Re: @Ofege ->[cameroon_politics] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight

How exactly can you shout PAAWCE on free cyberspace with soporific alacrity while being a closet CPDM militant? The CPDM stands for another illusive claptrap called "one and invisible Cameroun" you see? Meaning that the concept of West Cameroon is not an issue. 
First off, I do not know where Sir Ntemfack gets his facts from.
Suffice to say that Sir Ofege is very good and conjuring things to
suit his internal beliefs and biases.  He usually borders on casuist reasoning.
When he saw me carrying a CPDM card God alone knows or maybe he saw
me carrying an SDF card.  Or perhaps even uncle Martin Ndumu's CDU where
he was Vice President.  Anyway ......  Fwding to the USA, am I a closet Republican
or an Engaged Democrat?  Or when I lived in the UK, was I a Liberal Democrat,
Conservative or Labour?  Can Sir Ntemfack please tell us.

Can someone preferably an elderly person PLEASE tell NtemfacK OBOUH Feuhng that 
public discourse necessitates COURTESY.  His insistence on engaging in TRASH is more
of a reflection of his sordid state of mind.  If he wants to continue, as I have told him b4,
he will "hear me too" .....  If the K-legged Aloys finds it so hard to call me "Pa Fru Ndeh" especially
now that the BAOBAB Ndeh is gone to the "Right Hand Side" of God Almighty, no problem.
He can refer to me the way he has seen publicly or otherwise.  Referring to an OLD MAN who
is inside his FIFTH Decade as a kid leaves a lot to be desired.  Over ......

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
To: ambasbay <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight

Be patient Begheni Ndeh, the kid.
I will have to thrash and trash you later.
Allow me just repost this, will you.
I posted this in these chambers years ago.

Issues that Divide
Listen. I am not saying that there are no seriously divisive issues between Anglophones. Of course there are.  Southern Cameroonians are in this mess because, despite the intense warning of Endeley, they allowed a Dschang man – Foncha John Ngouh – and the rest of his Widekum-Ngemba fratas conjurati bamboozling them about the chimeric and illusive Shangri-La of their ancestral fatherland east of the Mungo. No sooner had he moved into the Prime Minister's Lodge as Premier than, to the bewilderment of the more circumspect 'forest" natives Foncha John Ngouh transformed the central government into the final Milking Cow for his graffi Bamendrous fraternity. Truth be told, the very Bamendrous Ngemba-Widekum clan (especially) continue their perennial duplicity, witchcraft and mischief to this day. Most of them have their mouths to the West and their stomachs to the East to this day. They have one foot in the very concept of the Southern Cameroons which concept they use as a weapon of blackmail to move their egomaniac, self-righteous, self-seeking and over-rated selves and over-bloated selves from the antechamber to the high table of the con-colonizer and thus glean crumbs from the high table as it were. Tell me how exactly can you be SDF and SCNC? Or CPDM and SCNC? How exactly can you shout PAAWCE on free cyberspace with soporific alacrity while being a closet CPDM militant? The CPDM stands for another