Re: BREAKING NEWS-UN Res. 70/96 of 09/12/2015!!!

The current actions are also informed by the astonishing fact that a former UN Sec. Gen died (was assassinated?) in a plane crash without completing the DECOLONISATION PROCESS with regards to the UN TRUST Territory of the British Cameroons known heretofore as the UN State of Cameroon in UN circles.
Further to the furthermore, Mr Emmanuel Fon alias Divine Rhyme published solid facts and truths in these set of chambers regarding the stunning road covered to unfetter the UNO State of Cameroon (alias British Cameroons) from colonisation to the left and to the right:
Facts and truths, with solid documented evidence, that some of us cannot make public for now without betraying our sources.
Furthermost to the furthermore, in the past decade and even twice a year, UN Orchestrated workshops are held both in the illegally created Southern British Cameroons and in the Northern British Cameroons to explicate to the population steps taken by the UN to restore the right to independence and statehood of the UNO State.
Take a trip to Mubi, Kumba and Bamenda this day, the news is spreading more than wild fire!
Did we (and do we) believe what we are hearing?
Rather we have some clowns who call up my phone to threaten me as if I work for the UN.
Be patient, my ladies and mi-lords, the best is yet to come.

On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 6:24 AM, 'JusticeMbuh' via ambasbay <> wrote:
I hope you guys will be tolerant enough to enable me state that I did not see any "Breaking News" in the United Nations GA Resolution 70/96. Albert Einstein used to say: "A foolish faith in authority or any Cause is the worst enemy of TRUTH.????

When Cameroon Republic attained separate independence as La Republique du Cameroun, we were misled into thinking ours had to be different because French Cameroon citizens clonned for that purpose were in power in erstwhile Southern British Cameroons--aka Ambazonia.
Against all odds--from PM Ngom Jua importing arms to build a Southern Cameroons defence force, sensing recolonization by Cameroun, intellectual dishonesty has continued to ride and thrive, clouding the minds of our youthful populations, while in apologia, the older generation, like the Chief Mukete posturing seek to vindicate themselves of having played double deals at the expense of the Southern Cameroons masses.
History, be it if the past, present or the future shall judge us all.
When pseudo intellectuals whose best interest is protecting their stomachs, who  have never once said thwir word for our downtrodden masses post such responses as down below, it hurts; indeed it make me feel like throwing up my lementongs!
If only they knew the impliocation of Ambazonia Versus Abuja judgment of 2013 that ousted Cameroon, indeed Cameroun from the Greentree Accrod and invariably sent Nigeria running after Biya with Boko Haram cover-up! Ignorance is bliss.... we are told and so for fools who die many times before their natural deaths, they will not even contemplate asking the results of the Second Foumban Meeting in 2014, the same conferences held in Yaound and Buea with shocking confessions from minds like Professor Victor Julius Ngoh who for once admitted that there was no unification between the two Cameroons. Of course, our sterile intellectual bunch have also failed to read the history of Cameroons revised by Professor Anthony Ndi! Idiotic, is it not?
Let me ask? How then do we intend to understand why the UN now calls for Implementation of the UN General Assembly Declaration Granting Independence to All Colonial and Other Peoples" if legal cases won by Ambazonia, SCNC, SCAPO, SCLY Leaders have all invalidated the union, in as much as noted Historians and political leaders, whether in apologia or in activism all make similar rponoucements?
When in 1997 I uncovered UN Resolution 1608 and made it the focal of my research on Bakassi, passed the Judgment three to four years ahead of the ICJ, few people reading and writing on CAMNET accepted or even understood what I was saying.
Yes, today, if I of all researchers on Cameroons can say even 1608 has been rendered null and void of any political substance, less of legal significance, we still have people expecting to hear UN write and say the union between Cameroon and Southern Cameroons or Ambazonia has been nullified. What a bunch of moroons! It is such stupiodity that has tied us to Yaounde sterility for as much as close to sixty years! What a shame!
If we are gue that independence with a condition was granted to territories comprising the British Cameroons in 1960, then, just as Ambazonia's Head of State in Exile demanded of the ICJ to "IMPLEMENT ONLY THE ICJ JUDGMENT OVER BAKASSI" we also ask of the UN to IMPLEMENT ONLY THE GENERAL DECLARATION of 1960!
Fon Gorji-Dinka's call for IMPLEMENT ONLY THE ICJ JUDGMENT is properly documented in legal and diploatic victories and exchanges from UN Tribunals through Bamenda High Court and Abuja High Court Ruiings. Implementing the ICJ Ruling knocks out Cameroun, not just because the ruling said in over seven instances that Bakassi belongs to former Southern Cameroons, former British Cameroons, Victoria Division, etc., but also because there was no treaty of UNion between SAouthern Cameroons and Cameroun as per the terms of the condition placed upon our so-called independence and as well as the terms of the UN Res. 1608 of Aprile 21, 1951. Thus, the new call for IMPLEMETING ONLY THE UN GENERAL DECLARATION by my interpretation of 1608 and in exchanges with the UN since 1997 up until Professor Chia took on the British Cameroons in its entirety is simple to understand given that by annulling any legal like with Cameroon, the call for implementing UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY DECALARATION of 1960 tactically removes the condition placed upon the independence of territories that comprised British Cameroons--ie, Southern Cameroons and Northern Cameroons--the very infamous TWO ALTERNATIVES!
Now does that render the plebiscite of 1961 null and void? YES!
Does that also render or better still nullify the 1608 of 1961? YES!
WHY? 1608 came because UN Realized that it voilated the Trusteeship Agreement which was upheld by the General Declaration of 1960, and worse, with the conditions placed on the independendence of the British Cameroons (AMBAZONIA) there would have never been any 1608, would there have been? Noooop!
Again, details of what has been transpiring between Cammeroon regime and Ambazaonia, as well as with the Union State led by Professor Chia is contained in doucments and legal victories on the Ambazonia webpage and also in releases made by Professor Chia.
Our ignorant and adamant as well as interest-threatened academics and businessmen and women would want no change because int he current political dispensation they reap what is sown by the fooolish masses by way of taxes and natural resources for which everyone is suppposed to be beneficiary.
I warned that unless readers read between the lines, they would not understand the significance of that recent UN Resolution 70/96. The simple implication being that any territory, including Ambazonia (British Cameroons) which has proved that they dislike a certain union or that they have been abused by a seating state would be free--that is the meaning of The Road to Dignity come 2030.
Pardon my inflaming language, but I truly get pissed when intellectuals fail to think or make simple linkage. It beats my mind why some people went to school and how it helps them to think.
If there was "no breaking news" for you, that is because your current interest is threatened very badly. For now, like I told a curios inquirer on the phone from the USA, we are now beginning to understand why certain discrete measures have to be used in holding onto some information regarding our progress. And you bet, fore the first time in my own openness, I withheld details of the diplomacy that took place before and during the last UN Seating which produced the resolution demanding Implementation of the General Declaration of 1960!
Why belaobour me to always explain everything as if talking to very, very heady children?
Happy New Year 2016, and may the peace and rule of law that guide the struggle for Restoration of Biitish Cameroons continue to reign and be fruitful more than ever before! No hard feelings......
I am not a foolish faithful follower of the UN or the struggle to free British Cameroons (Ambazonia); I am not an enemy of Truth but its protector!
Justice M. Mbuh (PhDs)
Peace Studies/Fin. Economics

