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Friday, December 30, 2016

Re: [camnetwork] Yaounde Government Barns Commission of National Human Rights andfreedom Press Briefing


On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Isaac Zama [camnetwork] <> wrote:
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What a pity!!!!

 Reports the government authorities have banned a Meeting of  the Commision of National Human Rights and freedom(NHRFC) previewed for today in Yaounde to give details on Bamenda strike as promissed by the NHRFC has been banned by authorities in Yaounde on grounds that Head of State President Paul Biya  will have to speak tomorrow 31st of December,2016 and that the subject is  very sensitive.

This news comes just a day the Chairperson of Human Rights and Freedoms -Chemuta Divine BANDA said " we counted 62 now Government Identified 54, We are worried 8 youths are presumed missing ".

While waiting for a full update about the National Commission of Human Rights and Liberties  meeting in Yaounde, notes that the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UN Human Rights Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein last week received petitions detailing the grievances of the minority Anglophone people in Cameroon.

The petition which addresses the grave human rights violations being committed by security forces against the English speaking minority in the Republic of Cameroon is signed by Barrister Nkongho Felix Agbor Balla, Head of Agbor Nkongho Law Firm; Dr. Fontem A. Neba, Secretary General, National Union of Higher Education Teachers – SYNES-UB Chapter; Barrister Justice Ebah Ntoko, Head of Justice Law Firm Mutengene and Member of the Cameroon Bar Council; Ayuk Nkwa Pacal, President, Law Society, University of Buea; and Salim Sango Aliyu, Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa.

Yaounde is increasingly showing signs of panic as it tries to run away from the core problems currently being posed by Cameroonians of the English decent initiated by Common law lawyers and Anglophone teachers.

by Elad Pride

On Friday, December 30, 2016 12:48 PM, "Divine Rhyme [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Hello Mr Tabong Kima
below is a very simple appraisal of what is going on as we are in this situation now. It is government attitude that is making me draw these conclusion. But most especially it is the Banjul Human Rights Court ruling that the Cameroon government itself recognizes and obligated to respect that gives us that wonderful advantage over the East Cameroon government. The stupidity of the government ministers in trying to crudely obliterate our Anglo Saxon Cultural Identity in particularly concerning the judiciary and education systems in this country has been the greatest blunder ever done by the Cameroon government. I believe deep in their minds they never expected this reaction from the entire Southern Cameroon population. If that had been a little more tactful this policy as misguided and malicious as it is would not have elicited the negative response it got from the population. Not only did it get such a negative response, it acted as a catalyst - by bringing together every other action the government had taken against Anglophone cultural identity. Now the government in a panic is trying to solve it but it must first of all do the most dreaded thing. Accept its existence as a uniquely Anglophone matter - something it cannot refuse because accepting it thus is the only way to solve it if they really want. Then in trying to solve it they must bring the Anglophone people together. In bringing them together you must first accept that they exist as Anglophone people in Cameroon. In accepting them thus and bringing them together they are without mincing words complying with the Banjul Court recommendation of dialoguing with the Southern Cameroonians.  And how can they dialogue with Southern Cameroonians without addressing every single issue that are complaining off in the union. So everything has boiled down to  - how do they bring Southern Cameroonians together without bringing them together. And the most controversial question is how do you bring them together without solving all their problems? My analysis below tries to capture what this very complicated issue has reduced itself to - inviting Southern Cameroonians to be inside the same room - something they badly want to happen!

I have written in here on several occasions that most people still don't yet understand the tactics behind all these moves by the East Cameroon Government.They still see it as a DIVIDE AND RULE TACTIC - NOT ANYMORE. You see it as a blunder? No way. This is one of the most intelligent moves the East Cameroon government has ever adopted to deal with a political isssue and has stuck to it since they started dealing with us. To understand their approach you have to read once again the ruling from the Human Rights Court in Banjul. It is a UN Court. It ruled against East Cameroon and in our favour that we Southern Cameroonians are a distinct people in the Cameroon union and we have the RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION. I hope you understand clearly what that means. Very few groups or peoples in the world are designated like that. It is a very important victory for our struggle but it seems people are yet to understand its significance in the struggle.. However with that victory in hand, the Government of East Cameroon as signatory to the UN Convention on Individual and People's Rights they are bound or obliged by International Law to see that our rights as the People of Southern Cameroons are respected. So with that in mind you can understand why they don't want to make any gesture - not even the slightest one to indicate that they recognize us as such. Since the ruling which was accompanied by a recommendation by the court that the East Cameroon Government should have a dialogue with the SCNC, The government has since refused to do so with the lame excuse that the SCNC is a terrorist organisation. The East Cameroon government said that for the SCNC to qualify as true representatives of the Southern Cameroons People it should register itself as political party and win seats in parliament. We all know that would never happen. That is why they will never want to meet us as Southern Cameroonians for any reason - not even just to say "Good morning" You should understand now why they want to solve teacher's problems on a region by region basis since meeting the membership of the two regions together, they are in effect meeting all the Peoples of the Southern Cameroons. The truth here most people have not yet seen is that by meeting us, Southern Cameroonians in whatever forum, they have conceded that there is a problem and they are bound to solve it with us. There is no mystery behind it. It is no longer a complicated issue anymore. They made a wrong move and we caught them with their pants down. They will meet us and very soon..The struggle is already won but only if we stand our grounds that they must meet us as a distinct people in the Nation of Cameroon. Try to see it this way - When they decide to meet us, the only case we'll put infront of them will be - We should be ALLOWED- NOT GIVEN the right - because we already have it - to do our things our own way. and if they refuse we will secede. We have that right and we will be supported 100% by The UN because their own court has decided on that already. So you see how far we've gone in winning the struggle.

