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Monday, July 25, 2016

Re: [africanworldforum] Re: [cameroon_politics] @Rufau //PAAWCE & Anglophone Annihiliation

Deconstructing the UPC Reunification Hoopla ....Den of Lions Vol 1: A Tale of Two States. BY Ntemfac Ofege and Samuel Akale.
While it can be conceded that the richer (Soppo Priso) and more assertive (Dikongué) French Camerounians had influenced political parties in Southern Cameroons to show commitment by spelling their names with a K (Kamerun National Democratic Party, Kamerun United National Congress, Kamerun National Congress, One Kamerun) the orthography was more to please those who had paid the pipers and were calling the tunes than a well-thought reunification agenda. Proof of that is the fact that one half of Foncha's KNDP, Endeley and the entire KUNC and even Dibongé, patron of the KNC, had backtracked from joining French Cameroun at the eve of the plebiscite.
Amidst the wilderness of mirrors surrounding the definitely fork-tongued unification versus reunification miasma, a diamond-shaped fact persists to wit: To date, the UPC has not defined what it meant by "reunification given the specific circumstances of both French Cameroun and the British Cameroons as independent states and the despite the unimpeachable fact that Southern Cameroons is today annexed by French Cameroun. Resultantly, since nature abhors a vacuum, the Ahidjo-Biya colonial regimes, which is culpable of corrupting the nationalism which the UPC stood for, has now invalidated the UPC "reunification" and Foncha's "unification" and is now hell-bent on neocolonization, concolonisation, annexation, assimilation and plain subjugation of Southern Cameroons, with the full support of the francophone majority and ergo its enabler France. 


Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

On Monday, July 25, 2016 5:33 AM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

Dear Dr Yangne,
As you know I have just been doing some research on the UPC for a book project and it is extraordinary the amount of misrepresentations (lies) presented as facts by the UPC both yesterday and today.
Permit me commence a series of posts on the kyrie of UPC falsehoods that some of you, especially the Bamileke Upécists would still want the world to believe. 

STILL CUT from Den of Lions Vol I. A Tale of Two States by Ntemfac Ofege and Samuel Akale.

Citing Willard Johnson, Fanso underscores that the UPC was even birthed through vintage Gallicized deception and false pretenses in. Per Fanso, the UPC deceived the French local administration in Cameroun into giving it legal recognition when it was formed in 1948 by avoiding the inclusion in the Charter of the party, a statement of their real goals or indicating `any allegations that their objectives conflicted with those of the administration in any way.' They had declared that they were neither in opposition to the French nation, the interests of the French Union, nor the existing French constitution; they had even promised to work `within the framework of the French Union.' (Willard Johnson, 1962: 113) But the immediate unveiling of the real objectives and the relentless campaign to achieve their aims in the immediate future after their recognition were regarded by the French as a stab in the back.[1]

[1] Verkijika G. Fanso, Anglophone and Francophone Nationalisms in Cameroon, The Round Table (1999), 350 (281-296)


