Re: SCNC National Council Meeting Held on 25th September 2016

Apparently, we all seem to agree that the signatures that are being collected can do the trick. 

We seem to disagree on certain issues. That's very normal in any group. 

Every project has phases/stages. I don't think the signatures would be immediately "DHL" to the UN.

After collecting the signatures, a serious discussion would obviously take place. It's at that stage or phase that all suggestions would be taken into consideration. 

It would be advisable that we keep aside our brilliant ideas for the next phase of the project.

We are now at the petition-signing stage. So let's now put all our efforts in collecting the signatures. 

All discussions at this stage should focus on what we can do to get these signatures. The various groups should use their members and their various networks to get the signatures. 

Let's try this and see how it goes.



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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Atemkeng Denis' via ambasbay <>
Date: 06/10/2016 11:42 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Re: SCNC National Council Meeting Held on 25th September 2016

Please put this on your cell phone and pass it to all friends and family in your contacts. Little by little, our people will wake up.

I totally agree with Mola. I had earlier said that we will use both the names Ambazonia and Southern Cameroons as the circumstances demand. As far as the referendum is concerned, Mola has captured the pertinent reason why we should use "Southern Cameroons" I need not go back to it. Please let us focus and sign the signature referendum. I have already signed. Have you signed?

This is the educational material to be passed on. Please spare no effort, pass it round to every Southern Cameroons citizen in your contacts.

On Thursday, October 6, 2016 12:17 AM, Njoh Litumbe <> wrote:

Dear Compatriots of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia)

Our current efforts are to highlight the fact to the UN that the so-called union between the People of British Southern Cameroons with La Republique du Cameroun failed to pass the elementary  mandatory test for joining, prescribed by the UN Charter Art 102(1).  The penalty for non-compliance is prescribed in  UN Charter Art. 102(2).

Of course, former Br. Southern Cameroons, as a separate Country, defined as such by UN Res. 1608(XV) of 21st Apr 1961, is free to change its  name to Ambazonia, but right now, the name in  UN records is still Southern Cameroons.  As we the People of Southern Cameroons (AMBAZONIA) wish to petition the UN for being annexed by La Republique du Cameroun, the subject matter for our Complaint must still be the country the UN knows and graduated to independence.  A legal change of name can be done when our country regains its suppressed independence by a resolution in its Parliament.

There is no doubt that our demand for Self-Determination was sparked by HRH Fon Gorji-Dinka of Widikum, several years before the emergence of AAC 1 which gave birth to the SCNC, and I take the view that including the name of Ambazonia in our Self-Determination documentation pays deserved tribute to this historical fact.  Because our current struggle is  national but not  partisan, and seeks to bring everybody on board, I would advise that the heading on the voting paper as "Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) Self-Determination"  adequately reflects the unity of purpose in formulating a joint complaint of our predicament to the UN. 

 The PEOPLE of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) should massively sign the Signature Referendum.

Best regards


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 7:33 PM, AMBAZONIA GOVERNING COUNCIL <> wrote:
Anybody standing against the use of the name AMBAZONIA is the very first obstacle to UNITY.
Persons should stop pretending to say they want unity when they are adamant to adopt ideas that does not come from from them.
For unity to be realised compromises must be made and the first one is just in line with what Mr Ofege has said that SCNC becomes ANC, SCAPO becomes APO.
The Ambazonia Governing Council is beckoning on all to come and let us put our heads together.
Anybody who thinks that we will have freedom from writing petitions then that person is a time waster and lack of strategy.
Roland Tewure Fominyam
Spokesperson AGC.

On 5 Oct 2016 18:00, "Samuel Ngwa" <> wrote:
Emil, good to hear from you. And thanks for such a clear message.

On Oct 5, 2016 5:33 PM, "'Emil Mondoa' via ambasbay" <> wrote:
We shall support any effort that is genuinely moving the ball. We have no interest in the little hectoring and power play.

On Oct 5, 2016, at 8:40 AM, Edwin Ngang <> wrote:

LETS START WITH THE SIMPLIEST OF THINGS WE CAN ACT ON SO THAT THIS RISING pan-Ambazonian nationalism MOMENTUM DO NOT GET WASTED!! We should not sit on our hands and count on shear luck that things could happen!!!!!

**Again, like everything in life, it MUST be consciously directed to serve our end goal of independence** 

This GOD SEND bobbling Ambazonian nationalism can not be left on its own devices even in the best of conditions not to mention that it is operating REAL-TIME, in the very hostile pan-CAMEROONIC environment! 

Reason for the RESET AGENDA's pre meditated actions. We can't take chances and we shouldn't!

The most logical as well as SIMPLIEST of all premeditated actions is this conscious act to invite all to gather in an assembly and symbolically as well as tactically INVOKE our rights as a distinctive people of AMBAZONIA endowed with a right to exist on our own!

A CONFERENCE is being planned to RECORD this seminal event in time and place. To finally "date stamp" that our political and cultural evolution over time have matured to recognized what should be in our best interest as a sovereign people. That finally, our EMANCIPATION QUEST will invoke its inalienable RIGHTS OF SELF DETERMINATION as the very distinctive people of AMBAZONIA and with that, forever bury any names associated with the word CAMEROON into the sad archives of our history!!


How we would do this is why we need to hold that conference. This is how others in similar plight anticipated issues and overcame them. They didn't just exist and reacted to the whims of their oppressors calendar of activities!!! We no longer will leave our destiny in the hands of others, begging and petitioning them for redress that will never come. This RESET AGENDA is how we intend to finally take FULL RESPONSIBILITY of our lives in this subregion. Is it not so ironic that the Cameroon state and its accompanying pan Cameroonisn ideology that so easily recolonized us was itself a United Nations Trust Territory under French Administration? 

