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Sunday, July 3, 2016

**Pan-Cameroonism** is the main enemy: it is not Cameroon (the country) nor Cameroonians (the people): it is the FEELING OF CAMEROONESS WHICH WE THE VICTIM OF THE MOST VICIOUS FORM OF RECOLONIZATION continue to hold that has continued to conducts pan-Cameroonism!

 **Pan-Cameroonism** is the main enemy: it is not Cameroon (the country) nor Cameroonians (the people): it is the FEELING OF CAMEROONESS WHICH WE THE VICTIM OF THE MOST VICIOUS FORM OF RECOLONIZATION continue to hold that has continued to conducts pan-Cameroonism! 

~~~ a reposting ~

With some few editing ~~

(1) Because our "emancipation quest" is in a dire need of inculcating an IDEOLOGY that does not conduct "PAN CAMEROONISM"!  
(2) Because even though the younger generation have so overwhelmingly adopted the pre-independence identity of AMBAZONIA, there exist resistance from people they look up to; from their parents, their elders, their mentors..,
(3) and even when some emancipation entities and their activists have adopted and are using the name AMBAZONIA interchangeably with the name SOUTHERN CAMEROONS, this is been done hesitatingly and timidly without the benefit of our emancipation quest BENEFITING from the universal known powers of nationalism. 

There remains this palpable sense of resignations and reckless indecisiveness on our parts even in the face of the continuing devastation acts of pan CAMEROONISM in our society! 

Our response has been the predictable post facto REACTIVE ones that can only be SUSTAINED so far by the PARTIES so affected. The most recent examples of the so called "Anglophones" Teachers and Lawyers resisting pan cameroon incremental assimilation tell the story of how not to fight a pre deterministic ideology without your own pre deterministic ideology!! 

We can do much better!

Let hit the RESET button and returning to the basis of POWER where we will be able to control our destiny and that of our children!!

Edwin Ngang 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Edwin <>
Date: June 9, 2013 at 9:50:03 PM EDT
To: Christopher Asongwe <>
Subject: **Pan-Cameroonism in action!

Dear Brother.. This is just some of my writings. I will forward the CALABAR DECLARATION of 02/13/13 next!

Edwin Ngang
**Pan-Cameroonism in action!
**^Pan-Cameroonism must be considered our number ONE ENEMY.
And as a consequence Pan-Cameroonism must be confronted with a pre-determined and conscious strategy.

FACT: The Cameroonian francophone majority have had over 60 years of head start promoting their  "State-sponsored" pre-determined assimilationist programs inside Ambazonia.

In doubt ...??
(1) Then take time off, go to the Library of Congress, ask for the archival notes of activities of the Trusteeship Council from 1949-1959; Narrow your search to activities of the UN Visiting Missions, and be prepared with a pen and paper to lift pertinent citations from the texts for cross verification in the voluminous foot notes. Then copy or better still, photo copy those "foot notes" which thankfully are the APA model at the back. Then start to verify all the signatures of the petitions letters to the Trusteeship Council emanating from the British Southern Cameroons from 1949-1959. There you will find that over 98% were signed by Bamilekes and Bassa emigrants who had fled the "travaux forcee" French policy in the 1920s into the peaceful and prosperous life of Southern Cameroons. The remainder were mostly petitions by the Bakwerri people for their lands seized by the Germans to be returned!


Note that emigration into the Southern Cameroons was a continuous affair: with those French Cameroonians relatives arriving after seeing the benefits of permanent settlement messages went back to attract even more. However in the 1950s there was a spike from those escaping the incipient UPC 'marquissards' uprising during their struggle for independence. ESSENTIALLY THEY FLED A CIVIL WAR BUT THE HISTORY BOOKS  WONT SAY SO FOR POLITICAL REASONS!

Given that these "emigrant francophone population" possessed relative political and economic sophistication than our people, they easily penetrated the political and social fabric of the Southern Cameroons polity with  patronage and surreptitious assistance in the background. Such as when Moguls like Soppo Priso provided "indirect" financing through proxies to ALL political parties in the Southern Cameroons. Reason why they were either all are pro-unification, leaned pro- unification or at best had no policy against the active reunification campaign in full throttle inside the Southern Cameroons.

