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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Arrested UB students released: Not enough

Reports from Victoria say the over 200 hundred UB students who were arrested and ferried to SONARA detention camp and subject to the most cruel and inhuman torture have been released. The same source informed me yesterday that a convoy of cars apparently from the US embassy and led by Nalova Lyonga, was seen heading for this direction, The informant guessed it was a delegation from the US embassy because all of them bore the insignia OF THE American embassy. Another phone call from the same source told me the students have been released.
But the big question that remains is what becomes of the inhuman treatment exacted on these students some of who were very innocent. What of the one that has lost the limbs? And above all what of those who were raped and reports say one of them has already died? What of those who are reported missing?
The LRC gov't should be held to pay ransom for all the families of the victims. This should be part of the resolutions of a  meeting of the leaders and until this is done we shall hardly have any peace in this Banana Republic.
One for all and all for one.
allutta continua!

Nke V. Yong
GBHS Atiela - Nkwen, B'da
Computer Science/ICT Instructor/Trainer
Tel: (237) 745 186 54
(Also Part-time Lecturer
and Head of Option ICT
in UBa HTTTC - HND Program)
DIP ICT Student ICTUniversity

"Self-education, I firmly believe, is the only kind of education there is" - Isaac Asimov

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