illusive claptrap called "one and invisible Cameroun" you see? Meaning that the concept of West Cameroon is not an issue. The Bamendrous-graffi have even translated the so-called movements posturing for the restoration of the statehood of the Southern Cameroons into a Milking Cow and a front for the manifestation of graffi hegemony. Those with savvy know that the written rule of the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organization if for the leadership to always come from the Southern Zone.
This is not a favour. This is because from the "forest" folks actually walk-the-walk. South Westerners have proven themselves and their anti-colonial and anti-con-colonial stance through time. In November 1891, four hundred (400) Bakweri braves under the Chief of the Resistance, Kuva Likenye of Gbea-Buea, discomfited a German army as it tried to take the fine-fertile lands underneath the Mongo-ma-Loba or Mount Fako.
The German army, under Commandant Karl Freiher Gravenreuth, which had just crushed the Abo-Douala resistance, now moved into the mountains. Gravenreuth's army was reinforced with troops from Dahomey, Togo, and Sierra Leone which had landed in Victoria days before. The Germans were soundly routed at the Namonge Ravine somewhere around the current Buea Mountain Hotel.
Karl Freiher Granvenreuth was killed and his army scattered downhill with the Bakweri braves in hot pursuit. Kuva's men slaughtered the Germans and their confederates right down to Victoria. It was the first time the Germans were discomfited on the continent by an all native army.
Incidentally, this historic victory slowed German penetration into the Southern Cameroons and preserved the mores, cultures and Anglo-Saxon values of the territory virgin. The routing of the Germans also allowed the French to penetrate sections of Central Africa.
At Kumba in April 1958, an all-chiefs' conference of Southern Cameroons was held to decide on the re-unification issue which was becoming paramount in place of Southern Cameroons' self determination. At the end of the conference, the traditional rulers summarised their findings, apparently as refusal that the territory could not stand on its own thus: Reminiscences by the man in the street, and anybody who says the Territory is poor is crazy, for there is no country in the world richer than Southern Cameroons.15
The chiefs maintained that the United Nations "Mandated Territory" being administered is flowing with milk and honey, where every Dick and Harry lives in plenty. Their position was clear - Southern Cameroons should secede from Nigeria and become an independent Nation of its own. They pointed out that politics had made their children "crazy" and "foolish" owing to the quest for money and power; then concluded that since they were deaf to the advice of their fathers, "we will teach them to do
so". The chiefs accused the KNC of setting the ball of secession rolling and backing out. It was observed that Nigeria would not regret if Southern Cameroons' secession came through. They had a firm conviction that with their support and the enticing and sugar- coated words of J.N. Foncha and A.N. Jua, it would be a surprise if KNC would not be voted out of office at the 1959 general elections.16

