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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Re: [camnetwork] MEET ELUNG PAUL CHE: RE: ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ///Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

First anglophone? Inoni was there before. 
University of Yaounde I,
Yaounde, Cameroon
237 99 91 69 34
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De : "Martin Tumasang [camnetwork]" <>
À : "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Envoyé le : Samedi 3 octobre 2015 7h05
Objet : [camnetwork] MEET ELUNG PAUL CHE: RE: ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ///Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

Meet Elung Paul Che, The Newly Appointed Minister Delegate in the Ministry of Finance

Elung Paul Che, formerly General Manager of Hydrocarbon Prices Stabilization Fund-CSPH is the first Anglophone to be appointed minister delegate in the Ministry of finance.
H.E Elung Paul Che
But since life as they say is a race and at birth everyone is at the starting block, Elung Paul Che's appointment has confirmed it. This is so because the world is made up of three categories of people; those who fold their arms and see things happen, those who wait for things to happen to them, and those who work hard for thing to happen to them and others. 
However, those on whom society relies are those who make things happen to themselves and others. This category of persons is the role models. What is so interesting about role models is that they use their God given talent to influence the growth and development of society. Without role models, life would have no meaning to a larger segment of the population given that some people would never leave the starting block of life. But role models give them the inspiration and meaning to life and why they too have their own words. While some people would give meaning to life to others for self aggrandizement, role models do so to support God's work on earth. They are those who believe that anything worth doing should be done well. They do just the right things and people copy from them.
The Anglophone community of late has been full with role models of all walks of life. This has not occurred as an accident but relentless efforts by some Anglophone role models to pull others from the rubles and give meaning to what they do. They are those who would make a significant contribution for Cameroon to emerge by 2035. Of this new breed that many look up is Elung Paul Che, formerly the General Manager of Hydrocarbon Prices Stabilization Fund-CSPH until his appointment today as Minister Delegate in the Ministry of Finance.A role Model par excellence.
If management skills were to be measured by impact, Elung Paul Che would be described as a role model given that his appealingly skills on the hinges of a weighing machine would tell the story of a nation builder. And if leadership as they say is a career committed to solving societal problems, Elung Paul Che therefore is a gargantuan problem solver.
And he has been fairly rewarded for his management and leadership skills in nation building.  But since nature demands that everyone who exudes excellence in the line of duty deserves a pat on the back or some prizes for making the difference, Elung Paul has enjoyed some good romance with glittering accolades for his leadership qualities. In his present position as the General Manager of the Hydrocarbon Prices Stabilization Fund (CSPH) his management skills have influenced to excellently empower a new generation. He is one that always takes the lead and receives the support of others.

Who is Elung Paul?
Elung Paul Che hails from Kupe Muanenguba in the South West Region. After a brilliant primary education the quest for more knowledge took him to Government Secondary School Nyasoso. In 1985, he obtained the General Certificate of Education (O level) in flying colours. His brilliant results in the GCE O level took him to the doorsteps of the renowned Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology-CCAST Bambili and while at CCAST, he opted for A1 where he studied Literature, History and French. After the Advanced Level certificate, Elung Paul Che registered in the then University of Yaounde in the Faculty of Laws and Economic Sciences. After three years, he obtained an LLB in Public Law and immediately proceeded to do a post graduate diploma (Maitrise) course and later the "Diplome des Etudes Approfondies-DEA. Yet, Paul still had the burning desire for more knowledge which led him to enrolling for a PHD (Doctorat) in Public Law. Being a very intelligent young man, Elung wrote and passed the entrance into the prestigious National School of Administration and Magistracy-ENAM where he enrolled in the treasury section of the administration department. The most interesting thing is that Elung graduated as one of the best students of his batch. After a successful professional life in the treasury, Elung Paul proceeded to Harvard University-USA where he took a Master's degree in Administration and Public Policy with emphasis on Finance and Development Policy. 

