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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Level of Francophone Concern Vis-à-Vis Anglophone Plight

Posted by Esu Ndzem

Esu Ndzem-Usu
[cameroon_politics]<> 26 novembre
2016 à 19:53

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Salut Noe Mbog

It is nice to read from you that an anglophone problem is also a
francophone problem. The common enemy as you seem to paint is Mr.
Biya. You further cite uprisings at Yaounde University and Douala
during the civil obedience days as strictly a francophone effort. That
is being untruthful to say the least.
The student uprisings in Yaounde were effected by both francophones
and anglophones. We had only one university at the time. The civil
disobedience call was followed more in the British territories than in
the French territories. Just as Biya was warned not to go to Douala,
he was not welcome in Bamenda too. The goal of these uprising was for
a "sovereign national conference" which was latter hijacked for a
constitutional talks that ended in a republic that clamps on dissident
anglophones. We heard nothing from "brotherly francophones."
In 1992, when Fru Ndi's victory was stolen, Anglophones did not see
that support from francophone who ought to be angry about the theft.
Mostly anglophones bore the load of military afflictions in a state of
emergency. Anglophone fought for a GCE Board with fracophones sleeping
quietly on their pillows. They ended up getting a BAC Board when it
was not their wish.
The absence of reciprocating actions by one group or the other tells a
story of people who do do feel the pain of the other. If francophones
truly feel the pains of anglophones, they should organize a strike in
the francophone territory to let the dictator know that his actions
against anglophones are hurting francophones too. That is the only way
many anglophones will begin to see francophones as sharing the pain
they are going through.
Have a blessed weekend.

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but
there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel

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