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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

RE: [MTC Global] [Brain Storming] Traffic problems in Indian city

There are some good suggestions by Mr. Chandrasekar and this may vary from place to place.  However I propose the  3 fold approach each with 10 points for a complete solution that may be common across any city:
a) Redesign traffic management Process 
b) Managing by right People   
c) Infrastructure improvement and Technology deployment
Redesign traffic management Process 
1. Study of traffic movement throughout the year. Identifying the peak seasons or days, routes and pain points, peak hours and duration of traffic congestion. 
2. Redesign may vary from place to place. It can be one way traffic and roads to be identified as in Kolkata or odd even strategy like Delhi
3. Setting up of central traffic monitoring team and instant escalation of traffic bottleneck or anticipated bottleneck to the monitoring team through exceptions detection of traffic pattern (pattern recognition technology)
4. Trend analysis of what is going to be the traffic flow picture after a year with increasing number of vehicles. How exceptions are to be handled, when there is a sudden public meeting, natural calamities like cloudburst etc.
5. Introduce more of predictive practice in traffic flow - traffic should not wait for more than one minute in any signal. Auto escalation of traffic bottleneck to the control which will be translated in terms of waiting line performance measures (application of queuing theory). This would also help in detecting the root cause.
6. Spreading mass awareness on traffic rule, safety practice through educating common people, using student volunteers to assist traffic personnel
7. Introduce heavy penalty for rash driving, implement 'no parking' on arterial roads
8. Introduce system for analyzing one week traffic flow in critical roads, junctions of the city and determine whether the process to be overhauled or management should be efficient or more people required 
9. Use of social networking site, big data technology to gather and analyze citizen feedback 
10. Document blueprint of process and its execution. Review every six months to identify its residual weaknesses and improve

Managing by right people
1. This being a service to the society and citizen, the role of people is most important 
2. Deployment of efficient traffic personnel at the vulnerable crossings, junctions during peak hours. Some traffic personnel have that inherent skill to handle those complex traffic scenario. I have seen that an efficient traffic personnel can smartly tackle traffic jam.
3. Central traffic monitoring team may comprise of brilliant officers in traffic management.
4. Look at the environment aspects of operations  - setup comfortable control kiosks for traffic guards (it is painful during peak summer)
5. Set targets on the personnel and evaluate their performance, reward and motivate them for good work
6. Listen to the views of the efficient people and consolidate them to enrich value to their suggestions. Because they operate on the roads, they would know the problems better.
7. Make use of the expert services of the retired employees. Lend a patient hearing to their dreams.
8. People who are good in traffic management should be allowed to continue there only, provided they are equally keen.
9. Conduct training program for traffic personnel, teach them about how to use technology for traffic management
10. Depute senior officers to study traffic management in the cities of developed nations

Infrastructure improvement and Technology deployment
1. Construct more flyovers where traffic congestion might be anticipated in the next 5 years
2. Improve road conditions. Only arterial roads are found to be in good shape in most cities. 
3. More road areas for smooth traffic flow
4. Construct more underground superfast highways, as surface areas are soon going to be saturated with growing influx of traffic
5. More public subways equipped with escalators at the important junctions. People not using subways while crossing should be fined.
6. There should be adequate centers equipped with breakdown vehicles and ambulances 
7. Connect traffic control room with major locations through IoT
8. All railway crossings should have flyover or underground passage
9. All arterial roads should be fenced to prevent people walking on the road 
10. Use of drones to monitor traffic.

Dr (Mr) Supriya Biswas

Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 05:03:25 +0000
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [Brain Storming] Traffic problems in Indian city

1. Construct steel or concrete over-bridge near every school on the main roads
2. Bus bay in each bus stop 
3. Minimum distance between two bus stops should be 300 meters
4. No bus stops in the corner of  Roads
5. Autos not to stop near the bus bays
6. No bus stops without shelters 
7. No bus stop should be opposite of each side of the road.
8. No over taking of buses in the bus bay. 
9. Buses should not stop other than in the Bus bay.
10. Cars should not be sold unless they have parking place in the house/flat. 
11. Road dividers near the circles and signals
12. No horn between 9.00 p.m. to 9.00 a.m.
13. Four & two wheeler Parking for shopping complex/malls/super markets should be made compulsory. 
14. No schools on the main roads.
15. Distance between two schools should be 250 meters in the city.
16. Parents who come to schools to pick up their ward should be allowed inside the school campus and not to be picked up on the roads.
17. Parents who do not wear helmets should be warned by the school management. 
B-School & Corporate Trainer
Subasri Nivas, 13 & 14 
R R Meadows Apartments Road
Uttarahalli, Bengaluru 560 061

From: Prof. Bholanath Dutta <>
To: join_mtc <>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 May 2016 10:03 AM
Subject: [MTC Global] [Brain Storming] Traffic problems in Indian city

I would like to  hear your opinion on solution for traffic problems in India.. What are some best solutions you can think of to improve traffic on Indian streets?  Odd-Even strategy in Delhi is a success story. 

We can send the report to Government after we a have good discussion on the subject.

Best Regards.

Prof. Bholanath Dutta
Founder &  President 
MTC Global: An Apex Global Advisory Body
in Management Education, ISO 9001: 2008
Partner: UN Global Compact I UN Academic Impact
Cell: +91 96323 18178 / +91 9964660759
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