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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Re: [cameroon_politics] Tribute to Hon Prof Agbor Tabi

Please ignorance and tribalisme is getting unbearable in this forum, the passing of Prof Agbor Tabi, should not make him a devil nor an angel he was not and could not be because in the setting that brought him to the limelight, no minister can say he made and implemented policies not even the embezzlement and tribalisme business in which the country is being burried. Let Mr "Agbor Enow Augustine know from today that Prof Agbor Tabi had no ability to introduce 50 000 and not to talk of creating other universities as Buea, and so on. The idea originated in 1974 when the lonely university funded and managed by a french public foundation was handed back to Cameroon in 1973, That is why most then Universities centres opened their doors in 1977. More to that Prof Titus Ezoa presented as Prof Agbor Tabi mentor master minded the brutal way the purported reforms were implemented.Last but one thing, from 9 to 19 millions cameroonains makes no sense in this debate especially with regards to funding the universities, because of the very low level of university enrollment, as member of the university community i can tell you that in 2016 we still have less than 250 000 students and a civil service of maximum 200 000. comparatively cuba with a population of 11 millions shows more than 600 000 students or Israël with barely 6 million has a public service of more than 500 000. The problem with cameroon is as someone said in reaction to this debate the misdirected public funds.
Dr F Ernest

Le Samedi 30 avril 2016 1h23, Julius Acham <> a écrit :

Mr Enow,
You wrote " Imagine a scenario today where our population has moved from 9 million to 19 million, and our broke government was expected to still provide totally free education.
Who told you we have a broke Government?. You do not read the billions embezzled and  stashed by officials here and there?  Billions hoarded in ceiling, in private homes, in vaults on the ground and in bushes/Mountains?
I do not like the taste in this discussion when one dies, but just correcting you on this point. CAMEROON IS NOT BROKE. Money is being misdirected and stolen.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
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Indeed the gentleman implemented reforms that were not sustainable during the Ahidjo days.
It must have been very, very tough for him especially with the students who may have burned
their mandats from one faculty to another.  And also students who were over 25.

Then you have the really HEADY and PIGHEADED type of bad students like
Jean-Bosco Tagne as well, making the job of implementing World Bank reforms
all the more challenging.  People like Jean-Bosco Tagne had chopped epsy at least
3 years before the reforms. 
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "SAIDOU [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Tribute to Hon Prof Agbor Tabi

 Dear All,

Late Prof Agbor Tabi DID NOT introduce NOR CHAMPION the payment of 50 000 CFA as university fees. That was a World Bank policy that was instructed to Cameroon. Agbor Tabi simply found himself there at the time.

Let us honour the dead and observe some decorum, on spite of whatever we hold against him.
University of Yaounde I,
Yaounde, Cameroon
237 699 91 69 34
237 242 81 91 10

De : "'Mannu T.' [cameroon_politics]" <>
À : "" <>
Envoyé le : Jeudi 28 avril 2016 21h09
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Tribute to Hon Prof Agbor Tabi

"This is the best policy a politician ever made in Cameroon. This policy gave birth to the other universities that we have today in Cameroon...... Again without the new policies instituted by Dr. Agbortabi, there would be no University of Buea, Bamenda, or Dschang. (Agbor Enow)

"We graduated from these Universities with honors, so
where are the jobs?" ( the guy riding bensikin on the left)

From: "Agbor Enow Augustine [cameroon_politics]" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Tribute to Hon Prof Agbor Tabi

If the hate towards Professor Agbortabi is just because he championed the policy to make students pay a merger 50,000 FCFA in tuition, then some people hate themselves. This is the best policy a politician ever made in Cameroon. This policy gave birth to the other universities that we have today in Cameroon. The free education was an ill-conceived policy from a poor nation like Cameroon. Moreover, we had only one over-crowded university, with some students burning their 'mandate' there for five to ten years. Again without the new policies instituted by Dr. Agbortabi, there would be no University of Buea, Bamenda, or Dschang. At least the 50,000 paid by students can pay for daily expenditures in each university, while the government covers the salaries of lecturers and staff. Agbortabi was a visionary, at least in instituting this policy. Imagine a scenario today where our population has moved from 9 million to 19 million, and our broke government was expected to still provide totally free education.

