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Saturday, June 4, 2016


Say it Loudly and Proudly

My dear and respectable Profs of Buea and Bamenda

Do not let the future of our dear children be spoiled by blokes

Agien Nyangkwe

On 6/4/16, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> Mark Bareta <>
> 6 hrs <> ·
> In a late afternoon move on Friday June, 3rd 2016, all Heads of Departments
> (HODs ) of the University of Buea (UB) and Bamenda (UBa) said NO to
> harmonization. The Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo
> looked visibly shocked that lecturers from these two universities stood
> their grounds in Yaoundé and spoke with one voice. They told the Minister
> who had used the LMD as an excuse to call for harmonization that the
> Anglophone system remains the best and if there is a need for any
> harmonization, then the Francophone universities in the country must go the
> Anglophone way.
> God is still saying something.
> <>
> <>
> The Cameroun government has been planning for years to harmonize academic
> programmes in the Cameroons state universities. Such a move received
> fierce…
> Like
> <>
> Comment
> <>
> Share
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> 88Che Wilson, Boniface Niba and 86 others
> <>
> Comments
> 49 of 55
> View previous comments
> <>
> [image: Fred Awomah Achondoh]
> <>
> Fred Awomah Achondoh <> Well
> if harmonization means making university curriculum similar to
> international standards then its a good move. International standards all
> move towards the English system why is our case different. But I think the
> government just want to further frustrate the young generation. Nigerian
> universities are not full yet. We can still go the Nigerian direction. Yes
> or oui?
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 5 hrs
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> McEden Wangang replied · 4 Replies · 3 hrs
> <>
> [image: Mark Bareta] <>
> Mark Bareta <> Fred Awomah
> Achondoh <> that is not
> what the government want. Listen to what one lecturer wrote. "You cannot be
> talking about harmonization of university programmes. Universities are
> created based on the needs of society and each of them must have their
> s...See
> More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 5 <> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Fred Awomah Achondoh]
> <>
> Fred Awomah Achondoh <> Ma
> brother. That's a good piece of information. I am pleased you pointed this
> out
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Bomi Jack] <>
> Bomi Jack <> Very good
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Nkeng Nkeng] <>
> Nkeng Nkeng <> Wow ,this is
> interesting to know. Had it been it had been done like this in all the
> sectors things would have been different by now.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Petrus Tonus Ngongus]
> <>
> Petrus Tonus Ngongus <> Hail
> to the UB and UBa heads of departments for their unanimity! I pray they
> persist with that welcome move, shunning away all sell-outs whom might mar
> the process by secretly allying with the minister of Higher Education as
> usual for their egoistic motives.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 3 <> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Cyprian Lionel Junior]
> <>
> Cyprian Lionel Junior <> I hope
> opposition leaders in Cameroon can learn from this.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 <> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Konfor Zack] <>
> Konfor Zack <> They have done
> well by saying NO and should keep their stand. At least they are not
> selling the future of the unborn generation like others did in 1961.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 <> · 5 hrs
> <>
> [image: Amstrong DaBrain]
> <>
> Amstrong DaBrain <> Thank
> ya Bareta for keeping us updated. Them go bow..
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 4 hrs
> <>
> [image: Aaden Karl] <>
> Aaden Karl <> Thanks for updates
> and also for firmed decision taken by these heads of departments(hods).
> Hope some of them wouldn't be bribed to set confusion as usual ?
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 4 hrs
> <>
> [image: Sen Forfeke Mofor]
> <>
> Sen Forfeke Mofor
> <> Myself
> agst that. If I consider how the system of education was during my studies
> both in Dschang and douala universities(Module system), it's quite
> different from the anglo-saxon system of education. French universities
> does both political science an...See More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 4 hrs
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> [image: Ceo Davis] <>
> Ceo Davis <> good work bro
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 4 hrs
> <>
> [image: Eric Akanji] <>
> Eric Akanji <> I totally agree
> with the minister. A French says anglo-fools because anglophones react
> before the come back to their reasoning. It pays nothing to fostrate a
> policy which have been carefully thought of and it had worked
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 3 hrs
> <>
> [image: Eric Akanji] <>
> Eric Akanji <> Which has
> worked internationally because it does not match with what they think is an
> Anglophone system. The minister does not just get up one day and say I want
> to implement a policy. Government policies are carefully studied and every
> motivation is c...See More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 3 hrs
> <>
> Kisitor Ngong replied · 1 Reply
> <>
> [image: Monah Zealia] <>
> Monah Zealia <> Talk with
> facts' don't state yr opinions & expect everyone to succumb! Is not a