JUST AS "BLACK LIVES MATTER" WE SHOULD BE CHANTING IN THIS SUB REGION ALSO THAT "BLACK COLONIALISM MATTERS" and to use this conference to define the country called Cameroon which has recolonized a country called AMBAZONIA.

This CONFERENCE will invite all people of the former UNITED NATIONS TRUST TERRITORY OF THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS UNDER UNITED KINGDOM ADMINISTRATION and all the good people of our world to attend. It should be a "single purpose" conference as it should be a place abs a day of pride in our new found liberation nationalism!

We hope this CONFERENCE holds same day simultaneously in three continents: in The Americas, in Europe and in Africa.  

The now accepted and widely used pre independence identity in the name AMBAZONIA is how we will Invoke our rights of self determination at the same time we RESET our emancipation quest into the path of securing and executing the real POWERS.

These are the kinds of ACTIONS the world had long expected from us. The very simple ACTIONS we can execute virtually with no effort but loaded with incalculable benefits which we know how to exploit expeditiously.

When the time come PEOPLE, let's simply do it and become part of the RESET agenda that seeks to serve only what's should be in our best interest. As we all should know by now, Pan Cameroonism is our main enemy which can ONLY be defeated by this our conscious actions! By a more than just proportionate countervailing PAN AMBAZONIAN emancipation ideology.

Edwin ngang 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 6:15 AM, Samuel Ngwa <> wrote:
Thank you for call to unite!!

On Oct 5, 2016 12:07 PM, "TS Ngwa Ntonufor" <> wrote:
Dear Comrade Arrey,
When I read through your lamentations the first time I thought I should not respond. I though so because some of us have advised that we should leave it behind us and continue with the struggle. Yes we want to put it behind us but after having made it known to any person or group of persons who seek power that nobody will be allowed to sacrifice this cause on any alter whatsoever. There is only one SCNC, not one and a fraction, let alone two, three or any number. Some of us are creating imaginary SCNCs to diminish a clear goal that the SCNC scored in Bafut recently. There is a lot to say but let me focus on the fight, not before stating the following, however: we recognize the ABAZONIA movement lead by Fon Gorji Dinka, SCAPO and the SCNC. We also recognize individuals who are fighting tirelessly like Mola Litumbe and others; The various persons passing for our governments govern themselves. If they love us and genuinely want us to be free, they should disband immediately, end their mission to destroy others and join the fold. Our liberation forces must, however, see the need to form a united front now, not later. They must come together while the signature exercise is going on and map a way forward. It is their lack of unity that has given rise to the various destructive formations now appearing on our horizon. Please, please let our leaders wake up to my humble call for unity. If you do not want to work with others, we will not work with you. In any case WE MUST WIN THIS BATTLE!! 
Ngwa Ntonufor. 

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Joseph Arrey <> wro te:
It is with deep regret that I was born a southern Cameroonian. I mean what on earth is going on amongst us. Where did this fighting come from. Why should there be many factions fighting this emancipation. Why couldn't the various leaders pull themselves together appoint a genuine leader l mean one that cannot be bought by Paul biya, s money such as Mola njoh litumbe who had suffered and continue to suffer  for this course. Mola is extremely knowledgeable, brave and endearing. By creating various factions we are play in the hands of the demon. How can I give my money to a people who have no sense of direction but to fight for power. Clearly it completely shows what will happen should that emancipation come to existence. Chaos. Is this what we want . What a shame. 

On Sep 30, 2016 7:09 AM, "Samuel N Ngwa" <> wrote:
This is amazing... Indeed!!!

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 8:53 AM +0100, "AMBAZONIA GOVERNING COUNCIL" <ambazoniamovement@gm> wrote:

Julius do not misunderstand me. I will ofcourse not stand against Ambazonians/FBSCns coming together but what I am trying to say is we should be honest to give the proper label to issues as they are and stop pretending.
The things you fail to deal with will hunt you later. A path to ineffectiveness is failing to accept your weakness and deal with it rather than covering it and deceiving yourself that all is fine when that truly is not the case. I end my argument on this.
Roland Tewure Fominyam.

On 29 Sep 2016 01:53, "Julius Acham" <> wrote:
How can Ambazonians (British Southern Cameroonians) coming together whether as SCNC or not for the same liberation purpose not be appreciated by you? Is it not a feat for over 90% of Counties answering present and holding the meeting. If you, a Spokesperson of GC ask such questions, who will be the one to educate people not to do so? You should be seen as rallying and building not dividing. Silence, most of all is Golden.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Samuel Ngwa <> wrot e:
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Amazing  indeed!!! 

On Sep 28, 2016 4:10 PM, "AMBAZONIA GOVERNING COUNCIL" <> wrote:
Samuel Ngwa are you Talk Freedom, if I may ask?
Now there are many factions of SCNC a fact. When it was said Mr Ayah Paul was elected Chairman who were the people that attended?
When we shy away from addressing some real issues we are not ready to move forward.
Roland Tewure Fominyam.

On 28 Sep 2016 16:04, "Samuel Ngwa" <> wrote:
There is only one SCNC!!! 
Let's stop this prostitution. 

On Sep 28, 2016 3:50 PM, "AMBAZONIA GOVERNING COUNCIL" <> wrote:
Which of the SCNC had this meeting?
1) SCNC Fossung
2) SCNC Ayamba
3) SCNC Nfor
4) SCNC Nwancham
5) SCNC Ebong
And when did these factions of the SCNC agreed to work as a team?
Let the truth be told.
Roland Tewure Fominyam 

On 28 Sep 2016 15:01, "Bri Soucam" <> wrote:
Dear All,
Find attached Minutes of the SCNC National Council Meeting held on
25th September 2016.

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