An out of control CPDM Law Maker (or Breaker???) apparently took the Law into his own hands and beat the daylight out of a poor reporting Journalist who was simply doing his job covering an event in the locality of Wum.
Read and draw your own conclusions on what Cameroon citizens are now subjected to when "Representatives" of the People are "Selected" instead of being "Elected".
Wum-North West Region: CPDM MP WALLANG Richard assualts Journalist
Reports from Menchum, North West Region say Mua Patrick, Journalist of the English Daily, The Guardian Post, received three dangerous and poisonous punches from a ,Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement,CPDM member of Parliament for Menchum South,Hon WALLANG Richard, for writing critical articles on him.
According to the MP, Mua has been tarnishing his image. He is alleged to have punched Mua three times on the jaw infront of surprised constituents. 
Asked why this barbaric activity from the said CPDM Hon. Wallang Richard, Mr. Mua visibly in much pain from his fractured jaw bones, says "Mr Wallang claims I have been critical of his activities in Wum and elsewhere, maliciously publishing damaging reports about him that could be detrimental to his credibility. He punched me three times alongside some of his thugs who threaten stoning me. It was today at Wum Council. I was attending a meeting at Wum town hall" Mua said in a chat with this newspaper.
He further revealed that the local mayor of Wum apologized to him but MP Wallang has not been remorseful but has double-downed by fresh threats through his surrogates.
The MP has not reacted to our numerous requests for comments after this unfortunate incident. Apparently, Mr. Wallang is not at his first "Fist Fight" with his constituents. The news in Wum is that MP Wallang operates like a "Maffia Gangster Kingpin" against the same people he is supposed to be a representative of. It is rumoured that he will silence anyone by any means who attempts to criticize his numerous and questionable business deals.
Investigations are still on-going and we will keep our readers informed as the salacious details of this unfolding story becomes available. Meanwhile, the President of the National Assembly, CPDM Central Committee, National Union of Cameroon Journalists, Human Rights Organizations and the Presidency of the Republic have been duly and reliably informed of the sad incident.


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