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Friday, December 30, 2016

About that much talked about MOMENTUM: obey the laws that applies and see the LOGIC in the ALIM's RESET AGENDA!

You want independence? Join the ALIM's RESET AGENDA and immediately see POWER gets deploys into the Emancipation Quest. 

Let us not continue operating our EQ within this "energy wasting" universe still controlled by pan_Cameroonism!  This is so because we owe it to ourselves and progeny to always apply BEST PRACTICES when advocating for our people. A requirement not only reconfirmed by the SRT (Single Reason Theory) but by the operational realities of our experiences inside pan CAMEROONIA!

The SRT had confirmed the truth of our demise inside Cameroon today. That the only reason the 1960 termination of Trusteeship for the Southern Cameroons did not yield as intended INDEPENDENCE for our people was because of the name "SOUTHERN CAMEROONS"! 

Come this February 11-2017: ALIM will be launching the Emancipation Quest (EQ) RESET AGENDA to permanently correct this problem. 

ALIM recognizes that there is a VERY important element of PSYCHOLOGY which our EQ before 1984 had totally conceded to pan-Cameroonism. There is something known as "psychological oppression" which can not be countered without the victim's active cooperation and CONSCIOUS use of a countervailing ideology! 

The SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS people are today the victim of the "psychological terror" from  pan Cameroonism. They can not be cured without the equally powerful and countering ideology of Ambazonia!

The RESET AGENDA is simply the latest expression of the countervailing Ambazonian ideology which is the antidote to pan Cameroonism!


Here we AMBAZONIANS will engage that "NEVER-before-Done" very public act of INVOKING OUR RIGHTS OF SELF DETERMINATION as the people of Ambazonia! 

Please "come one-come all" so together we can channel all that "palpable anger": all those long accumulated concerns  and frustrations inside pan CAMEROONIA, into that consciously directed productive outcomes we are expected to generate from this surging MOMENTUM! 

This RESET AGENDA simply means that we know it is not only our rights to CORRECT MISTAKES OF OUR PAST, it is our responsibility! 

This RESET AGENDA means we the people of Ambazonia have the right to START AFRESH this very serious matter of restoring our lost sovereignty since past models were all ones vulnerable to pan-Cameroonism. 

And as a direct consequence, the ALIM's RESET AGENDA comes with new requirements if we want success to happen.

While we must always submit to the standard requirements of focus, discipline and resolve, this RESET AGENDA, introduces two new concepts which we Ambazonians who have invoked our rights of self determination should accept and immediately deploy:

(A) the concept of "pre independence identity";

 as well as 

(B) the concept of "pre independence theater"!

These two concepts are how ALIM hopes to get those of our brothers and sisters who may not be in total agreement with parts of ALIM's strategy to still feel free to participate! These concepts  pleads for coherency and maximization of efficiency where we exist now

~>Where we exist now can be said to be in a political universe where independence doesn't yet exist! Hence the concept of "before independence", or "pre-independence theater!

~> Where we exist now can be said to be in a political universe where our identity had long been compromised! Hence the concept of "before independence identity", or "pre independence identity of Ambazonia"!

The EQ RESET AGENDA therefore presents to all peoples (Ambazonians and Southern Cameroonians, their  friends and Sympathizers) the most efficient premise for  everyone desirous of independence to flourish! 

By EVERYONE, the ALIM's RESET AGENDA recognizes that we must do whatever it takes to present to the people the truth: that getting back our independence will require we concentrate all our efforts just on GETTING BACK OUR INDEPENDENCE. It will not be easy but we have to HELP OUR CAUSE by doing everything to "obey all the rules" that apply!

Now that you know about ALIM's motivation, let's respect the inescapable facts of our history which keep requiring that we learn from it so as not to repeats its mistakes! ALIM expects to repeatedly beam to it people its EMANCIPATION MADE EASY anchored to the RESET AGENDA so that a active participation from the people of Ambazonia on the simple things every Ambazonian can relate to and articulate becomes automatic! Simple themes everyone can related to such as:

(1) That; we have an inalienable rights of self determination which as AMBAZONIANS, we owe it to ourselves and our unborn children to be invoking continuously in various creative ways for the world  see and recognize!

(2) That; we Ambazonians are not "guinea pigs" and reject as "crime against humanity" any continuation of that evil  pan-CAMEROON BILINGUAL EXPERIMENT. It should never have even started but now that we know better, we want the world to know we REJECT THE PAN CAMEROONIAN inspired BILINGUAL EXPERIMENT AS EVIL! 

