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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Re: Cameroon : Thomas Nwachan SCNC Chairman Narrowly Escape Death in the Sout...

From my iPhone - Dr.  Aaron Mancho

On Mar 3, 2016, at 3:40 AM, Ngwatancho via ambasbay <> wrote:

Which SCNC is this? I wish these who think they can toy with a people can be careful. And they are bold enough to tell us about their secret movements to destroy us!! Of course these names are not strange to us. We have known them over time.

Cameroon : Thomas Nwachan SCNC Chairman Narrowly Escape Death in the South West

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Photo Thomas Nwachan

Another Assasination Attempt on the life of Thomas Nwachan SCNC Chairman in the South West region has been exposed. This was during the announced SCNC inter-factional meeting, which was supposed to hold in Kumba on the 16th and the 17th January 2016.The meeting turned out to be a trap to assassinate Thomas (5)

According to World Echoes Newspaper Group Inc. International, Thomas Nwachan himself presented the facts below for the general public to judge.
During the last week of December 2015, Mr. Theodor Leke by telephone from Mutengene invited me to attend what he termed "an urgent Southern Cameroons National Council reorganization meeting" in Kumba planned for the first week of January 2016.
I initially turned down the invitation, because of so much writing work on my desk, and I could only be available after the 15th of January 2016. So on Monday the 10th January 2016 Mr. Theodor Leke telephoned me the new date of 16th to the 17th January 2016.
I immediately telephoned Barrister Ashu in Kumba to verify if that meeting was genuine and well planned. He in turn confirmed and urged me to do everything possible to attend. Meantime, he himself had several times previously, invited me to visit him in Kumba for discussions on the Southern Cameroons question.
This time around, I began preparation in Bamenda for the journey, but six members of our Think Tank Team rejected the invitation, pointing out that the meeting had all the trappings of a set-up and, therefore, my safety was not guaranteed.
For one thing, the invitation was being made over the telephone and not by writing officially. Furthermore, the meeting was hastily called and accompanied by lots of pressure from the organizers for me to attend unfailingly. Worse still, I was being enticed with un-called for proposals.
However, I insisted and convinced the Think Tank Team that it was advisable to attend, and arguing that we might be about to miss a golden opportunity to reunite, and do many things together for the greater cause of Southern Cameroons.
So I decided to travel alone, consequent upon which one member of the team, Mr. Tita Mbamepieh Buba Yari, (Tel: 671 459 509) made up his mind to accompany me.
On the 16th of January, we left Bamenda through Mamfe where from I called Mr. Theodor Leke, who answered from a background of several voices that they were already taking off from Mutengene for Kumba.
After six dusty-hours because of the state of the Kumba-Mamfe road, which I chose in order to verify the progress of its construction, I further called Mr. Theodor Leke from Manyemen at 6:30pm to inform him that I was already just two hours from Kumba.
He congratulated me by saying "welcome" followed by a curious directive. It involves an instruction that on arrival in Kumba we should instead take a taxi to Amour Mezam bus station, far-off isolated and dark at night suburb of Kumba right across town.
I finally arrived Kumba at exactly 8:30pm and made (15) calls to Mr. Theodor Leke whose phone rang through out. He did not pick it up to answer me, even once.
With a grown suspicious and taken aback, I then decided that we should not take a room in a regular hotel. So we went and squatted the night under the cover of an ordinary Kumba town neighborhood.
Here, I could not sleep all night given the very strange responses from my supposed hosts. I woke up sooner than later and between 4:00 – 5:00 am I made 7 more phone calls to Theodor Leke. He still did not pick up my calls. These had now totaled 22 calls that were suddenly unanswered.
Sensing real danger, I decided to hurry out of Kumba in those early hours. So I hired a vehicle and quit the town at 5:00 am under cover of darkness.
Two and a half hours from Kumba, at exactly 7:20am Theodor Leke now called me. But I did not answer as well, given my deep misgivings at this time. I had to switch-off my own phone because I thought it necessary to keep them off my track.

