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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Re: 2018 Presidential Material Communes with Base, Gives to Widows

My message to all aboriginal Southern Cameroonians aka Ambazonians is that they should stake their all for the liberation of Southern Cameroons. The sage say that there is absolutely no chance for a cockroach to win a war in the company of fowls. We are our own enemy when we refuse to admit the illegality and brutality showered on our kith and kin pretend to go on with business as usual when everyday our people are deprived of basic human needs and suffocated in an illegality of horrible proportions.

On 26 December 2015 at 18:49, Joseph Kijem <> wrote:
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By Colbert Gwain colbertgwain

2018 Presidential Material Communes with Base, Gives to Widows

Dr Christopher Formunyuh, freely mixing with the less privileged

Gwain Colbert, staff writer, The Colbert Factor

Dr.Chris Formunyuh is a household name in Cameroon, Africa and the
World. As African Director in the U.S based National Democratic
Institute, NDI, he has been adviser to most African Presidents,
including Paul Biya, on matters of elections, governance and
Although he has not openly declared his intentions to run for
Cameroon's top job in 2018, there are all indications  that he is up
to something-and that something cannot be less than the Presidency.
Jurisprudencial evidence points to the fact that he was on it in the
run up to the 2011 Presidential elections but could not get a good
platform to run on. His moves were misinterpreted by top officials in
the opposition SDF who hurriedly declared they would not have any
'adventurer form abroad' run on their party ticket. Dr. Christopher
Formunyuh quietly and tactically backed out, waiting to run another
day. That day is 2018, and from all indications, he learned the
lessons of 2011. Reason-why since then, he has been more at home than
abroad and fortunately for him those who sponsored the 'adventurers
from abroad motion' are revising their positions.
His political manifesto came in the form of a book, the Cameroon of
tomorrow,  that was launched in major capitals in Cameroon. Unlike
incumbent President Paul Biya that has not gone closer to any part of
the Far North where the extremist and deadly sect, Boko Haram since
elected residence, Dr. Christopher Formunyuh has not only been to the
Far North with gifts but has communioned with both soldiers and
displaced victims.
If he is not after something, then something is after him. Before his
end of year home coming, he was last seen in the deep forest of the
East, where he communioned with local and administrative authorities,
giving at the same time as it were, to the poor and the needy. He has
been to the hinterlands of the Centre and to the Far North West of
Cameroon. His hands are full, but the most exciting thing is-he moves
like a President, he is more than Presidential material.
This holiday season, he is inspiring hope in his native Guzang in
Batibo sub division.  He promised to continue supporting widows and
vulnerable children. In the process, he presented a discourse on 'The
Art of Giving and Sharing', being part of the occasion of the
ThanksGiving service organized by Fongang Moses and officiated by PCC
Moderator, Rev Fonki Samuel.
Addressing congregation on 'The Art of Giving and Sharing'

Below is the content of his keynote speech at the occasion:
Dear brothers, friends of the Fongang Family, friends of Guzang of
Moghamo, and of our country Cameroon.
This is a unique occurrence-a one in lifetime opportunity-to have the
moderator of the PCC decent to us lowly ordinary people, at the level
of the village or other rural entity, to chair a thanksgiving
We are so honoured, more than ever the tongue can tell or words can
say. We see in your exemplary action an epitome of what it is that our
brother Moses Fongang, the organizer and the brain behind this
wonderful initiative had in mind. Nothing could be more humbling and
yet uplifting and inspiring, than the image of you breaking bread with
us commoners, for by so doing, the Rt. Rev. Moderator, his entourage,
you all VIPs, elites and higher ups on the social strata are living
embodiments of the art of giving and of sharing generously with the
less fortunate, the needy, and the less endowed. It is an art because
it is intuitive. It comes from within which means that each one of us
can make it happen.
Yes, the art of giving and sharing is that which the organizers
summoned us today-not in the limited sense of the one day event; not
on the routine of a once a year ritual; but as a lifetime commitment
that brings out the best in us and highlights the most positive
contribution we could ever make to humanity.
As the famous Poet John Holmes stated "there is no exercise better for
the heart than reaching down and lifting people up". And yes it is not
just about material. It is also about sharing, giving, demonstrating
love, compassion and understanding to the distress and the distrait.
It is about reaching out to the young orphans, perhaps a little
confused by the challenging circumstances into which he or has now
been thrust by event which they have no control. But yes, the same
orphan whose future your generosity of heart and your tenderness of
soul could touch and transform once and for all.
And yes, it is about reaching out, giving and sharing with that widow
or widower impacted by the sudden and inexplicable parting of a love
one, but whose own humanity could blossom afresh by your kind hearted
actions that allow her to revive her sense of being and regain her
pride and dignity as a full fledged member of our global community.
There is no greater joy in my mind than reinforcing the message to you
all good people, that we become a great people when we reach out and
become each other's keeper, especially for those that need an extra
hand and /or an extra shoulder on which to lean. Kindness,
philanthropy, generosity of the purse and of the heart is virtues that
lift up humanity. Like a rising tide, they lift up all the boats. So
let us pledge, each and every one of us, from this day forward, to
transform the exuberance, the brightness, the kind heartedness, the
joy and exorbitant generosity exhibited here today into a moment of
daily occurrence, each day of our lives, till eternity. And let us be
driven by the words or one of the world's greatest philanthropists
Mother Teresa who said and I quote, "it is not how much we give but
how much love we put in giving".
Thank you immensely for your physical presence here today, and your
extraordinary support to this wonderful initiative. May we
collectively share the joy and the sense of accomplishment in knowing
that we go forth with a vision and a mission, and the zeal to meet
this self imposed goal by heeding the call when the voice call from
within our inner selves or from the society that we strive to serve.
Thank you very much for your time and attention, and we wish you a
safe return to your respective destination after the end of all phases
of the ceremony.
THECOLBERTFACTOR: 2018 Presidential Material Communes with Base, Gives to Widows

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