In a petition to the UN on February 17, 1961, the Bakweri Assembly indicated that they had voted for union with Nigeria because "native strangers" had developed a "plot" to "deprive" them of their "land". According to the petitioners, "native strangers voted for reunification in Victoria Division in order to seize the Bakweri lands, and in order "to spite and over-run the Bakweris". With all these ambitions of the settlers, in was necessary for the Bakweri to remain a part of Nigeria. The UN was therefore invited to partition Southern Cameroons and allow the "Bamenda" people to go on with their Cameroun proposition.  [1]
On February 27, 1961, the Balondo of Kumba Division also complained in a petition to the UN that the "sinister motive" of the grasslanders in voting for reunification was to "drag" the coastal peoples "to a lawless society" where they would then "seize" the Balondo's 'fertile lands' which they envied.
Endeley and his friends (Lon Nfi, 2012) did not end at the level of written threats and petitions. A big delegation composed of CPNC barons and representatives of the various petitioning ethnic groups was sent to the UN in April 1961. While the CPNC paid or the cost of sending Endeley and Mbile, the Bakweri Molongo, the Bakossi Muane-Ngoh and other ethnic associations paid the cost of sending their delegates. Finally, a CPNC team composed Dr. Endeley, Mbile, S.M.L.Endeley, E.K. Martins, Chief Sakwe-Bokwe and Rev. Andoh Seh from the Nkambe constituency arrived in New York in April 1916. The Fon of Nso was not part of the delegation probably because his threats to join Northern Nigeria were not serious or because he was not interested in union with Iboland.[2]
Endeley was thus no accident. He came from a lineage of fighters. Joseph Lon Nfi has just told us that the South West–CPNC and Pro-CPNC parties (including Donga and Mantung (with my neighbor, Andoh Seh as anchor) continued fighting against con-colonization long after the Foncha Bamita treachery at Foumban.
Sometime in December 2000 a group of fellows, members of the  SCNC  Strategic  Committee  under  Prince  Esoka  Ndoki  Mukete  and  with Justice Frederick Ebong Alobwede at the head decided that it was of strategic importance  to  the  Republic  of Ambazonia  (Bimbia)  to  take  over  Radio  Buea and  cause  the  proclamation  of  the  restoration  of  the  sovereign  Independence of Southern Cameroons.
The group, made up of Southern Zoners in the main, was  "introduced"  into  Radio  Buea  and  assisted  by  Southern  Zoners  to  do  the broadcast. The then Chief of Station, a Southern Zoner from Mamfe, who in his less  mercurial  moments  brandishes  a  CPDM  card,  acquiesced  to  the  deed  but conveniently stayed away during the takeover.
A popular sportscaster from the 11th Province (Eton-Anglophone), who remains a Buea Boy to this minute, helped the group and bought drinks for everybody after the deed was done.
For four hours (4!) The tape containing the Restoration message was broadcast, rewound and broadcast, over Radio Buea by a technician from the Southern Zone. The SCNC posse did not force anybody to function; nobody was bullied, nobody was tied. It was just a job that had to be done, period! You will see and live more of these grand moments of national pride and sheer heroism especially from Southern Zoners as we get along. Actually when the Southern Zoners brought the tape to the Bamenda Group and asked the Bamenda group to take over Radio Bamenda and cause the same broadcast, the graffi folks panicked and said: ngang!
Name them! Ndoki Mukete? Mr. (Justice) Ebong? Martin Ngeka Luma, the old Simon Munzu? Chief Ayamba? But, for Augustine Ngom Jua and Prof. Carlson Anyangwe perhaps, produce one graffi leader who has stood tall for the Southern Cameroons as these South West giants. Whereas those with inside knowledge on the Southern Cameroons independence groups would tell you how a group of self-righteous, self-seeking incompetents led by one Nfor Ngala Nfor have done everything to undermine legitimate leaders from the South West. Nfor Ngala Nfor and his cronies subverted the lofty ideals of Justice Ebong. They played along because Martin Luma was a strong personality. They greatly undermined Ayamba. Today, Nfor Ngala is posing as the National Chairman of the SCNC as if the SCNC is the umbrella organization of the struggle. And, as if the Southern Cameroons struggle is a graffi affair. Sadly Nfor Ngala Nfor enjoys the unflinching support of his tribalistic graffi coconspirators.
Belletician gone ballistic, John Fru Ndi, has this day hijacked a movement created for the salvation of the Southern Cameroons as is using it as the final cash cow. With the overt and covert support of his graffi brothers. Like its CPDM partner-in-bed, the current SDF does not and never will stand for the Southern Cameroons. I recently had the honour of calling on Master Joshua Osih, Vice President of the SDF. I listened with utter bewilderment as Osih reminded me that because Ndian rejected him when he ran for Senatorial elections in Ndian he was now 'doing politics where he lived.'  He was now a Douala-boy, so to speak. Osih unburdened to me that he had now been made a 'Chief' Ewondo and Kribi folks and hence he was not interested in 'Anglophone' issues. When I asked him if he signed the recent petition from Anglophone teachers on the brazen attempt by the francophones to subsume the Anglophone education system, Osih said he signed it but he did not believe in it. He was more interested in changing the national education system, he said. Whereas the maxim is: Think Global but act local.
Listen, Southern Cameroonians have placed great hope in Mr. (Justice) Ayah Paul of Akwaya and the next logical leader of the struggle. The Bamendrous graffi should watch it: We will no longer tolerate their two-timing games.

