Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA: l'Hopital General de Yaounde

Mr Mbog,
We will continue this conversation when you cease being a pretender and a hypocrite.
I characterize you, and very aptly too, because, like I said, you understand me very well.
Yet you pretend not to.
Vintage francophone corruption and hypocrisy: a lifestyle of calling a cat a dog, etc.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Noé MBOG [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:


I dont really know what you mean by "Lootocracy". But I would you to understand that you and I, we share the same struggle : Having a best CAMEROON !


For that struggle, you dont need to shine by disregard or insults to be undestood; and by that way as you did here, you will no longer succed in terms of audiance. In your statements, you are making against me a wrong lawsuit. That means, even if you read all what I wrote on the topic GENOCIDE ANDRE MAMA FOUDA : L' Hopital General de Yaoundé , you did not undestand what I was talking about. So many persons like Kenneth, Fru Ndeh, Saidou and many over understood that I categorically refused the opposition Anglophones / Francophones. All that you will spread in that direction will be thrown and will have no result.


We want a united CAMEROON, whith all his sons from the West to the East and from the North to the South; that is all.


Kind regards



Noé Adolin MBOG







> Message du 23/04/16 01:07
> De : "Ofege Ntemfac [cameroon_politics]" <>
> A : "cameroon_politics" <>, "ambasbay" <>, "SDF" <>, "CAMNETWORK list" <>, "FREE AMBAZONIANS" <>
> Copie à :
> Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA: l'Hopital General de Yaounde


DEN of Lions Vol 1 by Ntemfac Nchwete Ofege.
I post this lest supporters, like Mbog, continue to spread their infamy in these chambers that LOOTOCRACY is a collective effort.
It is not.

Troubadour Beti journalist (by training) and self (rent) seeker by inclination, the disingenuous Ateba Eyene, has thrown more egregrious light on the sheer weight of choice positions gratuitously offered the Bulu aggregate and then their Beti compradors by Mr Biya himself. All for inordinately little results.[1]

The following computation of who comes of where and has been what was inadvertently delivered by Charles Ateba-Eyene under fortuitous circumstances. In 2009, a guerrilla-styled petition dubbed: "Memorandum from the Centre", protesting the the imprisonment of key Ewondo bureaucrats for thieving public funds was circulated in Yaounde and on the internet. In sum, the Beti from the Centre region were protesting their tedious usage by their "brother of a president" with Dieudonne Ambassa Zang as their latest casualty.

"The centre region supports you more than all the others…yet you are arresting only proficient Beti sons,"  the authors of this mimeograph wrote.[2]

First from the starting blocks to deprecate his Beti fratas from the centre region by telling them exactly who is what was the now pretentiously erudite Ateba Eyene.

Casting caution to the winds, firing on all cylinders, and with characteristic hollow Beti bluster, posturing, harangue and imprudence, Ateba Eyene unveiled a seemingly exhaustive computation of Beti hands who have benefited from the crass Biya nepotism with state patrimony, power and positions.

"After the paradox of the south here we are with the pure witchcraft by the Centre," Ateba Eyene wrote in Le Jour.[3]

Ateba Etene's computation, as a function of a tract record of reprehensible embezzlement, corruption culture; and possibly incompetence, reads like the ultimate mayhem. It leaves every expositor of the concept called Cameroun shocked and awed. The Beti collective of the Centre region— Ewondos-Etons-Ntumu-Fang—a rather loose conflict coalition which has been inordinately supportive of Mr Biya since the man came to town in 1982, seem to won Cameroun.

The scorecard of this carnage, herein presented, is unbelievable.


1.        Mefou and Akono—Titus Edzoa and Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara have been secretaries seneral in the presidency of the republic. They are both in jail. Titus Edzoa is  impugned of pilfering 63 billion FCFA while Mebara is down for over 10 billion and counting. Etienne Ntsama, son of Ngoumou was ministerof finance and board chairman of Cameroon Airlines etc. Jean Baptiste Nguini Effa of the Mefou and Akono was director general of SCDP for more than 15 years. He is now sitting at the" posh" Quartier 18 of the New Bell Maximum Security Prison on charges of thieving 955.083.664 FCFA. Basile Atangana Kouna, still of the Mefou and Akono, is now heading Cam water. He supplants Clément Obouh Fegue (the Mouth or feedback loop of the Etenga) who lorded it as director general of SNEC for over 1/4 of a century. Clément Obouh Fegue features prominently on other lists of those who have swindled public funds. Laurent Nkodo of the Mefou and Akono is the lethal director of taxes. Jean William Solo heads Onadef, the Office of Forestry Development. After being rector of the l'University of Yaounde I, Jean Tabi Manga still of the Mefou and Akono is now the rector of the "University de Yaounde II with rank of secretary of state in the central administration. Ironically, Ngoumou, a chief town of the Beti heartland of the Mefou and Akono division looks like a war zone.




