Another Strategy; The COMMONWEALTH CARD

Attn: Southern Cameroonians in the Diaspora

Dear Komrades,


I trust this message meets you doing just fine.

Lets all keep figuring out strategies that could mount pressure on la republique.

Herewith another strategy we in the diaspora could consider;

Folks based in capital cities where the political power lies, i wish to encourage them to visit the following embassies; South Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana etc... and other influencial Commonwealth countries and try to meet the Ambassadors or Consular General for a one-on-one talks on the recent events showing pictures and videos. There might have been some actions taken at the Commonwealth HQs already but we are not seeing or still to see any consequences. Its all about putting pressure.

Why is this important?

1. la republique became a commonwealth member bc of Ambazonia.

2. The same values that trigered la republique's acceptance into the union are the same values under attack.

3. la republique is the most disrespectful memberstate of the union with a President who does not give a damn by actively participating during Heads of Govt Meetings but the same person has always been omnipresent during francophonie meetings.

4. The way la republique's govt treats the citizens of Southern Cameroons is not different from the way this same govt interacts with Commonwealth issues.

Fact; when govt talks down to a Hon. MP from Southern Cameroons using phrases like "your people are the ones who came to us (la republique)" or another phrase like "que-est que vous allez faire?" they are not only talking down to Southern Cameroons, they are equally talking down to Commonwealth itself. They do not only mean that desperate Southern Cameroons came to join them, they equally imply that it is the Commonwealth that came to them.

Do your and let these Diplomats from Commonwealth member countries have to understand the points above. How could the Commonwealth be quiet when a member territory suffers from inhumane treatment?

5. Let them understand that la republique's membership is just a scam because the english speaking regions get little or no benefits from the commonwealth since everything is diverted to la republique e.g. how many anglophones have been awarded scholarships from the commonwealth scheme compared to francophones? The flip side of the story is to know how many anglophones are beneficiaries of scholarships from the so called Francophonie if it even exist?

The idea is that, after talking to the various Ambassadors, we expect them to report back to their various govts so that these govts would in turn be the ones to push for a review of la republiques membership in the union else the anglo saxon values will continue to be undermind or their contribitions to the union to foster anglo saxon values would continue to be diverted for purposes that contrary to their values.

Its clear that some of the Ambassadors might not react, or they might refer you to their counterparts based in Yaounde but believe me that some would do something if they really understand what la republique is all about.

Think about a scenerio where the Commonwealth starts questioning la republiques membership or better still to eject it off the union. Just envisage the kind of political ramifications this will triger. To be brief, my opinion is that the Ambazonia Republic would have been indirectly anointed if the Commonwealth of nations play fair game.

I have forwarded this suggestion to friends in Canada for consideration. I have also been urging them to make use of the PM & La Rep. Head of Govt Philemon Yang recent past since he served for more than two decades as la republiques top diplomat in Canada and he should be well known in Canadian diplomatic circles. Therefore, it suffice just to singly print out those horrific pictures on A4 sheets for clearer view and distribute them to embassies in Ottawa and telling them that all the atrocities are taking place under the watch of their former colleague now la republique's Head of Govt.

Bottom line, lets use all the resources at over disposal. If these suggestion makes any sense, kindly forward to others who might not be members of this house.

Stay tuned!

We keep in touch.


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