Deconstructing the UPC Reunification Hoopla
On April 10, 1948, the radical French Cameroun nationalists met at a bar in the Douala Bassa quarter to form the Unions des populations du Cameroun (UPC), with immediate independence and "reunification" with British Cameroons as the twin policies on its agenda (Richard Joseph 1977: 92). Informed by hindsight it now becomes imperative to interrogate the UPC's fork-tongued narrative about "re-unification" where unification never was. The UPC did not, and could not, and never will justify its overextended "reunification" meme given the specific context of French Cameroun and South Cameroons as separate, distinct and independent Class B UN Trust Territories under UNO mandate and then trust systems. The extraordinary nature of the UPC fabricated claim is also demonstrated by the fact that history knows no case claim where a federation has been formed by the separation of a unified territory into several components which then join together again in a federation so that they may present a common political and economic front to the world. The UPC assumed that its audience had a common understanding of its ill-defined message. At worst, and as stated by historian Simon Ngenge, the UPC (and its Southern Cameroons satellite, One Kamerun (OK) Party) did not themselves appraise the full meaning of the words unification and/or reunification. (Ngenge, 2003). Njeuma's submission is even that the reunification swansong entoned by the UPC was even a typically francophone political trick.  Per Njeuma, in the political wake of the Second World War, the UPC's advocacy of 'immediate reunification' ought to be seen more as a strategy than as a programme of action. Firstly, as for RACAM, it was a ploy to get the UN to allow reunification before independence, which would permit the party foremost in advocating that platform to increase its electorate by adding on the demographic strength of Southern Cameroons and ergo carry the day in the struggle for power against Ahidjo, a candidate backed by the election-rigging colonial France and northern French Cameroun. Secondly, reunification was expected to neutralise both French and British influence in Cameroun to the territories' advantage. It was reckoned that the two powers would compete with each other for a new hegemony in a reunified Cameroun, and that the Camerounians would be able to dictate their own terms of co-operation.[1]
The UPC accordingly used the political arguments for reunification to establish common ground between politicians of East and West Cameroon. Furthermore, they ignored the international frontier and went ahead to campaign and win supporters for the UPC in West Cameroon (Um Nyobé 1989: 83-84; Joseph 1977: 188ff; Zang-Atangana 1989: 272). Such trans-frontier activities gave the party the reputation among the population of constituting the real opposition to colonialism. (Idem) At worst, and as leaven is to change (or to assimilate to its own nature) so too did the UPC translate into another francophone Trojan horse contraption hell-bent on an African Oded Yinon (Greater Cameroun) with the concolonisation, annexation, assimilation and plain subjugation of Southern Cameroons, under false pretenses, as a first step!

[1] Martin Z. Njeuma, "Reunification and Political Opportunism in the making of Cameroon's Independence , Paideuma.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 9:07 AM, 'Dr. William NDI' [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
Czar, mon monde et vous
Pour toi, garder la grandeur.
Pour nous, donner la noirceur.
D'ailleurs c'est notre couleur.
Pour notre monde la meilleure.
Art plastique dit tout le contraire.
À ne pas nous le soustraire !
Nous sommes gîte de noire douceur
Faisant fie à toute couleur
Fierté de cette sobriété
Assurant nos tranquillités
Léguant au monde l'inquiétude
D'une fièvre de servitude
Du temps passé piétinant
Nous autres, nous balayant
Pour cause de couleur de peau
Qui ne nous offre aucun pot
Certes toutes ces bagarres bizarres
Naissent de ta volonté Czar
Pour qui pays et peuple
Sont à toi seul, tu stipules
Tel un grand chef des bandits
Trouvant complice en avide
Renard franc doré méchant
Dansant avec les marchands ;
Dictant le sort du peuple
Ignorant son périple
Tu es homme fort pour combien
De temps serons-nous de biens
Privés ? Que tu en fais tiens
C'est normal ! Tu n'es qu'un chien
Qui à l'odeur de la chair
Oubliera certes tous tes frères.
D'ailleurs personne ne l'ignore
Même pas moi qui ne m'en sors
Au loin de ta griffe grippant
Fort ce pays tout souffrant !
Czar, ta faiblesse on la voit
Même si tu veux nous faire boire
Ces urines par les narines
Tu pues bien comme tes latrines !
Que tu le veuilles oui ou pas
Nous veillerons à tes pas
Que nous ne suivrons jamais
Puisque nous prives-tu des mets
Toi un gourmand, non gourmet
Tu veux nous voir au coffret
Protégé par tes garçons
Qui nous prennent pour de vrais cons
Que tu meurs de voir paitre
Or, nous refusons d'être
Ces moutons qui n'ont de mœurs
Que de suivre de grands leurres
Du p'tit branleur que tu sois
Quand nous foutons-nous de toi
Qui en outre vois en nous
Ceux à mettre à genou
Mais la résistance debout
Nous la pousseront jusqu'au bout
Et obtiendrons gain de cause
Pour alors tout voir en rose.