> matter of anglophones or francophones..& if that be the case I think
> francophones need to do a review of their educational system cos is always
> been disorganised! With clea...See More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 10 <> · 2 hrs
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> Monah Zealia replied · 2 Replies · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Ndiba William Itoe]
> <>
> Ndiba William Itoe <>
> Mark
> they shnt speak in one voice but with a stronger voice that with make unity
> palace to panic.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Akoson Pauline Diale]
> <>
> Akoson Pauline Diale
> <> Mark,
> therez a letter puportedly coming from Marafa Hamidou Yaya
> <>. Do some homeworl
> and get back to the audience here. It makes for an interesting read
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 hrs
> <>
> Lionel Mesumbe replied · 1 Reply
> <>
> [image: Germaine Yongue]
> <>
> Germaine Yongue <> That's
> awesome we must stand our grounds
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Lionel Mesumbe] <>
> Lionel Mesumbe <> That's
> what I wanna see them doing. Thumps up!!!
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Pierre N. Osaze] <>
> Pierre N. Osaze <> The
> French system of education is really frustrating. state this clearly.
> ...If you have a bachelor degree in any of the francophone universities in
> Cameroon, applying for a masters programme abroad becomes a problem.
> Courses are rarely recognise...See More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 <> · 41 mins
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> Monah Zealia replied · 1 Reply
> <>
> [image: Abraham Johnson Batey Batey]
> <>
> Abraham Johnson Batey Batey
> <> I continue to say
> that, nothing will be harmonised and not at this critical political moment.
> President Biya will not want to entertain controversies now because, we
> shall give him that now, BIG TIME.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Adamu Ntubu Shey]
> <>
> Adamu Ntubu Shey
> <> Look at
> a minister in my dear Fatherland...this a good source of samples for
> gerontological studies..
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 hrs
> <>
> Lawrence Tonye Biaka replied · 1 Reply
> <>
> [image: Akame Gerald] <>
> Akame Gerald <> Perfect...!!!
> One voice, one decision.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Ashu Brieldith Jr.] <>
> Ashu Brieldith Jr. <> That's
> good.. they've started the fight well,would they be able to resist the
> pressure till the end? Because the"Francophones "don't give up easily.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 <> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Ngiebong Vanyn] <>
> Ngiebong Vanyn <> Yes yes
> yes
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 hrs
> <>
> [image: Winifred Fohtung] <>
> Winifred Fohtung <> Amen! kudos
> Sirs.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Solange Bate] <>
> Solange Bate <> For once we
> stood for what is right...kudos to the HODs
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Ernest Massa] <>
> Ernest Massa <> I hope it
> is not the harmonisation of Qui or Yes
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Nixon McNeilo] <>
> Nixon McNeilo <> Perfect.....
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua]
> <>
> Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua
> <> For how
> long? Wait until some few are connered with with promises of fake
> promotions, u will see how they will start running like wild dogs
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua]
> <>
> Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua
> <> #Mark
> <> Bareta note
> #Abraham
> <> Johnson's
> comment. Am glad he is also against the so called harmonization
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> Abraham Johnson Batey Batey replied · 4 Replies · 41 mins
> <>
> [image: Pius Nsambe] <>
> Pius Nsambe <> This is not the
> first time they've attempted this harmonisation sham. They tried way back
> in 1982/83 but we came out on hot protest march in B'da and they bowed.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Mbout John Nyah] <>
> Mbout John Nyah <> God
> bless them. They shouldn't stop til their goal of "no to harmonization of
> Anglophone universities" is achieved.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Che Eugene] <>
> Che Eugene <> What the heck does
> the minister think he's trying to do?
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Tabe Lovlyn Tabe] <>
> Tabe Lovlyn Tabe <> Harmony
> begins with one language. As long as we have two languages, let us us have
> our separate systems. Anglophones MUST say NO to marginalisation.
> Anglophones keep suffering because many cannot speak french upon
> graduation. We are obliged to speak french meanwhile they francophones are
> not obliged to speak English. This is just the beginning.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> [image: Nong Conrad] <>
> Nong Conrad <> That's true and
> it's time to tell the world our own story
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Leke Walter] <>
> Leke Walter <> That's the way to
> go brethren. I lend my 100% support for this noble course. La Republique is
> crazy. Always putting one on his nerves. Stupid fellows
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Jum Amos] <>
> Jum Amos <> I WOULD LIKE TO
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> [image: Epie Njume Herve]
> <>
> Epie Njume Herve <> All
> the European countries knows that Germany has the best system of education
