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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Re: Guess Work; Pure and Simple /// Prophet TB Joshua's Prophecy 2016

There is no forgiveness to be sought for objectively and sincerely questioning posters of miracles and considering them false in the light of no objective evidence to justify their claims. TB Joshua, I repeat is FALSE so keep the scare mongering to yourself. None of you said anything about the James Randi Foundation challenge for just a single miracle. None of all the prophets scattered over America has dared to take the challenge in spite of their many many false claims of miracles, Bennie Hinn, TD Jakes (gospel entrepreneur), Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Juanita Bynum, Peter Popoff, Joel Osteen(motivational speaker), Eddie Long, Joyce Meyer, and the list goes on and on are all false prophets living the very kind of lifestyle that is most removed from the example of Jesus Christ of the Bible that they preach. In Nigeria, it is a more sorry state, churches are scattered everywhere with each competing for gullible people to come and enrich the pastors who  are then declared to be have been blessed by God by the same people who make the contributions . What good has Joshua done beyond giving a laughable portion of his proceeds from people to charitable courses. What about those who have died after abandoning medications in direct obedience to the promise of miracles. That man is not charitable but is himself an object of charity, the charity of the people under his deception and control. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John (Mathew 11:13). Jesus Christ is the definitive fulfillment of the revelation of God, all prophecies and the law and there is nothing more to be revealed that has not been revealed in Jesus Christ. This is according to the Bible.
Legima  Doh ,

 With God,Nothing is an Impossibility(Luke 1:37)

On Saturday, 30 January 2016, 15:07, 'jitzigtt' via ambasbay <> wrote:

I invite all those criticising TBJ to watch him closely for at least one month (not even 2). While doing this, they should also keep reading their Bible. They will have a different story to tell by the end of February. In my reaction I said I use to criticise TBJ even more than you guys, but when I took a closer look at this man, his teachings and how he had been going about charity activities, I cried to God for forgiveness. Like I said. Whether he is true or false, he has impacted the lives of some of us. Thanks Mr Nformi and Justice. May God forgive  those criticising this man...
Sent from my MTN Sm@rtphone
On Jan 11, 2016 8:22 AM, "'Nformi Emmanuel k.' via ambasbay" <> wrote:
Hahahahaj Tah Mfar, I usually enjoy all your write-ups because you spice them with unique creativity. I can't stop reading and repeating!

Now you ask legitimate questions; and your plans to invite prophet TB Joshua to Cameroon is what I am in support of, except for the fact that it seems your motive is not so much that you and I are sick, than the fact that you desire to prove his falsehood. I don't fault you for desiring to have an experience of him, but that before you do, listen to the testimonies of those who have already experienced him personally.

Come to your questions; let me push you further. In the example I had given concerning John the Baptist, if Jesus was this powerful  prophet whom he claimed to be, why would he not just liberate John from the prison? Why would he be going around with miracles in Judea meanwhile Samaritans needed miracles too. If Cameroon of 18 millions in population has only centre jamo, how many of them would be in Nigeria of over 10times cameroon? And now if you confined him to Lagos, what about the fact that he has to heal all sick Nigerians in all cities before proceeding to Cameroon? Why were some sick people carried to Jesus meanwhile he had the knowledge and power to heal them at their locales? Anyway, I understand yours is fun and I love it.
On your side of the argument, you label him false without any clear intelligent and spiritually inspired reason. That's where I find fault. You need more than fake news articles: personal experience! That's what you have refused to listen to in Justice Mbuh and the rest.
Nformi Emmanuel

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:18 AM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
Pah Mformi
With all due respects and all protocol adhered to, I will strongly beg to be on the opposite side of you as far as this discusion goes. As far as I am concerned, the man TB Joshua is a False Prophet. Period. Contrary to your insinuations, this langua has nothing to do with " in having gone to school". TB Joshua is not the only "False Prophet" being x-rayed. Nobody stops anyone from believing what ever they want to believe. The other day, I gave an example of "Prophet Popoff" who sells "miracle water and hankerchief" for delivrance. When scrutunized by a very probing media, the guy simply said "The laws as they are written today permits him to legally make money by selling illusions" more no less. In other words, this is called "Legal Theft". TB Joshua is not doing anything illegal since his "Ministry" is registered and conforms with the "Laws of Nigeria". So the same question I asked of Prophet "Poff Poff", I also ask of TB Joshua:
We have two main centers in Cameroon that easily come to mind: Centre des Handicapes d'Etoug-Ebe and Centre Jamot. The number of patients who have been abandoned to their sorry fate in these dilapidated Health facilities is unconcionable. 

We are officially inviting massa Prophet TB Joshua to Cameroon to come and perform his "Miracles" in these facilities. We will come with the TV Cameras and any other media we can galvanize and let TB Joshua "Help through his miraculous hands" to heal these people and alleviate their suffering. I think God knows that these patients need "Help". No be daso 4 knack mop. Nobody will accuse him of faking because, these Centre Jamot guys with intellectual disabilities are real people or those at the Bulu Blind Center in Buea or the other handicapped in Sajoca in Bafut. There is no shortage of real sick people to heal. Heck, me sef sef Mishe Fon, I am sick too. Yes I get smol bipol
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