My dear

For your information, I had already moved on from that unfortunate and very unproductive debate. My focus right now is centered on Southern Cameroons (where I am seriously lobbying to become Minister without portfolio with residence @ SC border town of Santa) and not on some useless "Do Me I Do You Rehashed Ever Recurrent Unnecessary Internet Fights". You guys are free to have the last below the belt punch (even 4 my Njang-Mb...), if that helps in any way, shape or form advance your what ever avowed desiderata against the ever psychedelic Pah Mishe. And if the "dangerous nightmarish Tah Mfar Mbang Nfor Mishe  continues to be your Internet punch bag all means, be my guests. Slap the nonsense kannass as hard as you can make the die ting die sef to Mongossi proportions.
As I said earlier, I have moved on. I no get me pawa 4 pala pala with no head nor tail.
I sincerely use these almost last days of a very eventful year 2016 (with all my true true heart) to wish you and your family, a wonderful, prosperous, healthy and Godly inspired pursuits for the new year 2017.
Kind regards
Mishe Fon

NB: This is a very straight forward email with no "hidden" psychology, (gear back back or reverse psycho analysis), psychiatry or those other things you book peepoo refer to as "Tckalla-ing our sense".

From: " [camnetwork]" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 2:35 PM

Mr. Lucas Fon:

And the point is that you lied with
Machiavellian instincts  to assassinate the person-hood of  Mr. Enoch Tankwa.  He was merely expressing his civic views.  That is beyond evil, which you believe is more important than people knowing that you, in fact,  tried to maliciously mislead readers  for no reason than to defame him.

Sir, it does not take anyone to first know somebody in order to attest to the person's humanity or defend them against plain evil.
Mr. Enoch Tankwa  uses the same identification and known as such in formal and social settings.  You cannot, by the venom of your spirit, declare  someone to be non-existing to exact whatever nefarious goals.  Unless you can prove that what I wrote is  not true and Mr. Tankwa does not exist, you are affirming your treacherous reverse psychology.

As a former police/ gendarme in the same Cameroon government you are decrying via yahoo, you may still know this: even your peers understand that hyperbole to camouflage intentional injury or the use of non-sequitur, where your rationales do not support any evidence, is an old time trick.

Sir, whether I am AU whatever, none whatsoever, or pot washer, reasonable people are definitely unimpressed by who people are. Whatever station anybody is, it does not inoculate  and blind them from the fundamental and inherent  principle of  human decency. You tried to harm. Nobody can be   too high and graduated from the constraint to  speak when an innocent person is maligned or too low to do same.

Pertaining to your claim that I do not like you, that is another sick trick from your bag as an illusionist. No circumstance can provide evidence to make the conjuration bear semblance of reality for the following reasons:
  • To like or not like a person, both persons must share the same common areas, move in the same arenas, or engage in pursuits  that may result in a collusion. However, we do not meet anywhere for any kind of discussion. We do not have common friends on anything of relevance. We do not commonly attend the same functions. Our paths do not intersect at any level of significance or worth remembering.
  • To like or not like a person, that person must be in a position to influence what you do not like. There is no chance of that happening.
  • Whereas you exude  in your conjurations, I proved that people do not need to know anyone or to be close to anyone in order to conscientiously address any issue.  When I noticed that my own friend, someone I care about,  associated you with "Pat Ndep," out of this forum, I addressed what I believed was unfair in a forthright manner. You were on the thread among others here. Your  selective amnesia in projecting victim-hood testifies to your capacity  to  consciously harm people under any pretense.
Therefore, Mr. Lucas Fon, considering the above, your visceral musings are just vapors  on virtual space where thousands subscribe without the melodrama of confusing www and life itself. Most adults make the fine demarcations.

When you try to harm people who have nothing to do with you in real life, real life does not happen. They merely use  the same virtual space to  respond to your acts. You cannot coherently  claim that anyone assassinates your character when, in fact, they are rebutting your attempts to assassinate  others. Neither will normal people buy your creation of an imaginary world where people do not like you. Someone has to materialize in your fictional orbit to not like you. It is as delusional as it comes.

It is no different from when you lied  that Dr. Jean Bosco Tagne sent texts or mail  to your wife, misleading readers to believe in a  connection that only resides in your ability to conjure the abnormal. When he asked you to submit the evidence, you asked him to sue you or go to court.
Again, sir, that is TREACHEROUS REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY. It does not work.

Finally, the fact that is that you tried to frame to  defame Mr. Tankwa. He offered exculpatory evidence that you know him. That is what matters in what you started as the unprovoked aggressor.


