Re: [MTC Global] Save Sugar Industry and Sugar Cane Growers.

Dear All MTC Global Members,

     Thank you so much for you insightful comments on the issue of sugar Industry.

     Here let me highlight another fact of greediness of the sugar factory owners, One of their demand was that for making the payment for cane dues, Government should advise the Banks to restructure the accounts of the sugar companies by converting at least 50% working capital to working capital term loans for seven years.

    Now the question is, whose money is in the bank? It is general peoples' money. Why Govt. will instruct the banks to use general peoples' money, for the benefit of a group of people?

    They have already swallowed the cooperative banks of Maharashtra. Now they want to grave more banks.   
    Now we have to find out the ways and means to protect the interest of the cane growers and also to see that the general people is not exploited.
Prof. A.L. Ghosh.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 8:11 AM, Erakachedu HARI PRASAD SHARMA <> wrote:
Dear Sir

Sugar industry is one most important sector in the economy and plays vital role in economic development of the nation.  It should be protected by preparing exact policies by the government. Other wise there will big problems the nation has to face. 

On 18 September 2015 at 19:33, kiran paranjpe <> wrote:
Dear Sir, The co-operative sugar industry in Maharashtra is the turf of the
politicians who rule the state. We now see that water sharing between
regions has become a political problem. The rain fed rivers originate in the
Western Ghats flow down to the Deccan Plateau and into the Bay of Bengal.
However, damming these rivers to divert the waters have resulted in more
water for the sugar growing areas and less than normal water for the other
areas. The big dams have resulted in inequitable sharing of water and
created unbearably high economic costs to the small and marginal farmers at
the long end of these rivers. No wonder that the farmer is driven to suicide
as a desperate option. Soon the economy of a progressive state of Mahrashtra
will be wholly based on sugar and liquor and to the detriment of of other
food crops.
Best regards,
K paranjpe

On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 18:51:50 +0530 Rajendra Deshpande
>Dear Annasaheb,
If Sugar Industry is life line ? Why it has become life less? Why it is not
competitive?Why it has eaten major chunk of Govt budgets? Why it has turned
the entire state into draught? and Disaster?
Rajendra Deshpande
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 10:22 PM, ';Annasaheb Gurav'; via Management
Teachers Consortium, Global wrote:
Sugar industry in Maharashtra is the life line of the State for all-round
development. Majority of the businesses are depend on Sugar Industry
directly or indirectly. So survival of sugar industry is required.
Dr Gurav

On Wednesday, 16 September 2015 1:36 PM, sreekumar p

Similar issue is there in tea plantations of Kerala. This month 1000';s of
female tea workers did a non-stop strike for 10 days, without involving any
political unions and got their demand for 20% bonus and wage hike to Rs 500
per day from Rs 230. This was in Tata tea estate. Now all other estates are
planning similar strike. management and Govt had to agree to the women';s
Company says they dont get that kind of profit to pay 20% Bonus and Rs 500
daily wages, but they have agreed under pressure. It is to be seen how they
will implement it. They also say in Assam etc wages are below Rs 100. Is it
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Mr. Govind Autee

Dear All,
The pioneering efforts by visionaries encouraging farmers at Pravara and
Warana in Maharashtra to promote sugar cooperatives were game changers in
all respect; they provided scale-able models for creating investment zones
in dairy, poultry, banking, education
and powerful political lobbies.

Prof Gurav has rightly advised the sugar sector to follow ethics and
responsibility particularly when it comes to processing bi-products like
boiler ash, press mud, bagasse and molasses.
It all started with recycling of bagasse for craft-paper without proper
effluent treatment; co-generation of power to feed the grid proved to be a
cleaner alternative solution.Hell was let loose the moment molasses were
processed at distillery without planning the effluent treatment thoroughly;
experiments to go for bio-gas and fertilizers were partly successful.
Painstaking efforts in this regard are exemplified by Osmanabad District';s
private sugar factory:
and their Managing Director:


From: on behalf of
';Annasaheb Gurav'; via Management Teachers Consortium, Global

Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 8:25 PM


Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Save Sugar Industry and Sugar Cane Growers.