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Rufau Umaru [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
Dear Pa Fruh Ndeh,

> I still do not get your point.

You will not get my point as long as you disconnect my reaction from Ekinneh's email below and from people who use the same kind of arguments. I said that more than 80% of the "anglophone-marginalization" complainers folks do not care about STATEHOOD and the creation of an independant Southern Cameroon. They care about access to the "mangeoire". I don't take them very serious.

As you may know my adopted country (Belgium) has very strong separatist movements. There are strong Flemish independantist parties like the NVA (currently part of the federal government and flemish regional government) and the Vlaams Belang; both parties account for approximatively 35% to 40 % of the electorate in Flanders; they are fighting for full independance of Flanders. There are also wallonian independantist parties who want either full independace for Wallonia or the rattachment of the region to France; they all account for less than 5% of votings in Wallonia. The good thing is that all those parties are part of an open democratic system where you can expose your views without any problem. So this kind of discussion is daily brood here.

If my brother Aaron Agien Nyankwe this that you need to be bHNAS (british House Negro and Anglo-Saxon) to talk about Southern Cameroon's issue he's wrong.

Roufaou Oumarou


« Notre révolution n'aura de valeur que si, en regardant derrière nous, en regardant à nos côtés et en regardant devant nous, nous pouvons dire que les Burkinabés sont, grâce à elle, un peu plus heureux. Parce qu'ils ont de l'eau saine à boire, parce qu'ils ont une alimentation abondante, suffisante, parce qu'ils ont une santé resplendissante, parce qu'ils ont l'éducation, parce qu'ils ont des logements décents, parce qu'ils sont mieux vêtus, parce qu'ils ont droit aux loisirs ; parce qu'ils ont l'occasion de jouir de plus de liberté, de plus de démocratie, de plus de dignité. (...) La révolution, c'est le bonheur. Sans le bonheur, nous ne pouvons pas parler de succès. » Thomas Sankara

"La plus belle victoire ne se remporte pas sur une armée ennemie ou des adversaires condamnés au silence du cachot. Est vraiment victorieux, l'homme resté seul et qui continue de lutter dans son coeur. Je ne veux pas qu'aux portes du pays des morts le douanier trouve des souillures à mes pieds. " Roi Gbêhanzin

Von: "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]" <>
An: "" <>
Gesendet: 2:20 Donnerstag, 21.Juli 2016

Betreff: Re: [cameroon_politics] @Rufau //PAAWCE & Anglophone Annihiliation

Sir Rufau Umaru - Gbe Meigaanga,

I still do not get your point.
Do you equate the development problems in various parts of Cameroon with the problem of the STATEHOOD of the Southern Cameroons?
That is my point of departure with you.
Your opinion is that the people today are clamouring because of "mangeoire".  You are entitled to your opinion, and that is just fine.
The facts are that Southern Cameroons was a state and was occupied by the armed forces of La Republique du Cameroun since midnight
September 30, 1960.  Those clamouring for the return of that state have every right in their moral fiber to do so.
You need not mix a return to statehood with regional developmental issues.  Either you are feigning ignorance of
the issues at hand or I mean who knows, maybe you just want to be outright dishonest.  I just do not get it .....
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Rufau Umaru [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] @Rufau //PAAWCE & Anglophone Annihiliation

My best Aaron Agien Nyangkwe,

Oh gosh! Côte d'Ivoire, again *:-& krank! You love it, so since we are talking about STATEHOOD and STATESMANSHIP, let's talk.

Your Laurent Gbagbo signed by his own hand more than 4 decrets and presidiential decisions (in 2004 and 2005) in which he confirmed and tightened the attempt made under Bédié to forcibly expropriate and drop into statelessness between 1/2 million to 8 millions fellow africans on the ground that their fathers or grand-father failed to make their choice on time regarding the nationality option after Cote d'Ivoire's independace, although he recognised that they were already living in the country before 1960. That is the translation of your patritic politics, I call it ethno-fascism.

