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Sunday, December 6, 2015

" In the name of Jesus" John 10: 9-10


"In the name of Jesus "

It is amazing how this week the name Jesus has been recurrent! The name Jesus is the most powerful name in the whole wide world and let us begin to find out from scripture why "in the name of Jesus" your life will never be the same again. I have experienced Jesus in my own personal journey and I cannot hold back the joy and peace flowing from the name of Jesus into my life. As the spirit leads me to share and witness to you this week end, next week will be a week of sharing our testimonies about how the name of Jesus is shaking things up in our lives.

John 10: 9-10 "Jesus said that I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "
While Jesus is the source of salvation for those who seek eternal pasture, he asserts with utmost clarity that he came with a compelling proposition.

Unlike the thief who comes with a vindictive agenda, that is only to steal and kill and destroy, Jesus draws a sharp contrast between himself and a thief when he says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." It is a Pragmatic Divine Proposition (PDP) he has offered to empower us given the divine implication of his life in the world and out of this world.

I want us to take note that Jesus does not impose his ideas and plans on us. He allows us the liberty to make a life changing decision that will be fulfilled in a life of struggle, patience and endurance with an assurance of joy and peace. He does not offer abundant life to us on a platter of gold. However, when we finally discover who Jesus Christ is, the life and resurrection in John 11: 25, we will have a glorious life through him when we cultivate faith, hope, resilience, fortitude and love in his name. It is no surprise that in the name of Jesus Christ there is power, victory, triumph and restoration.

You will agree with me that many people who turn to the wrong places looking for power are alive but unfortunately living miserably. There are not happy because their juju houses, secret meetings held in the dark and defined by weird human sacrifices defiles any notion about Jesus Christ. Some live with this illusion that they can obtain power from some naysayers and magicians who claim to have magical powers! If they did, why can't they see your troubles before you show up to them?

Still, with others, their power comes through running unpaid errands to gossip, making unsolicited phone calls to start a new line of gossip,( congossar) "do you know something, they start" but can they say, "in the name of Jesus, Amen?" No! Why, because they know that their actions are not sanctioned by the proposition of Jesus. If our thoughts and actions cannot glorify the name of Jesus, then stop and think. If our policies as President of a country, church or organization cannot glorify the name of Jesus, then stop. If our policies as "Family Head" do not glorify the name of Jesus , then we are on the wrong side of the gospel. Do not be one of the thieves who comes to steal and kill and destroy.

Jesus Christ is the lord of lords, the King of Kings and he shall reign forever and ever! Let us leave now with the understanding that we live in the name of Jesus and not in the name of A or B. If life is built on our relationship with Jesus, then we have nothing to fear! I John 5: 12 says "Whoever has the son has life; whoever does not have the son does not have life."

There is abundant life in Jesus and all that is required of you to profit from it is to believe in Jesus and also have a relationship with him. If we have a relationship with Jesus, if we live in the name of Jesus, every other thing will be well. The moment we start worrying and questioning relatives, friends, wives, husbands, parents and children, church, country and government, something is wrong with respect to the pragmatic divine proposition of Jesus. Who is that thief or thieves in your life? Tell them that Jesus has taken over you, Amen.

In the name of Jesus you are a wife, husband, friend, brother, sister, mother, father and neighbor. In the name of Jesus you are a nurse, doctor, Professor, diplomat, ambassador, Governor, President and entrepreneur to serve and it is in service that we fulfill the pragmatic divine proposition of Jesus Christ, our personal lord and savior, Amen. Jesus Christ is not a litmus test for success in life. He embodies success in every aspect of life where we put Jesus Christ first, in order words under God's sovereignty, we have nothing to fear not even gossips, blackmail and persecution, Amen. Let the light of Jesus shine through you for the world, in the name of Jesus , Amen

Jonathan Awasom
A voice of Geopolitics and international relations for Cameroon, Sub-Saharan Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

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