Proficient Career
Today's glories, they say are the products of yesterday's planning. Thus tomorrow's better days are also the product of today's planning. But do people ever plan for tomorrow? Most people do not, relaying on the adage that let tomorrow take care of itself. This is however a defeatist nature by those who are weak. That is why those who adopt this do not excel in life. But those who do are always able to draw a line from one cause to effect. This is certainly so because development has become a singsong on every lip and modern technology has placed humanity on a fast line. But on this fast line, many do falter especially the managers of public corporations.
Anyone who has never seen excellence incarnated in one person should go for Elung Paul Che. He is a good example of a perfectly organized individual. He is smart, intelligent, gentle, accommodating, sociable and agreeably very generous man. Anybody who comes across him for the first time is immediately taken away by his humble nature and personality. His attractive built is complimented by his soft spoken nature and multifaceted personality. And underneath his soft nature lies his intelligence. His intervention in any conversation is imbued with the wisdom of King Solomon. But most importantly, Elung Paul is a refined administrator. He required them very early in life reasons why when he wants to listen, he gives the ear and when he wants to give an advice, he does it well.
When Elung started working in the treasury department after ENAM, his workaholic nature was indicative of his climbing the professional ladder. That was why he was constantly promoted.
He served in the following position. Paymaster general in Bamenda and Buea, director of treasury, director general of treasury,, auditor at the bank of Central African States-BEAC, Commissioner at COBAC, Commissioner at the financial markets commission BEAC, member of the audit committee of BEAC, focal point of the reform of the payment system in the CEMAC and presently the General Manager of CSPH. It was not surprising when he became the first Anglophone to be appointed to head a petroleum company. Previously, Anglophone pioneer director general of treasury, financial and monetary cooperation at the then ministry of finance and budget. He is therefore the first Southern Cameroonian since reunification in 1961 to occupy such a prestigious position. Although many considered the appointment to be a summon for him to play his role as a role model, the assertion for him pulling along with him many Anglophones is extremely positive. The truth is that Elung Paul has and continues to make a significant towards nation building. When he was dropped from the post of Director General and kept in the cold, elements of darkness thought they had destroyed the lone Anglophone luminary yet it came to past that the sky is his limit. He is a man of faith and principle. But Elung remains a man whose quest for knowledge is unending, the lavender many have always equipped him to be. At CSPH recently, the board chairman Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana confirmed at his installation that Elung has the profile for the top job.

Innovative GM

Life, they say is a combination of trials and tribulations but great people look beyond trials and tribulations. They look beyond the horizon that appears to be the end of the world and see other opportunities that nobody imagines can exist. And their interested act of dreaming, acting and realizing the dreams have positive multiplier effect on society. This is because they are born with talent and to make things happen, they combine talent with hard work and determination. The very essence of development that is needed to have vision since you can't blow an uncertain trumpet. Nevertheless, innovation distinguishes between a great manager and a charlatan. On May 3, 2015, Elung Paul Che will clock two years at the helm of CSPH. Many changes have occurred. According hints, the structure has been transformed into a beehive of activities. It is alleged that workers have been more productive than ever before. They are inspired by the workaholic nature of their boss. The routine is that documents that are meant to be treated today are not taken over for tomorrow. Transparency in the management of company's resources have been intensified given that all financial transactions at CSPH are carried out only through the bank and not checques as was the case before. Barely two years in office, there is no gainsaying that CSPH will make significant contribution towards an emerging Cameroon.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist) 

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2015 05:11:43 +0000
To:; camnetwork@yahoogroups.commkkl;;;;
Subject: Re: ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ///Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

This is the problem I have with this whole shebang. The President appoints with impunity who ever he wants and when ever he wants. There is no consideration for the so-called members of his Senate or his Parliament when these consultations are done. The poor "Prime Minister dubbed Head of Government" equally hears the announcement of "His New Government" at the same time as everyone else (at the CRTV 1pm French News). Instead of raising objections to this archaic, absolute, complete and monarchical grab of "Pawa" by the President, here we are debating the stale and retrograde "Politics" of "We thank God oh..Two 4 dat list 4 new Ministers na Anglophones. One ih Bamendrous name na CHE while the other ELUNG name sounds like a Blakossi name". Are you guys really serious? One even went as far as analyzing that a "Minister Delegate (which does not even equate a Conseiller Technique) is the First Anglophone Minister of Finance). Keep on dreaming. One day One Day Garri go Pass water.
Is that what we've all been reduced to?
In South Africa, the citizens have taken to the streets to denounce the cankerworm of corruption and the Government is almost paralyzed. In Cameroon, I am beginning to think that the President is the only one who has actually done something palpable to tackle this endemic issue called Corruption. YES, the guy had the guts to lock up even the closest of his main collaborators. Heck, he even locked up a sitting Prime Minister and his Bakingilli kontri peepoo sat with a bemused sense of "Wetin concern me" look on their faces. What have we done as citizens to tell the President that he has to treat Cameroonians with respect....NATTY. Daso knack mop 4 Internet and when Biya makes his move to appoint who ever he wants; we go bunkers with sectarian analysis: " Na Baminda woman weh ih marry Bakweri man...Na Blakossi pikin 4 mammie side and Mendankwe 4 Papa side". Are you guys kidding me? What century are we in? Rip Van Winkle syndrome? Na so when Biya go "Mimba Me" make me Minister In-Charge of Diaspora Affairs, wuna go start say Tah Mfar (na Kaka name) while Mishe na Makaranah Ewondo and pah Fon sounds like Banso, Mbengwi and Balikumbat and Mbou-Nting or Ngie-Ngwo name. Vraiement, wuna go kill man with lap. So you all know, I have been consulted for that Diaspora Post and I am thinking seriously of accepting the offer. After all, some man na ngrung beep? Don't I look like a potential flamboyant Minister? You guys aien't seen natty yet. God has really punished us in that our country.
Mishe Fon