[1] Bi30.07.2008 Source: (French) TRIBAL POLITICS: Ateba Eyene reaveals the South's conspiracy.

[2] While the Memorandum from the Centre was published by Dieudon-né Mveng's La Météo n° 242 of June 1, 01 2009 and Chantal Roger Tuilé's La Tribune de l'Est, Ateba Eyene riposte was published by Le Jour and also circulated on the Internet.

[3] While the Memorandum from the Centre was published by Dieudon-né Mveng's La Météo n° 242 of June 1, 01 2009 and Chantal Roger Tuilé's La Tribune de l'Est, Ateba Eyene riposte was published by Le Jour and also circulated on the Internet.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
Furthermore, Kenneth, consider that the topic under review was the subject of a DEA thesis by this author under the supervision of Professors Njeuma, Tatah-Mentan and Boyomo-Assala.
A main point made by the late Nigerian Prof. Chinua Achebe captured my imagination in that study.

Chinua achebe's hypothetical elucidates the corellation between tribalism, competence and incompetence in the award of rewards within a state succinctly.

Achebe wrote:

"Two candidates A and B apply to fill a very important and strategic position. A has the right qualification of competence and character but is of the « wrong » ethnic group while B, less qualified, belongs to the « right » ethnic group, and so gets the job. A goes away embittered while B throws a party and proceeds to mess up the job. The greater sufferer is teh nation (state actually) itself which has to contain the legitimate grievance of a wronged citizen, accommodate the incompetence of a favoured citizen and, more important, and of greater scope, endure a greater decline of morale and subversion of efficiency caused by erratic (recruitment), performance and reward."


Chinua Achebe, The trouble with Nigeria (Enugu : Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1983_ p.19. quoted in Ntemfac Ofege « Ethnicity and Power in the Newsroom : A Statistical Presentation of Staff recruitment and Deployment in CRTV in 1993. Unpublished project report (ESSTIC : Yaounde, 1993) p. 129.

See also:

Politicization of Ethnicity : The Political Economy of Comflict Creation and Manipulation in Cameroon. Tatah Mentan. P 158-178. In Ethnies et Developpement National. Collectif Changer le Cameroun. Editions C3 and Editions CRAC. 1993

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:


It is not a matter of who was right or wrong to colonize who and for what reason.

The fact about the matter is that COLONISATION did happen and it left a sould, solid and tangible reality that has to be dealt with.

I am not into the abstract.

I deal with reality and tangibles.

Not so our francophone neighbours.

While being as francophone as a frog's legs, these people look me in the eye and LIE that the State of Southern Cameroons or West Cameroon did not benefit from a UN Vote to Independence on April 21, 1961 with effective date being October 1, 1961.

These people talk of unification or their fake reunification whereas they VOTED AGAINST Southern Cameroons joining them!


That legacy of colonization is a culture founded on the law and the respect of the law and another culture grounded on lawlessness, lie-telling and corruption.

Everything about this other culture is lawless and corrupt.

And, ethnicity or base tribalism, is a foundation of this corruption culture.

I am not saying that the prime culture does not have its own devils.

I am saying that the devils in the prime culture are afraid of the law.

If the Jacobin Napoleonic francophone system were afraid of the law and if that system respected the law then that system would dread its colonization and annexation of Southern British Cameroons.

Cultural genocide will soon be a war crime and it will a great pleasure to drag folks like Jacques Fame Ndongo thereto to answer for the crass abuse of power that has led to Anglophone victims in universities in French Cameroun.

Cultural genocide ought to be treated as a war crime.

If the Jacobin-Napoleonic system in French Cameroun were afraid of the law that system would dread inventing a government system runned like a crime syndicate with its rampant Betitisation plus Bulu-ization and Fangization of the state.

2016-04-19 15:23 GMT+01:00 Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics] <>:

> You do not wear it during the rainny season. Reason: when the pigs go
> bathing in the mud, they will come out and shake their bodies in order
> to dry it. If you are around and garbed in that shirt se will then
> know what waits you
> Keep it in you box and wear it during the mild dry season. Do not when
> it is dust period because the pigs have that strange way of breading
> that can raise a sizeable amount of dust that will damage the shirt
> That is the conundrum of having a white shirt among pigs
> Agien Nyangkwe


> On 4/19/16, Noé MBOG [cameroon_politics]
> <> wrote:
> > Oh !
> >
> >
> > I' m sorry for that white shirt ! ! !
> >
> > But what to do when you have a white shirt, and live among pigs ? ? ?
> >
> >
> > Noé Adolin MBOG
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> Message du 19/04/16 14:10
> >> De : "Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics]"
>> A :
> >> Copie à :
> >> Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA: l'Hopital
> >> General de Yaounde
> >>
> >> > You are trying to take a white shirt and wearing it on a Pig. It will
> >> immediately immerse itself in mud and sully the nice white shirt
> >> Simple truth as such. N'est ce pas?
> >>
> >> AN
> >
> style="border-top: 1px solid #aaabb6;">
>> > href=""
> >> target="_blank">
>> src=""
> >> /> >Garanti sans virus.
>> href=""
> >> target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;"> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 4/18/16, Noé MBOG [cameroon_politics]

>> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > I understand what you are talking about and I agree whith you.
> >> >
> >> > Do you see what can hapen when with such a system, you have also a lack
> >> > of
> >> > competence and qualification ?
> >> >
> >> > We have so many exemples in this case.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Noé Adolin MBOG
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> Message du 18/04/16 20:44
> >> >> De : "Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
> >> >> [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> A : "cameroon_politics"
> >> >> Copie à :
> >> >> Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA:
> >> >> l'Hopital
> >> >> General de Yaounde
> >> >>
> >> >> > Allogâ
> >> >>
> >> >> The probleme is not tha of competent people it that of a broken
> >> >> system. Even if my only Mbombock Bassomb was put there", the system
> >> >> will ruin him.
> >> >>
> >> >> What do you expect in a system where is a "conseil ministeriel"
> >> >> presided by Mr Biya once in every one or two years. Bring some one who
> >> >> studied Management by objective from UCLA to the system in Cameroon,
> >> >> his performance because, the rule, PLAN, work your Plan, evaluate your
> >> >> performance and then replan or readjust" will never take place dans le
> >> >> Cameroun des grandes réalizations
> >> >>
> >> >> Igweha
> >> >>
> >> >> Agien Nyangkwe
> >> >>
> >> >> 2016-04-18 18:02 GMT+01:00 Noé MBOG
> >> >> [cameroon_politics] :
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > If you made "the betitization or the Bulu-ization or the Fangization
> >> >> > of
> >> >> > the state" and choosed competent or qualified people, you should
> >> >> > still
> >> >> > have alive Monique KOUMATEKEL his twins and all the people dead
> >> >> > because
> >> >> > of the lack of qualification or competence.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > The first problem is then competence and qualification and it's the
> >> >> > first criteria while choosing persons whith whom you want to work !
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I don't know the words "betitization, Bulu-ization ,Fangization" I
> >> >> > used
> >> >> > them only because you did !
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Noé Adolin MBOG
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> > Message du 18/04/16 18:50
> >> >> >> > De : "Ofege Ntemfac [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> >> > A : "cameroon_politics"
> >> >> >> > Copie à :
> >> >> >> > Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA:
> >> >> >> > l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Friend:
> >> >> >> > It is not about who is competent or qualified.
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> It is about the Betitization or the Bulu-ization or the Fangization
> >> >> >> of
> >> >> >> the state.
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> 2016-04-18 17:46 GMT+01:00 Noé MBOG
> >> >> >> [cameroon_politics] :
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> > Question 1 : Do you think the answer is none? That is what I
> >> >> >>> > like
> >> >> >>> > the Army. You can't have the lower grade and
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> > occupy the higher fonction ! ! !
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> > Question 2 : People comming from CUSS dont have any rigth or
> >> >> >>> > competence to be "an officer of a hospital"
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> > ( Directeur d' Hopital) they have competence in health science
> >> >> >>> > but
> >> >> >>> > they can be
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> > Health Minister as any body, for it is political.
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> > Noé Adolin MBOG
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > Message du 18/04/16 18:12
> >> >> >>>> > > De : "'Ngassa H. Lewe'
> >> >> >>>> > > [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> >>>> > > A : "cameroon_politics"
> >> >> >>>> > > Copie à :
> >> >> >>>> > > Objet : RE: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA:
> >> >> >>>> > > l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> La question cruciale est donc de savoir, si après avoir été
> >> >> >>>> Directeur
> >> >> >>>> Général d' une Société Parapublique, le Ministre de la Santé
> >> >> >>>> Publique
> >> >> >>>> du Cameroun serait un simple licencié de l' Enseignement supérieur
> >> >> >>>> ?
> >> >> >>>> ? ? Moi, je ne veux pas le croire ! ! ! et c' est pour cela que
> >> >> >>>> je
> >> >> >>>> demande aux informateurs d' aller vérifier leurs données
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> 1-) What degree or what grade should we have done, to be director
