Edited copy

Dear Acham

There are more in stock for us. When one goes through records of;
-United Nations (UN) i.e Fourth Committee, Sixth Committee, General Assembly);
-International Law Commission (ILC);
-International Court of Justice; one will notice that these highest international law making bodies, had talked of a Federation Republic of Cameroon here and there in their records, but we are the very people who are refusing to find out, as to understand why and how they got there. All we have been doing is looking at personality politics, and not looking at the principles such personalities are for.

We are at a stage that everyone is talking about action, but less than 0.5% of us really know how we got into the problem in the first place. If we truly know how we entered the problem, then it will be easier to find a way out. If we know, it will help us know who exactly is to be targeted and how. I here confess to our people that 99.5% do not really know how we got to where we find ourselves. The 0.5% that know, are never taken seriously or being heard because we do or like personality politics and not politics based on principles first before personality.

From the volumes of records on the Trust Territory of British Cameroons, if we know what part our leaders (Foncha, Muna and Endeley) did play during the decolonization process of our country, we will know how to focus our fight. Some will say Endeley's predictions about joining with Cameroun was to be bad and it has come to pass --yet we failed to find out or say how Endeley proposed alternative of joining but Nigeria would have been good or better than going with Cameroun. Some will say Muna said our independence is on the ground, it is only for us to bend down and pick. Muna did not tell us that he was the one  who told the whole world through the General Assembly on the 17 October 1961 (just 16 days after 1 October 1961) that a perfect Federation Republic was in place. Some will say that Foncha cried during AAC I conference in Buea, but he did not tell us that he had a secret deal with Ahidjo not to strictly implement the Plebiscite Pact references in 1608XV paragraph (5) in return of his political post of vice president in the fake Federal Republic of Cameroon. The British officers came to know about it, to their surprised and stayed silence. Foncha knew perfectly well before hand and had a copy of the altered constitutions of Cameroun that was only tabled to the Southern Cameroons delegation in Foumban to be Federal Constitution for the two states.

These our leaders did not tell us that, they did not demand for complete independence for the Southern Cameroons --their parties being the first and second majority parties in Southern Cameroons at the time. The voices of real nationalist parties like Kale, Manga and Traditional rulers party (Fons) at the Manfe Conference who were in the minority, but were for total independence for southern Cameroons on its own, were never considered or stabled by Foncha and Endeley at the UN when the question of our future was to be considered. The was no united stand as to what our people wanted. We became drunk of democracy then, and it is the very too much democracy that is still killing us today. It is on records that Foncha and Endeley got the Southern Cameroons parliament to give them powers to speak for the people of Southern Cameroons. It is recorded on UN documents that, only their contrary parties ideas were tabled at the UN for consideration because it was the views of the majority. The complete independent voices of the minority nationalist parties were never mentioned at the UN when the political leaders (Foncha & Endeley) of the Southern Cameroons went to the UN after Manfe conference. That is democracy. If the majority is for a bad idea that is it. The failed to know nationalism should be placed above democracy.

One important fact we must always note is that the Trusteeship Agreement and UN Article 76b made mentioned very clearly that the wishes of the people were to be considered for the  termination of the Trusteeship. All through the process, the wishes of our people that were handed to Foncha and Endeley to dictate was above the United Nations and United Kingdom to alter, so all they could do was to work out the possible best  out off the two bad joining choices given them to form the two plebiscite questions. So, what ever our freely expressed wishes was as per the plebiscite, the UN and Britain were not to go against it. Our leaders did not have one voice as to what our future should be, before and during consideration time. Their differences as to what we want became so messy that foreign countries were worried. It was our leaders that were so desperate to go with Nigeria or Cameroun. Even at one a time, Cameroun made it very clear to the UN that it will never allow any constitutional experts to enter her country to implement paragraph 5 of 1608 XV because the UN has no legal right to dictate to a sovereign nation. Cameroun voted against 1608XV, yet our people were still bend to join Cameroun as if we were cursed. It was the free expressed wishes of the people that British and the UN followed. They worked on the options that the leaders of the Southern Cameroons gave them as questions to be put for consultation to know the wishes of the people. From UN records it is legally clear that after the vote on Resolution 1608XV (64 infavor, 23 against and 10 abstention) the UN main objective of Article 76b INDEPENDENCE was achieved for the British Southern Cameroons in accordance to to the wishes of the people. It is clearly seen from UN records that the implementation of paragraph 5 of 1608XV (the Plebiscite Pact being a Federation Union) was considered to be internal affairs of two sovereign independent states. That explains why the UN and even Britain was not present in Foumban. Take note that the question of Northern Cameroons is not touched here, because they too have their own wishes that were seriously considered. The records are very clear.

After United Republic of Cameroon law 84/01 was passed, these our leaders indirectly ganged up with Cameroun (Paul Biyia) against the Ambazonian Restoration Council under Gorji Dinka's leadership when Dr. Fonlon handed over to Dinka. Instead of looking at principles that a person stands for first, we are are looking but for personality. They demonized people with good ideas to stop the masses from seeing the light to freedom. Our people have been and are still the very ones that are keeping us under occupation because, they and their families, are the ones benefiting from it. Are we sure the transfer of the CDC headquarter to Yaounde is without the knowledge of our people?

I wish we all take some time to read these two attached international legal interpretation on how the British Cameroons termination of the trusteeship was/is viewed within international law. We do not needs to seek for treaty of union but just to follow what the UN records says, and to tell the UN that the Federation Republic of Cameroon end in 1984 period.

Taking action based on perfect understanding of legality part is the best way. The two must go together -- but then, are we there yet?


From: Julius Acham <>
To: ambasbay <>
Sent: Monday, 4 July 2016, 12:31

Could this mean there was a Union? Could this be the reason LRC, UK and UN are silent about our cases?. Could this be the reason the UN said our case is closed and the UK said we rounded up the UNION?
This makes  Divine's suggestion of Foumban II useless.
This release by HRH Gorji Dinka  must be taken seriously. Suggests that  we focus on 1984 and Law of creation and dissolution of States, to win hands down.


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