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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Why some folks can't see that NATIONALISM matters and that as of now our emancipation quest continues as it did in 1948 to conduct but the pan-Cameroonian nationalism, making it the best thing going on today for the recalcitrant Cameroon ????

Why some folks can't see that NATIONALISM matters and that as of now our emancipation quest continues as it did in 1948 to conduct but the pan-Cameroonian nationalism, making it the best thing going on today for the recalcitrant Cameroon ???? 


Why only a people called by several names all their lives by people who don't have best interest, as to now calling themselves "Southern Cameroonians", the only people who think you can get "reasoned processes" to bear on issues of global politics when they have not tangibly changed the elements of power in that specific dynamics? As in when we continue to think those international organizations such as the UN, the AU, The Hague, the Geneva Human Rights Courts etc, etc would get Cameroon to yield to the very stark justness of our case and grant our wishes by vacating AMBAZONIA?  

Where in this equation is one of the key requisites of CHANGE PROCESSES expected from us the victim? Where is the element of power? I am
not talking about how we can "wishfully THINK" we have power when we remain so resource deficient, but how we can realistically generate power from indigenous sources we already have!!

If we think we have any POWER NOW we may just as well be the most naive and self delusionary people on earth today who think "right can engender might"! Morality don't count for anything in this our world of survival of the fittest: where "might even if wrong has been known to make benevolent right over the course of time"! In doubt simply take a dart and throw it at any point in the history of humanity and there you will find tons of evidence "might" is usually all you need and not "right"!

We know our AMBAZONIANS proto-nationalists such as AUGUSTINE Jua, MN Mbile, Fon Achiribi etc etc sought total independence in their days but we know what happened. We ended up being the only people on earth who have accepted the illogicality of this incongruity: we ended up ACHIEVE our so defined INDEPENDENCE BY JOINING our very independent territory to another country! Machiavellianly speaking,   this anachronism could have benefited us and the entire region had we our anglophone system had being the majority system (think Canada) but we were instead the minority system!

Has the emancipation quest ever paused and for once, be introspective about things so as to objectively find out WHY an entire political process could have failed so miserably to serving their peoples best interest? Has there ever been anything self-organized without interference by our polity to seek an honest appraisal of the state of  our relationship with the French speaking Cameroonians? Something akin to the famous South African "TRUTH & RECONCILIATION COMMISSION", but in our case, one whose sole goal would be to find out "just what happened to a people once called by this phrase: THE UNITED NATIONS TRUST TERRITORY OF THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS UNDER UNITED KINGDOM ADMINISTRATION? This is our true historic name by the way for those who love the dictates of history!!!!!

The answer to these questions is a NO. Since time in memorial, and going on right now as you read this, we (our emancipation quest) have never convened anything specifically to examine our state of affairs inside pan CAMEROONIA. OK.. The AAC (1)&(2) may have come closed if you can discount its conclusions!! ! The truth is that we have never ever paused to figured out just what's happening to us even as one other "assimilationist" agenda gets implemented with impunity. Reason being that we have never awakened from that our proverbial "sleep walking" somnambulistic politics of acquiescence inside pan-CAMEROONIA! Which remains why today we are the only people in the world who would not recognize that "self-interest" dictates that the principle of BEST PRACTICES rejects the RELATIVITY in false analogies! As the stubborn somnambulistic politicians who continue to reject the principle of best practices, we have found a way to claim mimicry relationships where none should exist. Imagine that we have found reasons to claim an analogical relationship with the case of Southern Sudan! It's a very simplistic one that would boggle and numb any realistic-based imagination. It's goes like this: If "Southern Sudan" and "Sudan" can exist as separate countries so too can " Southern Cameroons" and "Cameroon". NO FUNDAMENTAL UNDERGIRDING DRIVING FACTORS NEED TO BE RECOGNIZED. There is no need or as they would argue, no complimentary association between change of our identity and independence since Southern Sudanese people saw no such need! This is why sociologists and empirical science came up with the phrase: THE FALLACY OF FALSE ANALOGIES. The above analogy touted by the anti-AMBAZONIA identity campers is essentially a false one.