Back in Bamenda, members of the Think Tank Team had also lost contact with us and were deeply worried. It was at 2:00pm when I arrived the West Region that they reached us through the phone of my companion.
They had also called Barrister Ashu in Kumba to ask of my where about, who indifferently responded that they were in the meeting but Thomas Nwachan, or any body from Bamenda, was not present.
I then used the occasion to instruct my collaborators to call back Barrister Ashu in Kumba and give him my companion's number so that he could now phone us, (since my phone was still switched off) and be informed why I had to live Kumba the way I did.
But despite my unexplained absence which was supposed to raise alarm within the Kumba meeting as well, Barrister Ashu did not call us until after 48 hours.
On his part, Mr. Theodore Leke has also not yet called me since these mishaps that occurred eleven days ago. By implication and strangely enough, if the issue of my disappearance was raised on the floor of the meeting, at least one person would have called us from the time I asked Barrister Ashu to do so, while in the West Region on my way back to Bamenda.
At this juncture I cannot help but seek a few pertinent answers from my supposed hosts starting with Mr. Theodore Leke;
– Sir, why did you ask me and my companion to report to a remote bus station located across the opposite end of the town late at night when we were not arriving through that transport company?
– Why did you not tell us to do the normal thing of calling you from where ever we arrived in Kumba?
– Sir, why did you not pick up your phone during 2 hours of 15 phone calls?
– Why did you yourself as our supposed host, not call us any time during the night to check if my delegation that was coming from far away finally arrived safely?
– Why did you not, for the second time answer any of our 7 follow-up phone calls early Sunday morning, the day of the meeting?
– Why did it take till 7:20am later that morning for you to react to 22 missed calls when you were supposed to be alert and waiting for a late arrival call from us?
– Why have you still not called for up to eleven days as at writing this report since the date we were supposed to appear in the meeting?
My profound apprehensions about these events is heightened by a number of scary indicators about Mr. Leke and his accomplices.
Mr. Theodor Leke still has to refute an age-old newspaper reports that as former SCNC Southern Zone Chairmen, he betrayed the movement. He accepted 30 million francs from the extremely corrupt Biya regime out of the 600 million francs bribe which I rejected and reported to the press.
It was in exchange for this booty that he and other accomplices cited in the press report became members of the government delegation to withdraw the SCAPO/SCNC case from the Banjul Court in Gambia.
The National Secretariat in Bamenda has the Court Proceedings with his name on it for anyone who wishes to verify it.
In the same vein, I want a couple of clarifications from Barrister Ashu, who encouraged me to attend the infamous Kumba re-organization meeting.
– Why did you my learned Barrister encourage me to attend a meeting that would carry such a fearful atmosphere?
– After knowing that I was on the way to the meeting, why did you Sir, not raise an alarm on the meeting floor of my unexplained disappearance?
– Why did you, Mr. Barrister, not phone me for up to 48 hours, using the telephone number of my companion, communicated to you by my collaborators back in Bamenda?
– Why have you, Mr. Barrister been unable to phone me directly for eleven days since these things happened, even though my phone number was only blocked for the first 24 hours?
– Why have you been phoning my companion repeatedly, and proposing a new meeting and not me myself, if you do not feel embarrassed by the events?
It is compelling at this juncture to note that Barrister Ashu, was the former Vice National Chairman of the SCNC faction of retired Ambassador Fossung, who was largely noted by the press to have sold out the movement. He had migrated safely to the US over six years ago whereat he lives on his own booty, much like some other so-called SCNC leaders before him.
Furthermore, the Kumba-based lawyer, who took over from his predecessor as the full National Chairman of SOCALIM, was recently booted out of the post by his Northern Zone National Executive Members, on charges of suspected corruption with the Regime.

The conclusion is logical. The so-called Kumba re-organization meeting was a booby trap to abduct Thomas Nwachan from the bus station on the outskirts of Kumba before the meeting time, such that its participants will join the world in wondering what happened to him in between.
In all, I blame the Biya Government for all the five assassination ttempts on me, I assure him that with bare arguments the Southern Cameroons will reemerge from the strangle-hold of the Republic of Cameroun with or without Thomas NWACHAN. And finally climb and sit amongst the concert of sovereign nations.



Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

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