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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Re: Fwd: United Nations office of Legal Affairs

Pa Zama, you stated:
[[It is a courageous decision that we adapt the name Ambazonia. But we shouldn't forget that we still have issues to settle at the UN and at the International Court of Justice where our country is known as The Southern Cameroons and not Ambazonia. We still have a long way to go before we start clamouring for name change. As at now, let us work harder to achieve the long awaited self rule.
One thing is clear, we must all, I mean all without exception work towards this goal of self rule.--Pa Zama]]

So, how far did Western Sahara go before becoming Saharawi Republic?
What status, under international law did Southern Sudan have to be independent while Southern Cameroons is under recolonization?
Let us be careful how we view this cause--for, before SCNC, etc. came to being, Ambazonia set precedence  , defined this struggle and has provided ample reason why the name-change was necessary since 1985. With that name we have secured domestic and international victories and I am baffled that we are talking sterility here, instead of moving forward and adopting the name for the entire British Cameroons.
If any of you out there are dreaming of an independent Southern Cameroons as Ambazonia, rest assured the doors of such happening have been closed by the UN Secretariat.
To answer Ofege's question, again, our matter is not one for the General Assembly to decide. It is a matter for the UN Secretariate and as far as I know, the African Union has been put on alert about the re-birth of British Cameroons, (AKA Ambazonia, if I should infere).
The latest victory of Ambazonia was in the Abuja High Court which charged and rejected Cameroun  having misled international opinion by participating in the Greentree Accord. By that, Nigeria is dealing with Ambazonia over the matter.
Our case is complicated by the various in-house factional fighting, none of which shall ever be able to dismiss precesence set by Ambazonia. Our issue is also not about name or name-change but about our right to restoration of our sovereignty.
Let's all focus on that and support the Union State/Ambazonia legal and diplomatic sorties.
J.M. Mbuh

THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA  (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons): The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form.  --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

From: 'Ofege Ntemfac' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; SCNC North America <>
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2016 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: United Nations office of Legal Affairs

Could someone, the lawyers, please explicate the following 02 documents to me?
I still fail to see how nations and states which do not have any inkling of a case as presented by Ambazonia could benefit from UN, UN Trusteeship Council and International Law foundations whereas Ambazonia does not.
I post as an interested party with family ties to the Northern British Cameroons.
 Inline image


Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

ICH: Will the Oligarchs Kill Trump? via #constantcontact
Mar 31, 2016

On Friday, April 1, 2016 11:44 PM, 'Edwin' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "'Pa Zama' via ambasbay" <>
Date: April 1, 2016 at 6:25:02 PM EDT
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: United Nations office of Legal Affairs

Dear All, 
It is a courageous decision that we adapt the name Ambazonia. But we shouldn't forget that we still have issues to settle at the UN and at the International Court of Justice where our country is known as The Southern Cameroons and not Ambazonia. We still have a long way to go before we start clamouring for name change. As at now, let us work harder to achieve the long awaited self rule.
One thing is clear, we must all, I mean all without exception work towards this goal of self rule.

Pa Zama   

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 3:27 AM, Njousi Abang <> wrote:

I support the move to adopt and use Ambazonia as the name of our state. Chief Barister Taku has said it all. Thanks so much for the insight.
Njousi Abang

On 9 March 2016 at 23:19, Martin Tumasang <> wrote:
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I strongly agree with Chief Taku. We adopt the name AMBAZONIA for practical reasons to differentiate ourselves and move on.

Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 07:03:45 +0000
Subject: Re: United Nations office of Legal Affairs

I strongly suggest that we should avoid a conjectural attempt to equivocate or draw conclusory opinions on legal opinions made on our case and or un substantiated interpretation of even UN documents. I and hopefully many other people, after careful consideration have advised and supported the use of the name Ambazonia to give our territory a distinct identity. This is not based on an interpretation of documents like the case at bar which may unintendedly breed confusion and harm the much desired unity and support for our cause. It is based on pratical commonsense considering the bad faith attempts of our adversary La Republique du Cameroun to use its own conflicting identity crisis to distract the much desire focus on our case. We are therefore anchoring our identity by adopting the name Ambazonia not because the name has a legal foundation but rather on an authentic historical and geographical justification based on our expression and assertion of a soveriegn right of self determination to do so.
The question at bar which has often been raised but wrongly considered is addressed by many distinguished authors, among them James Crawford " The Creation of States in International Law" Second Edition PP 336, 385 in which he discusses the case of the British Cameroons under UN Trusteeship. The question as Mola Njoh Litumbe and Professor Carlson Anyange have suscintly argued previously is that of the status of the people of the Southern Cameroons after the termination of the trust. The learned writer, citing several other cases, states that at the termination of the mandate, the administering authority had no right, indeed not even a residual right to hand over the territory to a third party state to annex or colonize. The residual power to ensure the exercise of the UN Charter right to eternal self determination reverts to the grantor of the trust, the UN and this rights is exercised by the General Assembly and by the Security Council. This right was never and has never been exercised in the case of the Southern Cameroons. The La Republique law annexing the territory even before the termination of the trust and the failure of the UN to supervise the termination of the trust and independence by joining or what ever so-called was a fundamental breach of International law and the UN Charter.
Chief C.Taku
On Wed, 3/9/16, 'M A N' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Subject: United Nations office of Legal Affairs
To: "yahoogroups" <>, "Ambasbay" <>, "yahoogroups" <>
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 10:46 PM

Under Article 4



Click for
original document here if the text above is not
Nations office of Legal Affairs


= = =
Please take special note of the first country
on the list is Cameroun and
bracket (Cameroon) with a
footnote 7. Then
read the footnote below and have your take. = = =


Footnote 7 -In accordance with G A Resolution
1608 (XV) endorsing the results of the separate plebiscites
conducted in the
northern and southern parts of the Cameroons under United
administration, the trusteeship status of Southern Cameroons
was terminated on
1 October 1961 upon its joining the Republic of Cameroun,
henceforth called the
Federal Republic of Cameroon comprising East Cameroon, i.e.,
formerly the
Territory of the Republic of Cameroun, and West Cameroon,
i.e., formerly the
Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom
administration. See G
A (XVI/1), Plen., 1038th mtg.. paras. 15—20. Sec also this
Supplement under
Article 76.


= = =
Was British Southern
Cameroons independent in 1960? How come Resolution 1608XV
becoming a
footnote to Cameroun that had independence 1960? Could there
be a link to the French
Cameroun admission application letters to Security Council
from France on 20
JANUARY 1960, and that from Ahidjo on the 13 JANUARY I960 to
the secretary General that
mentioned or referred to the "State of the Cameroons"?
Was it not Cameruon that was
having independence at this time (1960)? Why most there be
confusion here and
there when it comes to Southern Cameroons? Is it because we
are just southern and the same Cameroons it does not matter?
Can we fixed what affects us? Yes, only if we have unity.
Cameroon Communication Issa
Tchiroma Bakary if I am not mistaken once said Cameroon made
only one
application at the UN. Could that have been the above
documents? We had our so
called independence in 1961 and not 1960, why footnote our
1608 (XV) to a
Cameroon that had independence without us?

borders me is that, all these mixed up are being recorded in
international legal arenas. Will it one day set
legal precedence given our care-free attitude towards what
affects us? = = =




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