The "panafricanist leader" you hate so much was supposed to be one prominent victime of this politic, but he fougth back ang now you have just tes yeux pour pleurer. Tu n'as encore rien vu! Selbst Schuld, i would say. You will regret the fall of Gbagbo for hundreds and hundreds of years, I will celebrate the failure of a criminal and shameful politic against fellow africans.

Gbagbo and his followers must have really been so naive to think that, hidden behind empty anti-france slogans, the balance of forces could allow them to execute such criminal decisions against so many people. They tought yhey were dealing with few thousands illiterate cacao farm workers and poor herders.

Now let's imagine. Imagine Southern Cameroon is independant on october 1st, 2025. One of the ctitical decisions its leaders will have to take concerns the definition of the new nationality and the criterias for its acquisition and lost. Who will be granted full citizenship and who will not ? Jus soli (right of birthplace) or jus sanguinis (right of blood)? A mix of the two systems? Imagine a leader of the majority in parlament chooses for exclusive jus sanguinis with reference date 1922, which means refusing the  new Southern Cameroonian nationality to every person who cannot justify that his ancestors were living in the territory of Southern Cameroon before 1922. Possibly more than one million people from the estimated 5 millions inhabitants will be impacted. Immediate social divide and tensions. How long will it take to see foreign bluehelmets forces running around in the new independant country ?

In case of GbagboI thought they were so naive and Front Nationale oriented because they were nothing but a bunch of made-in-france intellectuals and politicians. But when I see that even you, the great anglophone warrior, you support them and will be supporting them until your last breath without even asking questions, i think maybe the problem is not just the cretinizing francophone education system ....

Mais bon, let's stay optimistic.  There are reasonable people running around in our country. When the time comes, they will save us from the worst.

Rufau Umaru
gbe Meiganga.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 5:12 PM, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
Mr Umaru

Can you stop getting on my nerves?
The last time you were supporting the French bombings of the Ivorian presidency to put in place a "panafricanist leader" called Dramane OUATTARA and then ferry Laurent Gbagbo to The Hague. Isn't it?

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Rufau Umaru [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
My good Aaron,

I understand that rantanplan Goni Waday aka Jean-Baptiste Ketchateng from Cameroon Tribune is your good friend. 

You have les goniseries on common.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 4:40 PM, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
Mr Rufau Umaru

The greatest news of the day is that there is some one mismanaging and plundering La Republique du Cameroon. I would have expected a PANAFRICANIST that you are to concentrate your efforts in seeing that your country is liberated from this gross malfeasance.
What has the Southern Cameroon statehood issue got to do with the great misrule that takes place in LRC?

Agien Nyangkwe  

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Rufau Umaru [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
Hello PFN,

I think I deeply understand what some people call the "anglophone problem" or the issue of STATEHOOD as well as the different faces of the southern cameroonian independace movement. Like in every human society there are many opinions as how to fix it. As democrat we have to respect every opinion.

1) "You are wrong."

No, I'm not. Read again Ekinneh's and other emails posted in this forum, or the numerous litterature you can find in internet. I did not say 100%, i said "most cases of...". 

If in 1992 Fru Ndi effectively came to power, he would necessarily have appointed - and i would't mind since we need to KILL the influence of the Francafrique in the cameroonian state structure -  much more so called "anglophones" in key positions including in the finance and security services than Ahidjo and Biya. Then we would have less complaints from the "anglophones pouvoiristes" and more from fellow "francophone pouvoiristes". Some ethno-fascists folks would even pretend that part of Fru Ndi's government is not Cameroonians. We have seen such populism elsewhere. 

Tell me the difference between "there's a complot to make sure that an anglophone can never be president of Cameroon" and "there's a complot to make sure that a bamileke can never be president of Cameroon".

2) "show me any other part of Cameroon in the ethnic groups or provinces or regions that you mention below
that had a country that was registered at the United Nations. "

I did not question the specificity of the problem of Southern Cameroon. The point is not about registration at the League of the Nations or the United Nations. This is just one caracteristic amont others of a partucular body or regions.