 (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons):
 The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. 
      --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

On Sun, 12/27/15, 'Mukwo Okwo Ntua' via ambasbay <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS-UN Res. 70/96 of 09/12/2015!!!
 Cc: "" <>
 Date: Sunday, December 27, 2015, 9:00 AM

 The Trusteeship
 CouncilThe Trusteeship Council
 was established to provide international supervision for 11
 Trust Territories administered by seven Member States and
 ensure that adequate steps were taken to prepare the
 Territories for self-government or independence. By 1994,
 all Trust Territories had attained self-government or
 independence, either as separate States or by joining
 neighbouring independent countries. The last to do so was
 the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands — Palau —
 which was administered by the United States and became the
 185th UN Member State.Its work
 completed, the Trusteeship Council now consists of the five
 permanent members of the Security Council. It has amended
 its rules of procedure to allow it to meet as and when the
 occasion may require.Sent from my
 On 26 Dec
 2015, at 17:37, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <>

 General Assembly Adopts 28 Fourth Committee Texts
 Covering Issues Including Decolonization, Outer Space,
 Session,70th Meeting (AM)GENERAL
 Actions Postponed until Later Date, as Plenary Acts Directly
 on Three DraftsUpon the recommendation of its Fourth Committee
 (Special Political and Decolonization), the General Assembly
 adopted 25 draft resolutions and three draft decisions
 today, tackling issues ranging from decolonization issues to
 outer space activities, to the long-standing
 Israeli-Palestinian conflict and beyond.The Assembly also took direct plenary action,
 adopting three outstanding texts on the return or
 restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin,
 the situation in Afghanistan, and the report of the Economic
 and Social Council.Just like you, I scanned through
 the original UN document hoping to find something that could
 remotely be interpreted as a "Victory"
 for Ambazonia. Perhaps its just my slow level of
 understanding in "World Affairs" but honestly
 there was no mention of Southern Cameroons in any of the
 deliberations. I may be wrong though but that is no grounds
 for anyone to come after me. It is just a personal
 observation with no aims of undermining anyone's
 contributions to this "Breaking News". I hope you
 guys will be tolerant enough to enable me state that I did
 not see any "Breaking News" in the United Nations
 GA Resolution 70/96. Albert Einstein used to say: "A
 foolish faith in authority or any Cause is the worst enemy
 of TRUTH. Continue Reading the
 "Unadulterated Original" version of the UN
 General Assembly Resolution 70/96 Here:   General Assembly Adopts 28 Fourth Committee
 Texts Covering Issues Including Decolonization, Outer Space,
 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Meetings Coverage and Press
 Releases       General
 Assembly Adopts 28 Fourth Committee Texts
 Actions Postponed until Later Date, as Plenary Acts Directly
 on Three Drafts View
 on www.un.orgPreview
 by Yahoo 

 From: Njousi
 Abang <>
  To: ""

  Sent: Saturday,
 December 26, 2015 6:09 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw:
 BREAKING NEWS-UN Res. 70/96 of 09/12/2015!!!

 for sharing this news. However thumping through it I did not
 see where our case is expressly mentioned. Are we to gain
 our right to self-determination by implication or by right.
 I will want it clearly stated that Southern Cameroons as per
 A or B resolution is hereby free of colonial rule. This has
 not been stated. We have to cause it to be brought to the
 table in very clear terms and in the shortest possible

 On 26
 December 2015 at 02:44, 'Ofege Ntemfac' via ambasbay

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