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Friday, November 25, 2016


We have been reliably informed by our our sources at the Presidency in Yaounde that
our President was forced by French President Francois Hollande to return to Yaounde after
the Train disaster of a few weeks ago. Our sources who requested anonimity (for the sake of protecting their Njogmassi) claimed that the President was being briefed by his Ministers in Yaounde on the seriousness of that particular tragedy, Minute by Minute but he complained to them that he still had a few more weeks of his vacation. It was only when Francois Hollande asked him how he was handling the crisis in Cameroon that Matignon (or is it Elysee) quickly ordered him to rush back to Cameroon and "Quench the Faya" these undiplomatic words: "Monsieur le President, un peu de retenu quand meme. Nos interets sont en jeux ici. Le Chemin de Fer (CAMRAIL) nous appartient (les citoyens Francais) et nous n'aimerons pas voir les Chinois ou les gringosAmericains viennent convaincre les Camerounais qu'il y a mieux ailleurs. Je vous ordonne de rentrer dare dare regler ce petit probleme"...sinon??? Seeing the gravity and menace from his mentor, our President uncharacteristically actually obeyed with..."Oui, J'ai compris Monsieur le President, je vais le faire des demain"

That is how he was whisked back to Nsimalen-Yaounde where he grumblingly stayed for about eight days and once the noise of the Train wreck and the Douala / Yaounde disastrous Road collapse started getting off the headline News; our tonton national, President Paul Biya basically attended one official Function (with his beautiful wife by his side) the African Female Soccer Tournament at the Yaounde Omnisport Stadium) and immediately after that silently went him back (Europe).

A few weeks later, erupts the "Anglophone Problem". And where is our President when the country needs him once again? Your guess is as good as mine. The Pah dey yi 4 Ngola. For crying out loud, WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT RUNNING AWAY FROM HIS POSH LUXURIOUS ETOUDI PALACE? Something is not adding up. If he is tired as I sincerely think he is, why can't he just say so and hand the "damn thing" to someone more interested in the job? There is no shortage of very ambitious "volunteers" willing to fill that vacancy when and if it suddenly becomes available (even including yours truly...Some man na Ngrung Beep? I can always hire speech writers and read the damn thing from a teleprompter. I even look Presidential in a Njuksa kind of way). 

Why is he suffering himself and by the same token, holding the entire nation hostage. The truth? Old age no be sick. Na road for all we. When you get old, you get tired and may even need help from younger folks to do basic stuff. It is not a calamity. There is no shame in taking a deserved retirement. That is why Governments place an Age-Limit of between 55 and 65 in most countries for workers to quit and be paid a PENSION (until God or Satan call you). 

I know those in the immediate entourage of the President would not want to relinquish the vestiges of their ill-gotten affluence and advantages accumulated over these past almost fifty years and most are afraid of retribution from the population they have bled dry with unchecked impunity. They will fight tooth and nail to maintain him in Power (even when he says NO. They may even go as far as putting him on steroids (without his knowledge).
The truth? Our President don Taya the work but is surrounded by a labirynthe of very dangerous carnivorous marauding predators, rapacious sharks, glutunous soothsayers, chop-broke-potters, vulgarian arriviste social climbers, pathetic hawks and all manner of profiteers whose only lietmotiv is to sustain their ill-gotten undeserved privileges associated with easy but fake lifestyles which they parade with impunity and no shame contaminating young girls with utopian dreams. 

Personally, I don't hate the President BUT I honestly think (after almost 50 years in Power) it is only normal for him to take a deserved Retirement. He should not listen to all those shrill "Oui mon Pere, Oui Tonton le chaud gars de Mvomeka" flaterrers, pretenders and other CPDM Njimtetes around him. They don't actually like him. They are there for dem belles, dem pockets, dia family and Njumbas.
Mbang Nfor Mishe Fon

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