To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Mishe Fon [camnetwork] <>
To: ACCDF <>; camnetwork <>; ambasbay <>; cameroon_politics <>; cameroonforum <>
Sent: Sun, Dec 25, 2016 3:34 pm

And your point is? What exactly do you mean by "this treacherous reverse psychology will not work"? Were you a party in this "Fight" albeit remotely? I don't get it. What is all this unwarranted fixation with "Mr Fon Mishe". I thought I read in one of your mails that you had "graduated" from all these incessant "Internet" attacks to being a more productive "African Union Organizer"? Where do you find the time amidst your very busy african union "activist" schedule to read and dissect Mishe Fon's reverse psychology mails to the point of writing pages to analyze what exactly that "reverse psychology" looks and feels like. Madame Ms Joe, I take God name dey beg you; please, I know that you don't like me..but that is very okay with me. Can you do a favor to yourself by deleting anything that emanates with the name "Mishe Fon" scribbled anywhere near it? It will save you this unnecessary, unwarranted, uncalled for fixation on an individual you have openly declared on numerous occasions as someone you don't like. I can't count the number of times over the years you've insulted and maligned my character with absolutely NO Do me I Do You REPLY from me.

The fellow attacks me with very viscious invectives (I never insulted him in any piece I wrote in this topic), I say and repeat that I don't know who the fellow is, he re-attacks me with more insane verbiage and when I reply to put things in perspective, you Jump in with "Mishe Fon, your reverse psychology will not work". Was I talking to you? See me some person. Are you Massa Eunochs spokes person? A small argument in an e-group being dramatized beyond reasonable proportions. AM I a Psychologist to be playing what ever forms of psychology that exist out there? Wetin I really do wuna (you and some of your friends) for this level of anger, hate and intolerance? Dis na popoh witchcraft. I dey owe you or anyone for that matter? On the contrary, I think you are the one who can be accused of Reverse Psychology because instead of discussing "Southern Cameroons wahala" which was the topic at hand, it has now morphed to Home Health Agencies in Pennsylvania, Biomedical engineering, husband and wife tag-team nursing operations, Global Health care, Medicaid Fraud, the sleazy dubious dangerous Mishe Fon...and what have you. You guys should take a deep breathe and chill. I don't hate any of you talk less of anyone. Just do your thing and I will do mine...Day dey go Mandat the Bolleh. It may even better if U pass ya road, I pass my own, no skin pain and body no touch body. DEAL???

From: " [ACCDF]" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 6:24 AM


Dear Readers:

"The main reason Tankwa Eunoch DJEMTA is relevant is simply because he claims he knows me so well or even that we had been "business" acquaintances of some sort. I have looked at this picture over and over to find out if true true my sense don loss kwata kwata BUT I no know me the Pah." Mr. Lucas Fon.

Mr. Fon wants people to believe Mr. Tankwa is a fake name and then says he does not know "the Pah."  How, then, in his own "true, true sense"  can he sanely and genuinely ascribe the fake name to someone he must know in order to be thinking and communicating honestly and sanely? In a sane world and writing to sane readers to determine the honest truth, Mr. Fon has to know the "Pah " who is not Mr. Tankwa.  So far, Mr. Fon has failed to produce the "Pah" whom he claims is hiding. How is this not premeditated harm?

Gentle and sane readers, that is the exact problem. You do not try to tear down someone because  the person sees the same issue differently. If people desire liberty and employ shadiness even in freedom of expression, it does not telegraph genuineness.

Mr. Tankwa engages in exchanges on the current issues in Cameroon. He simply opposes the separatist agenda. He did not attack Mr. Fon;  neither does he attack anyone personally.  People have been writing on the topic on fairly reasonable and non-personalized notes.   Mr. Fon introduced some very vicious antics in the discourse,  accusing people personally, twisting things out of context, and not focused on the demerits of the ideas - if he thinks the views are wrong. The tact is vested in assassinating people's character as a way to discredit their opinion. 

When someone reacts to Mr. Fon's Machiavellian approach, he employs a treacherous reverse psychology to
claim people hate him. For what practical or flimsy reason? None when it is clear that the response is directly related to his own hateful urge to  frame people. This has nothing to do with helping  Santa, Ewondo , Beti, Fulani, Bamelike or Alamatu people through any business.

The salient point: Mr. Fon wanted the reading public to believe Mr. Enoch Tankwa is a fake name  and the writer is hiding his identity. This is a blatant lie. Mr. Enoch Tankwa lives in PA and publicly listed as  Enoch Tankwa in official records, people  know him as such; he does not conceal his identity; even on face book with his picture on it.