From: "Isaac Zama [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>; camnetwork CAMNETWORK <>; Bakebe Bakebe <>; Ernest Mforten Ayompeh <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 6:12 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] LIVE STREAM YOUR MARCH ON JAN 2, 2017


In preparation for the Jan 2 Peaceful March, please take a few minutes to read-up, learn and live stream your March in your area. We need LIVE documentation of the March in your area. 



If you need help:

1. Once you have created a Periscope account open the Broadcast Tab on your iPhone app by tapping the Camera icon at the bottom of the screen. On Android, tap the red Camera icon at the bottom right of the screen.

2. Enter a title that describes what your viewers will see or experience in your broadcast.

3. Use the four icons above the 'Start Broadcast' button to manage your location settings, make your broadcast private, limit your chat, and Tweet your live stream.

4. Tap 'Start Broadcast'.

5. To end a broadcast, swipe the screen down and tap 'Stop Broadcast'.


How to Use Facebook Live: A Complete Guide

So to get started, get out your mobile device and open up the Facebook app.

Step 1: Go to your own Facebook profile and open up the status bar by clicking facebook-write-status-update.jpg, as if you're going to write a new post.

Step 2: Tap the "Live" icon, which looks like a human silhouette.

Step 3: Give Facebook access to your camera and microphone when prompted.

You'll stop receiving these prompts after the first time you use it.

Step 4: Press the blue "Continue" button on the introductory page.

Don't worry -- pressing "Continue" won't start the recording. The next few steps will be preparing your live video before you go live.

Step 5: Choose your privacy setting.

If you're posting for a brand, you'll probably want to make it public. But if you're new to Facebook Live and want to test it out first, or want to see what something will look like, then switch the privacy setting to "Only Me." You can find the "Only Me" option by clicking "More" and scrolling all the way to the bottom.

Step 6: Write a compelling description.

As with Periscope, you give your broadcast a description, which will show up on people's News Feeds like a status update above the video. To get people to tune in, write an attention-grabbing headline and help them understand what your broadcast is about. Check out the example below from The White House's live broadcast.

Step 7: Set up your camera view.

Before you click "Go Live," be sure your camera's pointing in the direction you want it to. The background of your setup screen will show you what your camera sees. If you want to change the camera view to selfie or vice versa, simply click the rotating arrows icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Note: The video will be a square, so it doesn't matter whether you hold your mobile device vertically or horizontally.

Step 8: Click the blue "Go Live" button to start broadcasting.

Once you click it, Facebook will give you a countdown -- "3, 2, 1 ..." -- and then you'll be live. As soon as you start streaming, your live video will appear in your News Feed -- and others' News Feeds -- just like any other post. (Note that Facebook does currently rank Live videos higher than other videos.)

Your broadcast can be up to 90 minutes long. Keep in mind that the longer you broadcast, the more people who are scrolling through their News Feeds on Facebook will stumble upon your post.

Step 9: Interact with viewers and commenters.

To keep your viewers engaged, encourage them to interact with your live video (which will help your ranking in others' News Feeds). You can also interact with them both by speaking directly at them in your video and, if you want, by having someone else respond to comments from a desktop computer elsewhere.

Where can you see these comments? While you're broadcasting, you'll see the time elapsed on the top left along with the number of viewers, and comments will show up live on the bottom of your feed. They'll appear in reverse chronological order, like on Twitter, so keep in mind that the earlier ones may be farther down.