Dear MTC
1. Sugar factories should focus on Byproducts production and Marketing. I
studied 18 byproducts in comparative study of UP and Maharashtra, which was
my UGC Major Research project.

2. Professional Management is required.
3. Follow ethics and responsibility.


A M Gurav

On Tuesday, 15 September 2015 3:07 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar

The facts and figures presented by Dr. Rajendra are the ground realities. I
would add:

The waste "Mali" is not managed scientifically, unbearable smell (just
imagine your train is passing by the dumping ground of Mali, a usual
scenario in Maharashtra), river water pollution say Krishna, etc.The soil
become infertile.Cooperative movement appears to be a solution for all ills.
Initially they run as expected but as it grows greedy elements overtake the
control and we know then what happens. This is but a natural and universal
principle that when an organization
is fully grown up, it is taken over by another group interested in money,
chair and power, and it deteriorates. It is Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh cycle.
Death is destined. We are passing through this stage.Social responsibility
many  a times is kept aside. Will it be a right solution in the present
pseudo-democracy (existing since 67 years) allowing Govt. to decide the
national crop policy in the national interests? 


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,

Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)

Marathwada Institute of Technology,

NH 211, Beed by pass road,

Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.

(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925




Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.

Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Rajendra Deshpande

Sent: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 12:39:39


Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Save Sugar Industry and Sugar Cane Growers.

Dear All,

Thanks for bringing out such vital topics of farmer';;s Interests

Kindly comment on following:

1. In Maharshtra 5% of the land under sugar cane cultivation consumes 60 %
of irrigation water.
To day many parts of Maharshtra are under severe  drought.

2. Sugar factories in Maharshtra Have swallowed Cooperative banks and major
chunk of 
funds under subsidies.

3. India imports Pulses and Edible oils inspite of being a agriculturaly
rich country.
had this fund partly invested in developing oil seeds and pulses which are
cultivated in other parts
the picture would have been different. No political leader including who
headed Agriculture ministry
in UPA  looks beyond sugar cane in Maharshtra.

4. Osmanabad , which is well known Drought prone district in India for Past
centuries, has 
22 Sugar factories . Why farmers are prompted to cultivate this devastating
high capital investment
and water consuming crop?

5. World over Sugar factories have developed Competence  by Diversifying
Product range of sugar factories

to Alcohol, Paper and other products which has shifted the dependence of
returns from sugar alone.
Why In India Industry has been dependent on Subsidies in the name of

These are major fact based issues that need to be discussed . In India
climate shifts are bringing 
droughts and so many other crisis . It is high time to shift crop  patterns
to other crops.

We must remember that we are signatory for WTO under which subsidies are
No governments is able to bring competitiveness to sugar Industry - 
If we want to build our export markets and reduce negative balance of trade 
on current accounts we have to build our competence as a nation . This is
if we want to take on China - Much talked about .


   PhD.Fellow at Central University. 
   School Of .Gandhian Thought.
   +91 9326354999

   Whats ap No : 09604679693

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Amrit LAl Ghosh

Dear fellow members please read the following article and provide your
opinion. Attention of the concerned persons is also drawn through this write

Save Sugar Industry from the Jaws of Misrepresentation and Greed.



          In the page No. 12 of the Kolkata edition of the Business Standard
of 8th sept'2015 a full page advertisement /memorandum was given
under the caption, "Save Sugar Industry from the Jaws of Death". After
reading this, as a common citizen of the country, we thought can we do
something to find the solution to the problem? Is it really very difficult
to find solution to the problem for the
researchers of the country?  But after a litter search we observed that
there is a misrepresentation and some greed involved under the veil, it
appears to us that the proper heading may the above given one and not the
one given in the paper.