[1] United Nations, Trusteeship Council, T/PET. 4/L, 21 March, 1961, pp.1-3.
[2] Nerius N. Mbile (2000), p. 157. Quoted in  Joseph Lon Nfi "Ethnic tensions during the 1961 Plebiscite and Reunification in the Southern Cameroons." CJDHR Vol. 6 No. 1 - June 2012.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 5:53 AM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:
I recall this song as a kid growing up in the late 70s....


Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
To: ambasbay <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight

Dear Prof Ayim,
You hit a sore nail on a sore head about the 2000-2002 processes and the current Bafia danse entertained and sustained by the usual suspects. I may have to give it to some folks in a suppository should the spirit move me.
Consider for instance: When Southern Cameroonians crafted the gentleman's accord that the leader MUST always come from the so-called South West it was not a favour to the children of the deep South. It was in recognition of a given - from Kuva Likenye to Endeley to Luma to Ndoki to Ebong, the children of our forests had EARNED the right to lead by their EXPLOITS. The SCPC was controverted and the so-called SCNC, created by a permissive cabal of self-seeking goons just to undermine the transition to STATEHOOD and its attendant self-government and ergo maintain the struggle in GROUP-HOOD. The subverts have succeeded, or so it seems. December 31 1999: Proclamation of the Independence and Sovereignty of Southern Cameroons over Radio Buea by Mr-Justice Fred Ebong Alobwede with GRAND Zachary Nkwo cheer-leading and buying post event drinks. How exactly did we rewind from there to still be talking SCNC? Surely, this is witchcraft!

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:05 AM, 'Martin Ayim' via ambasbay <> wrote:
Dear All:
My recollection is that the forum had held through AAC I and AAC II. The SCNC had been transformed to a Constituent Assembly in 2000 to move forward to total restoration. In my view the SCNC should have ceased to exist.  Unfortunately the SCNC was resurrected and the forward move buried. Why? This is the story of a forward and backward dance of a struggle.
Leaders, execute the will of the people or step down.

Sent from my iPhone 
Prof Martin AYIM

On Jun 17, 2016, at 6:13 AM, 'Akoson A. Raymond' via ambasbay <> wrote:


YES. And its not just that. In one of Biya's traditional end of year messages he made mention of that: that there's no legal union howbeit not as clear as I have put it. His rabble rouser Issa tchiroma has also made a statement on that.

That SCNC should act? How would they? Its leadership has no
following per se. That is why AYAH has prescribed for massa education. Just immagine that the commoners on the streets knew all these things!

What I prescribe: a forum: a forum made of the All Anglophone lawyers, all political leaders of SC, Chiefs and fons. Before this forum, we should be aware that not all would prefer outright independence. A lot of compromise needs to be done. Who organises such a forum and who sponsors and who is willing to attend? These are the questions.

"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.

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On Friday, June 17, 2016 4:03 AM, 'Divine Rhyme' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Akoson Raymond,
Most of us live overseas and write without all the facts on our finger tips. If such a commission was set up and that conclusion arrived at, is that not grounds enough for corrective measures to be taken by us who are on the short end of the deal? Even without a referendum the SCNC has been generally recognized as the main organization charged with the restoration of SC Autonomy. With the so called findings as you mentioned in your posting, what stops them from declaring the Restoration? What has the UN got to do with it? Why do we hear about the UN all the time? Let the SCNC leadership take the right move and declare a Restoration of the status quo before 1972 and we go from there. From whom are they expecting permission to do that? There must be something holding them back that they have not disclosed to the Southern Cameroonians. Whatever that is , let us the SC people know what it is. Or they should let go the leadership of the SCNC to other people.

From: "'Akoson A. Raymond' [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 10:25 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight

Be Whom It may Concern.

1. Biya himself set up a team of experts prior to so-called
cinquantenaire celebrations to determine whether or not
such document of legal union exists. And the team reported
in the negative. The burden of proof is on those who say there
is. Publish it!

2. A summary of the press conference was given in point form
so that detractors wouldn't come forward to try twisting the points.
Very clearly stated it is that it is an individual's RIGHT to serve the people. And it is their RIGHT to receive remuneration.

3. One would expect this twisted thought from women in Santa market and not from supposedly educated. That ONLY CPDM members should work as civil servants? Gimme a break! Almost all SDF National Exco members are directors of ministries and lecturers. Kamto of MRC is a University lecturer. Why should AYAH's case be different? Or somebody is so UNINFORMED that ALL MAGISTRATES are assigned through ONLY a presidential decree? Sicko!

4. Name one other magistrate that has blasted Biya's judiciary as AYAH does. AYAH's appointment wasn't arranged nor negotiated. If BIYA cares, he should appoint AYAH president of the Supreme Court and the statements of facts from AYAH will always come.