To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: msjoe21st <>
To: camnetwork <>
Cc: cameroon_politics <>; wimbum <>; boba-list <>; ambasbabay <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 21, 2016 7:54 pm
Subject: Mr. NDI MANJONG nRe: Re: Be warned about Lucas Fon//MISHE FON on ENOCK TANKWA Sunday, 1 October 2017 Set as Independence Restoration Day for Southern Cameroons - Roadmap Highlights

Hello Me.  Manjong:

Perhaps, we should clarify two separate issues. The message/idea cannot be divorced from the messenger/writer.  If the messenger is suspect, the message may be taken with a grain of salt. If the messenger does not exist as presented, it is not only a grain of salt, the message may loose its salt (worthless) on an issue that hinges on evidence of stakeholder-ship. Remember, we are taking about our country where people's lives and the stakes, including properties, are factors in the advocacy.

Mr. Fon lied that  Mr. Enoch Tankwa does not exist to  purposefully  discredit  the person in order to  debase his message/idea.  
Mr. Tankwa's explanations to demonstrate that Mr. Fon knows who he is, how, motives for the falsity, and patterns,  become  incidental and necessary; not extraneous, immaterial or discussing persons.


To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: NDI MANJONG [camnetwork] <>
To: camnetwork <>; camnetwork <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; Wimbum <>; boba-list <>; ambasbabay <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 21, 2016 6:45 pm
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Be warned about Lucas Fon//MISHE FON on ENOCK TANKWA Sunday, 1 October 2017 Set as Independence Restoration Day for Southern Cameroons - Roadmap Highlights

Engineer Tankwa,

What is your point and how relevant is it to the struggle? You wanted a recommendation (regardless); the man helped you to have one (Ms. Bikundi was in business but abused the use of the business; how much do you know as to blame Mishe Fon for the abuse?); that you wanted to be in business even "La Republique" way is seen in you wanting to deal with him after the "Bikundi" flop. Your way of advancing your points is to fear the Bamileke interpretation of other's names (Manjong for example) and relate some to the failing of others (Mishe Fon to Ms. Bikundi). Interestingly you are addressing yourself to MsJoe who feels the focus should be ideas not persons. One wonders where you and others were when moderation was sought at AACI and AACII, at the AU (resultant Communication 266), the repeat lawyers submissions previous to now. The French have "Bastille Day" as their national day (not a historical episode of moderation), the PA where you reside is littered with historical monuments (hardly of moderation) as gave birth to the PA of your present refuge from Cameroun. Keep counting the worms (Manjong) from the can of worms.


My brother Enock:

I am completely stunned, as others may be.  3 people called me and confirmed that you live in Macungie, PA.
One of the persons, a Sakerette, told me she had been to your house for a function,  knows your family, and suggested that I check your face-book (FB) page.  I just did.  What you are  writing are exactly your views on your FB, one dated Dec. 17.

At that point, trying to understand the purpose of Mr. Fon's blatant fabrication gave way to a very sickening apprehension.

God bless,

To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Enock Tankwa [camnetwork] <>
To: camnetwork <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 21, 2016 4:09 pm
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Be warned about Lucas Fon//MISHE FON on ENOCK TANKWA Sunday, 1 October 2017 Set as Independence Restoration Day for Southern Cameroons - Roadmap Highlights [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Enock Tankwa included below]
Sister MsJoe,

Nevermind this dubious fellow of Mishe Lucas Fon. If U know this guy in real life U should tread with him carefully or stay away from him totally like I did a few yrs ago. I've been a bonafide member of this forum since 1996 when it was a  server out of Italy. It is when this server died that current Camnetworks moderator, Celestin Fonge took advantage of the newly arrived @egroup which Yahoo later bought and changed the name to t'day's @Yahoogroups  around early 2000 time frame. unnecessary detail. anyway!!

Some 6-7 yrs ago my wife and I were going to go into Home-Care Agency business out here in PA. One of the requirements of obtaining a license is to hv an existing and operating agency that could vouch thru a letter that Nursing Director (my wife) went thru an orientation in a said Agency.  Lucas Fon's letter to the PA Board of Nursing turned out to be fake. We were told by the PA Dept of health his agency is fake and does not exist. Further investigations turned out that this guy, Lucas Fon was a close confidant of Florence Bikundi, a fugitive who is now languishing in Jail for Medicaid fraud in DC.  The plan was that if my wife's agency was to do well in PA, Mishe Fon and I were going to do more business given my Bio-Medical Engineering professional backgroud. This vermin told me then that he makes at least $240,000/ year doing almost nothing (yes, being an ally and partner of Florence Bikundi right?).. Though we did not obtain the PA license bcs of Mishe Fon's scam on us, just about a year later Florence Bikundi's  scam was caght, indicted and we know the rest. My family and I went on our knees thanking the good God we never got that Home Care Agency license. Today the same fake/fraud comes out that he does not know Enock Tankwa just bcs we do not agree on SC solution.. 

