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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Re: [cameroon_politics] COLONIZATION: All Heads of Departments (HODs ) of the University of Buea (UB) and Bamenda (UBa) said NO to harmonization. The

Dear All,
To imagine Francophone architects of Anglo-Saxon education is like seeing baboons teaching us how to use cutlery.
Cameroon is Cameroon.
Tatah Mentan 

On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 7:10 AM, 'Ofege Ntemfac' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
"After sustained consultations with many Anglophone education stakeholders, despite countless memos addressed to them especially by the Anglophone teacher trade unions on urgent issues plaguing our educational setup, we Anglophone Members of Parliament have resolved to draw the attention of the Prime Minister and the Government, especially the Ministers of Secondary Education and Higher Education to the following legal provisions, anomalies and injustices," reads the opening paragraph.
Among these legal provisions, anomalies and injustices they cited the Prime Ministerial Committee recommendation of September 1992, "that Cameroon's dual system of education be helped to develop its distinctive characteristics." They express surprise at the anomaly that "the GCE Board which was created to handle Anglophone examination today still continues to manage only GCE Technical Examination, an infinitesimally small part of what is the Anglophone technical education heritage". More scandalous and vexing is that the Cameroon GCE Board only receives and is expected to administer without moderating, technical examinations prepared by MINESEC,…"
"The scandalous fact that English-speaking learners in technical colleges continue to be subjected to the injustice of having to sit for CAP, Probatoire and Baccalaureat, French-oriented examinations, in a global where Anglo-Saxon technical examinations like the City and Guilds, the LCCI, the different RSAs, etc. are vogue and contrary to the provisions of the 1998 Law of Educational cited above"
The MPs main condemn the surreptitious moves MINESEC was trying to take to alter the Secondary Educational Syllabuses without any consultations with the stakeholders.
On the University of Bamenda and its schools of education: HTTC, HTTTC the MPs were bitter over the fact that the whole place is flooded with francophones and even the programmes are fashioned out of francophone schools. They questioned why government could not adapt curricula from some English-speaking countries. It condemned the production of half-baked teachers who come out from the schools worse than they entered.
The Petitioners drew the attention of the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, the Minister of Higher Education and the Minister of Secondary Education to the colonial domination with the attendant over-simplification,  anomalies, injustices and the outright subversion of the legal provisios in education as practiced by, especially by the Ministry of Secondary Education and the Ministry of Higher Education.
For example, whereas a Prime Ministerial Committee recommendation of September 1992 stated "that Cameroon's dual – English and French – inherited systems of education be helped to develop its distinctive characteristics";
§  Whereas the proceedings of the 1995 Forum on Education, whose final report submitted in YaoundĂ© 27 May 1995, prepared the groundwork for the Education Law in Cameroon;
§  Whereas the Law of Education, No 98/004 of 14 April 1998, governs education in Cameroon and, as per its paragraphs 4, 5, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 25, defines the orientation of Cameroun's educational system;
§  Whereas Section 15 sub-one highlights the existence of two Cameroonian sub-systems thus laying emphasis on the bicultural heritage and the same Section 15 sub-two of the same law, asserts that both subsystems shall coexist, "each preserving its specific method of evaluation and award of certificates";
The accused ministries – Secondary (MINESEC) and Higher Education (MINHE)– were engaged in practices that could only be seen as blatant attempts to undermine, subjugate, acculturate and subsume Southern Cameroonians into the Napoleonic-Jacobin francophone system. 
The Petitioners went on to compute the instances of colonial domination:
§  The astounding anomaly that the Cameroon GCE Board, which was created to handle all Southern Cameroonian  examinations, continues to manage only the GCE Technical examination, an infinitesimally small part of what is the Southern Cameroonian  technical examination heritage;
§  The scandalous fact that the same Cameroon GCE Board only receives and is expected to administer without moderating, technical examinations prepared by MINESEC, with untold negative consequences like the case of the 2013 Probatoire examination in which the Biology question paper was served to candidates with its marking guide behind;
§  The outrageous abnormality that these examinations - CAP, Probatoire and BAC – are, from all indications, set in French over the years and poorly translated, with wanton errors and inexcusable presentation flaws, and with the inevitable outcome of injustice done to the English-speaking candidates of these examinations;
§  The immoral fact that English-speaking learners in technical colleges continue to be subjected to the injustice of having to sit for CAP, Probatoire and Baccalaureat, French-oriented examinations, in a global context where Anglo-Saxon technical examinations like the City and Guilds, the LCCI, the different RSAs, etc are vogue, and contrary to the provisions of the 1998 Law of Education cited above;
§  The shocking fact that the newly introduced BEPC Bilingue, was written for the first time in 2013 in the fourth year (instead of the fifth year where it should have been written concomitantly with the GCE O/L) in violation of the Section 16, sub article 2 of the new law synchronising the cycles of study for the secondary, a clear indication that this newly introduced examination purposes to continue along the lines of the old dispensation with its obsolete Probatoire in place that should have been scrapped (the 7th year of Southern Cameroonian  Primary Education was dropped on the understanding that the Probatoire would also be scrapped, so that the BEPC be sent to 5th Year, for a proper synchronisation of the systems);
§  The disgraceful fact that the said BEPC Bilingue, in its maiden edition, was shoddy and sub-standard from many perspectives, apparently having been set in haste and marred by outright mistranslations of what had clearly been initially prepared in French, together with howling errors, and inconsistent and unrealistic timing of the different disciplines;