> >> >> >>>> in
> >> >> >>>> a Parapublic company?
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> 2-) Why should we have been in CUSS to be an officer of a hospital
> >> >> >>>> ,
> >> >> >>>> or a minister of health?
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> 3-) Finally, if Pa Fru Ndeh is right to suggest that it must be
> >> >> >>>> created a hospital management faculty or business management
> >> >> >>>> faculty
> >> >> >>>> in our university etc, it cannot be the prove that a health
> >> >> >>>> minister
> >> >> >>>> must absolutely be an old CUSS student.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > > NHL
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> ________________________________
> >> >> >>>> To:
> >> >> >>>> > > From:
> >> >> >>>> > > Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:27:35 +0200
> >> >> >>>> > > Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA
> >> >> >>>> > > FOUDA:
> >> >> >>>> > > l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Bonjour Pa Fru Ndeh, bonjour aussi à Mr Ekinneh Agbaw,
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Je vous réponds à vous deux et même si vos deux écrits sont en
> >> >> >>>> anglais, je repondrai en francais pour bien garder le fil de mes
> >> >> >>>> idées.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Pour Pa Fru Ndeh :
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Le Directeur de l' Ecole Polytechnique ou les Directeur de l'
> >> >> >>>> Ecole
> >> >> >>>> Polytechnique de 1970 à 1975, sont des Professeurs de l' INSA (
> >> >> >>>> Institut Nationale des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon) s' ils sont
> >> >> >>>> encore vivants, il sont certainement à la retraite, très vieux et
> >> >> >>>> ne
> >> >> >>>> pourraient répondre à une telle question. Le Premier Directeur
> >> >> >>>> Camerounais de l' Ecole Polytechnique de Yaoundé est Mr AYINA,
> >> >> >>>> actuel
> >> >> >>>> Sécrétaire d' Etat aux Travaux Public, après avoir été pendant
> >> >> >>>> très
> >> >> >>>> longtemps Chef du Département du Génie Civil de l' Ecole
> >> >> >>>> Polytechnique. Et Mr AYINA est une très grosse pointure en Génie
> >> >> >>>> Civil, il est Docteur-Ingénieur et Professeur de rang
> >> >> >>>> internationnal,
> >> >> >>>> avec de très nombreuses publications dans des révues
> >> >> >>>> scientifiques
> >> >> >>>> internationales. Lui , il peut répondre à cette question. Il y a
> >> >> >>>> aussi, les registres ou Archives de l' Ecole Polytechnique et l'
> >> >> >>>> original même du diplôme de Mr MAMA FOUDA.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Oui, Mr MAMA FOUDA a bel et bien fait l' Ecole Nationale
> >> >> >>>> Supérieur
> >> >> >>>> Polytechnique de Yaoundé. S' il a fait le cycle de 3 ans après le
> >> >> >>>> Bac, sont diplôme est l' équivalent d' un Bachelor ( Licence), s'
> >> >> >>>> il
> >> >> >>>> a fait le cycle long de 5 ans après le Bac son diplôme est un
> >> >> >>>> Master
> >> >> >>>> II ou Master Degree.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Pour Mr EKINNEH Agbaw :
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Le système de Bac+3, Bac+4 ou Bac+5 n' a pas été inventé par les
> >> >> >>>> francophones du Cameroun et n' est pas un nonsense. Il existe
> >> >> >>>> dans
> >> >> >>>> tous les pays du monde, y compris là où vous vivez et c'est ce
> >> >> >>>> système qui vous permet de dire qu' un Ph.D est un Bac.+8.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> De plus dans ce que j' explique il n' est ni question d'
> >> >> >>>> anglophones,
> >> >> >>>> ni de francophones. Il y a des francophones qui ont fait des
> >> >> >>>> études
> >> >> >>>> dans les établissements anglophones et pays anglophones, de même,
> >> >> >>>> des
> >> >> >>>> anglophones qui ont fait des études dans des établissements
> >> >> >>>> francophones et pays francophone. La question que vous soulevez
> >> >> >>>> est
> >> >> >>>> mineure car depuis toujours, les établissements d' enseignement
> >> >> >>>> supérieur du Cameroun délivrent le même diplôme à tous. La seule
> >> >> >>>> différence aujourd' hui est au niveau du Bac et GCE.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > > La question cruciale est donc de savoir, si après avoir été
> >> >> >>>> > > Directeur Général d' une Société Parapublique, le Ministre de
> >> >> >>>> > > la
> >> >> >>>> > > Santé Publique du Cameroun serait un simple licencié de l'
> >> >> >>>> > > Enseignement supérieur ? ? ? Moi, je ne veux pas le croire ! !
> >> >> >>>> > > !
> >> >> >>>> > > et c' est pour cela que je demande aux informateurs d' aller