The outcome of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I became mature and cooked And I was burned into nothingness.                            Rumi

On Thu, 4/28/16, dinga louis [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Tribute to Hon Prof Agbor Tabi
To: "Francis Njung [cameroon_politics]" <>, "" <>
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016, 5:59 AM



                Late Pr. AGBORTABI Peter had free education
plus allowances from secondary school to whatever
educational qualifications he attained but turned round and
closed the door for others when he became Minister of Higher
Education etc. He deprived the children of the poor from
benefiting from what he had benefited. Let us allow Mother
Nature to judge him.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for

Thursday, April 28, 2016, 09:32, Francis Njung [cameroon_politics]




----- Forwarded Message -----
  From: "kenneth
Nkwain [AFOaKOM]"
  Sent: Thursday, April
28, 2016 1:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFOaKOM]
Tribute to Hon Prof Agbor Tabi



                Bobe njousi , while singing his praises just
remember how many students this barga killed in ngoa- kele
 just to rise to prominence. Remember when his imposed
tuition and the student body code named "
parliament" rose in denial, how many students got
drowned in the lake at bonas and the bameleke student who
was burnt or roasted with acid just to prove to the students
that they must pay their tuition and him telling the Anglos
that education wasn't meant for the poor ... By then I
was only a little boy in 5eme in CBA. Ask my seniors and
they'll tell u more about this devil of a human being
and like his predecessor NKWAIN may he never find peace with
the lord nyamfukas  

Sent from Yahoo Mail for

Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 5:22 PM, Njousi Abang [AFOaKOM] <>


When news trickled out and was confirmed
by many news organs that at last the Rt Hon Prof Agbor Tabi
had passed on to eternity, Facebook was animated with
tributes and sometimes gibes. May I seize this opportunity
to say may his soul and those of the faithful departed rest
in perfect peace as we continue the battle for life and
quest for eternal rest in God's Kingdom.

I came to know Prof
Agbor Tabi in Yaounde when he was the Minister of Higher
Education. I remember that in his performance in that
office, he made himself grow above the second class rated
position which many Southern Cameroonians have arrogated to
themselves. He was the alpha and omega of his ministerial
department. His signature was strong and his voice was heard
as illustrated by those who were able to enjoy his largess.
He did not allow subordinates to disturb him at all and or
call him names. Like Prof B. Fonlorn, he shaped things the
way he wanted without a complex but paid unalloyed support
to the regime he served so his fortunes rose and fell with
those of the regime. He did the Cameroonian thing so well.
Hence the cow fed where it was tethered to the glory of his
people except those on his blacklist. You will remember that
in Cameroon those who do not support your master are on the
wrong side of history. Those who fell out with him did so
simply on this score. Again many fault all those who wanted
the highest office set aside for Southern Cameroonians in
the mindset of the leaders of the fake jumba marriage with
la republique so you cannot hold anyone for being ambitious
to a fault. I believe he could have made himself greater if
God had given him the chance but now he has fallen. After
this remorsefully great loss, what remains are the lessons
to be learned for the benefit of the living.

Lesson number
one: Serve God and do His biding for the sake of his
Lesson number two: What goes
up must come down hence be humble and do the right for the
greater good of humanity not the self for naked you came and
naked you will go. Our brethren leaves behind achievements
and dreams unaccounted and takes away only what God
originally gave him which is live.
Lesson number three: We come from
somewhere hence we need to pay allegiance to where God
placed us as a light to the downtrodden. We cannot afford to
look at the other side when our people suffer persecution
and underdevelopment etc.
number four: Do not leave your people to suffer while
you support the foreigner and sometimes against the wishes
of your people.
Lesson number
five: Love one another without discrimination. At the
end of life, you cannot bury yourself. Your achievements
cannot arise and bury you. They actually stand aside
especially when they are material. Only people do. Put
people first in all human endeavours.

Adieu Prof. RIP. You fought a good fight
but God prefers you to rest so others may learn lessons and
act better for His greater good and glory.
Njousi Abang












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