(3) That; to permanently ensure the EVIL CAMEROON BILINGUAL EXPERIMENT is never again an instrument of terror when by the operation of the Cameroonian system, the French speaking people of Cameroon feel it's their right to impose their "francophonie system" on the English Speaking people of Ambazonia, we the people of Ambazonia want the world to immediately recognize the Republic of Ambazonia! 

(3) That; for the world to avoid the inevitable slide into a genocidal conflict in this subregion, one where TRANS GENERATIONAL GRIEVANCES and ANOMIES can be easily stoked ethnic-centric ideologues, it is the duty of all Ambazonians to unrelentingly  SAVE THEMSELVES FROM THIS LOOMING HORRIFIC THREAT by becoming their best advocate for their independence! That, we Ambazonians have to serve our best interest to starting by OBEYING RULES AND PRINCIPLES THAT APPLY starting with the adoption of  the pre independence identity and nationalism of Ambazonia! 

The SRT offers systematic guide to recovering from that our fatal error of believing in the GOODNESS OF THE BROTHER-in-the-East! 

The SRT also must be respected for its versatility as it equally applies in the post annexation era! If we Ambazonians can not tell the world that the Federal United Cameroon Republics never even existed in name, whose task should that be?  Just yesterday we read from our indefatigable veteran of our EQ,  Honorable Mola Njoh Litumbe who decried the random "unconstitutionalities" that immediately followed the so called CAMEROON FEDERARION!  How should that matter in our current context? Another letter of petition again to the U.N and angry calls for the U.K. to give us the "third option"? 

Please please please can we just simply man-up and do RIGHT any our people! We Ambazonians need to admit this fact of collective shame of our post-annexation history! How we meekly allowed THE ANNEXATION OF THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS DISGUISED AS FEDERATION TO HAPPEN WITHOUT ANY ORGANIZED PROTEST has to be the bane of our history. Who but us Ambazonians must tell the world today that came October 1-1961, an unheard of "BLACK-on-BLACK" crime of the "recolonization of the Southern Cameroons" methodically began!  

Thanks to the hand of God, the Cameroon Parliament approved an arrogant decree of Cameroon President Biya called Restoration Law 84/001. Arrogant because they thought the complete "annexation of the Southern Cameroons" has been accomplished, with the only thing remaining was to "constitutionally" seal the annexationist fate of the conquered people of the Southern Cameroons. 

But for the timely and legalistic valid AMBAZONIAN INTERVENTION, THE WORLD WOULD HAVE NO IDEA WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS! TIMELY because the principle of "states extinction and states creation" which occur simultaneously saved the people who used to be called "Southern Cameroonians".  As found in the public record in a document entitled THE NEW SOCIAL CONTRACT, Fon Gorji-Dinka, the Head of the Ambazonian Restoration Council ( ARC) orchestrated this timely intervention that save us from the accusation of having acquiesced to the Cameroon annexation !

Since 1984, the international personality of Ambazonia began to be systematically implemented in various legal and diplomatic challenges AMBAZONIA presented against Camroon. The most famous one is the 1992 Bamenda High Court decision HCB 28/92 which essentially  exhausted all domestic remedies when CAMEROON did not have a defense against Ambazonian accusation that it illegally and forcibly occupying its territory since the 1961 CONFEDERATION NO LONGER EXIST. Rather than argue or appeal the default estoppel judgment, as typical of Cameroon they arrogantly dared Ambazonia to get back its territory if it can!

FACT! We have since 1984 been called and are known under international law as the people of Ambazonia who devolve their nationalism from 

from the Republic of Ambazonia! Please let us obey the SRT and just use it than to be acting contrary to our best self interest when we may be forced to SKIP THIS PORTION of our history, say from 1961 to 1984, so as not to validate Ambazonia argument! This is how bad the "parliamentary mentality" that reject the SRT has become!!! 

Whereas, the SRT suggests that the same reason for our demise inside the annexation era as it did for the Trusteeship era: that because we failed to recognize the value of IDENTITY POLITICS where distinctive nationalism matters, we got so easily annexed and integrated into pan Cameroonian, until the 1984 Ambazonian rescue!

Together as the free people of Ambazonia we will MAKE AMBAZONIA HAPPEN! 

The world will now so easily realize and recognize our unshakable sense of resolve and pride in our nationalism since just by the shear operation of that word "Ambazonia", we are people who have invoked their inalienable rights of self determination! 

The world likes to deal with people who HAVE PRINCIPLES,  and can be expected to STAND THEIR GROUND despite of adversities! 

Edwin Ngang

Community Organizer



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