The point is that people are invoking historical, regional, ethnic or religious caracteristics to claim some particularities which should entitle them or justify a better access to the "mangeoire".

3) If the issue is about STATEHOOD, then you would not care that much about promotions, appointments, offices or the way "francophones" ministers are treating "anglophone" ministers. You would simply fight for the restoration of Southern Cameroon's authonomy or for independance, regardless of material benefits la Republique gives you.

4) For your information, I am not for the so called "Republique Unie du Cameroun" but for a highly dezentralized federal structure, like the one you can for example find in the SDF program for government.

Roufaou Oumarou

« Notre révolution n'aura de valeur que si, en regardant derrière nous, en regardant à nos côtés et en regardant devant nous, nous pouvons dire que les Burkinabés sont, grâce à elle, un peu plus heureux. Parce qu'ils ont de l'eau saine à boire, parce qu'ils ont une alimentation abondante, suffisante, parce qu'ils ont une santé resplendissante, parce qu'ils ont l'éducation, parce qu'ils ont des logements décents, parce qu'ils sont mieux vêtus, parce qu'ils ont droit aux loisirs ; parce qu'ils ont l'occasion de jouir de plus de liberté, de plus de démocratie, de plus de dignité. (...) La révolution, c'est le bonheur. Sans le bonheur, nous ne pouvons pas parler de succès. » Thomas Sankara

"La plus belle victoire ne se remporte pas sur une armée ennemie ou des adversaires condamnés au silence du cachot. Est vraiment victorieux, l'homme resté seul et qui continue de lutter dans son coeur. Je ne veux pas qu'aux portes du pays des morts le douanier trouve des souillures à mes pieds. " Roi Gbêhanzin

Von: "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]" <>
An: "" <>
Gesendet: 0:45 Montag, 18.Juli 2016
Betreff: Re: [cameroon_politics] @Rufau //PAAWCE & Anglophone Annihiliation

Rufau Umaru,

Bro, I will not mince my words. I will just say it as it is.  You are wrong.
The problem of Southern Cameroonians is one of STATEHOOD. 
Please hear me out CLEARLY.  Please, so you never repeat the same mistake below.
Just about EVERYTHING of the former state of Southern Cameroons has been ANNIHILATED
by the successive Ahidjo and Biya administrations, under the guise of so called national unity.
That garbage of national unity was and continues to be a euphemism to ANNIHILATE anything
and everything Southern Cameroons.

Please NEVER, NEVER you equate problems or issues arising from the DEVELOPMENT
of various provinces or regions or if you prefer ethnicities/tribes throughout the national
territory with that of the former State of Southern Cameroons with the Seat of Government at
Buea, where there was a Parliament and an Executive Office of Prime Minister.

If you want to continue in this your fatal error, I challenge you to show me any other
part of Cameroon in the ethnic groups or provinces or regions that you mention below
that had a country that was registered at the United Nations.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Rufau Umaru [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Revealed: Biya killed Pius Njawe - by Jean Bosco Tagne

Mr Ekinneh,

You are just confirming what I think about most cases of separatist-nationalism, that it is not about values, identity, (anti-)colonialism, freedom, struggle for liberation, radically changing the system towards a revolutionary afro-centrist new model, etc but it is simply about what cameroonians call "accès à la mangeoire" for the scholarized elite of all kind in post-colonial cameroon: posts, public money, power and its attributes, etc. 

It is just another sectarian layer added to the usual "nordistes marginalisés"  vs "tous les postes aux sudistes", bamiléké vs nko'a (ancient Nouk would say la frange béti-boulou-pahouin, "béti-boulou ont pris tous les postes" vs "rien pour le reste de la Nation", maginalization of the Bamilekes, islamo-peul vs kirdi, Southwesterners vs Northwesterners, etc etc.