Did anyone notice how all of the political parties had names bearing the letter "K" for Germanic KAMERUN? From KPP, KNDP, KUNC, CPNC and OK parties, only one nationalism theme was been beamed to our unsuspecting people and to the rest of the world-- the pan Cameroonian nationalism! We love our Cameroonian nationality and we want to return to the glory days of the grande Germanic  Kanerun nation days. This territory (the Southern Cameroons) which unlike any other colonized people had been PRE-determined under UN Article 76(b) to be an independent state just did not know what was going on and around them. Their politicians were totally clueless!!!

Reason why irredentist ultra-nationalists activists on the likes of the  UPCist's Un Uyobe, Ernest Waindim & Co. so easiky filled the void. The void being the "ideology-less " polity of a people called "Southern Cameroonians". These francophone politicians then as well as today were the people who understood the value of "political manipulation" that was to be effected when ever the opportunity arose.  How could the UN Visiting Missions have known that those petitions calling for "re-unification" with our brothers in the East were bogus ones written in the darkness of the night by one savvy UPC operative masquerading as a Southern Cameroonian political activist? They were the one who if not heading those Teacher/farmers/traders Union or association, had the wherewithal to manipulate things such as "binding resolutions" from these outfits they all but control. It happened then just as it is happening now and YET, if we have not figured out what hit us in the 1950s as we today so casually go about calling ourselves  "Southern Cameroonians", how can we really know how to respond to the latest incremental assimilation agenda?

FACT:  the true and popular desires of the people of Southern Cameroons which was independence was never known to the UN all thanks to that ever lurking evil called  "pan-Cameroonism" The UN Mission simply believed in the "what they see", is "what they get" because it is "what's they want" premise. They received hundreds of petition from the territory of Southern Cameroons all  pointing towards reunification.  Reason why by 1955 the Non-Aligned Bloc of the UN was fully backing this supposedly popular "desire" coming from the British Southern Cameroons calling for  re-unification with their brother of the East Cameroon.

FACT: do people know that this "ideology-less" polity of the Southern Cameroon got so bad that they sought help in 1955 from the "ultra pan-Cameroonian" nationalist called Um Nyobe's? As the smart and energetic activist he was, he knew the importance of lobbying the UN during those slated Trusteeship Council sessions dedicated to the Trust Territories. But our identity-nationality-sovereignty clueless politicians did not know they were supposed to fly to New York and lobby for their peoples best interest. So what did they do instead?  They sent a cable to UM Nyobe's who was in New York City to attend one of those session, entreating him to represent the Southern Cameroons at that 1955 TT Council session. This basically tantamount to asking the fox to guard the chicken house!! Ofcourse he accepted with alacrity! He took advantage of this gross abdication of responsibility on the parts of the Foncha-Endelley southern Cameroonian politicians and presented that famous  "What the Cameroonian People Want" speech! The Cameroonian people included the people who so love to be held hostage by the dictate of history: a people called then and still been "SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS" by their politicians!!!

Ofcourse as if those misrepresented petitions letters were not enough, this Um Nyobe speech carried all the themes of "utopia" in a re-unified Cameroon. When he returned he was hailed as a true patriot with our very own "K"-affiliated political parties as they helped him promote the REUNIFICATION IDEOLOGY through the sales of pamphlets of "WHAT THE CAMEROONIANS PEOPLE WANT" propaganda to our unsuspecting masses!

^^*^ and yet in the year 2013, we still have the political psychology of the Southern Cameroonian activists so disinterested in finding the root causes of our demise in Cameroon.

As for instance, finding: (1) why was it not possible for our own representative to be in that same UN Session,

(2) why did our entire polity not see a problem asking a total stranger to represent our interest... So many questions which if honestly answered would settled on just one cause and one alone: an admission that the entire Southern Cameroons political culture was one that had no idea they needed to only defend their already  prescribed independence in UN Article 76(b) and to then conduct political advocacy  "exclusively" as the unique people they already were without any interference from anyone, anywhere, and anyhow. The pan-Cameroonian Un Nyobe's nationalist would have been unmistakably told to take a hike just as firmly as the people of Equatorial Guinea did tell the already independent Republic of Cameroon in 1962 when they rejected reunification overtures from the Ahidjo's Cameroon.

^** The questions which we have to answer today are these:
---knowing that pan-Cameroonism is this pre-determined malicious plot that comes in ways and means we can not always ascertain,  
--- knowing that history has shown that our lackadaisical political attitude in the face of a serious problem as in our "no response" to pan-Cameroonism is why we lost what was clearly coming  to us at the termination of trusteeship (our independence) for some utopia not even the Québécois in the democracy rich Canada would dare to  experiment with.

