Pope Francis Says Jesus Failed at the Cross, Again! This Time Even More Boldly, and With No Nebulous Descriptor, ‘Humanly Speaking’

Me think something is definitely wrong here.
Back in September when the Pope made his first ever visit to the United States, he presented a homily at the St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, where he told…
Shey Kaavi Wo Melim When quote some one out of context you get things like this, to suit your dreams.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege HOW EXACTLY CAN THE FOLLOWING QUOTE BE OUT OF CONTEXT? "We can get caught up measuring the value of our apostolic works by the standards of efficiency, good management and outward success which govern the business world. Not that these things are unimportant! We have been entrusted with a great responsibility, and God's people rightly expect accountability from us. But the true worth of our apostolate is measured by the value it has in God's eyes. To see and evaluate things from God's perspective calls for constant conversion in the first days and years of our vocation and, need I say, great humility. The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds: God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross."
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege On a more sophisticated level, however, the vintage ANTI-Christ and the spirit of the Anti-Christ preach that Christ-ians are "followers of Jesus." This is not true. This is absolutely NOT TRUE! Christ-ians are followers of Christ and the Christ is not only Jesus because Jesus is the first Christ! I repeat, the Lord Jesus is not the only Christ! We, his junior brothers are Christs, after the same Order! See this: Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Christ IN YOU! It is following the Christ in you and as you! How exactly do you follow the Christ who is in you, with you, through you, for you and as you? That is the power mystery of Christ-ianity which is being diluted by the Illuminati Anti-Christ teaching. https://www.facebook.com/CAYMCameroon.
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Furthermore, the above quote from the Pope contains an unbelievable misconstruction of the fundamental VICTORY of Christ on the CROSS in that, the Christ-ian was CRUCIFIED with Christ on the CROSS. See this: How could Apostle Paul who was not even with Jesus declare with such courage that he is (was) CRUCIFIED with Christ? Ga 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST! I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST! I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST! I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST! Friend, we have ETERNAL LIFE because we were crucified with Christ! For a religious leader to talk of the failure of the Cross is pure Satanism.
Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
Olufayo Answer Afolabi
Olufayo Answer Afolabi Correct
I love this
Ntemfac Ofege
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Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose Ignorant will kill some idiotic animals trying to spoil de name of man of God.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Augustiné Tersoo Andy Moses, argue you case with facts and figures and Scriptures. Insults rather make your feeble.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Ga 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
ABOVE CLARIFICATION TO PETER THE POPE? Peter never understood the VICTORY of the CROSS, see? Peter thought SALVATION and ETERNAL life was through religion and religious rituals! Paul taught him that SALVATION and ETERNAL LIFE is IN CHRIST as CHRIST!
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose U cant formulate evil ting aims at tarnishing de image of man God, and expect dat some body shud argue wit facts and chapter in de bible, woe to end time penticostant churches. De bible have already foretold, hw dey wil come atlast claim to know everting,
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege What verse of the Bible are you quoting? Do you know the meaning of Pentecostal?
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege What verse of the Bible are you quoting? Do you know the meaning of Pentecostal?
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose If u brought a topic to be argue, iam some body dat like education i wud involve my sef, in any topic u bought for argument, but bringing force aligation to tarnish de image of annointed man of God, am not ready to participate, and bcos of dis i will be off from dis page.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Augustine, now you are sounding like a gramophone. Do you know the meaning of anointing? Do you know who anoints? We are rather the victims of a so-called religious leader speaking falsehoods, Satanism and stuff not found in the Bible which Bible the organisation he represents is said to have packaged Have you ever read the Bible/ Make an effort to read the Bible for yourself TO FIND OUT WHAT IS ACTUALLY WRITTEN IN THE BOOK rather than prolong this 'tarnishing the image" nonsense.
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose I dont argue bible wit a muslim, bcos is just like giving out food dat belong to human being to pigs, which dey may eat and trample it under deir foots.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege And who is the Muslim, pray? See here, help yourself and save yourself from false religion and fake teachings and gospels These are the same people who told a lie that there was a place called Limbo where the dead departed to and where they could be redeemed via a FAT MASS as if the Lord God can be bought and sold Today, after misleading millions for centuries, they now say Limbo does not exist What has happened to all those poor devils who believed them? Beware of the Anti-Christ and his teachings which teachings subvert the Bible and weaken the faith of many.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege And, Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose, the Pope is actually preaching the same false doctrine found in the Quran which doctrine says the Cross was a failure because God, who is Jesus, is said to have died. They even say a man who was crucified as an ordinary criminal cannot be God.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose, do you know why the word POPE is not found in the Bible? Neither is the word MASS?