> >> >> >>>> > > vérifier leurs données.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Mr EKINNEH, c' est le système global au Cameroun qui a échoué, se
> >> >> >>>> ne
> >> >> >>>> sont pas les francophones comme moi qui ont échoué car Anglophones
> >> >> >>>> et
> >> >> >>>> francophones, tous sont dans le même bateau. EPERVIER a conduit
> >> >> >>>> des
> >> >> >>>> Anglophones en prison, comme des Francophones, et quand le
> >> >> >>>> Professeur
> >> >> >>>> DOOH est relevé de la Direction de l' Hôpital General de Yaoundé,
> >> >> >>>> la
> >> >> >>>> question Anglophone/francophone ne se pose pas.
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> Cordialement
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > > Noé Adolin MBOG
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> > Message du 18/04/16 16:30
> >> >> >>>>> > > > De : "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> >>>>> > > > A : ""
> >> >> >>>>> > > > Copie à :
> >> >> >>>>> > > > Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA
> >> >> >>>>> > > > FOUDA:
> >> >> >>>>> > > > l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> WHO was the REGISTRAR of POLYTECHNIC from 1970 to 1975???
> >> >> >>>>> That person or the POLYTECHNIC Registry needs to be consulted.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> Did Andre Mama Fouda actually graduate from Polytechnic?
> >> >> >>>>> If he did, what is the equivalent of his qualification?
> >> >> >>>>> Does he have an HND, that is a "Higher National Diploma"?
> >> >> >>>>> Seems to me from what I am reading below that he does NOT have
> >> >> >>>>> the equivalent of a Bachelors Degree.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> Lord Have
> >> >> >>>>> Mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Blessed Be Cameroon
> >> >> >>>>> > > > Pa Fru Ndeh
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> ________________________________
> >> >> >>>>> From: "EKINNEH Agbaw [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> >>>>> > > > To: ""
> >> >> >>>>> > > > Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 10:13 AM
> >> >> >>>>> > > > Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA
> >> >> >>>>> > > > FOUDA:
> >> >> >>>>> > > > l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Noe Mbog,
> >> >> >>>>> You have done nothing but confirmed the cacophony that
> >> >> >>>>> Francophones
> >> >> >>>>> have enmeshed in the Cameroon public service with taxonomies
> >> >> >>>>> that
> >> >> >>>>> don't make sense. This whole idea of Bac +3 and Bac+4 or Bac+5
> >> >> >>>>> is
> >> >> >>>>> sheer nonsense.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> It was just a subterfuge for Francophones to subjugate
> >> >> >>>>> Anglophones
> >> >> >>>>> to inferiority status; because Anglophones who studied abroad
> >> >> >>>>> and
> >> >> >>>>> obtained Doctorate degrees (Ph.D) are still considered as Bac+8
> >> >> >>>>> and
> >> >> >>>>> classified under the so-called Doctorat de 3eme Cycle; while a
> >> >> >>>>> Masters degree is considered a Maitrise (whatever that means).
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> And whether Mama Fouda is a civil engineer building houses or
> >> >> >>>>> roads
> >> >> >>>>> and bridges is immaterial to the fact that he has neither the
> >> >> >>>>> professional training nor the managerial acumen to head a
> >> >> >>>>> Ministry
> >> >> >>>>> as strategic as Public Health. Only in Cameroon can a man with
> >> >> >>>>> Mama
> >> >> >>>>> Fouda's pedigree be appointed Health Minister.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Francophones like you should own up to the failures of your
> >> >> >>>>> French-speaking brothers and the system of abusive patronage and
> >> >> >>>>> ethnic-inspired clientelism that they are operating in Cameroon.
> >> >> >>>>> The
> >> >> >>>>> Healthcare delivery system in Cameroon is in shambles and Mama
> >> >> >>>>> Fouda
> >> >> >>>>> has failed to rise up to the occasion and provide leadership on
> >> >> >>>>> the
> >> >> >>>>> way forward. Where he studied and however you decide to qualify
> >> >> >>>>> the
> >> >> >>>>> academic certificate he obtained is inconsequential. The logical
> >> >> >>>>> thing is for him to resign or be fired.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Your belated attempt to deviate attention from the main issue is
> >> >> >>>>> a
> >> >> >>>>> needless distraction; and you should know better.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Ekinneh
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> ________________________________
> >> >> >>>>> From: "Noé MBOG [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> >>>>> To:
> >> >> >>>>> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 9:46 AM
