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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Re: [MTC Global] [The Last Big Debate of 2015] What's wrong witheducation for education's sake?


On stand alone basis, left to himself, Man is most unskilled, weakest living species on this planet. Left to himself, at birth, 

he is good for nothing. on his own he can`t EVEN breathe ( Nurse has thump its chest for him ti initiate the process of 

breathing, he can`t drink, he can`t eat, he can`t even sit he can`t stand he can`t defend) He is totally incapable of surviving if 

left on his own. in this comparison animal is much better.

Man has to acquire all the life skills from the Society only.

God has given life and not living to man . Man has to learn living by himself. Here society 

helps him.

Let us define role of education / teachers from this perspective

Now, I leave the stage for my learned colleagues and take a seat in audience.


 Dr M R Aggarwal PhD



On 1 January 2016 at 06:00, Raghavendra Talneru <> wrote:
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Very relevant questions.  It is the responsibility of all the educationists of this country to think seriously and respond.

On 31-Dec-2015 3:38 pm, "Prof. Bholanath Dutta" <> wrote:
Are schools and universities meant to be making sure their students have the skills to succeed in an increasingly competitive jobs market, or is the purpose of schooling slightly more open ended? Does it need to have a purpose at all, beyond instilling knowledge - and a passion to keep learning - into pupils?

Should learning be about education for education's sake? Or should the focus be employability?

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Visionary Edupreneur, Founder &  President 
MTC Global: An Apex Global Advisory Body
in Management Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 81520 60465 / +91 7411716392


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