Knowing all these begs for these questions:

(1) Does the current emancipation quest have a CONSCIOUS strategy to counter this invisible enemy called "pan-Cameroonism"?

(2) Does calling our people by the name SOUTHERN CAMEROONIAN significantly differentiates our people from the scourges of pan-Cameroonism or does it only goes to further promote pan-Camerronism?

(3) Does calling our people by the name AMBAZONIA (acknowledged as a PRE-independence tactic) significantly differentiates our people from the scourges of pan-Cameroonism or does it only goes to further promote pan-Cameroonism?

(4) Is there something afterall which our emancipation quest ought to guard against called "pan-Cameroonism" or it doesn't matter since Southern Sudan eventually got it independence from Sudan and both she that common root name ?

(5) What if there are others activists, who really feel there exist no problems as "the pre deterministic agenda in pan cameroonism, we ought to guard against:
--such as that there is no such thing called "pan-Cameroonism" because History has it that our name is SOUTHERN CAMEROON!
-- such as that there is no such thing as our political culture lacking  an awareness of the value in "identity and nationalism" based politicking since we can just as Southeen Sudan create a "Southern Cameroonian" nationalism! 
-- such as that there is no such thing as why we need to mentally circumscribe our emancipation quest under the principle-based rubric called "PRE-independence advocacy" since everything is just fine as we have load of petitions at the UN, the AU, the ICCPR etc which we know we will win! 
-- such as that there is no such thing as applying only BEST PRACTICES principles in conducting our PRE-independence politics because "consensus" as in merging very other viewpoints matters!  
--such as that there is no such thing as the prevailing political phenomenon we now are experiencing! One where a political landscape of the "anything goes as an idea to be hailed",  even if it amounts to "re-invention of the wheel" is acceptable!! Where that our patentable  tolerance of mediocrity has now metamorphosed for consensus and inclusive politics as a way to express the  "democratic right" of the person and the group.
Here is a problem though!
We are not yet an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY WHERE INTEREST GROUP "parliamentary politics" expresses our democracy! Instead, what should be recognized and accepted by all is that we need a SANITIZE UNIVERSE from where we can re engage the emancipation quest. The   "PRE-independence" theater is where we deploy our very own unique Ambazonian ideology as our CONSCIOUS strategy against this evil force of psychological oppression now wrecking havoc upon our people with impunity!

Yet there are those who still insist that calling AMBAZONIANS by the recolonization-cementing name of Southern Cameroonians is not a problem since we are just respecting our historic name!

As the only UN Trust Territory to have not exercised its PRE- defined destiny in UN Article 76(b) -- in the "self-government and independence"--perhaps those politicians who INSIST calling our people Southern Cameroonians instead of Ambazonians can explain why no pan-Cameroon irredentist campaign happened say in C.A.R or in Chad or in Gabon; all ex German KAMERUN territories?

The sole goal of any politician's advocacy position should always be to serve the BEST INTEREST of the people he or she represents. It is then incumbent on that politician to pick amongst COMPETING ALTERNATIVES only the best of best! In the event of "post independence parliamentary politickings", it is expected that with this logic in operation, debating amongst representatives' competing choice would lead to functional compromise. This is a win-win proposition for allocating the scarce resources of the "functional state" where "quid pro quo" deals amongst politicians adopts a long term view of this "best interest always" expectations.

--Well folks we are not yet operating a functional state!

--We are not yet an independent sovereign country we would like to call anything but a name associated with the word Cameroon.

--We are still under the influence of the sovereign powers of the state called Cameroon! Unless some people have forgotten  ((conveniently forgotten)), it is this same country that has colonized us like it or not - its even worse than the days of European Colonization since this is not under any monitoring regime! 

Or do the politicians who keep calling Ambazonians by the name "Southern Cameroonians" have an alternate appraisal of our situation inside Cameroon today? Maybe they do but are not saying!

--/\ do our politicians really think we (the victim of a "pre determined" state-sponsored assimilationist program since 1961 we can conduct our independence struggle ((which basically should be the most focused manifestation of our rights of self-determination at the level of the projected state)) when we keep insisting on using the "root base" of identity and nationalism in the name CAMEROON? Which (not incidentally) is the same name base being used by the offending state (Cameroon) ?