5. And who told numbskulls that AYAH is interested to run for future elections?

6. When it was rumoured that Fru Ndi was being contacted for negotiation to become PM, people from a certain place came all out hailing the chairman that it would be a wise decision to clean the system from within. But when it is someone else from another place, it is bad. And we see on these replies that ALL who have blasted AYAH's criticisms are people from a certain place.

7. Tribalist tendencies we see every where! Even as we mentioned that AYAH's current position doesn't come with a full salary and that he is consistently being pressured to sign presidential majority, numbskulls don't see this. And that he alone is the odd-man-out at the Supreme Court.
 Win liberation on the internet let's see.When we - youths from some place else - read these from SOME jigga-infested, we are shifted to the center!

"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.

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On Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:28 PM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Jean-Bosco Tagne,

Please can you make available to this wider audience the legal document that you claim exist?
Thank you in advance.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "jtagne [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "Divine Rhyme [cameroon_politics]" <>; "" <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight

With your mother from East Cameroon as a Beti and your father from West Cameroon as a Bamenda there's a legal union so please don't get sick

There is a legal document.  Simply ask your papa and mama each will bring you that legal document.  Also look at your birth certificate it is mentioned in


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note® II, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: "Divine Rhyme [cameroon_politics]"
Date:06/16/2016 06:49 (GMT-05:00)
To:,, Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup , DISCUSSION LIST MANYU
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight

Hello All
 It makes me sick anytime I hear that there is no legal Union between West Cameroon and East Cameroon. This must be  a very BIG LIE that the leaders of SCNC for lack of  any explanation in their lack of progress in the Southern Cameroons issue It seems they know they cannot win and so they have come up with this bizarre excuse that there is no legal document defining the union.. I am personally not in position to make any statement about West Cameroon  having legal union with East Cameroon or not. I absolutely know nothing about it. Of course I am just an ordinary citizen willing to support the cause. But can anyone provide a proof that this kind of legal document on the union does not exist? I mean a proof and not conjectures. I have heard before that the former UN Secretary General "handed" two flags to Mr Biya during one of his visits to Cameroon.  That is a story whose significance has never dawned on me from the first time I heard about it. Handing over two flags to Mr. Biya? Why would he do any such thing? If that was true, since he was here to negotiate the Bakassi crises could it  have meant  that on behalf of the  UN he brought these two flags to prove that there is evidence that West Cameroon had been a self governing territory recognized by the UN and then decided to unite with East Cameroon and that is why there were these flags at the UN? Couldn't it have been a symbolic gesture to acknowledge this simple fact? Why would the UN secretary general be transmitting information through gestures expecting us to deduce meanings from it? Why did the SCNC leadership see it only from the perspective that handing over the flags was to remind the Cameroon leadership that the two territories have never been legally bound? But the most important question here is  - "why should the UNSG be using coded language on issues of such importance? If what the SCNC leadership is insinuating about this issue of handing over two flags can be true, can't a document be released by the UN to put that speculation to rest once and for all? What are they afraid of?
Secondly this issue of "No legal Union" between East and West Cameroon is pure nonsense. What is the meaning of a legal "Union" in this situation? Why the emphasis that there is "NO LEGAL" union between the two territories? Does it mean there is a union that is not legal? Or do we mean 'no legal union' meaning that there is an illegal one? Whatever the situation i can the leadership of the SCNC bring out a status report about legality and illegality so far as the union is concerned? I am tired of hearing that there is no legal union between East Cameroon and West Cameroon. What does that really mean?
This is the way I see it. Let the SCNC bring out an official statement proving that there is nothing binding West Cameroon to East Cameroon. But if there is anything legal or illegal then they have been deceiving us all along. I say so because until they explain what illegal means so far as the UN is concerned in this matter, then the SCNC has been misleading West Cameroonians. Personally I am not in position to do that because I am just an ordinary citizen willing to accept and follow the directions of the leadership of the SCNC regarding the liberation of West Cameroon. But they must be open and truthful to us. If indeed the illegality of the Union is not a problem why can't they simply declare our autonomy regardless of the consequences and form a government? Let the SCNC leadership form a government complete with local appendages having local identifications like place names and addresses;  a detailed breakdown of services like post offices, taxation, custom services, police, health schools etc.
What is the significance of this claim of having a legal or illegal union with East Cameroon? Let the SCNC leadership explain to us how being legal or illegal affects the union with East Cameroon. If illegal means there is no union at all and the UN knows about that what then stops them from declaring our autonomy and form a government immediately? What are they scared of? There are people who   are prepared to take that risk regardless whether or not they are arrested by East Cameroon government. This does not mean these people want to challenge the leadership of the SCNC. NO.
The SCNC has led us to believe that they know exactly what the situation about the union with East Cameroon is. Let them publish such status report it with no embellishments and if we are convinced they have made a valid case, autonomy will be declared immediately. I don't think the UN would have anything to do with this anymore if the case of illegality is proven and if it means autonomy can be declared. I am raising this argument because I am beginning to convince myself that illegal or not West Cameroon cannot dissolve the Union with East Cameroon. There is an obstacle somewhere the SCNC is either unaware of, or they are not willing to share with us. If the Union with East Cameroon owes its existence or validity to a legal document which does not and has never existed, why are we still with them or under them?