This very false analogies which has brought very dire consequences on our people remains 'apparently' oblivious to some politicians. APPARENTLY SINCE ITS NOW VERY DIFFICULT TO ASCERTAIN WHO THESE POLITICIANS SERVE: (1) is it that our so revered Historical dictate? (2) is it themselves (their egos)? (3) is it that old ideal-the pan KAMERUN utopia?, (4) is it that other ideal- the pan AFRICAN political man's totalitarianism?


Now you should understand why it came to happen that an entire polity (ours) was hijacked by PAN CAMEROONISM in the 1950s and why it remains so today!  It continues to be so today in even worse terms now assisted by, DENIALISM, ASSIMILATION, ACQUIESCENCE  and RESIGNATION!

Thank God there exist "no stature of limitation" for the restitution of Justice!  We must fight back now~~ those who really believe in and want their freedom must rally around a new liberation ideology that is the only way to be SEPARATED from the current stranglehold of pan-CAMEROONISM and its overt and covert allies!


Let us RESET THE EMANCIPATION QUEST to the level playing field with new RULES OF ENGAGEMENT! Rules that will enable us recognize our best interest and seek "Justice through Power. Hitting the RESET BUTTON is how the emancipation quest would unburden itself from the legacy of our history and finally burying for good our nemesis in the name "SOUTHERN CAMEROONS", at the same time it adopts as a matter of its survival the pre-independence identity of AMBAZONIA! 

Here reside the basis of not only our ORGANIZED response to the current recolonization by Cameroon, but the beginning of our accumulation of the much needed POWER. If you still need be reminded, POWER DEFINED AS OUR ABILITY TO ELICIT COMPLIANCE, is a "must have" pre requisite for achieving independence! "RIGHT DOES NOT MAKE MIGHT!" 

And right now we simply are A CHOIR SO OUT OF TUNE AS TO BE A BUNCH OF INCOHERENT NOISES no one wants to suffer through listening! Making things worse, we have continued to compound our "powerlessness" problem by being the most DISORGANIZED people to ever advocate for their independence! You don't have to go too far to inquire: ask the people of Equatorial Guinea and you will understand why our state of naïveté thanks to our being politically so disorganized is now legendary!

There exist a goal focused bypass Solution: Let the "emancipation quest" ((defined as anyone convinced independence is our right to have by any means necessary)) convene in a PUBLICLY announced CONFERENCE to adopt the very unique and differentiating identity of AMBAZONIA! This SINGLE THEME conference would be akin to our belatedly much needed introspective TRUTH & RECONCILIATION COMMISSION where POWER via our new found NATIONALISM will be officially detonated. As a consequence this CONFERENCE should seek to maximize all the publicity it can harness by simultaneously holding in three continents. In Africa (Nigeria), in Europe (London) and in USA (WDC).

We have to admit that this our cavalier attitude (somnambulist Politics) of continuing calling ourselves "southern Cameroonians", or whatever derivative of any name associated with the word CAMEROON, at the same time we are advocating for our independence is either the epitome of a divinely inspired confusionism or something bordering on a collective mental retardation! 

Why some folks can't see that NATIONALISM matters and that as of now our emancipation quest continues as it did in 1948 to conduct but the pan-Cameroonian nationalism, making it the best thing going on today for the recalcitrant Cameroon ???? 

--/If you really want independence act like a person who will recognize it once it arrives without it being accompanied by a "certificate of independence"! 

If you want your independence start demonstrating to the world you now "know who you are" <an AMBAZONIAN> because you are definitely now convinced of "what you want" <your untethered independence>.

All those fallacious analogies comparing our case with South Sudan, East Timor, Eritrea or The Koreas etc, etc are evidence of our polity rejecting the universal principle of best practices at the same time, doing absolutely nothing to serve our best interest but that of pan-Cameroonism. 