Again folks, let us simple take a deep breath and reflect on the following before thinking someone is here to promote an agenda of what some derogatory would call the "Ambazonia Group". Far from the fact that automatically AMBAZONIANS can NEVER to susceptible to  such parochial thinkings is the sadness in their  continuous failure to appreciate the real powers of invoking SELF determination as an Ambazonian instead as a Southern Cameroonian! 

-- Given our unfortunate location in this very bad neighborhood should our emancipation quest long ago have automatically dictated  that we run as far as we can from using a name and by extension, an accompanying nationalism, that has anything to do with offending state of Cameroon?

If we all applied these "pre-independence" precepts we would long ago have settled on acknowledging our main weakness! Which is just how bad is this lack of appreciating as vital to our survival as a people, the concept of identity and nationalism in our political culture? On a scaled of zero to ten lets honestly grade ourselves of die in denialism of the fact that we have always conducted politics devoid of the awareness of our sovereignty destiny! Why is this so? Because we are so blinded by the prevalent ethnic, regional and personality politics as to not be able to appreciate the fact that POWER MATTERS ANS HAPPENS BECAUSE PEOPLE CONSCIOUSLY SEEK IT AND DO EVERYTHING TO KEEP, MAINTAIN, ENHANCE AND PROMOTE IT!

Lets be honest to ourselves or continue to see generation and generations of our UNSUSPECTING MASSES get lost to the corrosive effect of time wastage in pan- Cameroonia.  

Sad but true that "our personality politics has gone rouge and its past time to cease and desist for the sake of our people! It is currently affecting younger generations of our people. Which is why We some new entrants into the "political scene" have associated themselves with this anti-sovereignty political culture and are not even "curious" about investigating the root causes of our demise in Cameroon !!!  If so maybe someone out there would provide some logical (fact based) reasons for the following assystemic (counter- survivalist ) behavior from a people called by various names throughout their history, one of them abbreviated simply as "Southern Cameroonians"!

(Question 1) Why of all the German ex Colony people [now independent states as  Chad, CAR, Gabon parts of Congo] only the people called summarily as "Southern Cameroonians became the victim to the UM Nyobe's UPCist irredentist propaganda of the 1950s calling for "re-unification " of the Grand Germanic Kamerun nation?

((BACKGROUND needed for question no 2))

Let us no longer blame the British for its a blame as misplaced as that proverbial "going to ones funeral and crying more than the bereaved" complaint demonstrative of our failure to assume personality responsibility of our lives . After everything else failed ((read the declassified files)) to get us focus on independence as a unique country, the British had not house but to play their last hand. They handed us via UN Res 1608 (XV ) GAOR a CONFEDERATION OF SOVEREIGN STATES that was called "Federal United Cameroon Republics" thinking y least these folks would someday wake up and recognize their foolishness in joint a country in the mist of a civil war! This sovereign arrangement of "two equal states" was not unusual in the geopolitics of the times as it was analogous to the Ex USSR. The constitution in the Federation's article 47 was very clear in stating that anything that violates the integrity of each state renders the federation null and void. Yet this "State Integrity clause" was violated in 1972 when the so called Ahidjo's "Green Revolution" renamed the confederation as "United Republic of Cameroon". For those keeping tap to the tactics of name changing syndrome note that the original name of this confederation of sovereign states (Federal United Cameroon Republics with emphasis on the "S", was never used. What was used was this name that pretended to be innocent but carried very bad omen for our people-- the name "Federal Republic of Cameroon"!! Note how while in 1961 they conveniently stripped off the word "UNITED" and the letter  "S", in 1972 they felt confident enough of the assimilation tactics to now add the word "UNITED", but not the letter "S". After-all they surmised that pan- Cameroonism is working well as the Muna led coup d'état which toppled the Jua's administration completed the systematic dismantling of the federation of 1961. Adding the letter "S" in the word REPUBLIC would only go to remind ALL about a federation of  "two equal republics" which  should not be in existence.

By 1984 the Biya led pan-Cameroonian agenda felt its time to cut all pretenses of a "used-to-be" federation. The Cameroon Parliament passed the simultaneously generating "states extinction /\ states creation" law of February 02/84 dubbed subsequently as "Restoration Law 84/01", which simplified things by calling the country Republic of Cameroon". Accordingly, there should be no more talk from anyone about a thing called Federation since we are now one country -- just line up and be counted as Cameroonians without any qualifiers!  This judicial act was to assist a pan-Cameroon led historical revisionist agenda that intended to erase any trace of how an "english speaking entity" came to be in Cameroon. We are just one people in this one country called Cameroon  where the word UNITED is now taboo! Case closed --Pan Cameroon assisted ASSIMILATION is completely successful.