> >> >> >>>>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA:
> >> >> >>>>> l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Bonjour,
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Je ne réagis que sur la partie colorée en noir de ce courriel.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Les informations ci-dessous sont données :
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Mr MAMA FOUDA aurait eu son Bac C en Juin 1971 au Collège Vogt
> >> >> >>>>> de
> >> >> >>>>> Yaoundé
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Mr MAMA FOUDA serait entré en Septembre 1971 à l' Ecole
> >> >> >>>>> Nationale
> >> >> >>>>> Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Mr MAMA FOUDA serait sorti de l' Ecole Polytechnique en Juin
> >> >> >>>>> 1974,
> >> >> >>>>> c' est-à-dire 3 ans après.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Si tout ce que je viens de reproduire ci-dessus et que j' ai
> >> >> >>>>> relevé
> >> >> >>>>> dans la partie noire du mail est vrai Mr MAMA FOUDA ne peut pas
> >> >> >>>>> être
> >> >> >>>>> Ingénieur du Génie Civil, Travaux Publics et Bâtiment.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> J'invite donc celui ou ceux qui ont foruni cette information à
> >> >> >>>>> verifier la véracité des données qu' ils viennent de nous
> >> >> >>>>> fournir
> >> >> >>>>> sur MAMA FOUDA.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Pour comprendre ma réaction, je voudrais signaler aux uns et
> >> >> >>>>> autres
> >> >> >>>>> que l' Ecole Nationale Supérieur Polytechnique de Yaoundé depuis
> >> >> >>>>> sa
> >> >> >>>>> création formait :
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> 1 - Des Ingénieurs de Travaux en 3 ans après le Bac dans
> >> >> >>>>> plusieurs
> >> >> >>>>> options dont le Génie Civil.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> 2 - Des Ingénieurs de Conception en 5 ans après le Bac dans
> >> >> >>>>> plusieurs options dont le Génie Civil.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> C' est seul l' Ingénieur de Conception en Génie Civil qui est
> >> >> >>>>> réellement Ingénieur du Génie Civil. Un Ingénieur des Travaux du
> >> >> >>>>> Génie Civil n' est pas Ingénieur du Génie Civil.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Depuis plus de 10 ans, l' Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux
> >> >> >>>>> Publics ayant été créée et ne formant plus exclusivement que des
> >> >> >>>>> fonctionnaires, l' Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de
> >> >> >>>>> Yaoundé ne propose plus de formation de niveau Bac + 3 et donc
> >> >> >>>>> ne
> >> >> >>>>> forme plus d' Ingénieurs des Travaux.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Pour mémoire, une formation du niveau Bac + 3 sur le référenciel
> >> >> >>>>> international n' est rien d' autre qu' une Licence ou un Bachelor
> >> >> >>>>> et
> >> >> >>>>> ne peut en aucun cas conférer à son titulaire le titre ni le
> >> >> >>>>> grade
> >> >> >>>>> d' Ingénieur.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> La question cruciale est donc de savoir, si après avoir été
> >> >> >>>>> Directeur Général d' une Société Parapublique, le Ministre de la
> >> >> >>>>> Santé Publique du Cameroun serait un simple licencié de l'
> >> >> >>>>> Enseignement supérieur ? ? ? Moi, je ne veux pas le croire ! ! !
> >> >> >>>>> et
> >> >> >>>>> c' est pour cela que je demande aux informateurs d' aller
> >> >> >>>>> vérifier
> >> >> >>>>> leurs données.
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Pour le vocabulaire, on ne peut pas être Ingénieur du Génie
> >> >> >>>>> Civil,
> >> >> >>>>> des Travaux Publics et du Bâtiment. En effet Génie Civil =
> >> >> >>>>> Bâtiments
> >> >> >>>>> +Travaux Publics ; le Bâtiment étant le bâtiment comme le sait
> >> >> >>>>> tout
> >> >> >>>>> le monde, et les Travaux Publics dans un sens, étant les routes,
> >> >> >>>>> les
> >> >> >>>>> chemins de fer et les ouvrages d' art (les ponts et autres
> >> >> >>>>> ouvrages
> >> >> >>>>> de franchissement et les monuments) . Il y a aussi un autre sens
> >> >> >>>>> où
> >> >> >>>>> Travaux Publics veut dire travaux de la puissance publique ou d'
> >> >> >>>>> utilité publique et là, ça englobe le bâtiment, les routes les
> >> >> >>>>> voies
> >> >> >>>>> ferrées les ponts, les c' est en ce sens que l'
> >> >> >>>>> on
> >> >> >>>>> parle par exemple de l' ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TRAVAUX
> >> >> >>>>> PUBLICS; on y apprend tout ça, alors qu' à l' Ecole Nationale
> >> >> >>>>> Supérieure Polytechnique, on apprendra tout cela, en plus des
> >> >> >>>>> options comme l' Informatique, l' Electromécanique, l'
> >> >> >>>>> Electronique...
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Cordialement