Enock Tankwa

To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Mishe Fon [camnetwork] <>
To: Lucas Fon <>; camnetwork <>; ambasbay <>; cameroon_politics <>
Sent: Thu, Dec 22, 2016 12:52 am
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Massa EUNOCH TANKOUA AND FRIENDS


For those who have one minute to spare, this is the chronology of one of the orchestrated attacks on my person because of some of the things I say, said or don't say to the liking of some. 

The said massa   Eunock Tankwa claims he knows me well and may have done "Banza Mboko Business" with me either as an individual or with his wife. Unfortunately either due to my advancing state of alzheimers, my brain does not recollect any such encounter. 

Massa Tankoua and his band of haters may want to tarnish anyone who had business dealings with Ms Florence all they want, but I am here to tell him and others of his ilk that what ever mistakes Ms Florence may have been accused of ; they pale in comparison to the enormous help she rendered to our community. After all the Monday morning quarter backing, I simply implore you to check this out: 
Global Health Care had almost 900 personnel in her payroll about 92% of whom were Cameroonians (Francophones and Anglophones). This is a fact. Her bi-weekly payroll was nothing short of $550,000 (RN Nurses, Social workers, Drivers, LPNs, Home Health Aides and yes Contractors and Quality Assurance Managers like myself). 

Were mistakes made? You bet, YES, like most human endev

ors, we tend to get sloppy sometimes in our meteoric success. But just imagine from 2008 - 2014; how many of our compatriots (Paid their rents, Car notes, various unavoidable Bills, send monies to progeny and families back at home, build houses, engage in various business ventures, Njanguis, taking care of activities of daily living based on the earnings from the various Home Health Agencies mostly owned by fellow Cameroonians. 

Of the 25 most prominent and prestigious HHAs in the Washington DC metropolitan area, almost 17 belong to Cameroonians who are doing a legitimate, professional and splendid job, obeying the laws as enshrined in their documented Policies and Procedures. Statistics will equally confirm that these Agencies still have as their major employees, Cameroonians of all cardinality and others various African countries. This is a fact.

Am I ashamed of my personal friendship and ties to Ms Florence? Absolutely not. Let them go and hang. I will never denounce my friendship with someone I know helped so many to put food on the table. Since he is a Francophone, let me repeat this: Mon frere, Le Chien aboie, la Caravanne passe. Talk is cheap.

Now back to this Eunoch Tankwa fellow. The State of Maryland where I live has a Court system I will encourage him to use where and when he feels "any semblance of FRAUD has been committed and not the pages of Camnet. He and his small group of friends have tried to silence me for the past almost ten years. When do you say enough is enough and just bring that GUN over to the numerous functions I attend and bring down the "Dangerous Mishe Fon". 

I have absolutely no problems with BAMILEKES (nor anyone for that matter)...if that is what is giving you sleepless nights. I don't remember meeting you in person talk less of taking a trip together to Pennsylvania...where I have NEVER registered any company nor done any business. What have you been smoking?

We had taken an exploratory one month trip with two other prominent Health Care Business magnates (women) that took us to Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, IL , Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Dallas & Houston TX, Phoenix AZ, Charlotte NC and Bismarck ND to establish Franchises of our Washington operations but the venture never materialized. 

I hereby officially authorize you to go to Court in any jurisdiction of your choice and lay bare your complaints against the dreaded Mishe Fon, instead of ranting nonsense here on an inconsequential "Matango" platform. Do you know for how long you guys have been "cushing" me? JUst go and sit down. Faieniant.

Follow the thread here below and draw your own conclusions:

It all started with a menacing letter from a certain Benjamin Siankam, another Bamileke guy I don't and have never known (see below). I have deliberately (out of respect for a fallen friend) removed passages injected by the late Microwave but which are still largely available for all and sundry to decipher in the archives.

Herewith Mr Siankam's mail to Mishe Fon that includes a correspondence from a certain so-called crusader for "Bamileke Causes" Mr Shanda Ntomne to the Prime Minister of Cameroon. My direct reply is after Siankam's.

