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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Cameroon – Brenda Biya: First daughter says she is suffering from hyperthyroidism, and many more!

Posted by Martin Tumasang

[cameroon_politics] Cameroon – Brenda Biya: First daughter says she is
suffering from hyperthyroidism, and many more! Boîte de réception

Since the publication of this video in which we see Brenda Biya
holding a knife and approaching the window with threats and abusive or
vulgar language, much ink and saliva have sunk as is customary after
all media outlets of the girl.

The video has created a wave of controversy on the web and in the
Cameroonian media. Some were suspecting video faked by a certain clan
to undermine the presidential family. On the Web and proxy media,
experts of all kinds clashed trying to demonstrate that it is not
Brenda in this video, but rather a set up. That no! Brenda Biya in
another video, this time on Periscope, confirms that it is indeed her
in the video holding a knife.

In an interview with her fans on her Preriscope account, the
president's daughter reveals in the video she was struggling against a
bodyguard (because he was sacked) and driver and other people she
could not identify. The First Daughter stressed that she was attacked
to extort money from her by taking advantage of her health status; a
very fragile health for several years.

She reveals to her fans that he suffers from Thyroid disorder for over
3 years, precisely hyperthyroidism. The disease was detected while she
was losing weight This gland located at the base of our neck,
regulates, among others, our mood, our weight and our sex life. This
news thus precludes any rumor about a drug overdose. She reassures
that she does not do drugs and that the Chicha she likes consuming is
not a drug. For now, she says, she is still under this hormonal
disorder but is doing better and better.

In this exchange, Brenda Biya also reassures that she has no problem
with her mother as assumed many users. This disorientation that led
her to be a little difficult with her parents is is due to
hyperthyroidism. The girl says that her parents are very attentive and
admits to being their priority.

The little princess who that day celebrated her 19 years anniversary
responded to a question from one of her followers on her relationship
with Samuel Eto'o. She therefore held to say that it is also an excess
of imagination of Cameroonians. She respects Samuel and is full of
admiration for the new couple.

The young girl who is presently in Switzerland is eager to return to
her beloved California, did not hesitate to remind that her best song
for the moment is "Margo" by artist Locko.

Through her statements on her Periscope account, Brenda Biya, has
tried to silence all the rumors that have all swollen in recent months
on the internet.

Read more:

Posted by: Martin Tumasang <>

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