A FACT WHICH OUR EMANCIPATION QUEST SHOULD LONG AGO HAVE  ACCEPTED AS A GUIDING UNIVERSAL TRUTH: The only reason our polity failed in 1960 to recognize that "termination of trusteeship" is the same thing as "granting independence to that trusteeship" was because we FOOLISHLY adopted the same name (identity politics) a country with malevolent intentions over us was being called by; the name CAMEROON. Adding that prefix SOUTHERN, or NORTHERN, or WESTERN, or EASTERN does nothing to differentiate and serve our people best interest. And just as equally important to understanding ourselves as a unique people, the accidental dictates of "History" should never hold us hostage to the stupidity of repeating its mistakes again and again.

To continue use of this name (Southern Cameroons) while at the same time claiming to be fighting for independence is reason we remain "still confused and never convinced" about our best strategy. NOT ALL STRATEGIES ASSIST A GOAL!!!! This ultimate sign of irresoluteness is the best thing going for pan-Cameroonism today. It is why the world doesn't yet know of our plight as a "recolonized people", and why the world wouldn't care about all those timid "post facto" reactive petitions we keep churning about being MARGINALIZED. Marginalization is a thing that happens in every country and that's the "internal affair" of that country. Invoking the UN Articles 2(2)&2(7) internal
Affairs non intervention- non interference clauses is what countries would do. We haven't mentally demonstrated that we are an occupied sovereign people yet because all they see is how efficiently we transmit pan-CAMEROONISM. 

**Meanwhile the current assimilation in the face of pan cameroon integration continues UNCHALLENGED as the systemic policy of Cameroon since 1961.  **Meanwhile some folks  continue to think this drip-drip-drip "assimilation" at all cost tactic doesn't matter. 
**Meanwhile, we continue to be blinded by that our penchant for "parliamentary politicking" that continue to stress the weakness in ethnic and regional survival.
** Meanwhile now divided at the "sub system" level of parliamentary politics that is subservient to the DOMINANT pan CAMEROONIC System, any wonder why we Have remained still so incoherent and disorganized? Making things worse, as "sub parts" of a minority system that doesn't recognize the value of seeking power via being organized, we have so predictably fallen victim to that cyclical REACTIVE POLITICS! As whenever the dominant system provides instances that afflicts our  personal or regional interest that's the time to PROTEST! This tactic according to the laws of system sciences will never be able to generate the necessary power to elicit CHANGE (compliance) from the dominant pan-CAMEROONIA system. This strategy/tactic will guarantee our FAILURE EVERYTIME it's deployed.!

We must return to a junction  where we identify with our best self interest as the minority system. This will arrive when the emancipation quest pursues a conscious policy that seeks "differentiation in the face of our very own integration". The name "Southern Cameroons --the reason trusteeship termination did not mean independence for us-- adds no value towards that goal because it will never be the basis of a nationalism that can separate itself from the now entrenched Cameroonian nationalism as will the name AMBAZONIA.

Make the Ambazonian nationalism happen! Start now wherever you are by visibly showing that you are not the victim of the most vicious recolonization today!

Create or join the ALIM- the AMBAZONIA Liberation Movement by getting four other persons to subscribe to your new found liberation psychology. Then as AMBAZONIANS -- people who know what they want (INDEPENDENCE) because they know who they are (AMBAZONIANS), let's get moving on our very own steam by collectively abiding to the ALIM Mantra: the ALIM mantra is simple and automatic:
(1) .. Adopt the principle of self-reliance and generate self financing to our emancipation quest by contributing your minimum of one dollar per day..
(2)....Adopt the principle of  taking personal responsibility of our demise in pan CAMEROONIA by donating one hour per week to the cause ..,
(3) ..reject everything post the 09/30/1960 "Termination of Trusteeship" by making it your sacred duty to recruit one new person to the cause per month towards your lifetime tally of three.

This is how we should take control of our lives and measurably FIGHT for our independence!

As of today, everything is building castles in the air as we continue that SLEEP WALKING politics of probability inside pan- CAMEROONIA. 

Edwin Ngang
AMBAZONIA Liberation  Movement of NorthAmerica

Sent from my iPhone

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