> which has resulted toconcrete cementic growth of their economy. From the
> curriculum to what the thought in class. But the French, British,
> Portuguese. Russians and even the...See More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 2 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> · Edited
> <>
> [image: Monique Kwachou]
> <>
> Monique Kwachou <> Just to
> correct this:
> What was being done is not harmonisation. They were imposing francophone
> staff who are not bilingual on the universities.
> These staff in turn instituted francophone ways in their departments
> without actual changes in school polic...See More
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 3 <> · 1 hr
> <>
> [image: Peyechu Andrew] <>
> Peyechu Andrew <> They have
> divided and ruled us for long even in our houses.That time maybe coming to
> an end.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 59 mins
> <>
> [image: Bunji Antoinette]
> <>
> Bunji Antoinette <> I
> like that. This was almost done to the Engineering faculty too . Though
> they did not succeed, they still succeeded to send all anglophone lecturers
> to the ministry as researchers and punished the students with francophone
> lecturers who cannot speak english. I still dont know why the Nalova is not
> doing anything about it
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 48 mins
> <>
> [image: Elvis Cheo] <>
> Elvis Cheo <> Unity is
> strength, No harmonization my Proffs.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 41 mins
> <>
> [image: Bih Emmanuella] <>
> Bih Emmanuella <> Oh my God
> I can feel bubbles of happiness in my stomach, it's as if I was there.
> Nonsense put all together make I here that their nonsense again. They send
> their kids to the US and England to study in English then want to selfishly
> take away the last opportunity from poor Cameroonians to study under a good
> educational system. Thanks Mark, feed us with more information. I am still
> hungry
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 30 mins
> <>
> [image: Ntemfac Ofege] <>
> Ntemfac Ofege <> This is not harmonization,
> this is pure concolonisation: the colonisation of a colony by a colony.
> French Cameroun has NO RIGHT to annex Southern British Cameroons let alone
> attempting to force feed its corrupt sub culture on us. That is not
> happening and this is the last straw. This fellow, Fame Ndongo. All he
> thinks is tribalism.
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 29 mins
> <>
> [image: Ndi Julius] <>
> Ndi Julius <> Firstly what
> are they harmonising ?
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 25 mins
> <>
> [image: Dominic E. Ncho] <>
> Dominic E. Ncho <> Unity,
> integration, harmonization! All words used in their efforts to
> assimilate/marginalize anglophones. Rubbish!
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 1 <> · 25 mins
> <>
> [image: Viban Jude] <>
> Viban Jude <> Harmonisation to
> me is an excellent idea. As long as the new system will be Cameroonian not
> francophone nor anglophone. It could be a chance to brandish our bilingual
> heritage to world
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 23 mins
> <>
> Terence Nganje replied · 1 Reply
> <>
> [image: Boniface Niba] <>
> Boniface Niba <>
> <>
> <>
> Following Rwanda, Senegal to Replace French by English to Develop the
> Country…
> <>
> Like
> <>
> · Reply
> <>
> · 21 mins
> <>
> [image: Ntemfac Ofege]
> Write a reply...
> View more comments
> <>
> [image: Ntemfac Ofege]
> Write a comment...
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 12:33 AM, Ofege Ntemfac <>
> wrote:
>> Lucas Fon, why don't you make yourself useful by focussing on a major,
>> major issue like the so-called harmonization of university education in
>> Cameroun which, I promise you, is the last straw.
>> What exactly do you gain when you perennially dip your ten old fingers
>> and
>> ten old toes into the sewer to dig out stuff?
>> <>
>> Virus-free.
>> <>
>> <#m_1428493951792807001_DDB4FAA8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 8:30 PM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <
>>> wrote:
>>> Foly Dirane who has been *"Releve de ses fonctions parce que etant trop
>>> VIEUX pour une emission de jeunes*" has been a household name in
>>> Cameroon Media landscape since 1992. He was a key "hot
>>> showman" figure behind such successful and entertaining programs like
>>> "Delire" and "Tam Tam Weekend" amongst others. CRTV sources claim that
>>> the
>>> Firing of Mr Tafen Adrian two years into his retirement is not
>>> unconnected with a new contract signed between CRTV, Coca-Cola and two
>>> other corporate giants involving hundreds of millions of CFA. Intox?...Me
>>> I
>>> no sabi. Foly just happens to be a personal friend of mine. Why could
>>> they
>>> not tactically appoint him to some *"foolish yeye higher post like
>>> Delegue Provincial de l'Ambiance"* and transfer him to say Ngaoundere or
>>> some other obscure Provincial Capital. Any pro-bono Lawyer willing to
>>> take
>>> this case and engage a Lawsuit on behalf of my friend Foly Dirane
>>> against
>>> the thieving and discriminatory CRTV?[image: Foly Dirane ok]
>>> <>
>>> --
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>> --
>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a
>> thing makes it happen.
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a
> thing makes it happen.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "ambasbay" group.
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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27

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