From: "Augustine Enow Agbor [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "Bonaventure Tchucham tchucham revival r@yahoo. fr [cameroon_politics]" <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

It is high time you guys stop assuming people's tribes from their names. Elung is a cousin to Inoni's late wife. His junior brother Elung Eric is MD in Dallas. He's Bakussi period

Sent on my Boost Mobile Phone.

"Greig Batey [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:


Elung is a Bakossi name, Che is a north west name.
Paul Elung Che is of a Bakossi mum and a grass-field father of the north west region of LRC. 

From: "Augustine Enow Agbor [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "Bonaventure Tchucham tchucham revival r@yahoo. fr [cameroon_politics]" <>
Cc: EKINNEH Agbaw <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>; Cameroon Group <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

Elung Paul Che is from Tombel Kupe Manenguba, South west region.

Sent on my Boost Mobile Phone.

"Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:


Ekinneh Agbaw Mbai,

Is Che Elung Paul from the NW Province?
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Greig Batey [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: EKINNEH Agbaw <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>; Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon Group <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 6:10 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

Correction well taken.
I don't understand why I just got carried away by Che's appointment.
Thank you.
Pa Batey Greig

From: EKINNEH Agbaw <>
To: Greig Batey <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>; Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon Group <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

Pa Batey,
It appears you are unaware that the Ministry of Finance has an auxiliary Minister; in charge of the Budget. 

Before you get carried away by the misplaced euphoria of "the first Anglophone to ever head the Ministry of Finance" I thought I should draw your attention to the fact that Mr. Elung Paul Che is NOT the Minister of Finance. He was appointed Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Finance and it strikes me as disingenuous that he was not specifically assigned.

The Minister of Finance is Alamine Mey Ousmane; former GM of Afriland Bank, who entered the government from the private sector. It was believed he was appointed to ensure and oversee repayment of the loans Afriland Bank offered the government by buying government-issued treasury bonds as a way of raising local capital to finance development.

The Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget was Titi Pierre and that is the person Elung Paul replaced. But it was no secret that Titi Pierre was at logger heads with Ousmane Mey, who never delegated any powers to him.

Just thought I should set the records straight; Biya as a Francophone does not believe that there is any competent Anglophone who can head the Ministries of Finance, Defence and Territorial Administration.

Ekinneh Agbaw-Ebai
Boston, Massachusetts

From: 'Greig Batey' via ManyuVoice <>
To: MINCAM Group <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon Group <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2015 3:50 PM
Subject: RE: Two New ministers of English Expression on Today's Cabinet appointments.

Two Cameroonians of North West extraction have today been called to serve in the government of the perpetual president of LRC, his excellency old man Paul Biya in office since 1982.(33 years)
Mr.Paul Elung Che appointed Minister delegate in the ministry of Finance. Until his appointment today,Paul Che was general manager of Cameroon petroleum price stabilization corporation. He is the first Cameroonian of English expression to head the ministry of finance of LRC in fifty plus years.

Elung Paul Che
A Woman, Mrs Mbah Acha nee Fomundam Rose
border-width:0px;margin:0px;padding:0px;outline:0px;vertical-align:baseline;max-width:100%;width:183px;background:transparent; Mrs Mbah Acha nee Fomundam Rose judge at the court of appeal is also today, appointed to head the ministry of state control.
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Posted by: Martin Tumasang <>
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