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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fwd: Press Release: Ambazonia Liberation Movement Greater Washington DC Metropolitan District: Get a sense of urgency - it's past time to convene a unity conference to adopt our pre-independence identity of Ambazonia!

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From: "'Paul' via ambasbay" <>
Date: March 30, 2016 at 11:05:00 AM EDT
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Press Release: Ambazonia Liberation Movement Greater Washington DC Metropolitan District: Get a sense of urgency - it's past time to convene a unity conference to adopt our pre-independence identity of Ambazonia!

                 Where can one turn to for Ambazonia paraphernalia ie flyers, T-shirts, flags, literature etc?
Visual sensitization is a powerful and emotional tool that should/must be readily available.
                 Do our njangi houses, matango houses, CWA meetings, churches, schools of higher learning know what AMBAZONIA is or stands for? Provision of such material will do more for the cause than speeches and resolutions to the few on the WWW. 

From: 'Edwin' via ambasbay <>
To: FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; SCNC North America <>; Ambazonian emancipationists <>; Cameroonians Pan-Cameroonians <>; SCYLeaguers <>; SCNC-NA <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 8:27 AM
Subject: Press Release: Ambazonia Liberation Movement Greater Washington DC Metropolitan District: Get a sense of urgency - it's past time to convene a unity conference to adopt our pre-independence identity of Ambazonia!


Following the meeting of March 26-2016, Hyattsville MD by Free Ambazonians of the Greater Washington Metropolitan District:

**It was lamented that even while our unsuspecting masses are not witnesses to any discernible "flashy" progress towards their liberation all these decades, they should rest assured that very tactical things are steadily going on in the background to which their continuous support is dependent.
**Reason why we should never relent but have even more reason to cheer and be optimistic about year 2016 because more and more of our people are now beginning to recognize the POWERS OF IDENTITY POLITICS! And because our people are increasingly publicly expressing themselves as AMBAZONIANS, the world will recognize this act of defiance against pan-Cameroonism as AMBAZONIANS expressing their inalienable rights of self-determination.
** And because of this new found sense of conviction and resolve, we have been very successful at getting the "good peoples of the world" to support our cause-- our rights of self determination-- where ever we go. The only problem is that the real victim of pan-Cameroon recolonization --the so called Anglophones Cameroonians-- are not vigorously promoting their cause as expected. They remain ever so mute on the issue of independence.

Reason being their political leadership continuing disregard of the ELEMENT OF POWER in all politickings.  It has to be reiterated less people forget that the only reason "Termination of UN Trusteeship" did not lead to INDEPENDENCE for our people on October 1-1960 as it did for Nigeria was because our politicians operated the very grave act of sovereignty politics devoid of the element of IDENTITY. They paid no respect to the legal statutes governing our existence in this mid west Centra African subregion not to mention the laws of nature.  They casually thought that the latest name of convenience given them-- the SOUTHERN CAMEROONS--SUFFICIENTLY DIFFERENTIATED OUR PROPLE FROM THE INFLUENCE OF PAN CAMEROONISM. Now we know that this is not only SYSTEMICALLY FALSE BUT HISTORICALLY SUICIDAL AS THE EVIDENCE NOW REVEAL. This unilateral abdication of power is why just about anyone who do not have our best interest can call us by any name and expect us to accept and live with the consequences! Sad but true, that even today, this anti-survivalist, anti-nationalism mentality continue to be practiced by some of our politicians in the face of the ravages of pan-Cameroon assimilation.

**As a consequence, as Free Ambazonians, we appeal to all patriots, activists, Comrades for us to STAND OUR GROUND on the side of the TRUTH, our RIGHTS AND OUR IDENTITY and together, invoke our inalienable rights of self-determination by finally adopting IDENTITY POLITICS  as a matter of urgency in installing the basic properties of survival of a people! The laws of nature guarantees this act as the easiest and cheapest way of introducing the ELEMENT OF POWER into a system in dire need of it. We should all throw aside all our petty differences and rally around the PRE INDEPENDENT IDENTITY OF AMBAZONIA as a matter of the survival of our people.  We should equally be the first to recognize that while our democratic traditions will naturally accommodate  the plurality of our society in a thriving "parliamentary", we are not yet a free and independent people with effective control of our country to be so insistent on ethnic and regional politics. And as a consequence, the "pre independence IDENTITY REDISCOVERY ERA can not be the time to relapse into our old political divisive tendencies OF REGIONAL AND ETHNIC politics that had been our sad legacy! 

With this "pre-independence" revolutionary mentality fully ingrained into our political subconsciousness, we can be sure of success in attaining all our projected goals. It begins by us taking full responsibility of our destiny when we methodically  accomplish task that must be done by us and not leave it to another generation. When we would approach these tasks realistically, starting with the littlest things we can do by ourselves done first. Such as when we would recognize the value of adopting the pre independence identity of Ambazonia. Such as how we Free Ambazonians would invite all our brothers and sisters, all entities, activists and comrades in this our restoration struggle to heed the recent call of unity posted in the Internet by Barrister Chief Charles Taku and Co on March 10 2016, that the emancipation quest adopt the identity of AMBAZONIA as a matter of our best strategic self-interest!

We Free Ambazonians support this appeal and call on everyone to be imbued by this renewed sense of urgency about our struggle continuing lack of the primary requirement of survival --the element of POWER! And to remind our people that POWER, which is a continuum from zero to infinity will be immediately introduce into our struggle once we adopt the unifying attributes of identity in the name Ambazonia. And for everyone to assist this quest by supporting the "formalization" of this process via a CONFERENCE to be convened. 

A "GET POWER via IDENTITY" International Conference will automatically establish a UNITED FRONT when it formerly adopts the identity of Ambazonia.

Done March 27-2016
Hyattsville; Maryland  USA

Ambazonia Liberation Movement (ALIM) of the Greater Washington Metropolitan District

Edwin N Ngang
National Community Organizer
For Greater Washington DC District 

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