However, a black man is POTUS but not of the GOP. This is a significant difference, because the WASP dominated GOP is bound to look at Carson's candidacy with quiet irritation and just couldn't wait to see him fall off the radar. It thereafter fits that a smart way of ever having black man as veep with a possibility of succeeding POTUS where the constitution would demand it would be to cleverly eliminate him by saddling a principled man like Carson with the task of hunting for the veep. He'd rather not lose his moral high ground by nominating himself for the job.
On Clinton and BlackLivesMatter, that pally is the side antithetical to the thesis of the current woeful race relations in America! What with Trayvon Martin and others that have been callously wasted on the streets of America; and the hell that blacks and minorities are generally facing in the US, joining the initiatives to stop the black man from annihilation by redneck police forces isn't "black racism". Do a double-take on this and you'll most probably come to agree.
Btw EN, it's a pleasure chatting with you.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 30 May 2016, at 3:12 PM, 'Esu Ndzem-Usu' via ambasbay <> wrote:
> CUE, my friend
> I grew up in an era of pen-pals/friends. Most of the people who write on social media such as facebooks, linkedin, yahoogroups, etc.. i have never met. Thankfully I know a handful of them. That is just good enough. We can share views even without having met. That is the beauty of the world we live in today.
> On the issue of race, you initially thought it was a feeble argument. Now, you consider race as the most important issue preventing you from supporting the Trump campaign. You argued that "appointing a black man Carson as head of his VP pick team means blocking the black man from becoming president himself. How could this be, many would ask? A black man is currently POTUS. Carson and Trump competed to become POTUS and Carson's campaign did not get the tracking needed. So how does appointing a black man make Trump a racist? You also alluded to the KKK, the equivalent of the "black lives matter" movement. Trump distanced himself, though reluctantly from the white supremacy group. When will Clinton distance herself from the "Black lives matter" black resistance movement? If racism is bad, White or black racism are equally bad. You seem to acdjol Clinton's support for "Black Lives Matter" by criticize Trump's rejection of a KKK endorsement.
> Enjoy the day wherever you find yourself. The WWW has made us friends.
> EN
> "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson
> "There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel
> --------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 5/25/16, Osagbemwonrhue uwensuyi-edosomwan [camnetwork] <> wrote:
> To:
> Cc:, "Next Kenya" <>, "Herrn Edward Mulindwa" <>, "Eddie Cross" <>, "Defsec" <>, "DEFSEC 2" <>
> Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 3:20 AM
> EN!
> CUE has never met you but he thinks you're sincere in
> your erroneous views if not sometimes (begging your pardon)
> naive. Don't you see that appointing the most
> high-profile black politician as the chief head-hunter for
> his Veep deftly excludes that same principles black man from
> recommending himself for the job? (Chuckles)
> Trump who refused to distance himself from the kkk isn't
> racist?
> (Chuckling still)
> Cheers,
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 24 May 2016, at 11:07 PM, 'Esu Ndzem-Usu'
> via ambasbay <> wrote:
>> CUE
>> I thought you said pointing out that Trump was not
> racist was feeble. Race becomes important when you judge his
> persona as "reeking racism" Sorry my friend, I
> have not met a white racist who appoints a black man-Ben
> Carson-the head of his VP pick committee. Is there something
> specific in Trump's persona that buttresses your
> assertion? One thing I know for sure is that there are black
> racists too. Who knows if..
>> EN
>> "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."
> --Thomas Jefferson
>> "There may be times when we are powerless to
> prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we
> fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel
>> --------------------------------------------
>> On Tue, 5/24/16, Osagbemwonrhue uwensuyi-edosomwan
> [camnetwork]
> <> wrote:
>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] WHAT WILL TRUMP DO ON HIS
>> To:
>> Cc:, "Next Kenya"
> <>, "Herrn Edward
> Mulindwa" <>, "Eddie
> Cross" <>,
> "Defsec" <>,
> "DEFSEC 2" <>
>> Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 3:39 PM
>> EN,
>> You seem to want to draw distinctions, no matter how
> feeble!
>> Why don'tcha add another? Afterall Trump is
> American and
>> Hitler was what? Maybe a German. The whole of
> Trump's
>> persona is reeking with racism.
>> CUE
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 24 May 2016, at 4:26 PM, 'Esu Ndzem-Usu'
> via
>> ambasbay <> wrote:
>>> CUE
>>> Invoking Hitler means you put both on the same
> plate.
>> Nothing in common with both. Hitler preached the
> supremacy
>> of the Caucasian race. Trump does not. He is not even
> close
>> to being termed a racist. Hitler was angry with
> businessmen-
>> Jews. Trump is himself a businessman helping and
> teaching
>> others how to become rich. I can go on. Wonky or mad
> man,
>> Trump is not. Businessman turned politician, that is
>> Trump.
>>> EN
>>> "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to
> God."