Olufayo Answer Afolabi
Ntemfac Ofege
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose, do you know why the word POPE is not found in the Bible? Neither is the word MASS?
Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston Real waste of time to argue with some of these folks. Truly!!!!
Their problem: OVER SABI!!!!!!
Always spending time attacking the Catholic doctrine rather than "selling" theirs.
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege How can the head of an organised religion which says "THROUGH HIM, WITH HIM AND IN HIM IN THE UNITY.." in its own EUCHARISTIC PRAYER..now characterize the CROSS AS A FAILURE? https://www.facebook.com/CAYMCameroon
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Christ As You Ministries - CAYM
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Mr Patrick Battiston: See this: Mt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. READ YOUR BIBLE, friend. FIND life, ETERNAL LIFE, not false religion. http://godlife.com/en/4steps
Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston Mr. Ntemfac Ofege......l find you very pompous and sometimes at variance with the dictates of gumption. For this reason, your proselytism is commonly misguided and I am not really sure if you re-read what you post.
So just as FYI, l will read the Bible
in my way and follow my Catholic doctrine. If it leads me to perdition, wetin 'consign' you? You are not invited to the Hell party as it is obvious your hands are already full. Haba!!! Na by force?
Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Obabs Akam
Obabs Akam Oh my God ! i am not a fan of the pope ,nor of roman catholicism. and there may existe a satanic bible but in the article published by Bishop Leonard Mocali Vando, it is clear that the pope said success is what is worthy before God and that to human beings Jesus failed on the cross ,that is the way man sees it , but his death has worth to God, so humanly speaking it is seen as failure but spiritually it is seen as ultimate victory.I think the pope was saying humans may see you as a failure ,and that does not matter if you are doing God's will.Patrick Battiston, don't talk of going to hell because with do not talk lightly of God's ways even when in anger.For sure there are lots of romanisms in the roman catholic church that are deceitful to the simply christian who is looking for God with all his heart and that is why we who are outside are encouraging them to leave.God expects us to help one another do his will.We are not defending denominatins but wishing and praying that God will deliver his people from the trap of romancotholicism which blinds them. They have pure hearts sincerely love God but misled the romanism of the roman catholic church. No problem with the Catholic church but all things ,biblically speaking are wrong wiith the roman catholic church and we can discuss this with love in peace not in anger and self defense with the understanding that some people already know something which others are still to know.
Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston Mr. Obabs Akam......there is a saying: when u have a hammer in your hand, everything you see is a nail (or something like that)
Believe me, it is quite tedious to engage in an ideological ping-pong with some "scripture interpreters." The penchant for t
rying to knock off Catholicism is counterproductive, if you ask me.
For example: consider two people selling stuff. One person is always criticizing the other"s wares instead of pointing out the positives of his own product. That shows several things such as insecurity, jealousy, acknowledgement of the superiority of the other's product, inferiority complex, over sabi, megalomania etc. Most of all, it is arrogance and lack of courtesy.
That is why l posit that "sell your beliefs and 'church'" rather than poking your nose into mine.
Furthermore, let me point out to you that my usage of heaven and hell is allegorical and your literal understanding is, quite frankly, part of the problem.
We must read the Bible and understand it in the spirit rather than with a proprietary sense as if "you own it all" while Catholics and others are all "mumu ngombe." For wusai?
Ntemfac Ofege
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Friends, there is a book called "The Satanic Bible". In this demonic text, the reality of Christ's victory at Calvary is being openly challenged by a new and growing church of Satanism which represents Calvary as a defeat, a stupid display of supine weakness.
The Satanic Bible says the crucifix symbolizes 'pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.' Jesus is said to be 'the lasting foulness of Bethlehem,' etc. Satan is said to be 'the Lord of Light', the one who 'send the gates of heaven crashing down.'
Receive ye the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name!!!!!
