More "Super Grease"to your elbows Master Tah Mfar Mishe FON.Brilliant minds and people of good conscience are learning ALOT from each word,sentence or analysis you type and make here on this forum.Any man or woman out to eliminating you will eliminate themselves before seeing the light of day in the name of "TRUTH".You are worth 1000times even Ministers serving in Biya's regime.Seriously,without your contributions to this forum,most would'nt remained suscribed here.
May God subtract one day of my days here on earth and add to yours. Long Live Fon Mishe Tah Mfah.
NB:"I mean "ONLY ONE",papa God,no go take more,me too I need my days.
Fai Ngahchangong.

On Saturday, April 30, 2016 1:38 AM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Let me tell those Cameroonian desperado gangbangers and all those moronic clowns involved in this so-called macabre plot to eliminate or stop me from speaking or writing THE TRUTH.
I got the message, but here is the deal:
I am not afraid of death. If my death will occur because of your diabolic be it. It is called "Predestination". No one of wuna, no Atomokwor, no amount of Ngambe,  knack sep 24/7 Aladura prayers, go sep go bring Naija Prophets, put sep Poison 4 my Nduh: YES, you bunch of nincompoops, Natty can stop Die when it comes. Continue to have your nightly telephonic vigils and incantations on how to put an end to my "miserable" life. Well, again so you know: I have been ready for that eventuality for a very long time now. I no dey fia Die. Na road 4 all man. I will never go into hiding because of the threats of a small "echantillonage" of adult delinquent pugnacious scoundrels (Wetin I do wuna? I teep wuna ngah dems? By the way sef, who tell wuna say 4 teep ara man ngah na bad ting?) moronic goons and faceless cowards. Get lost. Call me any names that prick your fancy, foorisse peepoo. If eliminating me acts as an adrenaline booster to your already dishevilled Njang-Mbins or as my late "friend" Microwave Nguni used to put it so succinctly in a language he mastered so well: "rejuvenation of paralyzed kannas", make wuna Go 4 B 4 ana Neeguise. Wuna kam see me see trobu. Nonsense. When I meung, make wuna stay fain ya 4 dis grung.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon
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