Note: You can also block viewers during a live broadcast by tapping the profile picture next to a viewer's comment and then tapping "Block." You can unblock someone you've previously blocked, too.

Step 10: Click "Finish" to end the broadcast.

Once you do this, the video will stay on your Timeline or Page like any other video post. 

Step 11: Save the video to your camera roll.

Once you finish your broadcast, you'll be met with a screen similar to the one I've screenshotted below. Be sure to toggle the option to save the video to your camera roll so you have a copy of the original for safekeeping.

Step 12: You're done!

On Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:36 AM, "Tabong Kima [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:

Mr. Awah,
While I am with you that the option of total independence is the best, I do however disagree with the solution you have prescribed below. These are the kind of condescending solutions  we do not need at this stage of the struggle. Do you seriously think that it is as easy as peacefully declaring to the world that the independence we were granted by the UN in 1961 will now be activated in 2016? Do you know how many times people have declared that independence and it never came to pass? Have you ever heard of Magistrate Ebong and Fon Dinka? Where did their declarations take us? I call your solutions starry-eyed because they are made under the presumption that Biya and his army are just going to fold their arms and let your proposed election and installation of Governors, Mayors, Houses of Assembly and Chiefs take place. Well, it may be, the sky will open, a light will shine from above and a choir made up of celestial bodies will sing to Mr Biya and a voice will thunder from above to him to let the Southern Cameroons go. Oh! I did not live back then in Egypt to see Pharaoh peacefully let the Israelites go. Or better still, you will wave a magic wand and this world that we will be peacefully declare our independence towill become very perfect and there will be unanimous approval of our declaration.

My friend, I chose to reply to your piece because Camnet is full of these magic-wand solutions. This is the precise moment to prepare the people for the burdens, sacrifices and hardships that will come with the declaration of independence. It cannot be made to appear so easy. I call it condescending because the people who will bear the burden are treated in your piece as children who cannot stand the truth of what is to come with such a choice. In my opinion, they can, so starry-eyed proposals like yours have the paradoxical effect of harming the cause. It will be an illusion of the century to believe that declarations and courts and  even the UN will grant us independence without the sacrifices of blood to put it bluntly. Some have even put the future date of independence of Southern Cameroons independence as if all the necessary conditions are already in place for such a date to come to pass. Believe me, I have been there with the man I call the father of the Southern Cameroons Independence movement-Fon Dinka; I have watched him put forward the best irrefutable legal arguments to very high officials of the US Government and the UN and these legalities ended no where. I still have to live another hundred years to see independence handed to any people on a platter of gold or on starry-eyed wishes.
Tabong Kima

From: <> on behalf of Jean Batiste Sipa [cameroon_politics] <>
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2016 12:36:59 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Crise anglophone: Le Premier Ministre nomme un comité ad hoc chargé d'examiner et de proposer des solutions aux problèmes posés par les avocats
Le Président du Comité que tu viens de publier s'appelle Jean Pierre
FOGUI (et non FOGUE)