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> Noé Adolin MBOG
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>> > Message du 18/04/16 01:19
> >> >> >>>>>> > De : "albert isiaka [cameroon_politics]"
> >> >> >>>>>> > A :
> >> >> >>>>>> > Copie à :
> >> >> >>>>>> > Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] GENOCIDE -> ANDRE MAMA FOUDA:
> >> >> >>>>>> > l'Hopital General de Yaounde
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>> Pa Fru:
> >> >> >>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>> Our universities should be offering degrees in healthcare
> >> >> >>>>>> management. Neither the Minister of Health, his Secretary who
> >> >> >>>>>> runs
> >> >> >>>>>> the ministry nor this doctor at Laquintini or at any major
> >> >> >>>>>> hospital
> >> >> >>>>>> have the requisite hospital management training. Ben Carson
> >> >> >>>>>> knew
> >> >> >>>>>> his place at Johns Hopkins. Expect more disasters.
> >> >> >>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>> Albert Usumanu
> >> >> >>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>> > Sent from my iPhone
> >> >> >>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>> > On Apr 17, 2016, at 5:01 PM, Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM
> >> >> >>>>>> > [cameroon_politics] wrote:
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> When President Paul Biya of Cameroon decides that someone who
> >> >> >>>>>>> studied
> >> >> >>>>>>> at POLYTECHNIC in Yaounde, NOT CUSS, you hear, people, NOT
> >> >> >>>>>>> CUSS
> >> >> >>>>>>> becomes Minister of Health, for about 10 years, inspite of the
> >> >> >>>>>>> DEATHS
> >> >> >>>>>>> throughout the national territory, one begins to wonder if
> >> >> >>>>>>> Paul
> >> >> >>>>>>> Biya is not
> >> >> >>>>>>> working in concomittance with Mama Fouda for a GENOCIDE in
> >> >> >>>>>>> Cameroon!
> >> >> >>>>>>> Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>> Many outcries to get this IDIOT removed from the Ministry of
> >> >> >>>>>>> Health have fallen on DEAF ears.
> >> >> >>>>>>> Are they planning a GENOCIDE???????????
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>> Since they are INCAPABLE of providing real health care at the
> >> >> >>>>>>> General Hospital in Yaounde,
> >> >> >>>>>>> the CEO/Directeur Generale of the Yaounde General Hospital who
> >> >> >>>>>>> is
> >> >> >>>>>>> ill has been
> >> >> >>>>>>> EVACUATED TO FRANCE .....
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>> SICK PEOPLE
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>> MAMA FOUDA André
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> lundi 25 juin 2012
> >> >> >>>>>>> 1951 - ingénieur du génie civil, ancien DG de la MAETUR,
> >> >> >>>>>>> Ministre
> >> >> >>>>>>> Né le 24 juillet 1951 à Yaoundé dans le département du
> >> >> >>>>>>> Mfoundi.
> >> >> >>>>>>> ses études secondaires au Collège François-Xavier Vogt de
> >> >> >>>>>>> Yaoundé
> >> >> >>>>>>> sont sanctonnées par le Baccalauréat C en juin 1971. Puis il
> >> >> >>>>>>> entre
> >> >> >>>>>>> à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé dont
> >> >> >>>>>>> il
> >> >> >>>>>>> sort ingénieur du génie civil, Travaux Publics et Bâtiments en
> >> >> >>>>>>> juin 1974.
> >> >> >>>>>>> Le 1er novembre 1974, il est recruté à la SIC en qualité
> >> >> >>>>>>> d'ingénieur opérationnel. Le 1er janvier 1975, il est nommé
> >> >> >>>>>>> Chef
> >> >> >>>>>>> du service de la Maintenance ; et le 1er juillet 1976, il
> >> >> >>>>>>> devient
> >> >> >>>>>>> Chef d'Agence du Littoral. Puis le 1er juillet 1979, il est
> >> >> >>>>>>> nommé
> >> >> >>>>>>> Chef de Département de Gestion Immobilière à la Direction
> >> >> >>>>>>> Ensuite
> >> >> >>>>>>> le 1er juillet 1981, il est nommé Directeur de la Gestion
> >> >> >>>>>>> Immobilière. Le 1er juillet 1986, il est appelé à assumer le
> >> >> >>>>>>> poste
> >> >> >>>>>>> de Directeur de l'Exploitation. Puis du 10 juillet 1990 au 06
> >> >> >>>>>>> décembre 1990, il assume les fonctions de DG par intérim de la
> >> >> >>>>>>> SIC. De 1991 à 2007, il est DG de la MAETUR. Depuis le 07
> >> >> >>>>>>> septembre 2007, il est Ministre de la Santé Publique.
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>> Cameroon-Info.Net :: Cameroun: Elie Claude Ndam Njitoyap, le
> >> >> >>>>>>> Directeur de lHôpital Général de Yaoundé, va se faire soigner
> >> >> >>>>>>> en
> >> >> >>>>>>> France
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> Cameroon-Info.Net :: Cameroun: Elie Claude Ndam Njitoyap, le
> >> >> >>>>>>> Directeur de l...
> >> >> >>>>>>> Cameroun: Elie Claude Ndam Njitoyap, le Directeur de lHôpital
> >> >> >>>>>>> Général de Yaoundé, va se faire soigner en France