But not so quick!

Remember the simultaneously  "states creation and states extinction" law dubbed Restoration law 84/01? Whether Cameroon likes it or not this law also created the successor state of the now very dead British Southern Cameroons called "the Republic of Ambazonia" just as it created the "Republic of Cameroon "!

*^There was to be no accusation of "acquiescence" by rhe international community nor by anyone, anywhere, anytime that the people now called by their tactically sound PRE-independence name as Ambazonians were complicit with their fate in pan-Cameroonia. Reason why the Ambazonian argument is very simple but very powerful as it is very true that Cameroon's presence inside Ambazonia today is an act of continuing aggression against the sovereign state of Ambazonia. They seceded to reform their county called "Republic of Cameroon" at the same time we restored our sovereignty, but this time around as Ambazonia.

So why are they still claiming we are part of Republic of Cameroon when we are not and have never been ?  

Except unless Cameroon continues to be inspired by those politicians who keep insisting on calling Ambazonians  by the most pan-Cameroonian promoting name of all names -- as Southern Cameroonians! But why this intransigence bordering on arrogance in the face of what is clearly the ongoing devastating job of pan CAMEROONISM? Why? 

(Question 2): why are therefore activists of Southern Cameroons vintage (( some of them highly educated) not willing to conduct their independence struggle from the standpoint of POWER which would easily come if we were united at the level of the sovereign state we should have known since 1961 that we were?

The sovereign state AGAIN which by the facts of our history and by the operation of the law should  since 1984 have been expressed by all via the pre-independence name of AMBAZONIA.
--/Why do they rather prefer arguments which renders us vulnerable to the politics of the times? The principle of "self-determination" will never move beyond where it  is today  of not accompanied by the elements of power that would favor us! 
--/Why do they want the international community to accused us of acquiescing to our fate inside Cameroon because of arguments so easily politicized and neutralized by Cameroon. The concept of defining "People" rights was long settled as part of the functional operation of democracy within the context of a sovereign state as the 1981 pKatanga case attested. This begs for whether in the polity of "Southern Cameroons", there is ever any need to compare and contrast facts so as to use only the best amongst alternatives?

--/\Which is more expressive of our desire of a "self- determination" that is consistent with acquiring independence for an aggrieved people inside current Cameroon? The Banjul undefined and still subject to the sovereignty of Cameroon  "people's rights"  or the self-defining by the ioperation of the law as well as by our history "sovereignty rights" of Ambazonia?

At the least hope is in the horizon.

Thank God that the message of POWER coincides with the message of the TRUTH as it has always been in our case. Without any prodding the Bakassi Ambazonians are very resolved to restoring independence of what used to be called "Southern Cameroons" by calling for the recognition of the Republic of Ambazonia. They are doing it in action. Reason why as recently as February 13, 2013 in a meeting with the Free Ambazonians activists from abroad as well as the territory the resolution to conduct the independence struggle under the all purpose all unifying auspices of ALIM (Ambazonia Liberation Movement) was unanimously adopted!

Is it not past time for the Hinterland Ambazonians to do likewise?  For us to go to where POWER reside is to have knowledge of both our strength and your weakness. It is also how we are to know and then adopt amongst the often irrational alternatives ONLY the best one. Only through such mindset can the best answer to the questions above serve our people's best interest which as we all have acknowledged is independence.

Edwin Ngang
ALIM ( Ambazonia Liberation Movement )

Sent from my iPhone....because TIMING matters!

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Date: March 19, 2013, 3:18:41 PM EDT
To: victor tarkeh <>
Subject: [visionaryleader] ACCDF promotes culture in the diaspora.


Visionary leaders are the builders of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. They present a challenge that calls forth the best in people and brings them together around a shared sense of purpose. They work with the power of intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. Their eyes are on the horizon, not just on the near at hand. They are social innovators and change agents, seeing the big picture and thinking strategically.
    There is a profound interconnectedness between the leader and the whole, and true visionary leaders serve the good of the whole. They recognize that there is some truth on both sides of most polarized issues in our society today. They search for solutions that transcend the usual adversarial approaches and address the causal level of problems. They find a higher synthesis of the best of both sides of an issue and address the systemic root causes of problems to create real breakthroughs.

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