
You are right  there is some hope if the Republic is dragged to the UN like you rightly said .  You see the mayor  of Penja  made his case and Cameroon has been ordered to pay him for unlawful detention . There no option for appeal . That gives them belly bite .  They have been given 180 days to him . We have our ears on the ground on the prevailing situation in Cameroon . 

On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 6:30, 'gills sama' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
     It is not quite right to accuse the UN of dereliction of duty in the case of Southern Cameroons. You must understand the way the UN works  in order to find the way to free our country from annexation by the Republic of Cameroon. The UN does not go into countries to solve individual problems without a mandate. So far as the UN is concerned Southern Cameroons was granted independence on 1st October 1961. If the independence granted by the UN was mishandled by Britain, the UN can only come back to it if the matter is tabled at the UN.
     Tabling matters at the UN follows certain procedures. Have we followed these procedures and found ourselves at the UN? Britain itself which mishandled the independence of Southern Cameroons cannot come back here because the trusteeship agreement was already abrogated. Southern Cameroons must find a way to carry her problems to the UN. Not all the social media talk nor demonstrations  all over and even at the UN will get us into the UN. The republic of Cameroon knows this and has continued to fight very hard that we do not get across to the UN. The SCNC and the other groups including the Ambazonia group have largely stayed themselves out of the UN and then turned to accuse the UN  on social media of dereliction of duty.
       There is hope anyway as one branch of the SCNC has started the process of going into the UN. The Nwachan branch has successfully taken the the Republic of Cameroon,the UN and Britain jointly and severally to the UN Human Rights court in Geneva. This definitely is a way of getting the matter to the UN. I think all Southern Cameroonians should come together and ensure that this action goes through. In fact this is the only thing that makes La Republique du Cameroun tremble.
     Gilles Kwende

On Thursday, November 24, 2016 5:43 AM, 'George Achu' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Why does the United Nations as well as the African Union manifest such a dereliction of duty in face of the annexation and violation of the territorial integrity of a state by another? Here, it is the annexation by Republique du Cameroun (independent 1960) of the UN self-governing state of Southern Cameroons (1954-61; independent in 1961) using false pretenses of forming a two-state federation - abolished illegally by referendum and by Cameroun using its 75% majority in 1972. Since then the latter has been pursuing a colonial policy of domination, exploitation, and assimilation - the final phase. In 2009, the African Union ruled that the inhabitants of the two English-speaking provinces are " a people" (in international law) that have an unalienable right to self-determination." It recommended that the two parties go back to the drawing board to work out an agreement - as there was no formal one at the formation of the association. Republique du Cameroun - the dominant state- used delay tactics, interfered with the composition of the African Union Court and its influence to forestall the ruling - to date. In the meantime, the aggressor embarked on a scorched earth exploitation and assimilation of the state and its people. Last year the last straw that broke the camel's back was the extension of the assimilation policy to the occupied state's common law judiciary - replacement of their system by the French system (Civil law lawyers, prosecutors, and judges). After futile complaints, common law lawyers organized, appealed in vain and then went on strike and descended into the street where they have been followed by other civil society groups and the general public. Their representations to the government to reverse the policy and respect the bilingual and bijural nature of the two states was ignored - resulting in the current uprising in which the dialogue directed by the African Union was ignored by Cameroun Republic authorities and replaced by intimidation, use of force and bloody repression - threatening the security of the people of the occupied state and the sub-region already plagued by Boko Haram jihadists.
It is noteworthy that the colonialist regime uses very high-handed methods including states of emergency and siege to weaken and eliminate the people's popular liberation movements - to give room for unfettered control of the people and their resources - forcing most of the State's elites to take refuge abroad. This hybrid body politic of two states welded by force is a simmering volcano, even a tsunami that is waiting to happen. It is generally believed that its Octogenarian dictator, 34 continuous years in office, owes his longevity in office to foreign countries and the natural resources of the colony, means which he uses to shield himself and his regime from the international rule of law, which he treats with contempt and sovereign immunity.
To conclude, the people of the Occupied State of Southern Cameroons, aka Ambazonia, as acknowledged in 2009 by the international community through the African Union,
ARE A PEOPLE, THAT HAVE AN UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION (Here external self-determination, synonymous to sovereign existence). Pursuant to international law, this right is not subject to conditions such as: the whims and caprices of another state such a Britain that informally handed it to neighboring Republic of Cameroun or France that helped Cameroun to occupy the state; to size, population, economic resources, quality of leadership; ability of the people to shoot their way to freedom and historical ties (here, ties under German Colonization of 1884-1918).
The United Nations, as trust authority and the African Union as its territorial organization, have a duty to protect the colonized people of this occupied state - more than 6,000,000 strong - that were victims of a breach by Britain with the UN looking the other way and France helping to secure the state for its former trust territory.
Is what is good for Southern Rhodesia, Madagascar, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome et Principe, Kuwait, Crimea, etc. not good for Ambazonia, aka Southern Cameroons? Injustice in Ambazonia is a threat to justice everywhere (from Martin Luther King, III), especially in developing countries.
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