§  The portentous fact that snap and ill-timed MINESEC reforms that almost had a keg of gunpowder effect on the nation last year are still being carried out in secretive manner during this 2013/2014 Academic Year, with surreptitious, multiply-deferred programmes for a validation seminar planned for Mbalmayo;
§  Yes, the alarming fact that MINESEC authorities appear determined to sneak in the controversial "integrated sciences" programme for Forms One and Two, this time with a controverted nomenclature, "notional sciences", which discipline was seen as an adulteration with insidious designs and consequently roundly deplored in a tripartite meeting with Southern Cameroonian  teacher trade unions on 17/10/2012;
§  The fact that in the said tripartite meeting that brought together the Minister of Secondary Education with his close collaborators on the one hand and Southern Cameroonian Teacher Trade Unions on the other, aspects of the reform were debated and compromise positions adopted, especially that the sciences should be taught as separate disciplines in Southern Cameroonian  schools and that reforms would henceforth be collegial;
§  The added fact that after the said tripartite, when public authorities started disseminating wrong messages about what had transpired, one of the teacher unions forwarded a memory aid reminding the Minister about the positions adopted on these burning issues and deploring the display of bad faith, reminder which appeared to have gone unnoticed;
Futhermore, the petition continue:
§  The consequent implication that the present unilateral attempts by MINESEC at revising the new educational programme proposal is indicative of high-handedness, administrative subterfuge, unwarranted personalisation of national policy and bad faith;
§  The fact that in our context, with emergence hoped for in 2035, proposals have been made by pedagogic inspectorates and trade unions that Geology be introduced and taught in all Southern Cameroonian  schools, like it is compulsorily taught to ALL francophone students in 4e and 3e, yet these proposals appear to have fallen on deaf ears;
§  The fact that many proposals have been made from different platforms that living languages like German, Spanish and Arabic (today we add Italian and Chinese which latter is being taught francophone learners with the help of the Confucius Centre and the Department of Chinese in ENS Maroua) be introduced into the Southern Cameroonian  educational programme, which proposals have all fallen on deaf ears (see the document launching the entrance examination into ENS Yaounde and the number of places advertised for English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic and see how many Southern Cameroonian  qualify for them);
§  The fact that francophone learners who offer these languages have the benefit of scholarships to these countries, which their Southern Cameroonian  compeers are deprived of, by national commission or omission;
§  The fact that Southern Cameroonian  students who flock especially to Germany for post high school studies spend exorbitant sums to learn German in crash courses at the Goethe Institute or in immersion courses out there when this would be avoided by the introduction of the teaching of these languages in the subsystem;
§  Articles 78 and 79 of the Presidential Decree No 2011/045 of 08 March 2011 organising the University of Bamenda, which indicates entry qualifications as per "Anglo-Saxon standards" and which goes ahead to talk about equivalence, not only geared towards maintaining quality standards but also hopefully towards maintaining the University's Anglo-Saxon nature;
§  The shocking fact that these clear laws governing the running of this institution notwithstanding, the so-called Anglo-Saxon Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) ridiculously referred to as ENSET Bambili with teaching personnel the majority of who are francophones, prefers to leave teaching to be done mostly in French, in flagrant violation of the norms of a bona fide Anglo-Saxon University and with display of a manifestly callous indifference about the fate of Southern Cameroonians  students;
§  The outrageous fact that teaching programmes in HTTTC Bambili are fake translations of teaching programmes in ENSET Douala, when viable Anglo-Saxon Technical Teacher Training Programmes can be got from other Anglo-Saxon countries today and adapted;
§  The abnormality that examinations like the entrance into Polytechnique, ENSET Douala, HTTTC and even HTTC Bambili, etc have also been set in French and very poorly translated with the same wanton expression errors and similar inexcusable presentation flaws, to the detriment and disadvantage of English speaking candidates;
§  The ignominy that entrance examinations especially into the so-called Southern Cameroonian  (Technical) Teacher Training Colleges as well as into many other higher institutions of learning (e.g. Polytechnic Yaounde, the Military Academy, EAMAC, etc) have continued to be organised with outright bias against English-speaking candidates, abuses which have been deplored in memos to public authorities to little effect;
§  The fact that the technical education setup has over the years not favoured the training or progress of Southern Cameroonian  teachers in the technical field, be it in the then lone ENSET Douala or in the National Polytechnique in Yaounde, with the attendant existence of a yawning lacuna in this sector;
§  The fact that to solve this acute personnel lack, administration rather resorts to recruiting francophone teachers with little or no knowledge of English to teach in Southern Cameroonian  technical colleges instead of trying to borrow Southern Cameroonian  expertise from the private sector, with the sad consequence that Southern Cameroonian  technical education for years has remained the bĂȘte noire and laughing stock of Cameroon's education;
§  The Head of State's 2013 exhortation in his traditional eve of Youth Day address, that young teachers in training should "study hard and be best placed to face the stiff competition that lies ahead" and that "it is imperative for (teachers) to get back that sacred fire".
