Paul
Kagame: change of article 101 is abuse of power

Libya was the poorest
country in Africa in 1951. Before they killed him, Libya was
the richest country in Africa, no debt, with a robust social
welfare system compared to none in Africa. Free water and
electricity then with  a 50000$ when newly married. Is
Libya better off now with out Gadaffi?? 

Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 27,
2015, at 10:55, 'NDI MANJONG' via ambasbay <> wrote:

If by Gagaffi you mean Ghadaffi of Libya, then
he sure was a bad leader given his destabilizing role in
Chad and Liberia, his clinging unto power with no plans to
shall exit with Libya intact, and his supporting Sudan to
exploitatively hold unto Southern Sudan.

from Yahoo Mail on Android From:"'Pascal'
via ambasbay" <>
Date:Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 9:43 AM
Subject:Re: DR. Rexon Nting stop
enablingling dictatorship in Rwanda by President Paul
Kagame: change of article
101 is abuse of power

Was Gagaffi really a bad

Sent from my
On Sep 27,
2015, at 04:55, 'gills sama' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Jonathan, I doff my
hat to you for this observation.No matter whatever good
Kagame has done to Rwanda, he has revealed himself for who
really is-- a brutal,greedy, undemocratic and sit-tied
African dictator just like any of his peers of the likes of
 Mugabe, Biya, Musoveni etc.  
Gilles kwende

On Saturday,
September 26, 2015 2:54 PM, 'Ofege Ntemfac' via
ambasbay <> wrote:

Hey Mad
Monky, you are piling up stuff on my sites.Take a

Col 3:4 When Christ, who
is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with
him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right
now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus
is Lord.

On Saturday,
September 26, 2015 1:32 PM, 'Jonathan Awasom' via
ambasbay <> wrote:

Dear Dr.
Rexon Nting
I know
that you are still on camnet even though you left since we
could not condone your intellectual
dishonesty. Now you are facebook orchestrating all types of
propaganda. When you were here you opposed those of us who
criticized the Cameroon government. Right you are supporting
Patrice Nouma because he is You-tube REPEATING ALL WHAT WE
HAD SAID many years ago before he defected from the army. I
am not concern about your double standards especially when
it comes to Rwanda and Cameroon.

No, President Paul Kagame,
you have used corrupt means to alter the constitution of
Rwanda in order to seek the third term after
you have been in power in the past 20 years. What type of
government are you talking about that cares about the
youths when you have no respect for the inalienable rights
of youths like President Obama,Senator Marco Rubio etc to
run for President? If their predecessors  had asked the
people to support a constitutional change in order to enable
either President Reagan or President Clinton to seek the
third term, it would have happened but they did not dare to
indulge in cynicism and mediocrity because  it would be
abuse of power.  When you make Rwanda about yourself ,
then you are depriving the people of their power to promote
good governance and the rule of law as well as hold
government accountable . When government does not govern
according to the consent of the governed, it actually cares
about itself and not about the people.I disagree with you
President Kagame So, those who are enabling your attempt
change article 101 of the Rwandan constitution like
Dr.Rexon Nting in order to become a life dictator
are indulged in mediocrity and just so that you know, any
leader who precipitates a change of the constitution solon
solely for selfish reasons is perpetrating

are a government that cares deeply about our people",
Paul Kagame to Rwandan
Youths.PaulKagame"Do not
accept or tolerate mediocrity, in yourselves or in others.
Defy the low expectations that some may have of you, or that
you may even have of yourself. Y...

Dr. Rexon
Nting you have suddenly developed a sickening
obsession with Rwandan
Paul kagame but I hope you don't forget that Rwanda was
not always like this ! The act of tampering with the
constitution is considered mediocrity. So, what is he
preaching when he cannot practice it? Are you working for
that government? Let us know the truth. The fact that Kagame
is altering the constitution in order to stay in power
longer than his term limit makes him a tyrant. Any
country that does not respect its own constitution is doomed
and he is not supposed to even go around asking the opinion
of citizens whether article 101 of the constitution be
changed to allow him seek the third term. Of course, in
every dictatorship, such political moves are carefully
orchestrated and executed by a well organized propaganda
machine that Adolf Hitler used to make power about himself.
When it comes to the rule of law, Kagame is guilty of
usurping the constitution and abusing the civil rights of
the Rwandan
under the false pretense that he is popular. This is the
same mind set of President
Paul Biya in Cameroon and it is unacceptable. In London
where you are resident, the PM cannot change the
constitution in order to stay in power longer than required
and it is often disturbing when some of you Africans living
overseas encourage abuse of power in Africa. It is true that
Kagame has played a significant role as President
toward the political, socio-economic and cultural
rejuvenation of the Rwanda after the genocide, considered
the worst human catastrophe in that country. However, he
served his two term per the constitution and should have
left peacefully because God has better geniuses than him who
will continue to transform the country. We have to believe
in African ingenuity and capabilities because he seems to
think that he is
the only one who can move Rwandan
forward! What a twisted argument. Then what happens when
he dies? Nobody is indispensable in this life ,which
explains why every leader should be flexible and open to
challenges as well create room for others to emerge. The
genesis of Rwandan
crisis stemmed from the abuse and greed of power, and you
should be the last person enabling Kagame from taking Rwandan
back to the dark past of genocide. There is more than meet
the eyes and this your propaganda on facebook is absurd and
to begin with you are not from Rwanda. The opposition in
Rwanda are frustrated with the government of Kagame and no
matter who is backing his cynical moves to cling unto power,
it is wrong.Every responsible and conscientious leader
should groom , inspired and
empower a younger generation to take over from them
according to the constitution of the nation and not
according to their whims and caprices , and it does not
matter whether you are a genius,if the constitution does not
legalize three terms, then don't change it. Once that is
done, you are no longer a statesman. I am concern about your
double standards because this is pure proganda. From the
trenches : Will Kagame be dictator for life ? .
Thanks Jonathan AwasomOnly 10 Rwandans oppose Kagame third term:
lawmakers found only 10 people in nationwide consultations
who opposed possible constitutional changes to allow
strongman Paul Kagame a third term in power, a report said|By
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Awasom The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the
21st century The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace
,democracy and prosperity for allEmpowering humanity to
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