From: "'Akoson A. Raymond' [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; DISCUSSION LIST MANYU <>
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:40 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] AYAH Paul Blasts BIYA, Praises SCNC For Fighting a Good Fight [8 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Akoson A. Raymond included below]
AYAH Paul of the Supreme Court Blasts Biya

- I am Not a member of CPDM;

- I work for the Cameroonian people and not Biya;

- As Supreme Court Advocate General, I serve the interest of Cameroon and not an individual;

- I repeat that there is no legal union between the Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun. The SCNC is fighting a great legal battle. I support them and I am ready to lead the Southern Cameroons for dialogue with La Republique.

PAP Press Conference of June 11, 2016

The president of Popular Action Party (previously People's Action Party), PAP – His HRH Hon. Lord Justice AYAH Paul Abine, with all members (except one) of his National Executive Committee faced the Cameroonian press to address the current state of the party. Journalists seized the opportunity to ask questions on other burning issues namely his current stance on the Southern Cameroons palaver, his relationship with the Biya regime and much more… Find below a synopsis.

1. People's Action Party, PAP is now called Popular Action Party, PAP. The name was changed on Saturday, the 27th day of February, 2016 by the PAP National Council and as by law required, MINATD was duly notified.

2. AYAH Paul Abine remains the President of PAP. Three non-active members agitated in Kumba and claimed that they'd dismissed AYAH from PAP. And in a desperate attempt to want to sell their papers, some journalists descended to some low by front-paging the story on their paper. No career journalist much less a professional one would publish such trash as three miserable individuals calling a press conference and purporting to expel a member of a party, let alone when such member is the head of the party.

3. There's no law in Cameroon that precludes a career magistrates from actively participating in politics. Therefore, there's no incompatibility between being PAP President and 'Advocat General' of the Supreme Court. AYAH challenges anyone to quote the law and not make empty noise!

4. AYAH is NOT a member of CPDM. AYAH has repeatedly refused to sign 'Presidential Majority'. And even upon pressure including slashing his salary into four since after taking up the Supreme Court job, AYAH has stood his ground. AYAH remains an opposition political figure and the widely held remour that he has joined Biya is orchestrated by CPDM to strain PAP's good reputation. AYAH is NOT on Biya's payroll but on the payroll of the Cameroonian people. Cameroonians must understand that to serve fellow Cameroonians is a right and obligation especially after having taken the oath of office 'to do justice to all manner of people without fear or favour'. A career assignment by whoever is not some favour but recognition of professional astuteness cum experience. AYAH is serving the Cameroonian people and NOT a single individual.

5. AYAH congratulates and praises the SCNC and others for staying the cause on a legal pathway towards resolving the Southern Cameroons palaver and insists that there's no legal union between La Republique du Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons. AYAH is willing to lead a Southern Cameroons delegation to discuss with La Republique du Cameroon.

AYAH and PAP thought to make these points clear.

PAP National Working Secretariat

"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.

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The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
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