I even read last week in the weekly newspaper l'Oeil du Sahel a letter of protestation written by a christian prister against "l'accaparement de toutes les nominations dans l'Adamaoua par les Islamo-Peuls", while at the same time some folks in the same adamaoua region has written a memorandung to protest their own marginalization with regard to access to state posts and nominations. Note: nowhere you will see them asking for system change. They just want to eat as much as other groups they see as competing groups.

In all those fights, you will see that they speak in the name of the ordinary citizen, but they really don't care about him when they are in power. Under Ahidjo the ordinary waajo was not better treated than a bayam-salam in Yaounde, under Biya ordinary southern citizen are facing the same problems than the paysam Tupuri in Mokolo and tomorrow and ordinary citizen of Buea will not be better on under a PAAWCE ruler than the Pousse-Pousse driver in Banyo. And it all happens within the same (neo-colonial) system.      

Interestingly the last years I made the same observation here in Belgium about the flamisch nationalism and its struggle for an independant Flanders. At the end of the day the socio-economical dimension is 95% of their "nationalisme": BIG MONEY; the main difference is that in this case they don't want to transfer money to the "lazy" and "socialists" Wallonians (the Francophones). Conservativ and neo-liberal dominated Flanders vs Socialist and progressive dominated Wallonia. All loud claims about language issues, lack of respect for their culture, francophone arrogance, etc is just a smokescreen to create political pressure. Money, money, money.

So to the usual ethno-tribal, religious and regional sectartism some people add a new artificial layer we can call anglo vs francophone sectarian layer. Tchucham is anyway part of the group doing the marginalization, because either he's forcibly a "Francophonehe" - may like it or not, it does not matter - or we will find for him the one or another sectation layer we can put him into, on the side of the one doing the marginalization. We will not ask 

From now Pa Fruh Ndeh has got himself a new militant for the fight to bring to power his PAAWCE. The next President of Cameroon must be from Southwest or Northwest extraction. Since the state president is more powerfull in Cameroon than the King of Saudi Arabia, he'll be able to fix at least that problem. That will not mean we will get the Change we are expecting. But that is another struggle.     
Roufaou Oumarou

« Notre révolution n'aura de valeur que si, en regardant derrière nous, en regardant à nos côtés et en regardant devant nous, nous pouvons dire que les Burkinabés sont, grâce à elle, un peu plus heureux. Parce qu'ils ont de l'eau saine à boire, parce qu'ils ont une alimentation abondante, suffisante, parce qu'ils ont une santé resplendissante, parce qu'ils ont l'éducation, parce qu'ils ont des logements décents, parce qu'ils sont mieux vêtus, parce qu'ils ont droit aux loisirs ; parce qu'ils ont l'occasion de jouir de plus de liberté, de plus de démocratie, de plus de dignité. (...) La révolution, c'est le bonheur. Sans le bonheur, nous ne pouvons pas parler de succès. » Thomas Sankara

"La plus belle victoire ne se remporte pas sur une armée ennemie ou des adversaires condamnés au silence du cachot. Est vraiment victorieux, l'homme resté seul et qui continue de lutter dans son coeur. Je ne veux pas qu'aux portes du pays des morts le douanier trouve des souillures à mes pieds. " Roi Gbêhanzin

Von: "EKINNEH Agbaw [cameroon_politics]" <>
An: "" <>
Gesendet: 23:54 Samstag, 16.Juli 2016
Betreff: Re: [cameroon_politics] Revealed: Biya killed Pius Njawe - by Jean Bosco Tagne

Mr. Tchucham,
I stand by the statement I made about Francophone disdain and marginalization of Anglophones. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that Francophones consider Anglophone as second-class citizens. It is this sense of alienation that is fueling agitations for independence by Anglophones.

Francophone Ministers are known for disrespecting Anglophone Prime Ministers, who is supposed to be their boss. Akame Mfoumou, Andze Tsoungui, Fame Ndongo and others skip cabinet meetings called by the PM and even come late, if and when they do come at all. Can they do that if a Francophone was PM?

