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Friday, October 2, 2015

Re: [MTC Global] ]HQ] Happy Gandhi Jayanti Greetings

Today is:

  1. Gandhi Jayanit
  2. Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti
  3. International No-Violence Day.

The engineering management analysis of Gandhi is something like this:

  1. There are three periods of significance in the life of Mahatmaji: 1869-1892: Student-life, formative stage, 1893-1914: Civil Activists in South Africa, evolution as mass leader, 1915-1948: mass leader of freedom movement of India.
  2. Gandhiji imbibed values from his mother, father, Dramas like Shravan and Harishchandra,  and Jain monks: Temperance, love and compassion, truthfulness, celibacy, non-hoarding, non-stealing, non-violence, non-cooperation (5 values called as Yamas), and no resistance, fasting for purification, vegetarian, man of research (invested Charkha wheel accommodated in a box of typewriter size)and experimentation,  diet, industrial engineer (always had a pocket watch, best Time Manager, he called off movements 3-4 times if it turns to violence) , a man fully aware of optimization techniques, Nai Talim, etc.
  3. It is really interesting to understand how an average student (his primary report card states: Good in English, fair in Arithmetic, poor in Geography, very good conduct and bad handwriting!) through the thought process based on Vedanta principles blended with Christin cult and Muslim Cult influenced by philosophers like Plato and Tolstoy rose the strongest mass leader in India.  A Einstein wrote "Gandihiji is a role model for future generations", Obama owed Gandhiji (2010) because of his thought he could assume the Presidency-ship of USA.
  4. Mahatmaji believes in faith, trusteeship and non violence as an ordered anarchy.
  5. Mahatmaji is assertive for outcomes, and used fasting as weapon for political ends. Backed with Boer War and Zulu War experiences, he strategically led the freedom movement in-spite of differences between the leaders of Congress Party, Subhash Chandra Bose, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Savarakar, Hedagewar (A congress member), and many other revolutionary parties.
  6. He believes strongly in village-economical-Independence.
  7. There are only two leaders in India who did nor bring fourth their kids and kith as successors: Lord Krishna and Mahatma Gandhiji.
  8. Maharashtra was his center of activities backed by innumerable leadres like Vinoba Bhave, Shivajirao Bhave, Gopal Krisha Gokhale (supposed to be his guru), Patwardhan and so many other staunch followers who abstained from politics on Gandhiji;s call.
  9. Father of Nation for Mahatmaji is not an official title, but declared first tie by S C Bose in 1944 on Singapore radio and in 1947 by Sarojini Naidu. It is not the title awarded by Indian Constitution.
  10. It is really interesting to study the evolution of Gandhiji from Mohandas to Mahatma Gandhi who permitted self-defense when riots rose to a very horrible level in India those days.
  11. It is quite interesting to find out why his tool of non-violence adapted by JP, Kejariwal, Anna Hazare or Ramdeo Baba could bring limited success,
  12. Lal Bahadur Shastriji was a staunch follower of Gandhiji who assumed reigns at a critical time in the History of India. This short, soft spoken man gave a call of "Jai Kisan Jai Jawan", gave full autonomy to military for self-defense, and  found to be a very tough leader to the entire world but ...
Sent: Fri, 02 Oct 2015 07:04:32
Subject: [MTC Global] ]HQ] Happy Gandhi Jayanti Greetings

Dear Esteemed MTCians,

Happy Morning. I ISO 9001: 2008 I  United Nations Global Compact


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