2016-12-26 18:01 UTC+01:00, Bens Awaah
[cameroon_politics] <>:
> Pa,
> 1. Let us:
> Peacefully declare to the world that we are claiming our independence as
> democratically granted by the UN on Ist October 1961!
> Begin the process of electing our own Prime Ministers
> Reinstitute our House of Assembly and elect our parliamentarians
> Reinstitute our House of Chiefs
> Elect our governors ( if we chose to call them such)
> Elect our mayors
> Rebuild our financial institutions
> Rebuild our academic institutions
> control our natural resources above and below ground
> Reconstruct and maintain our highways
> Rebuild our city streets.
> Negotiate better contracts for the rental and use of our real estate by
> domestic and foreign industrialists
> 2.
> Introduce a new currency and refuse to use the franc CFA
> Open serious trade relationships to our west
> Gradually stop doing business with anyone to our east
> Do not fall for the federation thing because nothing will fundamentally
> change under such arrangement. There should not be 100 spokespersons. There
> should be one message. Our forefathers failed to stick to one message and
> demand. Let us not repeat the same mistake and expect a different result.
> Awaah
> ________________________________
> From: <>
> on behalf of Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]
> <>
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2016 10:16 PM
> To:; Cameroon Politics
> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: Crise anglophone: Le Premier Ministre nomme
> un comité ad hoc chargé d'examiner et de proposer des solutions aux
> problèmes posés par les avocats
> I hope the pre-requisite for any such meeting is that the
> Gov't of the Republic of Cameroon release, unconditionally,
> ALL persons of West Cameroon Extraction in the dungeons/jail cells
> who were arrested during the recent "Coffin Revolution".
> In addition, it is largely in-necessary to have any meeting with a
> Thirdly, the PAAWCE is asking/telling Prime Minister Philemon Yang
> that RATHER than creating some ad hoc, committee, the real problem
> lies at the PRESIDENCY of Cameroon, that should institute the position
> of VICE-PRESIDENT of The FEDERAL Republic of Cameroon, to
> be occupied by a PAAWCE. That is the HEART/ROOT CAUSE of the problem.
> Blessed Be Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> ________________________________
> From: 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2016 9:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Crise anglophone: Le Premier Ministre nomme un comité ad hoc
> chargé d'examiner et de proposer des solutions aux problèmes posés par les
> avocats
> 1) Where and when is this ad hoc committee of the Prime minister meeting?.
> If out of BUEA or BAMENDA sorry Mr Prime minister.
> 2) Same old tricks appointing your " Yes sir " civil servants of French
> expression to come say what on the common law
> 3) The strike leaders have a consortium and that group in its entirety has
> the mandate of the people of southern Cameroons to engage in any meaningful
> talks with your LRC government at any time in BUEA or BAMENDA.
> When are you coming to BUEA or BAMENDA?. Don't bring Paul Atanga Nji.
> ________________________________
> From: 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <>
> To: Cameroon Politics <>
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2016 3:56 PM
> Subject: Crise anglophone: Le Premier Ministre nomme un comité ad hoc chargé
> d'examiner et de proposer des solutions aux problèmes posés par les avocats
> Cameroon-Info.Net :: Cameroun-Info.Net: Le Portail du
> Cameroun<>
> <>
> Cameroon-Info.Net :: Cameroun-Info.Net: Le Portail du Cameroun
> Le Cameroun sur Internet. Toute l'actualite
> Cameroun - Crise anglophone: Le Premier Ministre nomme un comité ad hoc
> chargé d'examiner et de proposer des solutions aux problèmes posés par les
> avocats
> []
> Par Pierre Arnaud NTCHAPDA | Cameroon-Info.Net
> DOUALA - 23-Dec-2016 - 12h02 3087
> 13<>
> *
> <>
> *
> <>
> *
> <>
> * PIN
> []
> Philémon Yang, Premier Ministre Archives
> Le Premier Ministre, Philemon Yang, a signé le 22 décembre 2016, un arrêté
> qui porte création, organisation et fonctionnement d'un comité ad hoc chargé
> d'examiner et de proposer des solutions aux préoccupations relatives au
> fonctionnement de la justice soulevées par les avocats anglophones du
> Cameroun.
> Ce Comité est placé sous son autorité. C'est une plate-forme de dialogue
> dont la mission principale est d'examiner les préoccupations des avocats
> anglophones en vue d'y apporter des solutions appropriées. Le comité sera
> assisté par un secrétariat qui va rédiger les rapports, les comptes-rendus
> et les procès-verbaux, conserver les archives et la documentation du comité
> et effectuera toute autre mission que lui confiera le comité.
> Le Comité ad hoc est composé ainsi qu'il suit:
> Président: Jean-Pierre Fogue, ministre délégué auprès du ministre de la
> Justice
> Membres:
> Gwanmesia George, secrétaire général du Ministère de la Justice
> Me Ngnié Kamga, bâtonnier de l'Ordre national des avocats
> Me Nico Halle, président de l'Assemblée générale de l'Ordre des avocats
> Me Assouombo Lucie, conseiller à la Cour Suprême
> Me Etah Besong, ancien bâtonnier de l'ordre national des avocats
> Me Harmony Bobga, avocat
> Me Mbah Eric, avocat
> Me Manda Rosaline, avocat
> Me Ntoko Ebah Justice, avocat
> Me Ngalle Miano, avocat
> Me Kisito Dimkouba, avocet
> Me Ndoki Dikoume Josué, avocat
> Me Ntoumbe Soksè épouse Ngouah Njoh, avocat
> Me Amah Zih Anthony Amah, avocat
> Me Fokoué Fongang Joseph, président de la Cour d'appel de Maroua
> Voici la composition du secrétariat technique:
> Coordonnateur: Monsieur Le Procureur général près la Cour d'Appel du
> Sud-Ouest
> Membres:
> -Tanyi Tiku Mbayé, attaché dans les services du Premier Ministre
> -Le sous-directeur du suivi des avocats à la direction des professions
> judiciaires au ministère de la justice
> -Le chef de la division de la magistrature et des greffes de l'Enam
> Auteur:
> []
> Pierre Arnaud NTCHAPDA
> --
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> "ambasbay" group.
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jean Baptiste Sipa
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Coordonnateur Article 55


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