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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Re: Fw: [Colo_Anglo-BSC] Fw: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Re: WHO IS AN ANGLOPHONE //////// Mendo Ze's room

Mr Mbeseha,  may it dawn upon you that, true to type as a perrenial detractor, Tikum Mbah Azonga  has dragged you into a debate about ethnicity whereas the fundamental issue is Statehood. And the ways and means of unoccupying and Occupied state. Southern Cameroons is about a state of law and the ability to respect the law. The prime law of that state is the Order in Council which confers nationality to ALL born and some quality of settlers. It is a very weak posture to now    justify de annexation by suggesting ethnic cleansing and lawlessness.

On Jan 31, 2016 11:38 PM, "'Timothy Mbeseha' via ambasbay" <> wrote:
Mr. Azonga,
 I think the situation of former British Southern Cameroons is different. This is why and how. The Irish and other Europeans who crossed to the Americas in search of greener pastures did not and in fact do not pay any allegiance to their countries of origin. They came without any intention of ever returning back to where they came from. On the other hand, French speaking Cameroonians who fled to British Southern Cameroons mostly for security reasons have continued to pay allegiance to their country of origin. That is why they will not hesitate to ferry the remains of their loved ones back home to be buried with their ancestral descendants. This is evidenced by the fact that today in their different Njangi houses in Kumba, Bamenda, Victoria, Ekona, Buea etc they continue to contribute money and send back home for the development of their villages. Few of them (if any) in those towns where they have settled and exploited for decades will ever contribute money out of pocket for the development of those towns. 
    The problem with those so called migrants is that they want to have it both ways. They will like to enjoy all the goodness of the Anglo-Saxon education, political transparency, Human rights etc without having to go through the pains of obtaining a visa for example when they want to go back home for anything.

On Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:59 AM, tikum Azonga <> wrote:


In theory, you are right. But in practice, your are not. At the very
least, the situation cannot be as simplistic as you paint it.

Why do I say so? Well, look at it this way: If "native Americans" were
to say that  those Americans who were either deported from Britain or
who moved to America for greener pastures from other countries and
have today settled  in America are not Americans, would there not be a

Every community and every society has such people. So do you seriously
think that is where the problem lies?

On 30/01/2016, Aaron Rezeh [cameroon_politics]
<> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
>  From: "Greg Takor [Colo_Anglo]"
> <>
>  To:
>  Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 10:04 AM
>  Subject: [Colo_Anglo-BSC] Fw: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Re:
> WHO IS AN ANGLOPHONE //////// Mendo Ze's room
>    Some of the preceeding write-ups mirrow what I have wriiten in the past
> about people who escaped terrorism and French barbarism in la Republique du
> Cameroun and settled in West Cameroon, and were protected by our government.
> They and their off-springs were given generous privileges of equal
> protection under our laws, freedom of expression, assembly, and worship, and
> accused persons were never presumed gulty until proven innocent, but were
> presumed innocent until found guilty in accordance with our Anglo Saxon laws
> and tradition. Some of them and their off-springs benefited from our
> educational system and received lucrative scholarships from our government,
> as well as from the Cameroons Development Corporation (CDC) to pursue
> further education elsewhere in Afica and Europe. Upon retun, they were hired
> to occupy important positions in our government and the CDC. After the
> fraudulent unification and particularly the 20th May, 1972, which completely
> and totally robbed us of our government and cultural identity, these
> beneficiaries of our generousity cum ingrates and traitors, teamed up with
> their brethrens in la Republique du Cameroun to suppress us. They forgot all
> that we did for them when they lived in our country. These are some of the
> examples that those of us who have read history and internalized its lessons
> are never apt to ignore, let alone, forget. We, the people of Southern
> Cameroons cannot afford to continue to be nice to people who treat us as
> vassals. Recent incidents in Wum and Mamfe by the la Republique's military
> and other ongoing acts of provocation point to the fact we cannot ignore the
> attendant problems of annexation and subjugation and expect them to
> dissipate.
> --- On Sat, 1/30/16, Francis Njung [cameroon_politics]
> <> wrote:
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Doctorat/PhD  (Communication de Masse), Mastaire ès Lettres
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de Traducteur-Interprète, Diplôme de Professeur de Français Langue
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[Enseignant Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme  (ESJ)  Paris /  Ecole
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de Guinée - Douala]


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