Mr. Tchucham, some of us are eye-witnesses to history and I will give you one incident to drive home the point. Some time ago, a timber truck transporting timber belonging to a French company, derailed and caused havoc in Mutengene, killing at least a dozen, mostly women selling roasted corn and plums and plantains by the roadside. The local population rose up in anger, vandalizing cars and burning tires, and the situation degenerated into chaos and lawlessness.

President Biya directed that the sum of FCFA 200 million be given to then PM Mafany Musonge to go to the Southwest and provide relief to the victims and their families. A voucher (bon de commande) was raised; the bursar of the presidency put his "visa", the PM put his visa; then MINFI, Akame Mfoumou also affixed his visa. But the director of the treasury was on vacation in Paris and traveled with "his stamps" delegating his authority to no one. When the voucher was sent to the treasury, the "tout puissant" TPG, Mbezele refused to pay, ostensibly because the treasury director's visa was absent.

It did not matter if Mbezele's boss, marked his accord; it did not matter that the bon came from the presidency; and it obviously mattered less that the PM's visa was on the bon. Mr. Tchucham, this was a national emergency. My question to you: if the PM had been a Francophone from would Mbezele show such fundamental disrespect for constituted authority? If that truck had killed people around Carrefour Ntamnzut, and the President gave instructions, would Mbezele have acted the same way?

Have you forgotten that a Francophone Minister of Finance and all Francophone Directors in MINFI boycotted the installation ceremony of Raymond Gwanyalla as Director of Customs because the degree appointing him was signed by an Anglophone PM, Achidi Achu?

Mr. Tchucham, you can never know what marginalization is because you are part of the group doing the marginalizing. And whether you are Beti, Bamileke, Bassa, Douala or Hausa, your thinking is the same when it comes to Anglophone issues.

Prove to me that I am wrong


From: "Bonaventure Tchucham [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Revealed: Biya killed Pius Njawe - by Jean Bosco Tagne

" It is an open secret that Francophones
> of all tribes are unanimous in their disdain and continuous marginalization
> of Anglophones" (EKINNEH)

Brother, you're an intelligent man. But while you advice Dr Tagne to free himself from his Biya-phobia, make sure you're free from your franco-phobia, too!!!!
Even better: look to it that your common sense - as shown in the understanding of the real position of Biya in that SYSTEM- should not forsake you and let you overcome with resentment and blinded by hatred! You've accused your interlocuteur of being simplistic in his analysis and being of an inability to understand the issue at stake, that "simply defies commonsense". 
Reading your statement quoted above, I felt just that about you Dear Friend, and it also sound to me "like a broken record"!!!!!!

Let be remembered that even in the camp of your arch-enemy, you might find allies!!!!!!

Have a nice day though,
Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

De : "Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics]" <>
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi 15 juillet 2016 12h32
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Revealed: Biya killed Pius Njawe - by Jean Bosco Tagne

The cheeks are finally coming home to roost.

No, my dear Ekinneh: Le Professeur Maurice Kamto will be LE SAUVEUR of
LA REPUBLIQUE. That is what some of those "intellectuels" are
hollering all over the whole place.

I'll also beckond you to tell that Professeur that when next Patrice
Nganang returns to the USA, he should find time to meet him and get
himself firmly and soundly educated about the problems of Cameroon.
Atleast, I'll agree after listening to Nganang on STV that the guy
understands the problems very well (Although Nganang failed by not
communicating on these problems when the opportunity arose during that
interview).That would have helped thr growing masses and the likes of
le Professeur Tagné.

So tell the Professeur again that Campaoré is out of Burkina Faso but
nothing has yet changed.