§  The unfortunate administrative trifling with and consequent bastardisation of the 2013 teaching practice (TP) exercise in HTTC Bambili contrary to this presidential exhortation and to what obtains in ENS Yaounde and ENS Maroua. This TP was characterised by the unprecedented supercilious exclusiveness by HTTC authorities, ignoring of the technical service (the inspectorate) charged with taking care of every TP exercise, by the by-passing of the practising schools and by a suspicious administrative pandering to trainees' whims (they were asked to choose where they liked to go for teaching practise and they chose far-flung schools in the seven divisions of the NW, in three divisions in the South West and for HTTTC, some from this Anglo-Saxon training school chose schools in the West Region!). The consequence of this adventurism was that mediocrity became norm and marks as high as 19, 18 and 17 on 20 were given to very many students who had not had proper and adequate teaching exposure and monitoring;
§  The alarming fact that despite the hue and cry raised last year and the countless memos put up by concerned parties to check such deliberate administrative undermining of a dignified Anglo-Saxon teacher training system, supervisory Ministries have stayed inexplicably mute, with the consequence that HTTC (or "ENS") Bambili has, this 2014 Academic Year, still spited the Inspectorate, its own Faculty lecturers and the notion of "Practising Schools" and sent students to their chosen schools with the Chief of Division for training and seminars boasting that she and just two colleagues "will go round and inspect all students of all the disciplines in third and fifth year and they will graduate";
§  The fact that if such reckless adventurism continues unchecked, it will have untold negative, even nefarious repercussions on the quality of teachers who tomorrow will be responsible for educating the nation's youths;
§  Finally, the fact that His Excellency the President of the Republic has made emergence by 2035 in all domains, education being one of these, the obsessive guiding principle of his administration.
Warning against Colonisation
In respect of the above observations, we strongly warn that Government should:
§  Keep in mind that the education of the nation's children is a joint project so any changes should be effected in consultation with all stakeholders – authorities, teachers, students, parents, trade unions, civil society, etc;
§  Keep in mind that the country's laws continue to harp on biculturalism and bilingualism and the need for co-existence so attempts at harmonisation, which remain very sensitive, will only end up as adulteration with the effect of mediocrity;
§  Equally keep in mind that all attempts at harmonisation in our context have left a bitter taste in the mouth of the Southern Cameroonian  community so the majority of them see such as uncalled for;
§  Note that MINESEC's unilateral pickling with the educational programme is in no way binding on the Southern Cameroonian  subsystem of education especially because of the absence of consultation and collegiality;
§  Note that the selective introduction of teaching aspects into one and not the other sub-system of education – aspect considered important to individual and collective advancement – smacks of unwarranted bias, which is destructive of all attempts at keeping the nation welded together.
We insist that that Government should:
§  Respect the compromise arrived at during the 17/10/2012 tripartite meeting that held in the Minister's Cabinet in Yaounde (especially the re-introduction of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which disciplines were given 300 minutes; the urgent crafting and dissemination of the package for the three years of the orientation cycle; a good faith statement about the Forum of Education which was proposed for 2013 but which has not yet been announced, etc);
§  Stop the unilateral revision or reviewing of the educational programme being undertaken by MINESEC until proper consultations are carried out with all education stakeholders;
§  Always respect the standard pass in the GCE A/L s recognised by its competent examining Board and stop playing subterfuge when launching competitive exams, like the Ministry of Defence's which always exempts successful Southern Cameroonians  aspirants with two A/L papers from writing while opening up to all francophones with a mere pass in the Baccalaureat (we know how scandalously low deliberating juries sometimes drop to make sure many students pass all the francophone end of course examinations);
§  Check, reverse with immediate effect and punish the perpetrators of administrative high-handedness and personalisation of public affairs, like in the case of the adulteration and bastardisation of TP in HTTC Bambili, which has given the impression that these new officials want to lower the quality of the products destined for Southern Cameroonian  schools for selfish reasons or with ulterior motives and insidious designs. Come to think of it, ENS Bambili should not operate as if it were different from the other two ENS-es.
§  Introduce the teaching of living languages in the Southern Cameroonian  sub-system of education so that Southern Cameroonian  learners should be able to have top-notch relations with countries that Cameroon collaborates with especially in the educational realm;
§  The few Southern Cameroonian  students who pass in these francophone-oriented technical examinations should be selected into Technical Teacher Training Colleges without being subjected to entrance examinations that have over the years displayed a want of credibility, validity and reliability, to mention but these few;
§  That the Senate of the University of Bamenda should base its consideration of equivalence for admission into that citadel of learning on certificates in the English-speaking system, so that the products should be of unimpeachable Anglo-Saxon pedigree, like obtains in the Anglo-Saxon University of Buea.
§  The venerated Bernard Fonlon of blessed memory in one of his write-ups quotes an ancient Roman sage, Cicero, who thought there was no greater or better gift to be offered the Republic than the proper teaching and instruction of the youths, than quality educational training given these future leaders. Therefore, a national policy of excellent education and sound scholarship can be conveniently seen as the impregnable future fortifications of that nation against the multifarious problems that plague it on a daily basis. We cannot therefore be happy or sit quiet when we realise that the education being offered English speaking youths whom we represent is by design shoddy and substandard. We therefore insist that the concerned Ministries should take decisive steps to solve the above anomalies and injustices if love for the Fatherland must remain a meaningful, lofty drive.
Done in Yaounde, this 11th Day of December 2013.
The Minister of Secondary Education;
The Minister of Higher Education.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