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>>> Cameroun: Elie Claude Ndam Njitoyap, le Directeur de l'Hôpital
> >> >> >>>>>>> Général de Yaoundé, va se faire soigner en France
> >> >> >>>>>>> [image]
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> Yaoundé, 17 Avril 2016
> >> >> >>>>>>> © Liliane J. Ndangue | Cameroon-Info.Net
> >> >> >>>>>>> [image] 10 Réactions [image]
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> C'est une évacuation à l'origine de diverses controverses.
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> [image] E-Mail
> >> >> >>>>>>> [image] Imprimer
> >> >> >>>>>>> [image] Réagir
> >> >> >>>>>>> [image]
> >> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>>> Ça fait déjà plus de deux semaines qu'Élie Claude Ndam Njitoyap
> >> >> >>>>>>> le
> >> >> >>>>>>> Directeur de l'Hôpital Général de Yaoundé est parti en France
> >> >> >>>>>>> dans
> >> >> >>>>>>> la région parisienne. Après de nombreuses requêtes faites au
> >> >> >>>>>>> Ministre de la Santé publique, André Mama Fouda a finalement
> >> >> >>>>>>> autorisé l'évacuation de ce dernier. Le quotidienMutations
> >> >> >>>>>>> édition
> >> >> >>>>>>> du 13 avril 2016 indique que «les raisons de l'évacuation du DG
> >> >> >>>>>>> de
> >> >> >>>>>>> l'Hôpital Général de Yaoundé pour la France continue à créer
> >> >> >>>>>>> la
> >> >> >>>>>>> polémique». Toutefois son absence n'a aucunement altéré le
> >> >> >>>>>>> rythme
> >> >> >>>>>>> de travail dans la formation sanitaire. «Depuis son évacuation
> >> >> >>>>>>> pour Paris, l'intérim est assuré par le chef de la division
> >> >> >>>>>>> technique et médicale de l'hôpital», déclare une source.
> >> >> >>>>>>> En fait avant sa sortie du pays, le Directeur de l'Hôpital
> >> >> >>>>>>> Général
> >> >> >>>>>>> de Yaoundé a été hospitalisé au service haut standing de
> >> >> >>>>>>> l'institution sanitaire durant une semaine au mois de mars
> >> >> >>>>>>> dernier. «Il était devenu irrégulier dans son bureau depuis le
> >> >> >>>>>>> début du mois de mars. On a constaté qu'il venait au plus
> >> >> >>>>>>> trois
> >> >> >>>>>>> fois par semaine et était absent de l'hôpital le reste du
> >> >> >>>>>>> temps»,
> >> >> >>>>>>> raconte la même source.
> >> >> >>>>>>> Actuellement, le sujet au bout des lèvres à l'hôpital est son
> >> >> >>>>>>> évacuation sanitaire que d'aucuns jugent de «tardive». «Cela
> >> >> >>>>>>> fait
> >> >> >>>>>>> pratiquement six mois qu'il demande une évacuation sanitaire,
> >> >> >>>>>>> mais
> >> >> >>>>>>> le Ministre de la Santé publique avait hésité à la signer. Il
> >> >> >>>>>>> a
> >> >> >>>>>>> fallu une intervention autre pour qu'il puisse sortir du
> >> >> >>>>>>> pays»,
> >> >> >>>>>>> relate une source.
> >> >> >>>>>>> En 2015, Elie Claude Ndam Njitoyap était continuellement
> >> >> >>>>>>> absent
> >> >> >>>>>>> lors des tenues de quelques conseils d'administration. Ses
> >> >> >>>>>>> absences répétées avaient fini par être constatées. Pour
> >> >> >>>>>>> certaines
> >> >> >>>>>>> personnes il s'agissait d'«une fuite en avant». Car Charles
> >> >> >>>>>>> Etoundi le président dudit conseil avait à maintes reprises
> >> >> >>>>>>> demandé à ce que le Directeur s'explique sur sa gestion de la
> >> >> >>>>>>> formation sanitaire. Celui-ci avait brandi l'argument de son
> >> >> >>>>>>> état
> >> >> >>>>>>> de santé.
> >> >> >>>>>>> Il est à noter que d'après Mutations, l'état de santé d'Elie
> >> >> >>>>>>> Claude Ndam Njitoyap est stable. Son retour à Yaoundé est
> >> >> >>>>>>> prévu
> >> >> >>>>>>> pour cette semaine.
> >> >> >>>>>>> Liliane J. Ndangue
> >> >> >>>>>>> >
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>>
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>> > > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>> > >
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> >
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> > --
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > [image]
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the
> >> >> >> > belief
> >> >> >> > in a thing makes it happen.
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
> >> >> P.O.Box 5213
> >> >> Douala-Cameroon
> >> >> Tel. 237 673 42 71 27
> >> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> --
> >> Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
> >> P.O.Box 5213
> >> Douala-Cameroon
> >> Tel. 237 673 42 71 27
> >>
> >
> --
> Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
> P.O.Box 5213
> Douala-Cameroon
> Tel. 237 673 42 71 27




> --

> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.


> --

> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.


> --

> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.


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