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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Re: [MTC Global] Save the IIMs: Forcing top tier institutions to reserve faculty jobs will hurt higher education

As most of our dignified luminiaries would agree, politicians use the reservation policy as a tool to further their own seat and power equation. Enforcement of the reservations in Industries can well be seen in the light of the present Government proposing to shut down/phase out nearly 5 of the 15 PSU's: HPCL Biofuels, Elgin Mills, Hindustan Antibiotics, HMT,Central Inland Water Transport Corporation are actively lobbied to be closed while 3 pharma companies and a couple of other Engineering companies are also under scrutiny Why or What has ailed these PSU's to take them to the stage of being disbanded? 
I would attribute it to imposing Heads/Directors from reservations category who had neither knowledge nor vision to take the organization ahead and were just content to draw their pay as do many others in various organizations, Banks & other Government and Semi Government and Quasi Government bodies continue to bleed the company and the economy with their lack of knowledge and functional skills.
Take our Judiciary itself. Due to my exposure to the judicial mechanism and the justice dispensation machinery, I am privy to knowledge that many Judges in Ahmedabad District Court are not even able to speak proper english. Their judgement which comes in Gujarati and translated in English is done by their stenographer who are quite good in their field and the judge just signs the order after having it read in gujarati and finding it to satisfaction. Most of the Judges are all from SC/ST reservation category. We all saw that even CJI's in the past were from reservation catagory. No doubt some were able to work hard and proved themselves but a majority of these quota beneficiaries just relished the dishes of goodies served out to them in a platter by our political landlords.
Reservations in Jobs should discontinued and the reservation classes should be encouraged to join the mainstream on merits giving them benefits of scholarships and subsidies to enable them to be competent and skillful in the field of their choice.

Stephen Narayanan
Freelance Educational Consultant/Corporate Training facilitator

On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Raveendranath Kaushik <> wrote:
Dear All,

I think we need to be clear on Reservation policy. Whole world is looking at India and there is lot of expectation on the growth and development index and if we still fight internally with such type of issues then it is a serious concern where we will heading towards.

Since, reservation is constitutionally gauratneed and our political party exist because of it, 100%  independence from reservation is not possible. Insted, we can think of a plan like the below (purely my suggestion)

Give the option of reservation in either Education or in Employment. Mean to say, a person who claims reservation under Education should not get reservation in Employment and the vice versa.

Then the quality will improve.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:10 AM, Jaideepsinh Jetawat <> wrote:
In my opinion,

Reservation,favoritism and corruption are  real hurdles for development of Nation then that of militants today. It has proved more negative then positive for development of India.

It will be  better to give free education to all category i.e to provide resources but Job should be given on merit , skill and knowledge based only. When their was no reservation even though  their were  people from all categories who have given their best to society.

If Reservation will continue than days are not far that those people who feel injustice may  :

Move to other countries like Canada,Us and Australia and serve their instead serving India which is already happening now a day and  many capable people may join militants groups of  Pakistan , Afghanistan or China and spread terrorism.

Actually Reservation is dived and rule policy for some people now a days and which was actually only for 10 years after independence  is carried forward day by day and restricting  growth of country.

Its time to introspect and decide in the interest of country.
Its time to give more priority to Nation than self. 

On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 5:21 AM, virendra goel <> wrote:

Nothing wrong in providing opportunity to acquire desired level of expertise and proficiency but no faculty recruitment should be made in the higher education without one earning the eligibility based on competence rather than reservation.


Virendra Goel


From: []
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Save the IIMs: Forcing top tier institutions to reserve faculty jobs will hurt higher education


To compromise quality in any sector under any excuse is fatal. It cannot be said, as a general rule, that the faculty appointed under Reserved category quota is of lower quality or faculty appointed under open category is of quality. Let us device a mechanism so that the reserved candidates with lower quality will be put to  training say for 2 years giving them a chance to  improve upon.If such trainees  reach to the bench mark, quality is maintained. we have reached a threshold value of the issue.


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
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Marathwada Institute of Technology,
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Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Varun Arya
Sent: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 17:26:14
Subject: [MTC Global] Save the IIMs: Forcing top tier institutions to reserve faculty jobs will hurt higher education


The Times of India

Save the IIMs: Forcing top tier institutions to reserve faculty jobs will hurt higher education

September 26, 2016, 2:00 AM IST TOI Edit in TOI Editorials | Edit Page, India | TOI

The quality of a country's human capital determines how well it does. Only India believes it can be an exception. There is no other way to make sense of the government's decision to enforce reservation in faculty jobs in IIMs, after it had ordered IITs and central universities to toe the line. This is not going to help the Narendra Modi government's stated goal of crafting a "regulatory architecture' to create 20 world class teaching and research institutions in India. Enforcing reservations in faculty jobs is a way of concealing governance failure at all levels in education.

There is a crisis in higher education and HRD minister Prakash Javadekar's proposed solution will worsen matters. It should worry the government that the highest ranked Indian institution, IISc Bengaluru, is 147th in the QS World University rankings. Only one other institution, IIT Delhi, is ranked in the top 200. India needs to enhance the quality of its higher education and this can only be done by improving the work environment for faculty and opening it up to competition. Reservations do the very opposite by closing off competition. Moreover, reservations at faculty level are tantamount to an admission that reservations at lower levels have failed in equalising opportunity. If a policy has failed to deliver results, why multiply its applications?

Poor governance at school level and muddleheaded policies in higher education have hurt young people. To foster an environment of job creation, it is critical to produce employable Indians. This should be Javadekar's motto. If at all, the last tier where reservations are permitted should be when students enter college. It is now time to roll back the reservations juggernaut, else caste agitations like the Maratha, Jat and Patel movements are India's future.

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Jetawat Jaideepsingh H.

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CMA N.Raveendranath Kaushik


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