Re: [MTC Global] National Skills Universities draft Bill under inter-ministerial consultation

As someone working in the field ,in skill development with the  target audience it is  meant for,I am amazed to see how far from reality most of the comments here are.
Definitions,descriptions,number crunching,blame game-eh-woh ....
Lets ask ourselves-how am I contributing to bettering this rotten system?

Yes we are talking about school drop outs and people from small towns-first generation learners make the bulk of it.Then they are SC-STs or Tribal or other reserved categories.
None of which is a choice or the fault of the person,right?

Every educated person must remember they didn't arrive where they are bec  they were brilliant-they came there bec they had an environment around that fostered them and guided them. That's true for me too.Had these children had any of these they would have beaten us all to nothingness mentally.Intelligent and smart ,they neither had no community,no family,no school and no one to foster them-they are here bec a society put them there.Except to cook up BS stories for its own greed-do an MBA and you will be king.....

And then there are the vultures that live off the human flesh-how can I steal from somebody's mouth to make myself wealthy.And that is the bane of this country.
And the educated cocooned in their ivory towers thinking no one can do anything to me..that is how the French Revolution started.

Come volunteer to work in this area-and in the gut wrenching poverty,in the farce that this society is...if you dont shed blood instead of tears well no one can do anything.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?" Martin Luther king

Dance your dance;sing your song; live the essence of your life :Dr Newton

"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little." ~ Ben Sweetland

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:

Skill development is a very vital area for excellent performance on a task.

Performance is function of (Skill, Motivation), absence of any or other leads to non-performance.

Broadly skill can be categorized as mental and physical. However, physical skill is inculcated first by mental training that is later converted into physical skill that needs the least mind play. Physical skill is natural, habitual and ballistic with no almost stress on mind or body.. Physical skill turns to be material behavior of human body.

Skills are required at all levels from labor force to MD to Designer but the requirements are in different format. In India we have three level workforce: skilled labor (ITI) , technician (Diploma holders) and graduates but they are hardly taught the essential right skills . And hardy we teach them such other  skills as career planning & development, Life skills. Time Management, Management, etc.

It is pertinent to note that Gandhiji tried "Nai Talim" in 1930 but had a very limited success.  About 60-80% youths form the main core of workforce, 30-15 % middle level and 5-10 % top level workforce. Skill development program though needed at all levels, needs meticulous design at the main core of the work force. It is a national wastage every one is after graduation.  If properly trained as per dynamic need of the time and paid well, many youths like in foreign advanced countries, will adapt skill development prgs. The wage differential, however, among these three levels of work force be kept minimum as physical and mental skill need to be weighted at par.

India will have to struggle at three levels: wage policy, institutions of skill development and dynamics of prgs.

Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: "Virendra Goel" <>
Sent: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 20:14:28
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] National Skills Universities draft Bill under inter-ministerial consultation [] On Behalf Of Ramesh Vemuganti
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] National Skills Universities draft Bill under inter-ministerial consultation

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