ICH: The Collapse Of The Western Fiat Monetary System May Have Begun via #constantcontact
May 19, 2016

On Saturday, June 4, 2016 4:51 AM, 'Timothy Mbeseha' via ambasbay <> wrote:

I thought each of the so called Cameroon State Universities has a separate decree of creation or birth certificate so to say.  Where in the decrees creating Buea University, Bamenda University or any of the other state universities does the Minister derive the authority to  regulate/harmonizes courses to be taken in all  Cameroon state universities?

On Saturday, June 4, 2016 7:19 AM, 'SAIDOU' via ambasbay <> wrote:

I remember I once said in an official meeting that Cameroon is practicing a Cameroonian version of the LMD, and I waS TOLD TO SHUT UP. 

In the Cameroon tertiary education system we have one nonesense, one abberation, called M1 and M2. Because it is still done in France.

If Cameroon can still maintain what they call ''probatoire'', which has no place in the anglosaxon system, I can understand why our universities think we can issue a diploma called M1, in the BMD system.

Another abberation is to allow students, even today, do a Masters in FOUR YEARS!!!! I have students who registered in M in 2012, today 2016 they have not yet graduated.

What do we want to harmonize in Cameroon? What is harmonization?
- lifting the francophone system up to the anglophone system?? or
- lifting the anglophone system down to the francophone system???
University of Yaounde I,
Yaounde, Cameroon
237 699 91 69 34
237 242 81 91 10

De : "Ofege Ntemfac [cameroon_politics]" <>
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Envoyé le : Samedi 4 juin 2016 8h54
Objet : [cameroon_politics] COLONIZATION: All Heads of Departments (HODs ) of the University of Buea (UB) and Bamenda (UBa) said NO to harmonization. The Minister of Higher Education