>> --Thomas Jefferson
>>> "There may be times when we are powerless
> to
>> prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when
> we
>> fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> On Tue, 5/24/16, Osagbemwonrhue
> uwensuyi-edosomwan
>> [camnetwork]
>> <> wrote:
>>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] WHAT WILL TRUMP DO ON
>>> To:
>>> Cc: "Next Kenya"
>> <>, "Herrn
> Edward
>> Mulindwa" <>, "Eddie
>> Cross" <>,
>> "Defsec" <>,
>> "DEFSEC 2" <>,
>> "Ambasbay"
> <>
>>> Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 9:38 AM
>>> EN:On mad men, you'd be
>>> shocked! But for Hitler's miscalculations on
> the
>> opening
>>> of the eastern front which showed him up as
> impervious
>> to
>>> Napoleon's hard lessons on opening an eastern
> front
>> when
>>> the Iberian peninsula campaign wasn't going
> well,
>> the
>>> world would have been majorly tempered by the hands
> of
>> a mad
>>> man! You dare compare Trump's puny business
>> achievements
>>> with Hitler's rejuvenation and reinvention of
> a
>>> humiliated and prostrate Germany?CUE does not
> see
>>> any basis for comparison between the two and yet
> Hitler
>> was
>>> to CUE, clearly a wonky man.CUE
>>> Sent from my
>>> iPhone
>>> On 24 May 2016, at
>>> 2:05 PM, Esu Ndzem-Usu
>>> [camnetwork] <>
>>> wrote:
>>> My friend CUE
>>> A mad man does not run a great family and own a
> $6
>> billion
>>> business.
>>> EN
>>> "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to
>> God."
>>> --Thomas Jefferson
>>> "There may be times when we are powerless
> to
>> prevent
>>> injustice, but there must never be a time when we
> fail
>> to
>>> protest." -- Elie Wiesel
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> On Sat, 5/21/16, Osagbemwonrhue
> uwensuyi-edosomwan
>>> [camnetwork] <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] WHAT WILL TRUMP DO ON
>>> DAY IN THE WHITE HOUSE ?? [1 Attachment]
>>> To:
>>> Cc: "Next Kenya"
>> <>,
>>> "Herrn Edward Mulindwa"
>> <>,
>>> "Eddie Cross"
>> <>,
>>> "Defsec"
> <>,
>>> "DEFSEC 2"
> <>,
>>> "Camnet"
>> <>,
>>> "Ambasbay"
>> <>
>>> Date: Saturday, May 21, 2016, 12:34 PM
>>> [Attachment(s) from Osagbemwonrhue
>>> uwensuyi-edosomwan included below]
>>> People,Trump may be a mad man
>>> but is now a proven serious candidate that
> America
>>> should
>>> take seriously.CUE
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 21 May 2016, at 2:51 PM, 'Herrn Edward
>>> Mulindwa'
>>> [camnetwork] <>
>>> wrote:
>>> TRUMP: 'I will get rid of
>>> gun-free zones on schools' my first day in
> the
>> White
>>> House·
>>> Colin
>>> Campbell<image006.jpg>AP Photo/Charles
>>> KrupaDonald Trump.Real-estate mogul Donald Trump
>>> ended his Thursday-night campaign rally by
> calling
>> for
>>> an
>>> end to so-called gun-free zones on schools and
> US
>>> military
>>> bases."I will get rid of gun-free
>>> zones on schools — you have to — and on
>> military
>>> bases
>>> on my first day. It gets signed my first
> day,"
>> the
>>> Republican presidential front-runner told his
>> supporters
>>> in
>>> Burlington, Vermont."You know what a
> gun-free
>>> zone is to a sicko?" Trump asked.
>> "That's
>>> bait."Trump's rally was occurring at
>>> the same time as US President Barack Obama's
>>> televised
>>> town-hall forum addressing gun violence. Obama
> has
>>> repeatedly called for gun-control measures after
>> recent
>>> mass
>>> shootings and took executive
>>> action this week to
>>> expand background checks on gun buyers, among
> other
>>> things.But Trump argues that more people
>>> need to be carrying arms to protect the
>>> innocent.His allusion to gun-free military
>>> bases was apparently a reference to the attacks
>> against
>>> two
>>> military installations in Chattanooga,
> Tennessee,
>> last
>>> July.
>>> His gun-free schools comment could have been
>> referring
>>> to
>>> the mass shooting at an Oregon community college
>> last
>>> October, though concealed firearms were
> reportedly
>>> allowed there.But far more of Trump's
>>> Thursday gun-control discussion was about the
>> recent
>>> terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, California,
>> and
>>> Paris.
>>> Both of those incidents, he suggested, would
> have
>> been
>>> easily thwarted if those areas had looser
>> gun-control
>>> laws
>>> and an armed public."They walk into a
> number
>> of
>>> places in France, and they say, 'Get
> over.'
>>> Boom.
>>> 'Get over.' Boom. 'Get over.'
> Boom.
>>> Nobody
>>> had a gun on the other side," Trump
> recalled.
>> If
>>> the
>>> people there were armed, he said, "It's
> a
>> whole
>>> different outcome. It's a whole different
>>> deal."He added: "You'll have
>>> bad stuff happening, but at least we're
>> shooting
>>> back.
>>> And we're going down shooting."SEE
>>> I'll
>>> go down 5 points in the polls by saying this, but
> I
>>> think
>>> Obama's tears were realNOW WATCH: Watch
>> President
>>> Obama break down during an emotional speech on
> gun
>>> violenceh EMOn the 49th
>>> Parallel Thé
>>> Mulindwas Communication Group
>>> "With
>>> Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza
> Besigye,
>>> Uganda
>>> is in anarchy"
>>> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano
>>> Kikundi
>>> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni,
>>> Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
> katika
>>> machafuko"
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>> li:last-child {
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>>> }
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> li:last-child {
>> border-right:none !important;
>> }
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> #yiv1566338564 #yiv1566338564 --
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> border-right:none !important;
> }
> #yiv1566338564
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