That the power of the Holy Ghost may flood your spirit with light for then you will katalambano or capture or grasp the spirit and the life of OUR VICTORY OVER DEATH which started in CHRIST at CALVARY!
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege I ask us all, is the Pope saying anything different from what is written in The Satanic Bible?
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose
Augustiné Tersoo Andy Mose I dont know dat u are illuminati, now dat i know u will not see my comment here again,
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
Obabs Akam
Obabs Akam Faith means what you trust and believe in.
The Bible is an extrapolation of this idea. None of us has "seen" God. None of us should believe the Bible bcos we "were not there."
Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston Das right my dear brother. Technically we shouldn't believe bcos na some ara man e story. But we DO believe bcos of our faith. And this faith or belief, is what impels us to live lives attuned to the words in the Bible. Our faith....our belief......in spite of any misgivings we might have. Not perfect but good enough to carry us forward. Is it now clearer?
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Shey Kaavi Wo Melim
Shey Kaavi Wo Melim hahaha wuna live prophet Ntemfac Ofege, I said it from the beginning how people twist or interpret what others say in faith to suit or advertise them selves.
Obabs Akam
Obabs Akam Faith means what you trust and believe in.
The Bible is an extrapolation of this idea. None of us has "seen" God. None of us should believe the Bible bcos we "were not there." Patrick Battiston.The above is what you have said and i agree with you that
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Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston What a waste!!!!! The human mind is a terrible thing to waste.
All I ask is respect and courtesy for my beliefs and my decisions. It is my life and all l want is peace. If l find that within the Catholic Church, why come and disturb my peace. I practis
e my Catholicism and l don't hurt you. Why are you so concerned about me?
Isn't that think too much of yourself? Na by force????????????
Or why live your life by proxy I.e through me?
As a Catholic, l am at peace and is it too much to ask you to give me space and allow me "suffer" the consequences of my decisions? It might be more productive to highlight your own faith, beliefs, religion, church etc rather than this unending crying and whining about Catholicism. It is hackneyed, boring and just an endless concatenation of sounds. Very annoying!!!!!!
But then, stones are thrown only at the ripe fruit!!!!!
Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs
Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston This is a general commentary on attacks against Catholicism and not directed at you Mr. Obabs Akam
It is just to show that Catholicism must be right in some way in order to elicit such bile wretching, anger, jealousy, etc
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Obabs Akam
Obabs Akam I guess Paul Biya must be correct enough to attract so much criticism.My faith says,if i am welcome ,i go in and sit ... if not i , i should wipe the dust off my feet. Bye Sir.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
Patrick Battiston
Patrick Battiston Paul Biya? Huh?
Did you take your meds this morning? Are you comparing an "institution" with an "individual?"
Paul Biya vs Catholicism? If l wasn't raised better, l'd have really expressed what l think of such inanities or what your utterances really p
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege The reality of Christ's victory at Calvary is being openly challenged by a new and growing church of Satanism which represents Calvary as a defeat, a stupid display of supine weakness.
The Satanic Bible says the crucifix symbolizes 'pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.' Jesus is said to be 'the lasting foulness of Bethlehem,' etc.
Satan is said to be 'the Lord of Light', the one who 'send the gates of heaven crashing down.'
That the Satanists go to such extreme in their malevolence shows us that something awesome happened at Calvary.
Satan lost all power and authority at Calvary.
The Lord Jesus was speaking about the prophetic past when he said:
Lu 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Satan came crashing like lightning from heaven when he led a third of the angelic host to rebel against God. He was cast out of heaven for rebellion.
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! {O Lucifer: or, O day star}.
On Calvary he lost all claims to own the earth, the keys of death and dominion over mankind.
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Christ As You Ministries - CAYM
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege This is the way Satan attempts to persuade the world that he is almost, if not quite, as powerful as God.
The redeemed suffer if they do not have the facts and the truths about the Blood Sacrifice at Calvary as well as the happenings between Calvary and the resurrection.
The redeemed continue to be hounded with the sneaking suspicion that Satan was, after all, the victor here.
An examination of the forensic-legal phases of the conflict between Christ and Satan tells a different story.
The combat was over death, over sin, about life and the right to have dominion or to live life abundantly.
Gen 1;26. I have said it before, man was created to reign over the earth or to have dominion.


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