In a late afternoon move on Friday June, 3rd 2016, all Heads of Departments (HODs ) of the University of Buea (UB) and Bamenda (UBa) said NO to harmonization. The Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo looked visibly shocked that lecturers from these two universities stood their grounds in Yaoundé and spoke with one voice. They told the Minister who had used the LMD as an excuse to call for harmonization that the Anglophone system remains the best and if there is a need for any harmonization, then the Francophone universities in the country must go the Anglophone way.
God is still saying something.
The Cameroun government has been planning for years to harmonize academic programmes in the Cameroons state universities. Such a move received fierce…
Fred Awomah Achondoh
Fred Awomah Achondoh Well if harmonization means making university curriculum similar to international standards then its a good move. International standards all move towards the English system why is our case different. But I think the government just want to further frustrate the young generation. Nigerian universities are not full yet. We can still go the Nigerian direction. Yes or oui?
Mark Bareta
Mark Bareta Fred Awomah Achondoh that is not what the government want. Listen to what one lecturer wrote. "You cannot be talking about harmonization of university programmes. Universities are created based on the needs of society and each of them must have their s...See More
Like · Reply · 5 · 5 hrs
Fred Awomah Achondoh
Fred Awomah Achondoh Ma brother. That's a good piece of information. I am pleased you pointed this out
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Bomi Jack
Bomi Jack Very good
Nkeng Nkeng
Nkeng Nkeng Wow ,this is interesting to know. Had it been it had been done like this in all the sectors things would have been different by now.
Petrus Tonus Ngongus
Petrus Tonus Ngongus Hail to the UB and UBa heads of departments for their unanimity! I pray they persist with that welcome move, shunning away all sell-outs whom might mar the process by secretly allying with the minister of Higher Education as usual for their egoistic motives.
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs
Cyprian Lionel Junior
Cyprian Lionel Junior I hope opposition leaders in Cameroon can learn from this.
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Konfor Zack
Konfor Zack They have done well by saying NO and should keep their stand. At least they are not selling the future of the unborn generation like others did in 1961.
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Amstrong DaBrain
Amstrong DaBrain Thank ya Bareta for keeping us updated. Them go bow..
Aaden Karl
Aaden Karl Thanks for updates and also for firmed decision taken by these heads of departments(hods). Hope some of them wouldn't be bribed to set confusion as usual ?
Sen Forfeke Mofor
Sen Forfeke Mofor Myself agst that. If I consider how the system of education was during my studies both in Dschang and douala universities(Module system), it's quite different from the anglo-saxon system of education. French universities does both political science an...See More
Ceo Davis
Ceo Davis good work bro
Eric Akanji
Eric Akanji I totally agree with the minister. A French says anglo-fools because anglophones react before the come back to their reasoning. It pays nothing to fostrate a policy which have been carefully thought of and it had worked
Eric Akanji
Eric Akanji Which has worked internationally because it does not match with what they think is an Anglophone system. The minister does not just get up one day and say I want to implement a policy. Government policies are carefully studied and every motivation is c...See More
Monah Zealia
Monah Zealia Talk with facts' don't state yr opinions & expect everyone to succumb! Is not a matter of anglophones or francophones..& if that be the case I think francophones need to do a review of their educational system cos is always been disorganised! With clea...See More
Ndiba William Itoe
Ndiba William Itoe Mark they shnt speak in one voice but with a stronger voice that with make unity palace to panic.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Akoson Pauline Diale
Akoson Pauline Diale Mark, therez a letter puportedly coming from Marafa Hamidou Yaya. Do some homeworl and get back to the audience here. It makes for an interesting read
Germaine Yongue
Germaine Yongue That's awesome we must stand our grounds
Lionel Mesumbe
Lionel Mesumbe That's what I wanna see them doing. Thumps up!!!
Pierre N. Osaze
Pierre N. Osaze The French system of education is really frustrating. state this clearly. ...If you have a bachelor degree in any of the francophone universities in Cameroon, applying for a masters programme abroad becomes a problem. Courses are rarely recognise...See More
Abraham Johnson Batey Batey
Abraham Johnson Batey Batey I continue to say that, nothing will be harmonised and not at this critical political moment. President Biya will not want to entertain controversies now because, we shall give him that now, BIG TIME.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Adamu Ntubu Shey