          You might be thinking that how a researcher can say this, while
the news in the memorandum was, save 600 sugar factories, 5 crores cane
farmers etc.

          Yes this is the duty of the researcher to establish his findings
with facts and figures. About 2 years ago we used to purchase sugar at about
Rs. 44/- to Rs.45/- per kg. and now it is Rs.
32/- to Rs. 30/- per Kg. Now the question is whether the availability of
sugar to the people of the country, at a lower price is a wrong thing? If
the factory is loosing then why they are selling the sugar at a lower price?
Sugar price must decrease now because
earlier sugar price increased because of extraordinary draught and damage
of sugar cane. Just like the increase of onion price this year because of
damage of onion crops due to untimely rainfall. Decrease in sugar price may
not be a tenable argument for the
non payment of sugar cane price to the sugar cane growers. There may be
some other reason, which is hidden or not expressed.

Another argument was, "it should be made mandatory that no factory can sell
sugar below Minimum Support Price (MSP). This is not logical. If some sugar
can manage at lower cost, then it may sell the same at a lower price. Of
course illegal and unfair practice must be strictly prohibited.
 A research may be conducted to find out the reason, why the factories are
selling sugar at a lower cost? Whether the factories which are selling sugar
at a lower price are making payment to the cane growers regularly or not? If
everything is alright
then what is the harm to allow the factory to sell sugar at a competitive

          Argument in the count of export price is totally base less. Their
argument was that 'for 15% of sugar export, loss on export works out to be
Rs. 150/- per qtl. So for 85% domestic consumption,
price per qtl should be increased from MSP Rs. 3200/- to Rs. 3350/- in
Maharashtra and Karnataka and from Rs. 3400/- per qtl to Rs. 3550/- per qtl
in other northern states. This demand cannot be sustained mathematically.
Let us take an example of 100 quintal
(qtl) of sugar production. Out of this 15% i.e. 15 qtl will be exported and
loss on export was worked out to be Rs. 150/- per qtl. Therefore, the total
loss on export will be 15 x Rs. 150/- = Rs. 2250/- . This loss need to be
cover from the domestic market,
that is, from 85% of domestic sugar sale. Domestic sugar sale is 85% i.e.
85 qtl and the loss on export is Rs. 2250/-. Therefore, loss to be covered
per qtl will be Rs. 2250/-
÷ 85 = Rs. 26.5 (appx.) per qtl. This indicates that domestic sugar price
may be increased by Rs. 26.5 per qtl and not Rs. 150 per qtl.

          From the above discussion it is clear that the demand made in the
memorandum is a projected fact and not a real one. This is done, may be with
an ill intention to earn extra profit. General
wellbeing of the common people was ignored. If their demand is accepted
then all people of the country has to pay higher price of sugar for the
benefit of sugar factories only. It is clearly observable
 that the sugar factory management is exploiting the sugar cane growers, as
they are mostly unorganized and economically weak, by not paying sugar cane
price regularly and at the same time exerting pressure on the Govt. so that
they may able to
charge more price for sugar even in normal season, which is clearly not

          Off course some points in the memorandum is tenable. Like increase
in the export duty, export to be shipped from the factories situated near
the ports etc. These points may be considered
by the Authorities. In this regard, if necessary, in-depth study may be
undertaken to find out the solution to the problem. Hope the sugar factories
will look into the matter and pay to the sugar cane growers
their price regularly so that no party becomes looser and the interest of
the country is well protected and not the interest of the interested group


Prof. Amrit Lal Ghosh,

Department of Business Administration,

Jawaharlal Nehru School of Management Studies,

Assam University, Silchar-788011';;



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  Rajendra.Deshpande..   B.Pharm.(Nagpur).MMM.(Bajaj.Inst).PGDIT.  
M.Phil./PhD.Fellow at Central University.    School Of .Gandhian Thought.  
Email.    +91 9326354999.

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Prof. Amrit Lal Ghosh,
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Assam University, Silchar-788011'

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