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Monday, November 30, 2015

Re: General Tumenta Martin Confimed Dead !

The Right Reverend Moses

Yes, General Tumenta is dead. And I suspect there was some foul play at work. Reason? A Newspaper, closed to the Regime, called La Meteo, published a very derogatory article against he Late General Tumenta. I the article, it was insinuated that the General abandoned his post and that he was involved in diamond and other shady deals etc. All this, when it was known by all and sundry that the General who commanded the UN sponsored MINURCA troops in the Central African Republic as undergoing treatment in the US for some undisclosed ailments.

Agien Nyangkwe  

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 9:10 PM, 'Taku A. A. Moses' via ambasbay <> wrote:
King Solomon,
I am always very particular about the info I read from your sources as I take them to be too correct and true. Are you surely telling us that our beloved brother is dead? This news is not to be taken lightly as I suspect foul play to his life by the not too far-fetched enemies of our sons and daughters in key positions in that foreign land or country of our captivity-Babylon of Africa. If his life has been tampered with by the enemies of our  Southern Cameroonian citizens, then the NW Province which is Bia's second home should consider what to do with their honorable artificial son or is he a tenant to be called and or styled  to be -Fons of Fons to the NW?.

Solomon, please confirm also to me/us about the said Ebola testing vaccine in his second home of Bamenda, as he shows that he loves it more than his birth place of Mvoc-meca in Babylon or in Saudi Arabia. Waiting very anxiously in order to report to the Highest Government for vengeance- Psa.94:1-2. As you open your door to the enemy so shall he enter and destroy all that you have as your property as he did to Adam.

Yours brother-Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel to his people in captivity in Babylon-LRD.

From: 'solomon atanga' via ambasbay <>
To: cameroon_politics <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 3:27 AM
Subject: General Tumenta Martin Confimed Dead !

Close family members in Douala and Turkey are confirming the death of General Tumenta Martin. Head of MINUSCA, UN Multidimensional force in Bangui CAR . Quite Sad !

Solomon Amabo A.

Skype : solomon.atanga
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