Adamu Ntubu Shey Look at a minister in my dear Fatherland...this a good source of samples for gerontological studies..
Akame Gerald
Akame Gerald Perfect...!!! One voice, one decision.
Ashu Brieldith Jr.
Ashu Brieldith Jr. That's good.. they've started the fight well,would they be able to resist the pressure till the end? Because the"Francophones "don't give up easily.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Ngiebong Vanyn
Ngiebong Vanyn Yes yes yes
Winifred Fohtung
Winifred Fohtung Amen! kudos Sirs.
Solange Bate
Solange Bate For once we stood for what is right...kudos to the HODs
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Ernest Massa
Ernest Massa I hope it is not the harmonisation of Qui or Yes
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Nixon McNeilo
Nixon McNeilo Perfect.....
Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua
Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua For how long? Wait until some few are connered with with promises of fake promotions, u will see how they will start running like wild dogs
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua
Fonkoua Roland Fonkoua #Mark Bareta note #Abraham Johnson's comment. Am glad he is also against the so called harmonization
Pius Nsambe
Pius Nsambe This is not the first time they've attempted this harmonisation sham. They tried way back in 1982/83 but we came out on hot protest march in B'da and they bowed.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Mbout John Nyah
Mbout John Nyah God bless them. They shouldn't stop til their goal of "no to harmonization of Anglophone universities" is achieved.
Che Eugene
Che Eugene What the heck does the minister think he's trying to do?
Tabe Lovlyn Tabe
Tabe Lovlyn Tabe Harmony begins with one language. As long as we have two languages, let us us have our separate systems. Anglophones MUST say NO to marginalisation. Anglophones keep suffering because many cannot speak french upon graduation. We are obliged to speak french meanwhile they francophones are not obliged to speak English. This is just the beginning.
Nong Conrad
Nong Conrad That's true and it's time to tell the world our own story
Leke Walter
Leke Walter That's the way to go brethren. I lend my 100% support for this noble course. La Republique is crazy. Always putting one on his nerves. Stupid fellows
Jum Amos
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited
Epie Njume Herve
Epie Njume Herve All the European countries knows that Germany has the best system of education which has resulted toconcrete cementic growth of their economy. From the curriculum to what the thought in class. But the French, British, Portuguese. Russians and even the...See More
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr · Edited
Monique Kwachou
Monique Kwachou Just to correct this:
What was being done is not harmonisation. They were imposing francophone staff who are not bilingual on the universities.
These staff in turn instituted francophone ways in their departments without actual changes in school polic
...See More
Peyechu Andrew
Peyechu Andrew They have divided and ruled us for long even in our houses.That time maybe coming to an end.
Bunji Antoinette
Bunji Antoinette I like that. This was almost done to the Engineering faculty too . Though they did not succeed, they still succeeded to send all anglophone lecturers to the ministry as researchers and punished the students with francophone lecturers who cannot speak english. I still dont know why the Nalova is not doing anything about it
Elvis Cheo
Elvis Cheo Unity is strength, No harmonization my Proffs.
Bih Emmanuella
Bih Emmanuella Oh my God I can feel bubbles of happiness in my stomach, it's as if I was there. Nonsense put all together make I here that their nonsense again. They send their kids to the US and England to study in English then want to selfishly take away the last opportunity from poor Cameroonians to study under a good educational system. Thanks Mark, feed us with more information. I am still hungry
Ntemfac Ofege
Ntemfac Ofege This is not harmonization, this is pure concolonisation: the colonisation of a colony by a colony. French Cameroun has NO RIGHT to annex Southern British Cameroons let alone attempting to force feed its corrupt sub culture on us. That is not happening and this is the last straw. This fellow, Fame Ndongo. All he thinks is tribalism.
Ndi Julius
Ndi Julius Firstly what are they harmonising ?
Dominic E. Ncho
Dominic E. Ncho Unity, integration, harmonization! All words used in their efforts to assimilate/marginalize anglophones. Rubbish!
Viban Jude
Viban Jude Harmonisation to me is an excellent idea. As long as the new system will be Cameroonian not francophone nor anglophone. It could be a chance to brandish our bilingual heritage to world
Ntemfac Ofege
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Ntemfac Ofege
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