 Benjamin Siankam <> wrote:


Mr. Mishe Fon,

I have been meaning to warn and tell you to beware the wolf that you feed. It may come back to haunt you. If you read the communiqué below between the lines you may realize that the Schutzstaffel may well be on the march in Cameroon and their target is barely disguised. You Mr. Fon, you are warned to back off poking your nose in matters of no concern to you.

A bon entendeur salut.

Benjamin Siankam
Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Community Research & Action.
Department of Human & Organization Development
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

"A tiger does not shout its tigritude: it pounces. A tiger in the jungle does not say: I am a tiger. Only on passing the tiger's hunting ground and finding the skeleton of a gazelle do we feel the place abound with tigritude."

Yaoundé, le 06 Octobre 2010 Monsieur le Premier Ministre
Chef du Gouvernement

Réf : 178/DEN/REP/0610/10   
Objet : Dénonciation du crime permanent des milices armées et violentes de la communauté urbaine de Yaoundé. L'exemple d'une victime, Monsieur KENGNE Boniface

Monsieur le Premier Ministre,

Le 04 juin, une jeune coiffeuse, mère de deux enfants, était lâchement assassinée par des agents de la milice de la communauté urbaine de Yaoundé sur son lieu de travail à Etoudi, à deux pas du commissariat de police. Son crime était d'avoir exigé un reçu à ces bandits qui lui avaient extorqué une somme de 7000 FCFA. Nous vous avions alors saisi pour l'ouverture d'une enquête et nous avions même porté plainte contre les coupables criminels, lesquels étaient composés de civils et de policiers en tenue. A ce jour, il n'y a jamais eu de suite.

Le jeudi 30 septembre 2010, monsieur Kengne Boniface, ingénieur des télécommunications en retraite et promoteur de l'Hôtel Girafe à Yaoundé, a été sauvagement agressé en même temps que ses employés et des passants, par la même milice. La victime qui a perdu un œil, a du être évacuée d'urgence en Europe pour des soins. « Le Messager du 06/10/2010 »

Monsieur le Premier ministre, mais que se passe-t-il donc ? Où va le pays dans ces conditions ? Les citoyens et groupes de citoyens doivent-t-ils prendre des armes pour se battre contre ces milices ? Combien d'Etats y a-t-il au Cameroun ? Qui sont ces milices impunies, au moment où un séminaire de la Cour pénale internationale se tient à Yaoundé ? Que faut-il faire ? Qu'elle explication donnez-vous ? Qui est responsable à la fin ?

La Commission qui attend une réponse urgente, vous renouvèle sa très haute considération./.
Le Président de la Commission

Mr. Siankam
I still don,t know what to make of your mail here below addressed to me. Was it a piece of "Friendly" advice like in..."My brother lookut eh bad peepoo flop 4 outside here, Dem go Kill You one day" ...or you are outright THREATENING me with DEATH? You,ve been meaning to tell a WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN in my life?
Since I don,t know You and I don,t know your Intentions, I will simply give you benefit of the doubt and hope that this MENACING looking email is not part of a promised CABAL by others of your ilk.
If your intentions are genuine, then don,t cry more than the bereaved. I can take care of me. Intellectual scoundrels and Scallywags of another era without any testicular fortitude have often times tried albeit unsuccessfully to impose verbal/cyber handcuffs on my opinions.Tell your friends that Cognitus Interruptus as a strategy in stifling debate does not work with me. I am not afraid of DEATH. It will come when it will come...TO ALL OF US. What has Mr. Shanda Ntomme's mail to the Cameroon Prime Minister got to do with me? Do I know you?
If the ridiculous and incoherent galimatias that you paste here below is to frighten me because of the BAMILEKE discussion...Tu as completement tire a cote. Je ne suis pas le genre a etre intimider par des mouches nauseabondes. Aller Dire. Bonne soiree.
Mishe FON 

Reactions to these exchanges came mostly from the following: Late Microwave, Mike Chambo, Janvier Tchouteu, FEN and massa Eunoch Tankwa & others I deliberately refuse to pronounce their names.

The main reason Tankwa Eunoch DJEMTA is relevant is simply because he claims he knows me so well or even that we had been "business" acquaintances of some sort. I have looked at this picture over and over to find out if true true my sense don loss kwata kwata BUT I no know me the Pah. While "Celebrities" like the "Mishes" of this world cannot recognize or acknowledge all their "Admirers" like this strange Eunoch Tankwa fellow, it behoves on the said celebrity (Moi) to pacify recalcitrant over-bearing admirers with some element of flattery,"bon-bons alcoolises" and "Amuses Guelles". For that reason alone "I MISHE FON SINCERELY WISH YOU massa DJEMTA EUNOCH TANKWA AND YOUR FAMILY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017.




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