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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Re: Michelle Obama Slams Trump at Commencement Address

Honorable Jonathan Rev. Awasom,
Accept congratulations from me, on your recent academic achievement(s) at Liberty University where you bagged your Master's degree. We,  who read your writings sang praises to the Lord almighty for rewarding your hard work with good results. Let the sky right up there over all of us, be your limit in academia.
Coming to your comments below ( American politics and your friend  Donald Trump ),
Ask your friend Donald Trump........
1) a Caucasian where his fore parents came from to settle here.
2) to stop inciting violence in his campaign to seek the white house
3) Tell him I say " on planet earth  every body came from  somewhere to be where they are today ".
4)  a Trump presidency( God forbid )  will be liken for the USA having acquired the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction.
All the best "petite frere".
Pa Batey Greig.

From: 'Jonathan Awasom' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>
Sent: Sunday, June 5, 2016 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: Michelle Obama Slams Trump at Commencement Address

Pa Greg

She is always too serious in her speeches and comes across to me like an angry woman ! How many ladies are First Lady? Why do they make as if Donald Trump is responsible for the plight of immigrants and black people? The Kenyan government violated the human rights of its citizens and up till today she  has never said anything about what and why is comments of Trump taken out context and made a big issue?

I think she needs to tone it down and speak like a successful woman and mother /wife  rather than as a fighter of Trump. A commencement is not a place to go and defend your husband or score political point. As a commencement speaker your role is to speak about how you made it academically and professionally in order to inspire the graduating class as well as the study body. I have watched at these liberal democrat folks giving angry speeches and it is not helpful.

African -American leaders are not doing anything to help black people here. They have formed an elitist group of their own known as the Democratic Black Caucus and it is all about a few of them in power and with control. They don't care about the rest of the black people who live in sub standard conditions and impoverished communities through out the United States. So, the constant bashing of white people even when they are in the White House is a total disconnect and quite a disturbing trend. If men and women in the White House cannot mobilize and advocate for their own , who else should do it?

Jonathan Awasom  

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On Saturday, June 4, 2016 7:01 PM, 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Michelle Obama Slams Trump at Commencement Address
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