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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Straight to the Point

Dear Comrades
Aa we all know, the idea of Southern Cameroons independence is what most Cameroonians West of the Mungo cherish. 

There are different groups fighting amongst themselves even though they all have the same objective. It should not be the case but we have to accept it and deal with it. Not every Southern Cameroonian who strongly believes in the independence of Southern Cameroons belongs to any of these groups. There are some Southern Cameroonians who prefer the "UNION" with La Republique.

Straight to the Point
At the moment, the Referendum Signatures launched by Mola Njoh is the matter at stake. Is it possible for us to suspend any discussion on our history, the treatment we get from La Republique, etc and concentrate on signing the petition? I strongly believe if each faction could use their various networks to mobilise their members/followers to sign the petition, it would be helpful for our cause. This is the right moment as the matter is still fresh in the vexing minds of Southern Cameroonians.

I don't think here is no need at this juncture for any historic doctrine or leadership discussion. This is the time to get the signatures. After the collection of signatures, we can start to talk about other issues.

Much work had been done by each faction and this is not the time to raise unfriendly questions. I believe the questions to be asked now are: 

1) what efforts have we been making as a faction to collect the signatures for the Petition?

2) how many signatures have we as individuals or as a faction collected?

These should be our GUIDE. And I am suggesting that the questions above should be our GUIDE.

Let's go for it. This is the time. Yaounde is actually confused and panicking on this strategy. 


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