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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Re: Trending: That Bangolan Affair: My Take"

Fon chafah should quit the throne and embrace his new found religion. The Fon traditionally is the high priest of a clan. Traditional religious beliefs do not conflict with Christianity. They in fact compliment it. Never,I say never go in to a "mfuh" house for those of you who know about the traditional war exclusive men's group and share from the palm wine served from one receptacle if you know you are unclean. If you are a member and sleep with another member's wife or hear evil planned against a fellow member and you do not disclose it please don't partake of tha communion for the consequence is death. While Christianity preaches spiritual death this association deals with physical passing on just by merely partaking of that 'holy' drink yet being unclean.
Fon Chafah might have violated some of the laws of the land given to him for proper custody and is today seeking a safe sanctuary in Christianity. Like the good old converts who were all evil men they found a safe sanctuary in xtianity where sins were forgiven 77 x 7 and not sudden death in what the Christians baptised as paganism.
Let Fon abdicate with immediate effect.
Religious tolerance means you should also respect and tolerate traditional religions. By the the two are traditional so why should the one claim superiority over the other if they both preach the goodness of God and the better lives for mankind?
Visha FAI 

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On 1 Mar 2016, at 11:56, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

30years of my reign in darkness - His Majesty Fon CHAFAH XI of Bangolan.

Testimony of His Majesty Fon CHAFAH XI of Bangolan, Secretary General of the National Council of…

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

That Bangolan Affair: My take" Fon Isaac Chafah is a personal friend and a brother. What is the issue really: that the Fon is now a member of a born-again Christ-ian church? Did the kingmakers state at the time of anointing him Fon that: thou must not become a born-again Christian? And that thou must always be a member of the so-called mainstream lifeless religious organisations? This is truly absurd! This is a form of Boko Haramisation if not another crusade and persecuting the Fon because of his religious beliefs. The issue is not even that. The issue is that these fellows burnt the governor's car and effected other destruction in the village. I am an ardent advocate for Southern Cameroons because Southern Cameroons stands for religious tolerance and a state of law and, also, a respect of tradition so long as such tradition does not perturb public order and invents religious bigots and Boko Harams. Moreover Fon Chafah is one of our judges qua magistrates. Jail the so-called kingmakers, who must be under the influence of devilish substances, and throw away the key, I say!

Ntemfac Ofege's photo.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Mr Tah Tamo, you dwell at length on religion but I am not into religion. Christ-ianity is not a religion. Christ-ianity, or what some erroneously call Christianity, is not a religion. Christ-ianity is a RELATIONSHIP; one on one, between the Lord God an...See More
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Che Wilson
Che Wilson I am fully aware that the call for the legalization of marijuana is gaining currency in certain quarters but if it causes people to question the very essence of their being and identy then enactment of such legislation should never be allowed in SC. ...See More
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Tantoh Tayah
Tantoh Tayah I think the language is hard.
We should forward our points of view not attack others please.
You May have a good point but as soon as you infringe on the rights of another, your point becomes irrelevant to the purpose you are making.
Che Wilson
Che Wilson I will go to war to protect my identity. This guy should not make unfounded public pronouncements on our belief systems , a meek attempt to market xtianity and that tchafa,s tyranny
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Ntemfac Ofege
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Tantoh Tayah
Tantoh Tayah As a journalist it is expected that you do some investigations. Your friend, the fon is not the first fon to be a born again Christian. Why is it that the people have to push him alone from the throne and not the others?
It is not expected of a fon to
destroy any cultural heritage of a people because he has become born again as it is alleged.
If the fon thinks that being born again is incomparable with being a fon, he should resign and the people will look for another.
The fon has no right whatever to force born againism down the throat of the people.
Its a very good thing to be born again but a crime to force it on a people, afterall salvation is not collective, it's personal.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Mr Che Wilson, my name is Ntemfac Ofege, spelt as such. I know that it is hard for some people to argue an issue without abusive language but please make an effort.
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Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Idolatry, or the worship of false gods, is not even a foundation teaching of Christ-ianity. It is or it ought to be a foundation lesson of humanity: so long as we accept that there is a God.
Tantoh Tayah
Tantoh Tayah So was the fon's actions correct when he destroyed the artefacts of the village ?
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Tantoh Tayah, which god do you worship?
Ntemfac Ofege
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Che Wilson
Che Wilson I don,t think i have used any derogatory or language that amounts to insult other than calling a spade a spade. Fon tchafa ,s actions are a direct attack on our cosmology and seeks to alienate and render our people dysfunctional hence the chaos in that village. Madness is madness and as far as i am concerned,a born again is spirited but not mad.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege The name is Chafah, it is an insult when you talk about folks whose name you cannot spell.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Let me show us what HYPOCRISY IS, especially the hypocrisy of these people talking. I ask them a question: Do you worship statues? If they do then they are mad. And if they do not, why do they want Fon Chafah to worship statues? Mt 23: 2 "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; 3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice.
Atenoh Vally
Atenoh Vally Ntemfac Ofege the fon has acted in breach of the custom and tradition of his people and should pay the price. Even Jesus said give what belong to Cesar to Cesar and to God to God. The tradition of the people is the tradition and should be respected unless repugnant to natural justice which is not the issue here
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege As we were then: Mt 15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
Mt 15:6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege Further more, still on hypocrisy, see this. Mt 23:16 "Woe to you, blind guides, who say, 'If any one swears by the temple, it is nothing; but if any one swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.'
17 You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that has made the gold sacred?
Atenoh Vally
Atenoh Vally Ntemfac Ofege which out fit is the fon
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege I am saying people are passing judgement based on their liking ofthe gold rather than the temple. people are passing judgement based on the statue rather than the Lord God.
Atenoh Vally
Atenoh Vally Ntemfac Ofege the bible says anything accepted on earth will be accepted in heaven and by the way was the fon not a Christian before? Fon do go to church and should be the one with more wisdom not the other way round. Leaving you chruch to an other is a sin not to talk of joining miracles churches. John chi to me is fake. Those who believes in him are those who don't think and have refuse to think.
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