Agien Nyangkwe

On 7/15/16, Jean-Marc Soboth
[cameroon_politics] <> wrote:
> I say eh Massa Ekinneh! Do you really know the USA so perfectly? Are we
> talking about the same USA or are you just so used to learning about the USA
> through Hollywood movies or mainstream medias that usually show the Country
> as a Haven where everything is under gov't, FBI and police control? Let's be
> careful... Jean-Marc Soboth Journalist
> Former ExCom Member (June2007-June2010) International Federation of
> Journalists, IFJ
> Founding Member (Nov2008-April2010) Federation of African Journalists, FAJ
> Founding President (June2002-April2010) Syndicat National des Journalistes
> du Cameroun, SNJC
>     residence: 2755, Rue Goyer Appt. 15 Montréal QC H3S 1H2 Canada - phone:
> + 1 438 877 8549    skype: jeanmarcsoboth - Gsm: + 1 438 937 6464
> Le Jeudi 14 juillet 2016 22h08, "EKINNEH Agbaw
> [cameroon_politics]" <> a écrit :
>   Jean-Bosco Tagne wrote:"I woke up evey morning praying that the good
> Lord send him to burn in hell. This man killed many of my friends like Tiwa,
> Dr. Guerandi Bara, Pius Njawe etc. He will end up in HELL with all the
> sycophants supporting him. Diables"
> Prof. Tagne, you will never cease to amuse me. The degree of travesty to
> which you are willing to descend to demonize Paul Biya is indeed amazing.
> Anyone not blinded by prejudice knows that Pius Njawe died in a car mishap
> in America. For you to propagate such baseless conspiracy theories, raises
> fundamental questions about your judgment and understanding of the USA as a
> country. America is not a banana republic with dysfunctional institutions
> where bizarre incidents like Njawe getting assassinated can happen, even as
> a coincidence. What evidence do you have to claim that Biya killed Njawe?
> At the risk of vilifying the dead; one is tempted to ask: who was Njawe and
> why would Biya want him dead? For all you might care, Njawe was an
> inconsequential threat; if any, to the Yaounde regime, despite belated
> efforts by your kith and kin to elevate him to the status of a national
> opposition statesman. His opposition to the regime was limited to the pages
> of his newspaper commentaries in Le Messager and Biya couldn't care less of
> what Njawe or any other newspaper wrote about him.
> This narrative that Biya was losing sleep over Cameroonians in the Diaspora
> (CODE, CAMDIAC, etc) organizing talk shops and eating and drinking
> expeditions to plan his exit is laughable and egregious in its foolishness.
> If you want to change Cameroon, go back home and fight. Who do you expect to
> "remove the evil Biya" for you? It is easy to hide behind a computer
> keyboard in the comfort of your home in faraway America and be running your
> mouth. Talk is cheap. Do you remember Charles Taylor of Liberia and how he
> started his armed revolt to topple the gov't of Samuel Doe?
> You have a superficial understanding of the problems of Cameroon and what
> needs to be done to fix the country. Your fixation on Paul Biya as the
> source of ALL the ills plaguing the country is too simplistic and the
> arguments you have been making are too puerile to be taken seriously. Before
> you resort to your predictable name-calling, my advise to you is to grow out
> of your Biya phobia and stop sounding like a broken record.
> Even if one were to concede that Cameroon suffers from leadership failure;
> and that a fish starts to get rotten from the head; leadership is a
> collective enterprise and you don't need to hold an authority position to
> exercise leadership. You can lead from the back.
> Your inability or refusal to understand that Biya is the product of a SYSTEM
> - the Aujoulat neo-colonial contraption that considers Francophone African
> countries as French overseas estates, clearly defies commonsense. Biya will
> leave power, because like every mortal, he will eventually die someday. Do
> you really believe that if Biya leaves and Niat Njifenji, Bello Bouba, Ndam
> Njoya or Maurice Kamto takes over, Cameroon will change for the better?
> Finally, the patronizing attitude with which you berate issues relating to
> Southern Cameroons is condescending. It is an open secret that Francophones
> of all tribes are unanimous in their disdain and continuous marginalization
> of Anglophones.
> FYI, if and when Biya leaves power; and contrary to what you and other
> Francophones might think, Anglophones don't need your provocative
> bellicosity and belligerence to decide whether or not they want to continue
> to be part of your Francophonie State.
> Mark my words.
> Ekinneh
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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27

Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27

Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27


Bill F. NDI (Click for my publications)

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